Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 170: Red Feather returns home

?You seem to have been in a lot of trouble lately." Heilong Sun Hongyu, who was standing on the south side of the villa area, held a dead birch leaf that had just fallen from the book in his hand, and looked at the boat that was quietly moored a few steps away. The double-row cannon patrol boat on the side said to Guo Shouyun who was walking behind her in a leisurely manner, "How about it, can you handle it? "

Guo Shouyun smiled, raised his foot, and kicked a small stone on the bank in front of him into the river. /. qβ5. He didn't answer Sun Hongyu's question, but stared at the dead leaf in his hand and said, "Sister Hong, in fact, I still think that what you are wearing today is more suitable for you. , the skin is like cream, the white clothes are better than snow, and the water is like a hibiscus, and it is not stained with dust."

"You slicker, in terms of your ability to care about left and right, no one else can match it." Sun Hongyu stepped on a stone on the river bank, twisted her body and glanced at Guo Shouyun, and said with a smile on her face. "I'll be leaving here in a few minutes, so don't you want to tell me the truth?"

"Sister Hong, I don't like hearing what you said," Guo Shouyun took a step forward and stood side by side with Sun Hongyu. He sniffed and took a sip of the elegant fragrance on Sister Hong's body. He said, "When I'm not telling the truth to you? You're right, I've had some troubles in my hands for the past two days, but who can go smoothly in this life? If you want to live, you will inevitably have to We often face some difficulties of one kind or another, and the better we want to live, the more troubles we have.

Because there will always be people who will be jealous of your smoothness. Hehe, don't worry, Sister Hong, I am a little smart person, I know my situation very well. Now there are many people who are looking forward to my death, but there are also many people who are looking forward to my life. I know how to deal with it. "

"Hey, I hope you can handle it," Sun Hongyu's eyes focused on Guo Shouyun's handsome face. After a while, he turned his head and said with a sigh. "When I go back this time, I will try my best to convince the people above to accept your terms of cooperation. As for whether things can be done, I am not at all sure. You know. It is not my own business, and I will never be happy with it. I've been thinking about it a lot these days. I really hope I can go back to the kind of cooperation it was originally, that is, the cooperation between you and me, without any external factors. I'm thinking about it. If that's the case, you little boy Foxes wouldn't be so **** me, would they?"

"Hehe, Sister Hong, you don't seem like a person who likes to dream," Guo Shouyun smiled. Although he took things other than interests very lightly, in retrospect, the person who had peace or business with Sister Hong Some days, it is still full of warmth. Although the two of them are also constantly intriguing with each other. But that kind of fighting is all based on business, no matter who wins or loses, it's just a small difference and a small difference. Every time the two fight, it is impossible to involve a battle of life and death. But what about now? Today, Guo Shouyun's battle with every opponent can be said to be between life and death. The scene can be described in one sentence, that is, "Going further and opening up the sky and taking a step back into the abyss". The huge contrast between life and death is the difference between one victory and one defeat.

"Sister Hong was really not a person who likes to dream. But it's different now," Sun Hongyu's face was full of helplessness and loneliness, she sighed leisurely, and said, "A person is a person after all, no matter what. Being different, no matter how strong and independent it is, it is impossible to affect the whole world, but to be restrained by the world and do things that she is unwilling to do but must do. When her own wishes become illusory day by day , When she becomes inconceivable and incomprehensible, what else can she do besides fantasizing?"

Guo Shouyun glanced at the woman beside him in surprise, and he could tell that Sun Hongyu was not so satisfied with the current job of COSCO. It seemed that she took up the position of general manager of COSCO, maybe not voluntarily, and in this position , she must have been restrained a lot.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Feeling Guo Shouyun's gaze, Sun Hongyu turned her head and said with a smile, "Do you think today's Sister Hong is completely different from the one in the past?"

"Oh, it's okay." Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"What do you mean by 'Is it okay'? You little fox, your words are always so inaccurate." With a puff of a smile, Sun Hongyu put her hand on Guo Shouyun's shoulder. , said in a low voice, "Little fox, answer me honestly, if one day Sister Hong throws off all her burdens and runs to the Far East to seek refuge with you, will you take me in?"

"Oh?!" Guo Shouyun was taken aback.

"To be honest, I'm very serious." Sun Hongyu stared into his eyes and asked forcefully.

"If there is such a day, and Sister Hong, you really get rid of all the burdens, then the door of my place is always open for you. With me, you can at least rest assured that no one will persecute it. You do what you don't like to do." Guo Shouyun pondered for a moment, then met her gaze and said without hesitation.

"Okay, this is what you said

take note of it. "Sun Hongyu looked very happy, she slapped Guo Shouyun hard, then shook her head violently, and said loudly, "Yutong, get on the boat!" "

"Hey, here we come." Xie Yutong, who was standing a dozen steps away, ran over after hearing the words and jumped on the speedboat closely behind Sun Hongyu.

"Mr. Guo, can we start the boat now?" Seeing the two women jumping on the speedboat, the second lieutenant of the border guard who did not know how long he had been waiting on the shore came over and said to Guo Shouyun.

"Well, let's go and send them safely to the border checkpoint on the island." Guo Shouyun nodded and said.

"Yes, Mr. Guo." The second lieutenant responded and jumped onto the speedboat.

After a while, the motor on the speedboat rumbled, and after setting off a wave of water, it turned around and headed towards the lower reaches of the river.

"Little fox, remember what you said!" The speedboat traveled farther and farther on the river, and only Sun Hongyu's shout, mixed with the sound of the speedboat's motor, floated far away.

Nina walked over from the shore and stood beside Guo Shouyun. Sun Hongyu's last words were heard by her. Nowadays, the nickname "Little Fox" seems to have become Sun Hongyu's special name for Guo Shouyun. Nikita and Larisa, especially Shana Riva, are quite dissatisfied with this. Every time they hear about this Chinese woman Calling Guo Shouyun like this, they can't help but raise their brows. In their opinion, it is disrespectful to call "Mr." casually. But Nina didn't care, because she knew that the customs of the Chinese were different from those of the Soviet Union, and the nicknames they used were more often an expression of intimacy.

"Yun, do you think Sister Hong will come to our wedding?" Seeing that the speedboat's vision gradually became blurred, Nina stretched out her hand to wrap Guo Shouyun's waist and said softly.

"What's the matter, you won't marry me if Sister Hong doesn't come to participate? That can't be done." Guo Shouyun stroked the long strand of Nina's ear, and said with a smile.

"You never have a serious time," Nina said angrily.

At that time, Shanariva and Larisa were both standing on the shore. After hearing Nina's words, the two women exchanged a look, and they could understand the helplessness in each other's eyes. Nina's resentment seems to be exactly what they were looking for, this man "isn't a serious time"? And it's still "there's no time for seriousness"? If so, it is truly a gift from God. They felt that Guo Shouyun was too "serious" in front of them, so "serious" that it made people feel scared. For them, when this man had a straight face, it was always terrifying, and his occasional The two hippie smiles made people feel creepy, because no one knew whether there was some murderous intention behind his hippie smile.

"Don't worry, there are still a few days left for our wedding. This time, when Sister Hong is going back, she has some work to deal with. When the day comes, how can she rush over." She reached out and held Nina's slender Waist, Guo Shouyun pushed her, walked towards the bank, and said, "And it's not just her, father, he will also come over, I have warned him, if he doesn't come by then, I will take you with me. Go to Moscow and tear down his nest."

Although she had a bad relationship with her father before, Nina's face still showed a hint of relief when she heard that he would attend her wedding in the future, but this relief did not last long. For her, her father was able to come To attend my own wedding, the big brother should also come, but now...

"What's the matter, are you worrying about eldest brother again?" Who is Guo Shouyun? The flash of worry in Nina's eyes did not escape his eyes.

"Well," Nina nodded and said softly, "Big brother has been in Japan for two days, right? I don't know if he is used to it or not. He has never been to Japan, and he doesn't understand Japanese. Life there. Unfamiliar, he..."

"Don't worry, Madam, Mr. Yakov is having a good time in Japan," Shanariva came over after hearing the words, she stretched out her hand to support Nina's arm, smiled and said, "I heard the report from the people below, he went to On the first day in Osaka, I bought a luxury villa worth two million dollars in Tsurumi. Yesterday, I took two women to live in. I heard that the two women he is taking care of now are from Osaka University. I have followed Mr. Yakov for so many years, and I know that he only has two preferences, one is money and the other is sex, and he is in Japan, it seems that he has got something, and what is the wife worried about for him. "

"That's right," Sanariva said, amusing Nina, she couldn't know what kind of person her eldest brother was.

"Yun, do you have any plans for this morning?" Turning her head, Nina said to Guo Shouyun again. "If not, then let's eat at home at noon. It happens that everyone is full today, and we are also lively."

"I'm afraid it won't work," Larissa said, "Sir will rush to Reserve No. 3 in a while, and that Muralitaran is still waiting for him."

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