Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 189: Hard to stand alone

?In the last ten years of the twentieth century, everything in Russia can be said to be completely in the hands of the oligarchs. As Gaidar, who once served as Russia's deputy prime minister, said: "At its peak, the Russian government was controlled by seven to ten. Around a businessman, they can even replace the prime minister at will. Quan/ben\small/say\net

The seven to ten businessmen mentioned by Gaidar are actually an approximate number. In Guo Shouyun’s impression, those seven people who emerged in the early 1990s are called the “seven oligarchs” in Russia: President of Union Bank Berezovsky, President of Bridge Bank Gusinsky, President of International Commercial Bank Vinogradov, President of Capital Savings Bank Smolensky, President of Alpha Bank Friedman, President of Menagep Bank Huo Dolkovsky, President of Russia's Credit Commercial Bank Markin.

Today, at his wedding, five of the seven oligarchs came, and with them came Chubais, who can be called the "father of private ownership reform" in Russia. From this point of view alone, Guo Shouyun knew , perhaps a negotiation aimed at dividing up interests is about to be staged at this stage.

"Night owls come into the house and come here for everything." At present, the presidents of the five most powerful commercial banks in the Soviet Union have come to the Far East. What are they planning to negotiate? Divide the sphere of interest for the upcoming small privatization reforms? Cooperate with several consortiums in the future external position? Or is there another attempt? For these, Guo Shouyun is still unknown. What he knows is that the Far East must be under the substantial control of the Guo Group. Anyone who wants to expand their power here is equivalent to violating the interests of the Guo Group. Bottom line----What's so great about the five oligarchs? Judging from the current situation, Guo Shouyun is the most powerful oligarch in the Soviet Union. He dared to blackmail Smolensky openly a month ago. feared.

"Shouyun. You are living a really depraved life." In the living room of Guo Shouyun's villa, Victor sat on the Italian leather sand that had just been replaced in the past two days, holding a large handmade Cuban cigar in his left hand. His right hand tapped the exquisite mahogany box holding cigars, and said with emotion, "How much is this thing? It won't be less than two hundred and fifty dollars, right?"

"You really talk too much," Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand, dragged the cigarette case over, and distributed one to each of Sobchak and Vladimir, who were sitting opposite him. Only then did he smile, "Don't forget, I'm a businessman. I'm just a businessman in the dead of life. Who can do business with me? Could it be that you still plan to let me greet guests with Dalai? "

The "Dalai" Guo Shouyun said was a cigarette produced in North Korea. It was also the most common type of smuggled cigarette on the market in the Far East in the past. The price of a pack of 1.7 rubles was the cheapest cigarette. . But this kind of cigarette is no longer in sight, and its market has been squeezed by the rich and diverse cigarette smuggling business of the Guo Group.

"It doesn't matter if you are corrupt in life, the key is not to be corrupt in your mind." Just as Guo Shouyun lit the cigar with the lighter in his hand, Sobchak took a sip and smiled, "It's like this box Cigars. If you guessed correctly, that Springer gave it to you, right? Come on. What shady things did you do with the Americans?"

"How did you know about this?!" Guo Shouyun was taken aback. Few people knew about Spiringer's meeting with him, and even fewer knew the origin of this box of cigars. , Sobchak, they already knew these things.

"Don't you Chinese have a saying. It's called if you don't know what you want. Don't do it unless you do it yourself?" Victor said, seemingly absent-mindedly, smoking a cigar. "You little fox is the most important trump card in our hands, can we not keep an eye on it?"

"Well, I see, you old guys have sent undercover agents by my side," Guo Shouyun laughed, "Be honest, who is this undercover agent? Nikita or Larisa? Or Shana Riva... ..."

"Sana Riva, I can't remember her if you don't mention her," Victor frowned when Guo Shouyun mentioned Shana Riva's name, he said, "This woman is a dangerous person, come back and remind me She said, don't do everything too outrageous, cruelty is the only way to deal with the enemy, but there is a limit to this cruelty, and cruelty should also be subject to certain constraints."

"Hehe, Mr. Victor, you've been fooled by the cloud again," Vladimir said with a smile while sitting on the sand, playing with the cigar in his hand, "He's leading you to change the subject. Well, don't you feel it?"

"Oh?" Victor was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses. He pointed at Guo Shouyun and scolded with a smile, "Okay, you stinky brat, do you dare to set a trap for me now that your wings are hard?"

"Where are you talking about?" Guo Shouyun laughed, "Don't listen to Vladimir, he is trying to provoke our relationship with the son-in-law, and he has a sinister intention."

"Then explain the facts," Sobchak laughed. "Tell us honestly, what exactly did Spilinger reach with you on behalf of Morgan?"

"To be honest, we haven't reached any agreement yet," Guo Shouyun said with a shrug, "Now, Morgan Stanley hopes to draw ruble deposit and loan funds from my Far East Commercial Bank, and the demand is huge, and the minimum estimate is probably quite a lot. Ten billion rubles. And they offered to exchange the dollar at a rate of five thousandths higher than the international currency market price.”

"Oh? Sounds like a very generous condition." Victor smiled strangely. "Why, you kid didn't accept such generous conditions?"

"Is this condition considered generous?" Guo Shouyun said disapprovingly, "You are always joking. Ten billion rubles is not a small amount, and the money is not owned by me, Guo Shouyun, but deposited by depositors from the Far East in the bank. , I exchanged all of them into US dollars without authorization, and I did not maintain the necessary reserves. If there is an unpredictable economic situation in the Far East, wouldn’t it be ugly for me to die? So why should I not? To do it, to do it, is to take a huge risk, and the Americans have no reason to beat me just by taking out some broken dollar bills."

"What are the conditions that Brother Shouyun proposed?" Vladimir asked curiously.

"It's very simple. They can jingle the abacus, and I can also play with the calculator." Guo Shouyun put the box of high-end handmade cigars and did not smoke, but lit a cigarette for himself--- - Laity is laity, he can't enjoy high-end things, "My reply to Springer is very simple, I don't want their dollar bills, that thing has now got off the gold standard, when it appreciates and when it depreciates, it's all the Fed said. Forget it, so it looks pretty affordable, but it's actually a piece of scrap paper, and I'm not interested in it. If they Morgan want to work with me, then take out the shares, how many rubles are they going to borrow from me , you have to put up a corresponding amount of shares as collateral, everyone trades fairly, and no one suffers."

After listening to Guo Shouyun's words, Viktor and Sobchak exchanged a knowing look. They had been worried that Guo Shouyun and Morgan would reach an agreement that would affect the domestic political situation. Now it seems that the possibility of this is not does not exist.

"Brother Shouyun, have you ever thought about it, now that the ruble has a strong depreciation trend, and in this case, Morgan Stanley has ignored the risk and absorbed ruble currency on a large scale. What is its purpose? It's worth considering." Vladimir said meaningfully.

"Is this still worth considering?" Guo Shouyun smiled and said without hesitation, "Our central bank is now at a loss. A country that has lost its macroeconomic and financial planning capabilities is bound to act as a gobbling of foreign funds. Big steak. It was precisely at this juncture that our wise and powerful White House leaders introduced a small privatization reform plan, intending to fully privatize small state-owned enterprises that occupy more than half of the national economy by means of redemption and commercial bidding. Just imagine , Under such circumstances, the Americans wantonly reserve cash in rubles, and their intentions are not Sima Zhao's heart, is it known to passers-by?"

"Well, your kid has a good idea, which is roughly in line with our speculation," Victor nodded. "But then again, if Morgan can accept your terms, what are you going to do? Really cooperate with them?"

"If that's the case, why should I refuse?" Guo Shouyun shrugged and said, "Being able to cooperate with an international financial consortium like Morgan is a rare opportunity in itself, not to mention this cooperation is very beneficial to me. Indeed. , if you hand over the ruble deposits reserved by the Far East Commercial Bank to them, it will definitely worsen the current domestic financial situation, but I believe you are also aware that it is no longer me Guo Shouyun or my Guo Shouyun. We are supporting the overall situation. Now countless black hands are sniping at the ruble, and Moscow is also adding fuel and carbon to it. If we don't follow the trend in this situation, then once the storm hits, the first to fall , it will be my Guo Group. At this point, I believe that the two elders should also understand. "

Guo Shouyun's words waited until Victor and Sobchak agreed, and for Vladimir, his current mood is somewhat contradictory. From the bottom of his heart, he can foresee how the future disaster will intensify. In this case, he hopes that people like Guo Shouyun can stand up and show some achievements. After all, Guo Shouyun has always given him the impression. is very nice. But then again, what Guo Shouyun said is also true. His remarks expressed a cruel reality of "the general trend" and "one tree can't support it alone". Facing the current situation, it is admirable to be unconventional, but Fundamentally, that's an act of stupidity.

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