Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 23: pragmatic

?How did the song come to be sung--"A friend comes with good wine, and if the jackal comes, there is a shotgun to greet him." This is exactly the case with Guo Shouyun today. When you come forward, give them a hard blow. But the words will come. When you are ready to go to war, you are ready to go to war, but you have to go on with your daily business. "If you listen to Lalagou's call to the common people and stop farming, everyone in the world will be dead long ago."

The negotiation with the five giants completely collapsed, but in turn, the negotiation between Guo Shouyun and COSCO went very smoothly. As for Sun Changshi's contact with Victor and others, Guo Shouyun didn't pay too much attention to it, but he knew that in the days after his marriage, three groups of people from 66 people in China came over. He came here in the name of lightning, but met with Victor and the others several times in a flash.

In this way, one week after Guo Shouyun's wedding, Victor officially told Guo Shouyun that his cooperation project with COSCO could be launched. As for the bottom line of cooperation, that is, what COSCO needs, the Guo Group can take the stand of not harming the Soviet Union. We will expand trade with COSCO in broader and more promising aspects based on several principles, such as interests, not involving high-end technology terminals, and not transferring or transferring scientific research projects.

These three restrictions are very comprehensive at first, but in fact, they are quite general. If only to follow these three restrictions, Guo Shouyun has no idea what kind of business can be touched and what kind of business can't be touched. Of course, he also knew that Victor said that he had given him all the decision-making power of the trade, but in reality it was just verbal. Guys ask for instructions, and the fundamental reason why they dare to give themselves so much power. That is, he is smart enough to understand the deep meaning of this.

On September 23, Sun Hongyu, the plenipotentiary representative of COSCO North Group, and Guo Shouyun, the head of the Far East Guo Group. In the villa area in the southern suburb of Khabarovsk City, the two sides formally signed a long-term trade cooperation project book. At the same time, there was also a draft procurement plan for COSCO North Group's program-controlled rolling mills. according to this draft. COSCO North Group will spend 870 million yuan to purchase 26 sets of program-controlled rolling mill equipment from the Guo Group, which are produced by the Amur Machinery Factory, the Yakutsk Construction Machinery Bureau and the Sakhalin Heavy Industry. The 26 sets of rolling mills will be resold by COSCO North Group to China Baosteel Steel Group to replace the Sony Heavy Industries equipment they used before. According to the date stipulated in the draft, at the beginning of October, both COSCO and Guo will sign a formal purchase contract on this draft. In the formal contract, COSCO hopes to add some content. Ultimately, they want Guo to provide equipment at the same time. A relevant expert group was dispatched to China to provide technical guidance. On this issue, Guo insisted that the purchase of equipment and technical guidance should be treated separately. Based on cost considerations, COSCO should increase the purchase capital to 940 million.

So far. In the purchase of this batch of cooperative projects for rolling mills. Guo's and COSCO have reached a preliminary resolution, and the only difference between the two sides is now. It's the price factor. For large enterprise groups like COSCO and Guo, they are entangled for tens of millions of funds, not for the money factor themselves. Similar differences are just because the two sides hope to delay for a while in order to reserve sufficient funds. Time to prepare for the right time.

As the key figures behind the success of this cooperation, Victor and others also participated in the signing ceremony of COSCO and Guo. Guo Shouyun was quite curious as to what kind of compromise had been reached in China with Victor and the others, so that these veterans The guy was so refreshing, and he promised to share with COSCO the manufacturing technology of steel rolling and forging equipment that the Soviet Union has always maintained a leading position in the world. In order to solve this curiosity, Guo Shouyun also asked Victor afterwards, but the old guy gave a sentence: "Why do you ask so much?"

On the afternoon of the day when the agreement was signed between COSCO and Guo, a freighter named "Turamov" set sail at Vladivostok No. 4 military port wharf, escorted by two Pacific Fleet frigates. , this 1,400-ton freighter, loaded with arms worth 170 million US dollars, will pass through Japan's Tsugaru Strait, enter the Pacific Ocean, and then take its way south, passing through Malacca like the Indian Ocean, and finally arrives Sri Lanka in South Asia and docked at Trincomalee port. There, waiting for "Turamov", is Sri Lanka's largest guerrilla group, the Tigers. This is the first arms transaction made by the Guo Group.

As the representative of Guo's party in this arms trade, Shoucheng was also on the "Turamov" freighter on an ocean-going voyage for nearly two weeks. Besides Sergeant Clara, he was accompanied by a whole crew of crew members. And the 100th Soviet soldier.

The front foot took his younger brother to board the plane, and the back foot took Sun Hongyu to cross the river to return to China. Victor and the others also took the plane back to Moscow that night. Since the old man Xie Miao stayed in the Far East, Nina, the filial granddaughter, was still with him. Shana Riva went to Yakutsk, not as she expected, the "Free Russia" in Novosibirsk really couldn't sit still. They frequently infiltrated Yakutia during this period of time, and they have been with the gang one after another. There have been more than a dozen conflicts, but the scale of these conflicts is not large at present, and there have been injuries on both sides but no loss of life.

At this time, those who should go have left, and those who should not have left are not left. In the huge villa, Guo Shouyun felt empty, a long-lost feeling of loneliness, and returned to him again----this man The rich and powerful are human after all. When you are sick, you will suffer. When you are lonely, you will be bored. This is the case with everyone.

Guo Shouyun feels lonely and boring at the moment, but it doesn't mean that everyone is like this. Take Sun Hongyu, who just returned to Harbin, for example, her side is very lively.

In the large conference room of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee Guest House, Sun Hongyu and Sun Changshi sat side by side on the two chairs in the center of the conference room. Before talking, he told everything about the trip to the Far East. There was a circle of people sitting in a semicircle. The one sitting in the center was an old man with a red face and white beard in a gray tunic suit. As for her uncle. But only to accompany the last seat.

Indeed, the news Sun Changshi got in the Far East this time was of great importance to the country, some time ago. All experts on the Soviet Union are called up above. Urgent consultation and research, and finally came to the conclusion: from the current situation. The possibility of the Soviet Union continuing to exist is very slim, and the split and independence of its dozen or so republics is estimated to be only in the near future. With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, there will be a brand-new Russia that will have direct geographical contact with China in the future. At present, the political environment in Russia is the most complicated among all the republics of the Soviet Union. On the surface, the White House holds the political dominance, but in reality. Their control is extremely limited. Previously, Gorbachev's new thinking reform. It not only cut off the overall relationship between the Soviet Union's central and local governments, but also cut off the relationship between the Russian central and local governments. Therefore, the direct result was that more than a dozen local republics built the Kremlin to rebel. And looking back. The local forces in the republics gathered together to rebel against them. This ring is this ring. This eventually led to the massive chaos in the Soviet Union today. After the independence of Russia, the Ye family will be the central government and will be challenged by the opposition forces. It turned out that the Ye family might unite with Viktor's pragmatic faction, and thus outperform the opposition such as Zyuganov in strength. . But now, Viktor has come together with Zyuganov and others. The ultimate result is that the local power is strong and the central government is shrinking. For people like Guo Shouyun, the future Russia will be dominated by them.

After reaching such a conclusion, the domestic disagreement on Guo Shouyun's attitude has become even greater, especially after Guo Shouyun and the Russian Big Five fell out, the two sides' propositions tend to be more contradictory. Those who advocate further contact with Guo Shouyun believe that the conflict between the five major forces of Guo and Gusinski can be regarded as an opportunity. Guo Shouyun is an absolute materialist, and it is impossible to exercise effective control over such a person. Therefore, only a fundamental combination of interests, especially making him realize the importance of COSCO, can make him Sincerely sit on the board. For this reason, these people advocated that in the face of the conflict between Guo Shouyun and the five major Russian giants, China should use COSCO as a bridge to give Guo Shouyun firm and effective support behind the scenes, so as to lay a firmer foundation for further cooperation between Guo and COSCO in the future. The basics. The opposing party believes that COSCO must act cautiously at this time, because as a de facto state-owned enterprise group, its own movements indicate domestic political signals to a certain extent, and the five consortiums are now acting as the Russian government. If COSCO still wants to have further contact with Guo at this time, it may have a certain impact on future Sino-Russian relations.

The debate between the two sides continued, and neither could persuade the other. In this way, until the first two days before Sun Hongyu came back, the country had not made a final decision on whether to continue expanding relations with the Guo Group.

But at this time, someone with real authority spoke. Two days ago, a call was made to the Department of Policy Planning. So far, the debate over how to deal with the Guo Group came to an end. , an advisory group composed of 24 experts was stationed from Beijing to COSCO headquarters in Harbin----they not only brought Sun Hongyu the firmest support she needed, but also brought her the highest instructions from Beijing. .

"...To make a statement, we just want to make a statement. We want people in the north to hear our voice and make our attitude clear. This is in our best interest. You are afraid of everything, and you are afraid of a ball. People who are afraid of their tails and fear the wolf before the tiger are still engaged in diplomacy. We have been saying, pragmatism, pragmatism, what is pragmatism? We always want to take things from other people's pockets, but do not want to pay in return. Is this pragmatism? No, it's selfish and selfish, it's a retreat..."

In the conference hall, after listening to Sun Hongyu's introduction, the old man sitting in the seat said these words, and it was these words that made Sun Hongyu completely wash away the remaining spiritual haze. She knew that she The cooperation with Guo Shouyun started tonight.

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