Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 144: conjecture

?When did Sister Hong come? "In the elevator room at the end of the corridor, when the two elevator doors slowly closed, the smile on Guo Shouyun's face suddenly disappeared, he frowned slightly, and said to Shoucheng in a deep voice.\\

"I don't know the exact time, but when she arrived at the group, it was around 2:30," Shoucheng took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and handed it to his eldest brother, and replied at the same time.

"Around two thirty?" Guo Shouyun tilted his head to think for a moment, then asked, "Do you know the purpose of her visit?"

With the lighter in his hand, he lit the cigarette for Guo Shouyun, and Shoucheng shook his head and said, "This afternoon, she has cut everything from the economic situation in Ottawa to the development of the situation in the Far East, and from the bubble in Japan. Economics When it comes to the demonstrations in Seoul, in a word, it is useful and useless to say a lot, but it does not say what is the purpose of her coming to the Far East this time."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was a little confused. In his impression, Sun Hongyu was a very utilitarian woman. If she came to the Far East this time just to visit friends, it would be too funny, let alone Guo Shouyun, I'm afraid Lian Ni Na will not believe it. The problem now is that Guo Shouyun didn't know what she said to Shoucheng in the afternoon, so he couldn't learn the details that Shoucheng didn't notice.

But having said that, Guo Shouyun can be sure that this time Sun Hongyu came to the Far East, it will definitely not be that simple. Who are the two Guo brothers? That is a felon who has been listed on the red-headed wanted list of the Ministry of Public Security in China. It is too late for people in the country to distance themselves from them. Who would come to visit them if they have nothing to do? Especially Sun Hongyu, she is not an "ordinary person".

A woman with a deep domestic background. at such a sensitive time. Coming to the Far East at the risk of risking his life to visit two felons who are wanted in the country is unreasonable in terms of common sense. Does Guo Shouyun still believe it?

"I'm guessing that Sister Hong came over this time, maybe it wasn't her own intention." Seeing the eldest brother furrowing his brows, Shoucheng let out a smoke ring. He sighed and said, "If I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid she can't help herself now."

"Oh?!" Guo Shouyun was refreshed. asked. "What do you see?"

Taking a sip of his cigarette, Shoucheng said with a bit of loneliness: "Brother, I'm different from you. Although I didn't have much contact with Sister Hong before, I regarded her as a future sister-in-law, so I was with her. When I got along, I never played any scheming, and at that time she..."

Speaking of which. Shoucheng paused, he raised his hand and rubbed his forehead. He sighed and said, "It's okay not to mention those things in the past, but this time, I can feel that when she was talking to me, although she was still as enthusiastic as before, every word she said was mixed with There are too many temptations, and the smell of cautiousness is very strong, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. Brother, you also said that this person can change, but I think, no matter how fast a person becomes , it's impossible to become like this in just over a month, right? So I think that this time Sister Hong is coming here... It's the result of someone pushing hard behind the scenes."

Hearing Shoucheng's words, Guo Shouyun didn't take it seriously. If a person wants to change, it is really a simple thing, let alone more than a month, if you catch up with a certain external environment, 24 hours a day can make a person change from the inside out. thorough. What's more, when Sun Hongyu was in contact with Shoucheng at the beginning, there was no temptation or speculation in his words, but Shoucheng at that time was still very immature, and he couldn't notice it. Now, with the growth of experience in receiving people and things, Shoucheng has become more and more mature, and Sun Hongyu is still using the same tricks to deal with him, which will inevitably reveal his flaws.

But having said that, it is not impossible to keep the success. From the perspective of Sun Hongyu's family background, if there is any idea in the country that hits the Far East, it is indeed a good choice to force her to come forward to handle it. In this case, it is not inappropriate to say that she could not help herself.

Consider the problem comprehensively. Before the final answer is revealed, never rely on subjective assumptions to deny a possibility, nor rely on subjective assumptions to affirm a possibility. This is the logic of Guo Shouyun's thinking about problems.

"Hey, brother," Shoucheng didn't know what the elder brother was thinking about. He is a sentimental person. His conversation with Sun Hongyu this afternoon touched him to a certain extent. Therefore, he is very disappointed now. "To be honest, Sister Hong's attitude today disappointed me and made me feel very uncomfortable. It is true that at this stage, we brothers have everything. In a situation like today, I never even dreamed of it in the past. I don't dare to think about it. But then again, we have lost a lot, let's not talk about anything else, let's see how many close friends we still have around us? Not one of them."

There was a crisp sound of "ding", the elevator reached the upper floor, and the closed elevator door slowly opened, but neither Guo Shouyun nor Guo Shoucheng had any intention of stepping out.

"This afternoon, Sister Hong said that the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming. She said she would go back to Harbin before that, and asked me if I had any relatives or friends who stayed in China. She could visit on her behalf." Shou Chengrang continued to sigh, but Guo Shouyun, the eldest brother, is his best and most "competent" audience. "I thought at the time, my little sister went to Canada, how will she spend the Mid-Autumn Festival? In the past, when we used to have the Mid-Autumn Festival, the three of us would go back to Shishi together. People from the town, look at the villagers in the town, put incense sticks on the graves of the parents and their mothers, although they are said to be in the graves, and our three brothers and sisters are outside, but it can be considered a reunion anyway. Alas, Brother, I remember it was in seven or eight years. At that time, my little sister was only eight years old, and she was not very sensible. When she caught up with the Mid-Autumn Festival, she saw Yingzi from Aunt Liu’s family eating moon cakes and clamored for them. At that time, you As a small laborer in the first construction company, the monthly salary is only 26.5 yuan, and a moon cake of 30 cents. You bought a piece for me and my little sister each, but you took a piece of cooking cake to deal with it, and lied to us that you previously I've eaten it. Haha, I don't know why, I always think that the moon cakes at that time were really delicious. The green and red silk. The skin was thick and filling, and it was firm, but when you eat it, you feel so comfortable. You don't know, that year Mid-Autumn Festival, I

I cried all night in the quilt. The idea of ​​learning is also cute that night

"Silly boy, I still remember so clearly what happened at that time." Guo Shouyun also had a lot of feelings in his heart. To be honest, he was very vague about the memory of that time. After all, he didn't experience it himself, but perhaps it was the relationship between his soul and his soul. When he listened to Guo Shoucheng talking about the past, he could still feel a deep touch.

"Of course I remember clearly." Shoucheng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and laughed. "What happened in the past is 'Ben'. How can I forget this? My brother told me and my younger sister since childhood that no matter how poor or hungry this person is, no matter how rich or rich, he can't forget his roots, and he can't lose his backbone. I've always remembered that."

"Huh? There's something wrong with this!" Guo Shouyun's heart moved, and he suddenly felt that his younger brother seemed to have something to say.

Suddenly looking up, Guo Shouyun stared straight at Shoucheng's face, as if he wanted to see something from his expression. Shoucheng did not evade, he stood there quietly, looking back at his big brother, because there were still tears in his eyes, his eyes looked bright and translucent.

Neither of the brothers spoke, but in this eye contact, they both felt a lot about each other.

From Shoucheng's eyes, Guo Shouyun felt that his younger brother had indeed noticed something from Sun Hongyu, and he seemed to be very moved by the things Sun Hongyu suggested, but for some reason, he did not make a decision. He didn't want to say it directly to interfere with his own judgment, so he chose such a way to communicate with his big brother.

Contacting the things that Shoucheng said just now, Guo Shouyun systematically sorted it out. His younger brother said so many things, and the key points are nothing more than two: First, remind him that the eldest brother should not forget his roots, at the salary of twenty-six and a half yuan Under these conditions, spending 60 cents to buy two pieces of hard blue and red silk mooncakes may be a loss, but it is very comfortable to eat. In essence, it is difficult to draw a conclusion on who wins and who loses. Second, Shoucheng is also showing his position to this eldest brother. He has not forgotten his roots. He was very happy when the eldest brother bought the moon cakes, but he cried bitterly for the eldest brother's hard work. Therefore, in the future, he still listens to his elder brother, no matter whether he drops out of school or works hard, he will always follow behind his elder brother and be consistent.

"Stinky boy!" He stretched out his hand and punched Shoucheng's chest, Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile, "When did you learn to be attracted to the big brother, if you don't say anything straight, you are so mysterious and mysterious, I see you I was looking for a beating."

"How can I..." Shoucheng blinked, pretending to be dumbfounded.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm too lazy to bother with you stinky brat," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "I understand what you're thinking, Sister Hong came here this time, but for whatever purpose, I will treat her well. As you said, we have fewer and fewer friends now, and I don't want to end up betraying each other in the end. However, my position is also very clear. We are in business. In business, friendship comes second. You get what you get for every penny. This principle cannot be changed anywhere. Sister Hong wants to come to do business. Well, I welcome her. As long as she can come according to the rules in the business field, I will not be stingy to give her some help and help. Discount. But if she has any other purpose, then I'm sorry. Big brother, I can do it too. At this point, I hope you can understand me. You must know that this is the Far East , is our territory, but it is also the place of Lao Maozi. After all, Sister Hong is an outsider, and her identity is different from ours. We have been working hard here for nearly a year, and now we are just entering the life here. Those in Moscow In the eyes of politicians, although we have yellow skin, we have nothing to do with China. We are people from the Far East, people who are rooted in this land. It is because of this identity that we will With Lao Maozi's approval, behind closed doors, no matter how lively we are in the Far East, they will only consider the issue of power and interests. But if we take a stand and attract wind and rain for an 'outsider' like Sister Hong, Even if you cooperate with her to do things here, the nature of many things will change, you can understand this?"

"Well, I understand, eldest brother." Shoucheng also knew that what eldest brother said was true, he nodded and said, "However, what I am worried about is Sister Hong, if she really came here this time out of her own hands, then... ..."

"That's not something we can consider for her, what's more, she can choose to stay in the Far East forever," Guo Shouyun said decisively before Shoucheng finished speaking, "If that's the case, I raise my hands in favor of her staying. "

"Hey, how are you going to negotiate with Sister Hong?" Shoucheng asked after a sigh.

"How to negotiate is not the problem, the problem is what she wants to do." Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "If she considers me a friend, she should directly ask if she needs anything. I have never known what it means to be polite. This friend can continue to do things by asking for something in return, and everyone exchanges gifts."

Guo Shouyun stopped here, grabbed Shoucheng's shoulders, pushed him out of the elevator, and then continued: "Sister Hong is very cunning, you are not good at dealing with her. I think so, just tonight there are A Sri Lankan guest wants to meet me. At 8 o'clock, Nikolayev from the Military Trade Bureau will accompany him. The specific content of the negotiation is clear to Nikolayev and Nikita. You go for me Set him up. As for Sister Hong, I'll talk to her in person, so you don't need to ask."

"Don't put your arms around me, your clothes are all soaking wet, I just changed clothes," he stretched out his hand to push his eldest brother away, Shoucheng smiled, and then said, "That's fine, I'm talking to her now, I always feel in my heart It's very uncomfortable. Well, I won't be here tomorrow either. It just so happens that a large batch of goods has just arrived from Vladivostok, and I'll go over and deal with it."

"Well, let's go," Guo Shouyun was relieved. The only thing he was worried about was that his younger brother had a knot. Now it seems that this problem is not very serious.

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