Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 190: Vladimir's Epiphany

?Doing something and not doing it is a coward, and doing something that cannot be done is a reckless man. Guo Shouyun is neither a coward nor a reckless man. He is a "fisherman". Therefore, in the current situation, he It is bound to not be reckless with those foreign capital, which is not in line with his character.

As for Victor and the others, Guo Shouyun is a big nail they laid in the Far East. If this nail is there, their vested interests in the Far East will not be invaded, and if Guo Shouyun falls, No matter how the situation in the Far East develops, it is impossible to move to a more favorable side. Therefore, considering the most fundamental interests, Victor and the others don't want Guo Shouyun to go against the trend. Of course, they don't want Guo to get too close to the Morgan consortium, after all, it's not in their interests either.

As for now, what Victor and the others are most worried about is whether Guo Shouyun will sell some of his interests in the Far East because of his contact with Morgan. This is the most sensitive topic. The small privatization reform is about to be enacted, and those foreign-funded institutions that have been eyeing them for a long time are gearing up to grab it and go wild, and Morgan Stanley is obviously one of them. If Guo Shouyun, because of his cooperation with Morgan, used the resources at his disposal to reach a certain degree of transaction with the other party in the process of small privatization reform, then things would be a little more complicated.

"Shouyun," Sobchak frowned, pondering for a while, holding a big bulging cigar, "you have to cooperate with the Americans, we will not interfere with this, but from our standpoint, we also hope that you will be here. Be more cautious about this matter. Now the situation in Moscow has begun to ease, if nothing else, Gordon will leave the Kremlin completely in a month or so at most, and the Central Committee of the Soviets will also announce the dissolution. In the future, there will be less and less of what we can control in Moscow, so the local direction will become more and more important."

"The White House has been advocating a comprehensive democratic reform of politics recently. They want to put American-style general elections on the agenda as soon as possible, they want to replace the existing Congress of Soviet Representatives with a democratically elected parliamentary body, and completely dissolve Soviet socialism. Union, replaced by a loose, less binding Commonwealth of Independent States," Viktor continued, following Sobchak. "I have to admit that the Ye family has become completely unscrupulous in order to achieve full power. They do not consider the dissolution of the Soviet Socialist Union at all. What it will mean for the several republics, it is foreseeable that as long as our country reaches At that point, in the next few decades or even hundreds of years, the region we are in will likely become the second Middle East. All kinds of conflicts will become the main theme of this region. Hey, of course, these problems are now It's not something that should be considered anymore. As Shouyun said, since things have reached this stage, we have no choice. What we need to consider now is how to protect the political turf on the premise. possible to develop themselves.”

"American-style elections are bound to use states as a unit to divide seats in parliamentary bodies," Sobchak and Victor said, like two persuasive lecturers. Then add another part. "And the Far East where you are located includes nearly ten political divisions. Once the electoral system of the whole people is officially implemented in the future, the Far East will inevitably occupy nearly 27% of the seats in the lower house of parliament, and this political resource No one dares to underestimate it.”

"The second old man is right," Vladimir said, "Just for one time, the White House tacitly allowed the presidents of the five major commercial banks in Moscow to go to the Far East. From our point of view, their purpose is probably to infiltrate the Far East. In order to use a roundabout method to break the situation of the Kuok Group's monopoly of the Far East. The White House used Bakatin as a thug to try to turn the situation in the Far East. , in one fell swoop the security committee they had just controlled. However, although the Far East is far away from Moscow, the energy here is full of energy that no one dares to underestimate, so despite the previous blow, the White House will not give up , but they did it in a different way."

"Using economic and commercial means as the forerunner to penetrate and use the market as the basis to impact your Guo's influence in the Far East, I have to say that although the means they adopted this time may not be able to achieve results in the short term, their prospects are It's pretty threatening," Victor said. "As long as they can use commercial means to gain a foothold in the Far East, then next, whatever you Guo Shouyun can do here, they can do the same. At that time, it will be difficult for the Far East to maintain a monolithic situation. ."

"Hehe, why, are you seniors worried that I will retreat at this juncture?" Guo Shouyun was very shrewd, he heard the deep meaning of the preaching of the three people in front of him. Obviously, they are worried that the Guo Group will have a wavering position in the face of the upcoming small privatization reform. It is undeniable that under the current situation where the Guo Group dominates the Far East, if all forces want to infiltrate this side, the first thing that cannot be avoided is the influence of the Guo Group. Therefore, no matter who they are, as long as they want to survive here Space, it is necessary to reach a certain compromise with the Guo Group first, or even sell a lot of benefits. Interests are tempting. Faced with its temptation, who can guarantee that Guo Shouyun will not privately allow some people with ulterior motives to enter the Far East? And that's what Victor and the others are worried about.

From this point of view alone, the reason for Guo Shouyun's rise in the Far East is clear at a glance. The reason why he has been able to get to where he is today is entirely because he has caught up with good opportunities. Get the maximum living space. In other words, the result of the Guo Group's **** of the Far East was not achieved by Guo Shouyun alone, but was given to him by a group of political forces such as Victor. His ambition to dominate the Far East just catered to Victor and others. Need, from a certain point of view, if he does not have this ambition, people may not necessarily like him.

"If that's the case, then you can rest assured," Guo Shouyun said with a smile as he sprayed two green lanterns from his nostrils, "In today's Far East, no one can come in if they want to. For me, it is the political foundation of the last party, but for me, it is home Leave it to someone else? As for the five dollars, if they want to invest in the Far East, I welcome them. If they want to do business in the Far East, I also agree with both hands. Of course, can they find a place to invest and whether they can find a business to do it? , then it depends on their own abilities.”

Guo Shouyun stopped here. He picked up the water cup in front of him, took a sip of the fragrant tea, moistened his throat, and then continued: "You have also seen what is happening in the Far East, here Emperor Tiangao. In the distance, the light industry is exhausted, the heavy industry is dead, the market is full of foreign commodities, and the smuggling situation is serious. In the face of such a market, apart from public construction investment, I really can't think of any good place to invest. As for business , huh, it's not that I underestimate them, on the ground in the Far East, all the checkpoints, these foreigners can't get through. If they mobilize goods from Moscow, it's idiotic. Yes, just for the cost of transportation, no big bank can afford them. So I can say responsibly that the situation in the Far East is different from Moscow, where they can make waves and do whatever they want, but in the Far East. ...they say it doesn't count."

"Bad boy, it's good to have self-confidence, but too much self-confidence is conceited," Victor said with a frown, "Don't forget, there is a major premise now, that is, small privatization reform, which is one of Moscow's Remember the heavy hammer, through various privatization reforms, people can easily infiltrate funds, do you have any ability to stop it?"

"Hehe, you obviously don't know much about business," Guo Shouyun smiled, and he shook his head disapprovingly, "If you say, with this small privatization reform, their funds can be as they wish. If it flows into the Far East, then why are they coming to me? It’s unnecessary. In the field of power, the struggle between politicians and politicians has your means, and in the field of business, the struggle between businessmen like us also has our own. Take me as an example, with the support of the Far East Commercial Bank today, I can easily mobilize billions of rubles of funds, but even so, if I want to enter Moscow, I must first go to the Moscow ones. The wharf of the bosses, without their permission, no matter how strong I am, I can’t stand there. If I think about it from another position, this rule also applies to the bosses in Moscow. They want to invest in the Far East. Well, let's do business, if they don't have my permission, they also have no way out. If a businessman wants to do business smoothly and seek development down-to-earth, he must not only learn the knowledge of economics in books, but also learn well. Invisible rules other than books, the market is very responsible. There are many things that cannot be solved by relying on funds alone. Several big bosses in Moscow are not foodies of Bairao. This is the step."

Guo Shouyun's remarks, on the one hand, dispelled the worries of Viktor and Sobchak, and on the other hand, gave Vladimir a great touch. From this Chinese businessman, he found a kind of The thing that he still lacks very much now is domineering. Domineering actually represents self-confidence. It is a mental state that can only appear when "everything is under control". Whether it is politics or business, it can be said to be an invisible battlefield. On this battlefield, The only way to win is to be aggressive.

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