Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 146: listen to the truth

?Shouyun, please stop playing with me, okay? With a wry smile, Sun Hongyuzi said softly, "I know you understand what I mean, and you said it just now, we have to talk frankly, so why bother now..."

"Sister Hong, it's not that I'm playing with you, but you're playing with me." Before Sun Hongyu could finish speaking, Guo Shouyun also followed her example and lowered his body, almost putting his face in front of Sun Hongyu. With a serious face, he said, "You want you to come to the Far East to do business, this is a bit untrue, right? Tell me honestly, is it you who want to do business, or is someone else instigating you to come here? We are all smart People, some things cannot be hidden from each other.\\, qβ5.\\"

Sun Hongyu suffocated. Although she didn't know where she was showing off, there was no doubt that the Guo brothers had already noticed the problem.

"Is this important?" After hesitating for a while, Sun Hongyu asked tentatively.

"It's not important, it's very important," Guo Shouyun said without hesitation, "I never do anything I'm not sure about, and now you're coming to talk to me about business, but you don't want to talk about it. Tell me the truth of business. Sister Hong, I like money. In domestic terms, I am a vicious capitalist, but one thing is, I love money on the basis of saving my life, and it is impossible for others to sell me Now, I'm still sitting here stupidly counting money."

"Brother Shouyun, what you said is too much," Xie Yutong sat next to Sun Hongyu from the beginning. She was obviously very dissatisfied with Guo Shouyun's aggressive attitude. At this moment, she finally couldn't help but interrupt, "Sister Hong, this I came here this time with great sincerity. Didn’t you have cooperation before? How good was Guo’s Import and Export Trading Company at that time? It was also a business cooperation. ?"

"Yutong!" Hearing Xie Yutong's words, Sun Hongyu's brows immediately wrinkled, and she said in her heart: "Sister, girl, when can you change your impulsive temper?" What time is it now? Guo's Import and Export Trading Company is obviously a thorn in Shouyun's heart. You bring this up now, doesn't it mean that which pot is not opened and which pot is raised?

"Sister Yutong is really pleasant to talk about." Fortunately, Guo Shouyun didn't seem to have the heart to entangle with Guo's import and export trading company, and to tell the truth. He is very fond of this little girl who studied accounting. He really has a good impression. In his opinion, this little girl has no scheming. In essence, she and herself and Sun Hongyu are two completely different people. However, there is a good feeling and a good feeling. Now is the time to talk about business. Guo Shouyun doesn't want a little girl who doesn't understand the market to make jokes from time to time.

"However, this business matter can't be solved by quick words." Guo Shouyun smiled after glancing at Xie Yutong, who had an indignant look on his face. "Well, sister Yutong probably feels stuffy listening to us talking about these things? Well, Shoucheng, you take Yutong upstairs to chat, or take her to see your collections, you don't talk all day long No one appreciates your own collections? It's better to ask Yutong to give you the advice."

"Look at my collection?" Guo Shoucheng sat next to him and couldn't help but feel amused when he heard this. It is estimated that few girls will be interested in his "heavy metal" collections. Xie Yutong will see this. It would be good for her not to scream in horror. However, Guo Shoucheng also knew that the eldest brother was intending to let Yutong go. He pondered that maybe he would not want to be heard by outsiders about the matter that the eldest brother would discuss with Sister Hong in the future.

"Yes, eldest brother," Guo Shoucheng stood up and said to Xie Yutong, "Let's go Yutong, I'll take you to my residence, not far from here, on the road ahead."

"Hey, just go!" How could Xie Yutong not know that people thought that she was in the way here, she stood up angrily, without Guo Shoucheng leading the way, she walked towards the main entrance with big strides.

"Remember to come over for dinner later," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, turning his head and looking at Xie Yutong's back with a smile.

"Shouyun," Seeing Yutong and Shoucheng disappear into the corridor in front of the main entrance, Sun Hongyu first came back to her senses, she sighed faintly, and said, "Since you want to know all the truth, that's good, I won't hide it from you. Indeed, this time I came to the Far East not to lead my own business, but to open up a special trade channel of semi-open and semi-concealed nature between the Far East and China."

"I'm listening." Guo Shouyun raised the kettle in front of the coffee table, filled Sun Hongyu's cup with tea, and said without raising his head.

"Half a month ago, six ministries and commissions in China took the lead and established a COSCO North International Group in Harbin," Sun Hongyu thanked, and then said, "According to my father, the government has high hopes for the formation and future of this group. Therefore, for the three projects at the beginning of the establishment of the group, the People's Bank of China will continue to invest seven reserve funds for six consecutive years, and the approved amount of funds will be as high as 15 billion."

"Oh, the People's Bank of China directly invests funds, doesn't this become a state-run business group," Guo Shouyun said with a frown, "Sister Hong, what do you mean?

A group is coming to the Far East Exhibition? It's not that I'm throwing cold water on you. At present, it is not open to that level. For large foreign investment projects, the review here is quite strict. Like you said, it is impossible for COSCO North to let it go. "

"You are wrong, Shouyun, COSCO North is not a state-owned enterprise, but a joint venture. Although its investment project is handled by the People's Bank of China, externally, it is jointly invested by 12 private enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai and other places. It was established." Sun Hongyu shook his head and said, "And among them, my Hongyu Group is included."

"I understand, go ahead and talk." Guo Shouyun came over immediately. To put it bluntly, it is actually a matter of selling dog meat. The state secretly contributes capital, and on the surface it is a privately-owned enterprise group. There are enterprise groups like this in the world, which are generally responsible for enterprises with the prefix "country". Therefore, from this aspect, the emergence of COSCO North is not surprising.

"Now that COSCO is a start-up, there are still many difficulties in entering the Far East," Sun Hongyu continued. "Currently, the domestic situation in the Soviet Union continues to be turbulent, and the Soviet people's tendency to xenophobia is becoming more and more serious. To tell you the truth, half a month ago, the relevant domestic departments did After some trials and investigations, COSCO's project application has been reported to Moscow, but it has not been approved until now. According to inside information, the project application was sent to the Far East General Administration of Commerce and Trade by the Soviet commerce and trade department, and then the Far East General Administration of Commerce and Trade gave Back to Moscow."

Having said this, Sun Hongyu gave a wry smile: "In this way, Moscow and the Far East are fighting each other. An application for project approval is being called back and forth on both sides. The final reply is that the application is lost, please make a supplement."

"It's like this. Now everyone in the Soviet Union is in danger. No one knows how long they can stay in their current positions, so it's better to have less than one more thing. Who will stand up and do the right thing." Guo Shouyun felt funny in his heart, and also Feel quite refreshing. Far East General Administration of Commerce? What kind of **** yamen are they? The state governments of the Far Eastern states issued internal regulations two months ago. Any application for foreign trade projects with an investment of less than 500,000 rubles will not be approved, but more than 200 Ten thousand rubles, one word "drag", until yellow.

The state governments have issued such internal regulations, and it is mostly due to Guo Shouyun. He is an all-around profiteer. The business he is doing is not allowed to be done by others, and as long as the business of others is profitable, he has to intervene. A bar suddenly felt comfortable. Just imagine, under this circumstance, if COSCO North attempts to break into the Far East with huge capital, it is conceivable how much resistance it will face.

She gave the "little fox" in front of her a stern look, and then Sun Hongyu continued: "At that time, I didn't have any say in COSCO, otherwise, I wouldn't do these useless things, and some people think they are right, let them touch it. Soft nails are not bad either."

Guo Shouyun smiled. There was no interface. He knew that this must involve the issue of the internal power structure of COSCO. From this point of view, Sun Hongyu's life at COSCO may not have been very good.

"It's alright now, the soft nails have been touched, and some people have given up." Sun Hongyu pouted and said in a self-deprecating manner, "Now, I have been officially appointed as the general manager of COSCO North. Administratively, I am only responsible for the board of directors of the group. This can be regarded as a certain degree of power. No, when I took office as a new official, the first point of the three fires came to you, Shouyun. Now, it depends on whether you can open the door. Let COSCO take root and sprout on the ground of your Far East."

"Sister Hong, you're giving me a big problem," Guo Shouyun put his hand on his forehead, rubbed his eyelids forcefully, and said with a sigh, "Do you want to hear me tell the truth?"

"Of course I want to hear your truth." Sun Hongyu said without hesitation.

"Well, my truth is, if it wasn't for you, Sister Hong, this time, I wouldn't be interested in hearing about this COSCO North project." Guo Shouyun pulled his face and said clearly, "I, Guo Shouyun, only have one business. Faith is to do any business, that is, not to do business at a loss. Since I entered the Far East, I have never suffered a loss in every business I have handled, and the only time it has been discounted in China. At the beginning of import and export The trading company was closed down, not to mention the millions of assets that were directly damaged. The three blocked trade routes alone ruined all my hard work in the initial stage. Oh, well now, you have closed down my company and cut it off. After losing my business route, when you look back, you have to take over the business route of the import and export trading company under my nose, isn't it a bit too much to do this?"

Sun Hongyu's expression was sad. She knew that the matter of Guo's Import and Export Trading Company was the biggest obstacle to her coming to the Far East to seek cooperation this time. Guo Shouyun is not a villain who must be vindictive, but he is by no means a saint who meets and smiles, and if the nails created by Guo's Import and Export Trading Company cannot be pulled out, then this cooperation negotiation will be impossible to talk about.

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