Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 172: Library No. 3

"Oh, Mr. Guo, you are here." When he saw Guo Shouyun sitting in front of the gate of the reserve warehouse, the small Muralitaran came up impatiently, he supported the car, Guo Shouyun, who was sitting inside the car window, said, "Mr. Nikolayev and I are already waiting here..."

"Cough cough..." Before Muralitaran finished speaking, Nikolayev had already come over, and he let out two violent dry coughs, interrupting Muralitaran's speech. Complained, and then said to Guo Shouyun with a smile on his face, "Mr. Guo, you are here."

"Hehe, I'm really sorry, I just sent off two important guests, so I came a little late, and the two of you arrived a long time ago?" Guo Shouyun didn't get out of the car, he sat in the back seat of the car and smiled. Although he said sorry words, the expression on his face did not mean the slightest regret.

"No, no, we just arrived a while ago," Nikolayev shook his head and smiled, "not to mention that Mr. Guo is busy with his official business. We can understand that he came earlier and later."

Muralitaran was listening, feeling a little stuffy in his heart: this Nikolayev was talking nonsense with his eyes open. The two of them had been drinking here for nearly an hour in the cool breeze, and he still said something just now. for a while.

"Well, that's good," Guo Shouyun didn't care how long the two people outside the car had been here, he now cared about when he could leave. This afternoon, he had an appointment with Nina, and he had to go back before 3:30.

"Come on, you two, get in the car, let's hurry in, I guess Colonel Valery will be impatient." He reached out and patted the car door. Guo Shouyun laughed.

The Colonel Valery that Guo Shouyun referred to was the person in charge of the No. 3 reserve. This person did not go to the military area very often, and Guo Shouyun had met him twice. Speaking of which, Shoucheng had a good relationship with him. There is frequent communication between the two. Among the many collections of Shoucheng, a shoulder-mounted anti-tank rocket catapult and a 50mm individual mortar were obtained from here.

"Oh, okay." Hearing what Guo Shouyun said, Mulally Taran was not polite. He stretched out his hand to open the car door and got into the car.

Looking at Mulally Taran's actions, Nikolayev almost didn't open his mouth to scold his mother, this kid is too **** ignorant of etiquette. Can I get in the car from here? If you take two more steps, you will die if you get on the other side of the car? That's fine. He got in from this side, so it was not obvious that Guo Shouyun would move the land for him.

In fact, it is no wonder that Nikolayev is so angry. In the Soviet officialdom, this is a big taboo. There are many talented young people who are recognized by their bosses. It was because he didn't understand this etiquette that he inadvertently violated the taboo of his boss and ended up in a bleak end. Just like now. Guo Shouyun was sitting by the right door in the car, and Mulally Taran got in the car from the right, Guo Shouyun was bound to move to the left and give him his seat, one "moves the ground", one "gives up the seat", The implications of this are somewhat intriguing. If Guo Shouyun is a sophisticated person, it is estimated that this will turn his face, at least he will be unhappy.

Fortunately, although Guo Shouyun knew the importance of this aspect, he didn't care. When he saw Mulally Taran coming up from his side, he was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and moved in. In contrast, the driver in front was not happy. He turned his head and glared at Mulally Taran before mumbling something.

The driver used a Caucasian dialect to scold a "dead monkey who doesn't understand etiquette". Guo Shouyun understood it, and Nikolayev understood it, but Muralitaran didn't understand it. This "dead monkey" I can't even understand normal Russian, how can I understand the Caucasian dialect.

"Mr. Guo, don't mind," Nikolayev sat in the front seat, he closed the door, turned his head and said to Guo Shouyun. "he......"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not that particular about it here," Guo Shouyun said with a smile before Nikolayev could explain the words clearly, he reached out and patted the driver's shoulder and scolded with a smile, "You talk too much. , hurry up and drive."

The car started moving again and drove straight towards the main gate of the military jurisdiction.

After a while, the guards in front of the door have opened the door, and a military jeep originally parked in the door also moved. It was driving in front of the Volga sedan, obviously leading the way.

"Mr. Mulally Taran," Guo Shouyun reached out and patted Mulally Taran's lap when the car was driving on the concrete road in the military jurisdiction, "I think you should know, here is the The No. 3 reserve warehouse of our Far East Military Region. In fact, according to strict regulations, it is absolutely forbidden for outsiders to enter, because it is not only a military supply warehouse, but also a strategic rocket base in the Far East. Missile bases are often mentioned in foreign countries. Hey, it took me a lot of time to ask for this pass from the military area for you. Now, you have also come in, but there are some points that need attention, I have to remind you. "

"Sir, please speak." Mulally Taran said absentmindedly, looking out the car window. At this time, the car was driving through a meadow, and on the grassy **** outside the road, a row of anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns were set up side by side, with long barrels pointing to the sky through the camouflaged grass net. It was a 100-meter anti-aircraft gun, and Mulally Taran could see it clearly, and he was very impressed.

Yes, these anti-aircraft guns clearly lack the necessary maintenance, some of the barrels are gone.

"In a while, you can visit the warehouse area. There are sixteen warehouse areas here. You can visit from the font size to the font size warehouse area, but from the font library area to the warehouse area, we cannot allow you to enter. , I hope you can understand this point." Guo Shouyun took out a map, glanced at it casually, and said.

"Oh? Mr. Guo, are you holding the map of the reserve? Can you lend me a look?" Mulally Taran turned around, glanced at the map in Guo Shouyun's hand, and said with great interest.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mulally Taran," Guo Shouyun folded the map again, put it in his pocket, and smiled. "This is not a simple reserve map, but a detailed structural map of the entire military area, so I can't give you a purpose.


"It's a pity," Mulally Taran shrugged and said regretfully.

"Hehe, there is nothing to regret. In fact, this time Mr. can bring you in, it is already breaking the rules," Nikolayev turned his head and said, "You have to believe it. Those generals in the military region are not as talkative as Mr. Guo. , so, this time, you should thank Mr. Guo for his kindness."

"Ah, yes, yes," was hinted by Nikolayev. Mulally Taran turned around, and he responded repeatedly. While taking out two long red brocade boxes from his pocket, he handed them to Guo Shouyun and said, "Mr. Guo, as I said last time, for your marriage with Miss Nina. We specially prepared two gifts. Because The situation in Colombo is a little more tense, so there was a delay, and the item was only delivered yesterday. Well, I hope you like it sir."

"Oh? Mr. Mulally Taran is too polite. It's all for business. Why don't you spend more money on labor?" Guo Shouyun didn't refuse. He took the two golden boxes and said something casually. Without looking, he put the box in his pocket.

"It should be, it should be," Mulally Taran said, but he was a little murmured in his heart. Why is this Chinese like this? Do you like it or not if you don't even look at it when you receive a gift from someone else? Originally, he planned very well. These two gifts are very valuable. If Guo Shouyun likes it, he can make further requests and so on, but now... it's hard to say anything now.

While talking, the car drove to a dense construction area, which is obviously the soldier barracks area of ​​the military area. In front of some houses, there are also groups of soldiers sitting around in scattered military appearances to play poker, or get together to drink.

Just as they were driving into the Ying Barracks area, the jeep in front stopped, and a man in a captain's uniform jumped out of the car and ran towards Guo Shouyun's car.

"Mr. Guo," the captain, standing in front of Guo Shouyun's car, said in front of the driver's window, "Are you going to the reservoir area too? Comrade Colonel just told me that if you don't go to the reservoir area, you will Go to him, he has prepared some fine wines and dishes, and said he wants to have two drinks with you."

"Oh, I won't go to the reservoir area," Guo Shouyun said without hesitation, "How did you arrange it? Where is the colonel?"

"The colonel is in his office. He has gone out to greet him twice just now, but the gentleman hasn't arrived yet," the captain said. "If the gentleman doesn't go to the warehouse area, then I can accompany them and let them sit on my desk. vehicle."

"Well, that's fine," Guo Shouyun nodded and said to Mulally Taran who was beside him, "Then I think we should do it like this, Mr. Mulally Taran, you two change cars and let Comrade Captain accompany you. Go and walk around. It's two o'clock. Before two o'clock, you have to come back. There are a few hours in between, you can watch as much as you like and go around as much as you like. As for lunch, I will arrange for someone to deliver it to you later. "

"I think this lunch is still..." Nikolayev hesitated for a moment. He wanted to say that he would have lunch with Guo Shouyun. After all, there are not many opportunities like this, and in the ***, the meal time is drawn. The best time for a relationship.

"This is good, this is good." But at this juncture, Mulally Taran agreed first. He didn't care about what to have lunch or anything like that, he just wanted to look around a bit more, and if possible, save lunch.

"Then let's arrange it like this," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and made the final decision.

When he said this, Mulally Taran was already impatient to get out of the car. Now this opportunity is too rare. He believes that he must be the first arms buyer to enter the Far East Military Region Reserve.

After Nikolayev and Muralitaran got out of the car one after another, Guo Shouyun smiled softly and held the two golden boxes in front of him. He opened the square box and took a look. Inside was a watch with a dazzling black case and a milky white leather strap - Breguet 89 Luxury Edition

Guo Shouyun doesn't really like watches, especially luxury versions. This thing costs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's too eye-catching to wear on his hand. What he really likes now is in another box. There, two huge gems were lying quietly on the scarlet satin.

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