Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 171: Shana Riva's idea

?Oh? Doesn't that Mr. Mulally Taran like to pester him, how did he get on your head? "Thinking of the short, funny-looking Mr. Mulalitaran, Nina has a feeling of wanting to laugh. qβ5. She has known Shouyun Brothers for so long, and this is the first time she has seen it. When someone who likes to pester Shoucheng appears, in her opinion, Shoucheng's temperament is not bad, but he is a bit dull. He doesn't seem to be interested in anything, and he doesn't care about any topic, so chatting with him is a natural It's a very boring thing. But these days, Mr. Muralitaran seems to have something in common with Shoucheng. In this villa area, he doesn't seem to feel comfortable if he doesn't run twice a day, and Every time I go, I look so reluctant.

"Because we are going to talk about serious business today, so your husband has to go out in person." Guo Shouyun smiled, stretched out his hand and squeezed Nina's smooth face, and said, "The old monkey jumping up and down these days is nothing more than nothing. I'm just waiting for today's opportunity. Shoucheng has been poured into a lot of confusion by him in the past two days, and he was confused and regarded it as a new year's hand. Today, I will let this fool go to talk to others about serious matters. People are making a lot of money."

"Well, what about that night? When will you come back tonight?" Maybe it's an escape, or maybe it's her personality. Anyway, Nina has never cared about Guo Shouyun's business affairs. The only thing she cares about now is whether the man beside her can be safe or not. Take some time to spend with yourself. During this period of time, the grandfather's loss in the power field was followed by the suicide of several uncles. Now it's the eldest brother who has fled the country again. Even though Nina doesn't show anything on the surface, she still has a heavy heart. She hopes that Guo Shouyun can stay by her side for a while and talk to herself more.

"You don't have to wait until night," Guo Shouyun understood Nina's thoughts, he smiled, looked at the watch in his hand and said, "At three o'clock, um. At most three thirty, things should be over, then I'll be back. In the past two days, I've already thought about it. I'll try to push away any work that I can. Let's take advantage of the few days before the wedding. Have fun and go around. Turn around. There are a lot of new stores opening on Lenin Street during this time. Goryeo sticks, high-end perfumes from the Japs, fashion, etc., oh. Yes, Shana Riva. You have made those amusement centers in Where is it? I heard that there are several opened in the city, how come I pass by the streets of Kiev every day, but I have never seen it? I plan to take Nina to play in the next two days. "

"Sir. If you and Madam are going, there is one on Gamas Street. It has the best environment and the largest scale in the city. It just opened the day before yesterday. There are not many people, but the equipment there is the best. Yes, all of them are Nintendo electronic arcade machines." Shana Riva laughed.

During this time, the Sanariva gang has been secretly cooperating with several gang organizations in Japan, and her so-called business has expanded rapidly in Japan. At present, the underworld in Japan is in the "Warring States Period". Six years ago, Yamaguchi-gumi was in conflict. This "Shan Yi War" started six years ago, and the two sides have not stopped until now. It seems that it will be over until death. At the same time, Watanabe Yoshio was appointed as the leader of the Yamaguchi Group a year ago. He is fond of bravery and ruthlessness, believes in force, and vigorously implements the nationwide military expansion policy in order to restore the glory of the Yamaguchi Group's "Taoka Period". Just like this, a series of gangs such as the "Nakano Club", "Twenty Day Club", "Aizu Small Iron Club", "Five Clubs" and so on all joined the battle one after another, and the big guys rolled up their arms and rolled their sleeves to fight. It became a pot of porridge.

Although the underworld is rampant in Japan, the government has strict control over guns. Therefore, the original gang fights were all about moving knives. You come and go, and the cold light flashes is a lively scene. An air pistol is probably a heavy weapon. Some time ago, Shana Riva's gang established contact with some small organizations in Japan. These people used the method of entrainment to get lucky with a batch of firearms in Japan - ak-47, 300 to 500 US dollars a piece, It also comes with a number of full magazines, which is significantly more cost-effective than the bright big blade.

Two weeks ago, two killers of the "Yihekai" bloodbathed the hall of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Sapporo. Not only Nakamura Hikuma, who held the post of "Wakato", was beaten into honeycomb, but also fourteen members of the organization in the hall. No one was spared, and what the two killers used at that time was the unmarked ak-this incident not only caused a sensation in Japan, but also brought more business opportunities to Shana Riva's gang. Today, Her gang has established initial contact with more than a dozen underworld organizations in Japan, large and small, and everyone is polite and mutual, and it is a pleasure to cooperate.

Honestly, from the Japanese, Shana Riva also learned a few things, and the most important one is the so-called

The way to run a society.” In Shana Riva’s view, Japanese gangsters do not call “party” or “gang”, but call this “hui” and that “community”. It has become a "society". People do not only fight, kill and kill, but also do not only manage "pornography, gambling and drugs", whether it is a large or small society, there are some legitimate businesses to make money, and in Among them, entertainment is the largest source of income.

Therefore, during this time, Shana Riva is also thinking about this aspect, and she also wants to let her gang run some entertainment business. Little Japan's gangs can invest in film, television and music. Right now, the Soviet Union and the Far East don't have that foundation, let alone those resources, so she can only start from a small place and do it little by little, and investing in electronic entertainment projects is what she came out of the first step.

Of course, Sanariva used her brains in this regard. In addition to making profits, there is a more important consideration, that is, the issue of money laundering. Now the power of the gang has expanded to the entire Far East, and the monthly income of the gang is a rather staggering figure, and these incomes are either black or gray. Anyway, no money is clean. Therefore, how to find a way Bleaching the money became a problem that she, the leader of the gang, had to solve. Right now, the gang's income is directly credited to the Far East Commercial Bank, where it goes through a series of in-and-out on-lending rinsing. Shana Riva knows that this method is very unsafe, and maybe one day Guo Shouyun will be harmed. So, she must think of a way to solve this problem as soon as possible. Looking at all the popular money laundering methods nowadays, investment in entertainment projects is obviously the best choice.

At present, these thoughts of Shanariva have not been mentioned to Guo Shouyun. She is a little worried, worried that this man will doubt her purpose. After all, the funds of the gang go to the Far East Commercial Bank, which is also a main way for him to grasp the gang. In Shanariva's eyes, Guo Shouyun is fine in other places, but he is too suspicious. He looks at people with open eyes, three points of approval, seven points of suspicion, if there is anyone else If he can get his great trust, then I am afraid that he has succeeded. As for Nina... Shanariva felt that this woman was more pitiful than herself. To her, Guo Shouyun was one point honest and nine points deceitful. A woman, if she lives in piles of lies all day long, and doesn't even know what the man closest to her is thinking or doing, what fun is there in life?

Just when Shanariva was full of thoughts, the four of them walked back to the courtyard of the villa in tandem, and in the small parking lot in the courtyard, the Volga sedan exclusively for Guo Shouyun was parked there quietly. The hard-working driver was holding a tall crystal cup in his hand, leaning on the body and looking up at the sky boredly.

"Okay, you all go up, I'll go alone." Standing on the side of the road leading to the small parking lot, Guo Shouyun took Nina's little hand and patted the back of her hand and said, "Remember Pack up in advance, I'll definitely be back before three-thirty, and we'll go out for a ride then."

"You're going by yourself? Didn't you bring Larisa with you?" Nina said in surprise.

"No, let them talk with you at home." Guo Shouyun smiled, "This is not going to the zoo to see monkeys, what are you doing with so many people."

Several women were speechless, their man's mouth was really detrimental.

After laughing a few more times with the women around him, Guo Shouyun got into the car and went straight to the Third Military Supply Depot in Khabarovsk.

Each of the four arsenals in Khabarovsk has different functions. Before that, Guo Shouyun had already learned about the situation in this regard. According to the opinion of the military region, Muralitaran wanted to visit the arsenal. Only the No. 1 and No. 3 banks can be opened. As for the other two, the No. 2 library is a high-tech library, and the No. 4 library is a special military supply library. Under the current circumstances, these two libraries are obviously not suitable for opening.

Vault No. 3 is very far from the urban area of ​​Khabarovsk, nearly 40 kilometers away. It is halfway to the Komsomolsk City. There is a military jurisdiction area with a radius of more than ten square kilometers. A strategic rocket independent regiment under the jurisdiction is stationed there, and as for the local security, there are two independent infantry companies and a special helicopter brigade.

When Guo Shouyun arrived at the No. 3 warehouse, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, and Muralitaran and Nikolayev had been here for an unknown time. As the military jurisdiction of the missile base, the security is heavily guarded. The two-meter-high barbed wire surrounds the base, and signs filled with warnings can be seen everywhere. In front of the tightly closed barbed wire gate, more than a dozen guards with guns and live ammunition stopped them. They took the car of Mulally Taran and his party - the notice from the military region only said that Guo Shouyun was coming, and did not mention anything else. Therefore, the guards at the door did not let them go.

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