Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 132: Be careful with this transaction

?Every investment of a person is to eventually make a profit, and a penny can make a dime or even more returns. This is the way to do business. /w

Guo Shouyun is now trying his best to keep these researchers stranded in the Far East, not to buy or sell people, but to get their research results. Since it is to obtain scientific research results, it is necessary to support their scientific research. Therefore, the investment of scientific research funds is necessary. Otherwise, these people are kept, and it is no different from raising a group of idlers.

To replace science and technology as intangible assets with real money, there seems to be no other way than to sell them at a clearly marked price. Here in the Far East, due to most of the scientific research Organizations are all serving the military, so the issue of arms trade is put in front of Guo Shouyun again.

Judging from the current situation, due to the chaotic domestic situation and the self-respect of local military regions, the arms export trade in the form of a country has shrunk. Went to Qingshui Yamen. A large number of finished weapons cannot be exported, and the Ministry of National Defense has no time to organize national arms orders. Guo Shouyun believes that in the long run, let alone those scientific research institutions, even the most powerful military industry in the Soviet industry may not be able to bear it. The political turmoil caused poor exports, which meant that a large number of heavy industry enterprises in the Soviet Union were directly facing bankruptcy and bankruptcy, and the closure of a large number of enterprises meant that countless factory workers would lose their jobs. At the same time, if exports are not smooth, foreign exchange cannot be exchanged. Without foreign exchange, the Soviet Union, with its light industry shrinking, will inevitably face the dilemma of a dire shortage of daily necessities. On the one hand, unemployment has skyrocketed and people’s income levels have plummeted. On the other hand, the necessities of life have become scarce and market prices have skyrocketed. While these two contradictions are entangled, the government is entangled in various political powers. During the struggle, there is no time for him to care. Just think. If such a country is not in chaos, is there any reason for it?

Of course, Guo Shouyun no longer has the time to pay attention to the chaos in this country. He is now thinking more about the issue of how to set up the arms export trade line. Yes, he has begun to formally consider this issue.

Export of arms and weapons. For some countries, it is an extremely important channel for earning foreign exchange, and there are not a few private company groups in the world that are exporting arms and weapons. But Guo Shouyun also understands something. This trade is not something that anyone who wants to do can roll up their sleeves to do it. There must be many taboos and restricted areas in it. If you break in rashly. A bad one will end in ruin.

some time ago. He also used the channels of the gang. Some weapons have been sold to some gangsters in Asia, but it's only a few thousand standard assault rifles. It is estimated that only the Hong Kong police will regard them as "heavy weapons", and even if there is a mistake, it is not a big problem.

But things are different now. What he wants to do this time is not simple smuggling of assault rifles, but a higher-grade, real "heavy weapons" export trade. In this case, he has to act cautiously, at least, Let’s find out the specific situation of this line first, so as to avoid public anger in the future. After all, selling arms in the name of a country and selling arms in the name of a private person are two completely different concepts. Selling arms in the name of a country, even nuclear bombs, is no big deal. After the news is gone, at least a certain country will jump out and publicly issue a statement of condemnation, saying some nonsense that doesn't hurt, and finally suffixed with A decent slogan like "retain power to take further action" and that's over. But for individuals, let alone selling nuclear bombs, a military truck is sold to the wrong place and the wrong buyer is found, and Interpol may come to the door the next day, making you unable to eat.

Guo Shouyun is very timid now, he is not afraid of causing trouble, but he is also very shrewd, and he does not intend to cause unnecessary trouble. He must take the path of arms trade, but before he goes, he intends to drag the guys in the Military Trade Bureau who are squatting and waiting to die. On the one hand, these guys have a way. They know who they can do the big arms trade with, and who pays the bills more easily. On the other hand, these guys know the way of the arms trade, they know what kind of weapons can be exported legally, and what kind of weapons can be exported legally. The Games attracted a backlash from the international community; and the most important aspect is that the Military Trade Bureau has a "cap". This "big hat" with the word "official" embroidered on it is a shield that can protect you from the wind and rain. umbrella. Therefore, as long as they come forward, the development of this arms trade chain will definitely be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort and unimpeded.

Of course, if the Military Trade Bureau is pulled up, then the profits of this arms trade will be reduced a lot. After all, there are more monks and less porridge. Those guys who open their mouths and wait for "rations", who doesn't think about taking more bites on it? ? Fortunately, there is also a "high-tech" called "smuggling" in this world. This technology is very practical and does not require

Please don't be afraid of piracy, but as for Guo Shouyun, it is precisely in this area that he travels in the Far East. He has no less than 20 ways to turn "exporting ten tanks" into "exporting one tank", or Turn an exported tank into a helicopter. This back-and-forth is just a change in some numbers, and the amazing profit has entered his pocket without knowing it.

While checking the information of those scientific research institutes, Guo Shouyun's brain was spinning, and before he knew it, he had already made a decision to expand the group's business to the arms and weapons export trade.

With the preliminary case in his stomach, Guo Shouyun's mood was a little brighter. He handed over the information in his hand to Nikita, smiled and said, "This is a good job, the information is very detailed, I will bring it with me later. Let's go to the military headquarters together."

"Yes, sir." Seeing the smile on Guo Shouyun's face, Nikita's heart was hanging all morning, and finally fell. She took the information and responded while sorting it out.

"One more thing," Guo Shouyun said after a moment's consideration, "who is the head of the military and trade bureau in the Far East now?"

"Military Trade Bureau?" Nikita was taken aback for a moment. She didn't understand why Guo Shouyun asked this question. After all, the current Military Trade Bureau is a real cold yamen. It has neither power nor money. It has completely become a decoration. Under such circumstances, who would take them seriously.

"Well, it's the Military Trade Bureau. I need them to do some things." Guo Shouyun said.

"It turned out to be Bulgarin. As for now, I don't know." Nikita frowned and thought for a while, and finally shook her head and said.

"Forget it, is their Far East General Administration located in Khabarovsk? You should know which street it is located on, right?" Guo Shouyun also knew that Nikita might not necessarily understand the situation in this regard, so his attitude was very tolerant .

"It's on Govorov Street. Every time you go to the military district, sir, you have to pass by their door." Nikita answered very readily this time, and there was even a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, is it?" Rubbing his nose, Guo Shouyun's expression was sullen. The emotional snob is not someone else, but himself. The headquarters of the Military Trade Bureau is on Govorov Street, which is the only way to go from the villa to the military area. Didn't notice that there was any position to blame Nikita.

"Well, let's go to the military area now. When we pass the Military Trade Bureau, go in with me to have a look and find their person in charge." Perhaps to hide his embarrassment, he stood up from the sand and borrowed The opportunity to dress up said, "I need them to come forward to do some things in the future, so I have to say hello in advance."

"Sir, you can leave this kind of thing to Larissa, why do you need to go there yourself?" Nikita looked a little disapproving, she said, "Now those people in the Military Trade Bureau are very idle and poor. Very, to tell the truth, they are no different from beggars. In the past, these people relied on being directly affiliated to the Ministry of Defense, so they never paid attention to local areas and military regions. Now, the Ministry of Defense They are so overwhelmed that they have no time to think about them, and with the cut-off of the arms export trade, they also have no official source of finance. Now they are, huh, to put it bluntly, they don’t care about them, they don’t allocate funds from above, they don’t support local governments, and the military region If you don't take care of it, an idle department that grandpa doesn't love grandma doesn't love, can you come to the door in person?"

"Pfft," Nikita's words made Guo Shouyun amused. It seems that this person really can't be too arrogant. The Military Trade Bureau used to want power and money, and they didn't take anyone seriously. , the benefits obtained from the arms trade, they never consider the interests of the local garrison and the local government except to hand over to the central finance. Now that the power of the central government has fallen, the country's finances are impoverished, and the Military Trade Bureau has lost all the backing that it can rely on.

"Don't talk nonsense," Guo Shouyun said with a laugh and scolded, "The Military Trade Bureau is a state department anyway, and it is too much to say that people are beggars. Besides, sir, I still need to cooperate with them in the next step, which should be a matter of etiquette. It was me who came to the door in person. Remember, when you arrive at someone's house, you have to be careful with your attitude and don't put on a domineering look, you know?"

"Yes, sir," Nikita said with a charming shrug and a smile on her face.

"Take it away, what are you still doing at home?" Guo Shouyun straightened his collar, glanced at Nikita, and smiled, "You're still busy at noon today, I think you don't make up for sleep first, and we'll talk about it in the afternoon. Bar."

"Don't you look at this tape, sir?" Nikita pointed to the tapes and asked in surprise.

"Oh, what's the content? You brought it to me so carefully?" Guo Shouyun asked casually. "It's about Marshal Ahromeyev," Nikita said.

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