Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 191: gamble to start

?For the current Vladimir, Guo Shouyun's way of doing things and thinking about problems is what he needs to learn. At present, people like Victor and Sobchak are looking for successors in the younger generation. Getting older, even the youngest Zyuganov is already in his early fifties, so for the smooth transfer of power and the smooth transition of the old and new generations within the faction, the issue of successors must be put on the agenda. , qb5,

As a student of Sobchak, Vladimir is currently not the most favored among the younger generation of the faction, such as the 41-year-old Leningrad trade union chairman Gryzlov born in the Far East. Shoigu, who was already the vice chairman of the Russian Federation Construction Committee at the age of thirty-six, is correspondingly stronger and more foundational than Vladimir.

Issues within a political faction are often quite complicated. Who can reach what level of power when and when is often achieved through a series of negotiations and transactions. Among them, personal political charm is of course important. But it did not play a decisive role, and Vladimir was quite aware of this. Now, behind Grezlov, not only is there a large number of officials in Leningrad, but also some local forces including Kiev and Siberia are supporting him. As for Shoigu, he himself belongs to the Moscow group within the faction. A large number of powerful figures, including Luzhkov and Zyuganov, fully supported his exhibition. Compared with these two people, Vladimir has nothing. Yes, he is indeed a student of Sobchak, but there are many more students of Sobchak, and this teacher has always been more The main thing is to see him as an assistant, rather than a figure who can independently take the lead.

How to say this, people have ambition. Dissatisfaction with the situation he is in is a common problem for everyone in the world, and Vladimir is also a human being. He also has disadvantages in this regard, and when it comes to power, his performance is that he expects to climb higher and go further. In this way, a very real problem is placed in front of him - who can give him a push and send him to a higher and farther place. Grezlov has the recommendation of local forces, and Shoigu has the full support of Moscow's powerful factions. Then he Vladimir wants to compete with these two people, where can he find support? There is no doubt that under the current circumstances, Guo Shouyun, who is in the Far East, has become his best choice.

In the entire faction, Guo Shouyun's situation is very embarrassing and delicate. From a reality point of view, his current achievements and strengths undoubtedly occupy a large weight in the faction. It is rude to say that if he is a serious Russian, he is destined to be the first in the list of candidates for successor. If nothing else, Sobchak and Dyuganov And Victor, the three elders, decided to spare no effort to send him to the top. But the reality is. This promising young man is not Russian, he is pure Chinese. And this innate factor destined him to be unable to get enough room for development in the political power structure. At the same time, among the younger generation in the current faction, he can also enjoy an exclusive status - it is possible to come forward The young people are quite fierce infighting. But no one paid any attention to him. Because everyone knows that this kid can only be potentially supportive. And it will never be a strong competition. Since there is no competition, who would be so foolish as to offend such a rich and powerful Far Eastern hegemon?

At present, the situation is developing quite fast. For Vladimir, whether he can make a great achievement in the future depends on this period of time. This time Guo Shouyun got married, and the two elders of the faction came to the Far East in person. To put it bluntly, they did not simply come to congratulate Guo Shouyun. They also had another project, which was to raise funds—a huge amount of party building funds. The faction needs to raise funds from Guo Shouyun. As long as this funding is available, two completely new parties will be established within a few months, namely the "Fatherland Movement" party of Gryzlov and the "Unity party" of Shoigu, the former local party of the two parties. , and later in the center, they unite and will become the most powerful weapon for subsequent factions to attack the state power. Vladimir pondered that once these two parties were established, then the Far East represented by Guo Shouyun would become the main goal of their struggle. The Far East has a vast territory with nearly ten state-level administrative regions, which means 30% of the seats in the lower house. According to the estimates of Victor and others, combined with the influence of the Guo Group in the Far East, once the election of the upper house is fully launched , he was able to take at least eighteen candidates to the throne of Congress by virtue of his regional advantages. Of course, compared to the 450 seats in the House of Lords, 18 seats seem to be of little weight on the surface, but in reality? No matter which way these eighteen seats stand, they can play a key role at a critical moment.

Undoubtedly, now that Grezlov and Shoigu are candidates for the younger generation within the faction, they have already begun to sprint for their own upper positions. Under such circumstances, Vladimir really has a sense of urgency that I cannot wait. He has no choice. Only with the support of Guo Shouyun in the short term can he have a chance to make his mark.

But then again, under the current circumstances, will Guo Shouyun, the sophisticated master who never sees a rabbit and never throws a hawk, openly risk the crisis of turning against the two major forces in the faction, and take the risk to support him? This matter is really unpredictable, although the chance is not big, but Vladimir still decided to try it. It’s rare to fight back a few times in life. If you don’t try some things, who knows if there is a possibility of success?

Destiny is really interesting, and the most interesting thing about it is that you don't walk through that mountain ridge. No one knows whether the mountain ridge is a plain grassland or a raging sea. Once upon a time, Guo Shouyun always regarded Vladimir as the most dangerous stone fence in his future. In order to avoid this stone fence from killing himself in the future, he has been working hard to move closer to Vladimir. But before that, Vladimir had been in Leningrad all the time, and he was in the Far East, so there were very few opportunities for the two to contact each other. But now, the wheel of fate is turning and turning, and finally, almost bizarrely, the two have been brought together: an amazingly powerful politician who has been called a "New Era Tsar", meets a greedy man who is greedy for profit. Profitable businessmen who use their money by any means, speaking, this is quite dramatic and even more accidental. But from another angle, the occurrence of this event is so inevitable and so logical.

Gorbachev's reform "new thinking" completely impacted the Soviet Union's world outlook, outlook on life, and value system for nearly a century. At the same time, the possibility of a full-scale democracy in this country is fundamentally dispelled. A direct overnight transition from a centralized state to a so-called democratic state will not work, and a transition is bound to be required in this process—a regime with a democratic guise but a highly centralized power inside must emerge. The Bolshevik Party continued its regime of one-party dictatorship. It was a party organization spread all over the country, and the existence of tens of millions of party members enabled them to effectively control everything. And the Bolshevik Party was overthrown. If the emerging regime wants to implement centralized rule, it is bound to need a strong regime support, and those who can provide this support can only and must be the financial oligarchs and industries that grasp the lifeline of the country’s economy. **** monopoly. From this aspect, the appearance of Vladimir and Guo Shouyun is just an accidental inevitability: a role like them is bound to appear, but who plays this role is just an accident.

It is said that if Vladimir and Guo Shouyun really form an alliance, then once they fail in the future, the victory in this power struggle will give Vladimir the hat of a conspirator, and remove him from the Completely driven out of the political ***. As for Guo Shouyun, he will be a victim, and a series of crimes such as "monopoly", "manipulation of the national economy", "illegal embezzlement of national assets" will be poured on him like dirty water, and he will become a new regime. A great achievement in combating the economic oligarchs after taking office. On the contrary, if Vladimir's alliance with Guo Shouyun is successful, then Vladimir will dominate, his political opponents will suffer brutal blows, and those behind them who are similar to Guo Shouyun's support will also enjoy To the same treatment, and the blow to these oligarchs similar to Guo Shouyun, will also become Vladimir's political achievements, thus winning him wider public support.

As the domestic situation changed step by step, a big gamble was once again placed in front of Guo Shouyun. Facing this big gamble, he could not choose whether to place a bet or not, and he could not choose whether to enter the game or not. The only thing he could choose was how to enter the game. , on whose body the only chip is placed. This is a one-shot deal, and the outcome is decided, either smash yourself to death, or smash your opponent to death, other than that, there is no other choice.

Vladimir is a resolute person. It is not too much to say that he acts resolutely. Since he intends to unite with Guo Shouyun and obtain the much-needed support from him, he will not hesitate any more. Will hide the head and the tail to play with those careful eyes that try again and again.

Just after Guo Shouyun finished talking with Viktor and Sobchak, he then gave Guo Shouyun the opportunity to go out, and directly made a request to the other party-in a few months, Leningrad City will conduct a market operation. In the new appointments of government officials, several key positions will be vacant, and new people will fill them. At this juncture, Vladimir wanted to take over the position of deputy mayor, and he hoped that Guo Shouyun could help him.

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