Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 169: Power, the knife that kills without blood

The drizzle continued to fall for two whole days, and it finally stopped in the early morning of the third day. During these two days, it was precisely the Far East local forces led by Guo Shouyun, together with Josbaye. Two days of struggle for the central forces in Moscow. \\. qβ5.c0m

How should I put it? On the surface, this prologue battle is not very intense, but behind the scenes, the turbulent undercurrent is beyond people's imagination.

In the past two days, Guo Shouyun didn't even leave the house. He stayed in the villa, waiting for news from all quarters. From these news, he could see that the White House instigated the Security Committee to attack him, but it was only a matter of It's just a chain of actions. In Leningrad, in Kiev, in Stalingrad, and even in Yekaterinaburg, Siberia, the Security Committee has taken action, and a large number of high-level local officials have been secretly arrested for being involved in corruption cases, and these people All belong to one of Victor's factions.

In the face of this series of stormy offensives, Viktor and his group took corresponding countermeasures from the very beginning. They used the opportunity of the Kremlin to convene the Central Committee of the Soviets to submit an investigation report that they did not know where they came from. in front of many members of the Central Committee. This report details the inside story of corruption, fraud and the use of power for personal gain within the Security Committee over the past decade, from the life style problems of the chairman of the Security Committee, Kryuchkov, to a series of black conditions prevailing at the grassroots level in various local branches. , This report has detailed records, and Bakatin, Josbayev, Liu Jing and others are naturally among them. Especially surprising. The report even specifically mentioned a record that Liu Jing sold confidential secrets to the Israeli Mossad organization. It was precisely because of his leaked secrets that Israel and Argentina successfully removed Feng, a former Nazi member, in 1987. . Cocotte. As for Josbayev, his problems are not small. During his tenure in Mongolia, he successively accepted bribes of more than 600,000 rubles. His daughter and his daughter studied in Brussels seven years ago, and the high expenses came from these bribes.

The Security Council has always been an extremely independent state violence agency, directly accountable to the Central Committee of the Soviets. In addition, there is no supervisory authority to supervise its daily work, and its tentacles. But it touches every aspect of life in the country. As Zyuganov said at the conference: "Rely on a completely depraved and corrupt institution to examine the domestic corruption problem. Is such a measure feasible?"

Although the Bolshevik Party had been overthrown at this time, it was only within Russia after all, and the form of the Soviet Union still exists today. Therefore, from a certain point of view, the authority of the Soviet Central Committee still remains, not to mention that the Central Committee members who participated in the representative conferences themselves are officials who hold important positions in the republics, and some are even leaders of the republics. people. The disclosure of this secret report immediately caused an uproar at the meeting. Some people were skeptical about the authenticity of this report, some people advocated for a more in-depth investigation, and some people insisted that the safety committee should be stopped immediately. daily work. and completely remodeled it.

Today's Soviet Central Committee is no longer a central authority under the firm control of the Bolshevik Party. It is now more like a vegetable market, where there are buyers and sellers. Everyone, you are arguing with each other, and the ultimate goal is nothing more than to reach some kind of deal. And under the impetus of Victor et al. After several hours of quarrelling and debating, the meeting finally made a decision to set up a special investigation team composed of twelve members of the Central Committee to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the safety committee from today.

The candidates for the special investigation team were identified by voting at the meeting, and then they were organized and established the night before yesterday and stationed at the headquarters of the Security Committee.

The establishment of this special group, what purpose is it for, and who it is going to, everyone knows well. It only took a few hours before and after its establishment to the security committee. It is so efficient. How can it be compared to similar investigation groups in the past. What's more, after it was stationed in the Security Committee, the first thing it did was to put Bakatin, the chairman of the department, for trial.

The convening of the representative meeting of the Soviet Central Committee, the establishment of the special investigation team, and the trial of Bakatin obviously touched the sensitive nerves of the White House. Ning came to the headquarters of the Security Committee on Lubyanka Street and asked to participate in the investigation team's investigation. Unexpectedly, Zyuganov, the leader of the investigation team, not only did not refuse this somewhat excessive request, but also randomly invited them to participate in the review of Bakatin.

In this way, a conspiracy from the Far East officially continued in Moscow.

That night's scrutiny of Bakatin lasted for four hours, ending at dawn. During the review process, members of the investigation team rarely involved Pakistan

In response to the problem of his body, they tried to test him side-by-side, clinging to his series of personnel transfer orders. According to the tone of the members of the investigation team, it seems that the department heads he appointed these days have problems.

Bakatin is a strong-tempered person. He has absolute confidence in the candidates he has recently appointed, just like Josbayev and Liu Jing. He believes that these two people are absolutely loyal to the country. Their characters and temperaments are reliable, and for the actions of these two men, Tabakartin can take full responsibility.

At this time, Bakatin didn't know that Comrade Liu Jing, whom he trusted, had already made a big disaster in the Far East. Whoever dared to take responsibility for his actions would be brought to a military court together.

Bakatin really learned about the situation in the Far East when he was stunned when Josbayev talked about Liu Jing's problem at nearly five o'clock in the next morning. He understood that last night's That censorship was actually a trap that people set for themselves. Liujing attacked the transport military vehicle of the Far East Military Region and killed 16 military region soldiers including a lieutenant colonel on the spot. Once this incident was disclosed, it would be a great shame for the military, and the sensation it could bring. The effect speaks for itself. As the main party, Liu Jing can't shirk his responsibility, and Josbayev can't be spared, but what about him? Can he, the chairman of the safety committee, be relieved of his responsibilities? This is obviously not possible. Not to mention anything else, just the words he said last night when he defended Liu Jing and Josbayev was enough to send him into the abyss. And now the worst part is that someone came over from the White House last night, Hasbulatov and Potoranin, what kind of trouble will the two of them face? What kind of situation will the White House face if someone takes advantage of this incident? Bakatin is a politician, and he has a deep understanding of the dangers in political issues. As long as a loophole the size of a needle nose is caught by politicians, they can stab a hole in the sky, not to mention that it is now Liu Jing. The sky stabbed a hole, what would the result be? Bakatin didn't dare to think too much. He felt that the most important thing at the moment was to report the matter to the White House immediately. At present, the Far East Military Region has not exposed the incident of the military vehicle attack, and no one has come forward to investigate it, which means that there is still some room for recovery. Perhaps in this case, negotiation is the best way to solve the problem.

As Guo Shouyun guessed, there are no friends in the political arena, and there is no enemy who must fight to the death. To put it bluntly, the contest in the Far East is a contest between the two major powers in Moscow. Neither of them can put the other to death. Therefore, in the fight After one round, negotiations become inevitable.

Yesterday was a quiet day. According to Victor's instructions, Guo Shouyun did not take any action, and the military region did not report the case of the military vehicle attack to the National Defense Supervision Commission. There was no movement either, he stuffed himself in the office and didn't even eat lunch. As for Liu Jing, he is still hiding in the revolutionary farm in the northern suburbs. This guy thinks it is safe there. In fact, Guo Shouyun has already grasped his whereabouts, but he is too lazy to deal with him.

Just now, Victor called from Moscow again. The old fox seemed very happy. He even joked with Guo Shouyun, his proud son-in-law, but he didn't mention anything that happened in the past two days. As if nothing had ever been born.

The old guy can keep his temper, but Guo Shouyun is not so well-educated. After several questions, Victor told him that the current negotiation with the White House has reached a preliminary result, and Bakatin will not be affected by this incident. However, the Security Committee will undergo a thorough reorganization in a short period of time. A large part of the original dozen or so general bureaus will be abolished, and the intelligence agencies and secret police agencies will be disassembled. The former Central Intelligence Agency will be formed. After the formation of the Central Security Bureau, the two departments are independent of each other and have nothing to do with each other. After the reorganization, Bakatin will serve as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Shebalshin, who was previously thrown into prison, will be acquitted and take over as the director of the Central Security Agency.

Of course, it is impossible to hide the incident of the attack on the military vehicle in the Far East Military Region. Therefore, someone must be responsible for this incident, and Liu Jing is undoubtedly the best candidate. Victor told Guo Shouyun that Bakatin has prepared a lot of evidence, which shows that Liu Jing has always been a double agent. As for the purpose of his attack on the military vehicle, it will follow Liu Jing’s own "Suicide" and become a mystery. As for Josbayev, the above has also made a decision. Tomorrow, the Far East Bureau will receive a notification from the Moscow General Bureau. As the director of the Far East Bureau who has just been in office for two days, Josbayev will be recalled to Moscow to accept an integrity investigation. . However, there are many people in Moscow who don't want to see him go back. Therefore, there may be news of a plane crash on the news tomorrow.

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