Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 145: change of place

?Guo Shouyun exchanged opinions with each other, Guo Shouyun then walked into his own clothes that had been soaked for a long time and changed, then dodged downstairs and went straight to the living room on the ground floor. \\m/

Yu Shoucheng came out of the elevator, Guo Shouyun just stepped on the carpet in the corridor when he heard a crisp and pleasant laughter coming from the direction of the living room, and then Nina's voice sounded: "Sister Hong, are you again? Come to make fun of me, it's not what you said. When Shouyun went to Moscow, he was in the most chaotic period in the market, and I didn't even dare to go out. What's more, at that time, my grandfather was very fond of him. Great opinion, he keeps his gun with him all day, saying that as soon as he sees him, he will be killed, you think, in that case, how dare I go to the airport to pick him up?"

"Oh, is that right? Then, how did the conflict between Shouyun and old General Xie Miao resolve?" Sun Hongyu's voice was clearly ridiculed, but if Nina answered this question truthfully, then Guo Shouyun would Some of the privacy was taken away by others.

"Then it goes without saying that Shouyun is who he is, Sister Hong, you still don't know." Fortunately, Nina also knows what can be said and what can't be said, she laughed, "You have two idioms in China. , called 'Long Sleeve Good Dance' and 'Lianhua Tongue', Shouyun's mouth is able to say, he can also stir up three points of unreasonable things, how can Grandpa be his opponent..."

"What kind of unreasonable things can make a three-point fallacy?" He Shoucheng looked at each other, Guo Shouyun put on a smiley face, and laughed loudly before he crossed the corridor. "Are you guys talking ill of me behind my back?"

"Do you need to speak ill of you?" I saw the Guo Shouyun brothers coming out of the corridor. Nina stood up from the sand, she gave Guo Shouyun a white look, and smiled softly, "As Sister Hong said, you are a 'little fox', with sores on the top of your head and pus on the bottom of your feet, from top to bottom. The little fox."

"Look at what you said. Am I that bad?" Rubbing his nose, Guo Shouyun walked over to the sand opposite Sun Hongyu and sat down, smirking. "You are my fiancee. You slander me like this for no reason. Be careful that I will settle the account with you after Sister Hong is gone."

"I'm not afraid of you," Nina wrinkled her nose. Reaching out to hold Guo Shouyun's shoulder, he chuckled, "Okay, you are here to chat with Sister Hong, and I'll make some **** soup for you and Nikita. You guys have been soaked in the rain and have to go to the cold. Otherwise, you will catch a cold."

"Well, you go, by the way, order dinner to be ready. I've been busy all afternoon. I'm really hungry." Patting Nina on the back of his hand, Guo Shouyun said softly, "Oh, yes , let them prepare Chinese food, I remember the last time Sister Hong came over and said that she was not used to the food here, today is just right, let's change the taste."

"Okay," Nina nodded gently, then turned to Sun Hongyu and Xie Yutong and said, "Sister Hong, sit down first, and I'll prepare."

"I'll go with you, ma'am," Nikita said softly, standing up now.

Sun Hongyu's eyes turned around Nikita, and then she got up and said, "Then trouble Sister Nina."

Nina smiled, said nothing, and took Nikita out of the corridor on the left side of the hall.

"Shouyun, this woman is not easy, where did you find such a competent secretary?" Sun Hongyu laughed as she watched Nina disappear into the corner of the corridor.

"Secretary?" Guo Shouyun said with a smirk, "You mean Nikita? What kind of secretary is she? She can be regarded as one of my assistants. She is not bad, quite capable, mainly because she has a flexible mind, and she has no ambitions, so she is trustworthy. "

Hearing what Guo Shouyun said, Sun Hongyu didn't care. She picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip of the fragrant Biluochun, with a laid-back demeanor, as if she really had no worries.

"Sister Hong," Guo Shouyun had nothing to do with her attitude of being unable to get in. He smiled and said, "Have you been doing well in China during this time? Has the incident in the company affected you?"

"It's alright." Putting down the teacup, Sun Hongyu pursed her lips and said with a small smile, "After all, the company was established in your name, and the domestic side did not intend to dwell too much on this issue, so apart from the closure, It was just two inspections, and then nothing happened, so it didn't affect me."

"Oh, that's good," Guo Shouyun exaggeratedly made a relieved expression, "I've been worrying about you and Yutong all this time, lest the affairs of the domestic company will affect you, and now I feel at ease in my heart. already."

"The words that came out of your mouth really made our hair stand up," Sun Hongyu sneered after glancing at Yutong next to him, "We are old friends, who can't know the other's temperament Come on, the two of you both discussed something when you went upstairs just now, are you going to go to court to ask the case, or are you going to shove the two little girls out of the house regardless of face?"

"Sister Hong, you still like robbing white people so much," Sun Hongyu suddenly changed his style and came to such an open and honest way of entering the question. This time really made Guo Shouyun

adapted. After being stunned for a moment, Guo Shouyun shook his head and sighed, and said, "I said, that little brother, I won't have **** with you anymore. To Sister Hong, what is the matter of going to the court to ask the case, the younger brother can't do it, and as for the sweeping out, I haven't even thought about it. To tell you the truth, I had already thought about it when I went downstairs just now. If you came here this time, Sister Hong, if it was just to visit my younger brother, then no, I would welcome you with both hands. As you know, Nina and I are looking for a time to hold our wedding. I haven't booked this date before. Now that you are here, Sister Hong, I won't delay it. I'll set it on this big day. time. At that time, Shoucheng will be the best man for me, and you will be the bridesmaid for Nina, and we will get together for a while. According to the custom of Nina's hometown, this wedding will last for a while, and during this time, I will ignore all official business, I believe you should understand what this means, Sister Hong. Of course, if you have other reasons for coming to the Far East this time, then it is easy to handle. As long as I can accept it, even if it is a harsher request, I will never say anything else. "

"Do you both mean this?" Without answering Guo Shouyun's question directly, Sun Hongyu glanced at Shoucheng who was sitting in the corner of the living room, and said softly.

"Sister Hong, do you think our brothers will have two opinions?" Guo Shouyun said with a light smile.

With a sigh in her heart, Sun Hongyu knew that her plan was completely in vain at this time. As Guo Shouyun said, there is no room for detours now. The previous contacts made her understand a truth, that is, although Guo Shouyun He usually seems to be condescending and giggling, but if he says it, there is never much room for turning around. Well, now he has laid out the conditions, "If you have something to talk about now, if you don't talk about it now, you will never talk about it later."

"I want to do business in the Far East!" Without hiding anything, Sun Hongyu bit her lower lip, almost squeezing these words out of her throat.

"The Far East is huge and the market is very open. Sister Hong wants to come here to do business. I also agree with both hands." Guo Shouyun naturally wouldn't be moved by such a simple sentence, he said indifferently, "I want to do business here. You don't need to ask me what I mean."

"What I want to do is import and export trade." Sun Hongyu added.

"Import and export trade? That can also be done," Guo Shouyun said lightly. "Now the import and export trade rules and regulations in the Far East have been relaxed a lot. As long as it is not contraband or smuggling of tax evasion, then anyone in this industry can do it. If Sister Hong doesn't understand the situation here, it's easy to handle. Now there are many agency companies on the market here, and they can handle all the procedures on your behalf."

Sun Hongyu was angry. This "little fox" made it clear that he would not give in an inch. His "you do business has nothing to do with me" to clear up, obviously want her to shake all the foundations. To be honest, if it was an ordinary business, then she wouldn't take this anger, but the problem is that what the group has to do at the beginning of its establishment is not ordinary business. Take those steel machinery that cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Although a set of machinery is expensive, it is valuable after all. The Soviet government has no relevant restrictions on the export of such equipment. The most important point is that, What the group needs is not only equipment, but also a series of related technologies. These technologies are all secrets in the Soviet steel rolling industry and are strictly controlled by the Soviet industrial sector. Therefore, it is rude to say that without a strong background and strict channels, even if COSCO entered the Far East, it would not be possible to obtain these technologies. Maybe if one fails, it will lead to espionage disputes and the like. Friction in international relations.

Today's Guo Shouyun is no longer the same Guo Shouyun he used to be. While suffering from anger, Sun Hongyu also deeply realized this. She even felt that the domestic consideration of COSCO was a little too optimistic. Domestic is domestic, and the Far East is the Far East. In China, a single clause can seal up Guo's import and export trading company, and a single warrant can turn the Guo brothers into street rats, but in the Far East, especially the current Far East , Guo's trading company can treat certain government regulations as wordless books, and the Guo brothers can also treat any wanted warrants as a piece of paper.

The situation is different, is there any binding force on this pair of brothers in China? Obviously, the answer is no. At this point, Sun Hongyu has known for a long time. Now sitting in this splendid living room, as a representative of COSCO, no matter what background she has, Sun Hongyu is just a corporate legal person who came to seek cooperation. At this negotiating table, what kind of price can be paid? For COSCO, whether to accept the cooperation or not depends on Guo Shouyun. Sun Hongyu was quite suspicious. Can Guo Shouyun accept the cooperation agreement she prepared before coming here?

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