Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 25: hit your car

?Obviously, this female police officer of Interpol is not good. From her face full of fake smiles, Guo Shouyun realized a kind of hatred. There are indeed a lot of bad things, but it seems that there are not many related to Interpol. Is it possible that his face is so jealous?

In other words, the woman in front of me is indeed enough to impress any physically sound and psychologically normal man just from her appearance. How can I describe it? Youthful and lovely? Vibrant? Those are just adjectives, and there is no practical problem. Now, for Guo Shouyun, the most practical problem is that this woman is very daring. She dares to go to the Far East to stop her car, and she will give it to her as soon as she meets her. If she made a rude remark, could it be that she really thought that she was an Interpol and no one would dare to touch her?

Talking face to face with a beautiful woman should be pleasing to the eyes, but at this time Guo Shouyun didn't feel that way, he looked at the police officer in front of him lightly, and after a long while, he smiled slightly and said, "Ah Is it Officer Flora? To be honest, there are too many people who feel honored to see me, so it's not much to add you, and it's not a lot to lack you. If you have anything to say, just say it directly, and the polite things will be omitted. /, qв5."

"Mr. Guo is such a delightful person," Avrolla took off the hat on her head, put it under her left arm, and then curled up two young shoot-like fingers, tapped on the front glass, and said, " I only came to the Far East today, and I heard that Mr. Guo is a local snake here, so I came to meet you at the first time, and by the way, let's see what is unusual about your legendary figure in the Far East."

The driver who was moving the car heard this, turned his head and glanced at her, and the anger on his face was clearly discernible.

There is no doubt that the female police officer is here to find fault. Dare to call him a local snake in front of Guo Shouyun, this woman probably wants to die.

Unlike the driver's anger, Guo Shouyun's heart is very calm. Although he can't say how self-disciplined he is, he has been able to get to where he is today. That patience is unmatched by ordinary people. What's more, he was originally a local snake. Now that things have been done, is he afraid of others standing up to praise or criticize?

"So that's it, the police officer sees me now, so there shouldn't be anything else, right?" Guo Shouyun pretended to look at his watch. Then he said calmly, "If that's the case, please get out of the car. I still have a lot of business to deal with."

"Tsk tsk tsk, type bulletproof window," Ignoring Guo Shouyun's words, Avrora looked at the space in the car, tsk tsk said loudly, "Light porcelain bulletproof armor. Sir, this car is probably enough for the president, right? I listen. Speaking of luxury bulletproof models abroad. The minimum price is more than millions of dollars. I wonder how much did you pay for this car, sir?”

"What. Is Officer Avrora interested in this car?" Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "Do you want me to send you one?"

"Okay." Avrolla agreed happily at first, then hesitated, then shook her head and said, "No, let's forget it. Although this kind of thing looks good, it's not practical for me. It's only suitable for the kind of profiteer who is unkind to the rich and has enemies everywhere. Well, like Mr. Guo."

"Haha, it makes sense," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "but I think it's better for Officer Avrola to get a ground car, because I think you're going to use it."

Avrolla could naturally understand what Guo Shouyun meant, but she wasn't afraid. Ever since her father died in a plane crash inexplicably, she wasn't afraid of anything, and she also knew that in the face of cynicism in front of her, she could still talk and laugh. The man must be the mastermind behind the crash. This guy is simply a beast. In a plane crash, more than 30 people were killed, but he can still be at ease in the Far East. If he doesn't pay the price for that, where in the world will there be? Fairness.

"Hey, maybe." Looking back at Guo Shouyun, who was smiling, Avrolla gritted her silver teeth. If possible, she would like to strangle this man to death right now, and then peel the skin and dismantle the bones and smash the corpse into thousands of pieces. , but unfortunately, she told herself that she couldn't do that, it was too cheap for him, "but I'm still very grateful for Mr.'s reminder. In the future, I will sleep with one eye open."

"Interesting, then, I would like to ask Officer Avrora, which eye will you open first, or which tree fork will you choose first?" Guo Shouyun tilted his head and said expressionlessly.

"Pfft!" The driver who had just moved the car couldn't help laughing when he heard Guo Shouyun's words. This boss is too bad. With so much time, he has turned such a frivolous female police officer into an owl.

But what the driver didn't know was that Guo Shouyun's words were not meant to be boring, he was warning Avrora in disguise, if he was irritated, no matter how vigilant he was, he would always be caught. When dying.

Avrolla heard the meaning of Guo Shouyun's words, she snorted coldly, gathered up the gold with short spikes, and put the police cap back on again, then stared at Guo Shouyun and said, "I don't have to worry about Mr. Guo. If you are bothered, you should think more about yourself. In my opinion, the future of Mr. may not be easy. I heard that many people are planning to use you for surgery recently. Hey, what do you Chinese say? Yes, the wicked have their own grind, right? Hey, I really hope Mr. can get through this stage safely, because..."

Avrolla paused when she said this, and then continued with a bitter tone: "You are mine, if you want to fall, you can only fall into my hands. Guo Shouyun, you remember it for me, From now on, I will stare at you to the death, and you must not have any handle in my hands, otherwise, I will let you know what life is better than death!" After saying this, she also Before Guo Shouyun could react, he pushed the door of the car and jumped out.

"Sir, this stinky bitch..." The driver held the steering wheel, looked at Guo Shouyun in the rearview mirror, and said angrily.

"Hey, how do you talk?" Guo Shouyun said angrily, interrupting the driver's words, "She's just a little girl who doesn't quite understand the truth, what do you do with her general knowledge?"

"But... hey, sir, your temper is too..." The driver still looked indignant.

"Too much?" Guo Shouyun looked out the window and said absent-mindedly, "Are you trying to say that I have a good temper? Hmph, that's not necessarily, I'm just too lazy to do that kind of meaningless thing, do people scold me? Two sentences, I still have to open my mouth to scold her back? What better effect can I have besides wasting my tongue, can I scold her to death?"

Guo Shouyun said that the car happened to be a blue and white "Lada" police car. This police car is different from the police car of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs only in appearance. Its front door is also painted with Interpol's logo. logo.

Across the car window, Guo Shouyun looked out. He saw three people standing beside the police car. They were all wearing Interpol uniforms, and each of them was holding a guy.

"I told the people behind me to ram their car into the river." Looking at Zhihe on the side of the road, and then at the police car that was almost in the middle of the road, Guo Shouyun sneered and reached out to pat The driver's shoulder, said, "Tell them, try not to hurt anyone."

"Okay, sir," the driver got excited when he heard this. He held the steering wheel with one hand and grabbed the communicator with the other. After adjusting the intercom sequence, he explained what Guo Shouyun had just said.

The pure black convoy began to slowly increase on the road, driving past the blue and white police car one after another, just as the last gas jeep was about to pass, a thrilling scene happened. I saw this jeep suddenly stop on the highway, and the rear front wheels didn't move, the rear wheels were spinning with sufficient horsepower, and the car spun halfway on the highway amid the humming sound and the smoke rising into the air. The front of the car faces directly towards the police car. Afterwards, the jeep suddenly increased and crashed towards the police car like crazy.

"!" After a loud noise, the front of the jeep was firmly against the front and rear doors of the police car. The strong impact lifted the entire police car up, rolled twice on the road, and staggered to the ground. into the ditch beside the road.

This scene came too suddenly. The three Interpol next to the police car only had time to roll around and dodge, and they didn't care about making any other response. When they got up from the ground, the police car had already fallen into the water. , is sinking gurgling.

Looking at the gas jeep that caused the accident, it didn't have anything at all. The driver in the car smiled and waved to a police officer who just got up, and then backed the car easily, turned, and didn't worry. Slowly chasing towards the convoy ahead.

"Don't shoot!" Avrora just came over at this time, and she shouted while holding down the pistol that a police officer had just raised. She knew that Guo Shouyun was demonstrating against herself, and that he wanted to provoke her. If the gun was fired today, she would be out of luck. He is the head of the Soviet Union of Interpol. Although Guo Shouyun has great influence in the Far East, he cannot easily attack him, because he also has to consider international influence. But if his own people were the first to shoot today, it would be like giving him a sore foot, and it would be difficult for him to explain to the headquarters when he looked back. As for the attack on the police car, it is impossible to pose a threat to this guy, he can easily settle the matter.

Be calm, you must be calm, dealing with a person like Guo Shouyun, if you use your temperament, it is tantamount to seeking death.

Although she kept admonishing herself in her heart, Avrora couldn't help biting her lower lip, and a **** popped out of her throat - "Bastard!"

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