Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 133: Loyalty

? About Ahromeyev? "Guo Shouyun asked subconsciously, "He?" Is there any inside story? "

Looking at Guo Shouyun's excited expression, Nikita felt a little speechless. In the Soviet Union, Marshal Ach is still very prestigious. It seems that it is not an exaggeration to describe him with a position. Even a person like Nikita can't help but be in the mood when he mentions him. The title "Marshal" was added to his name to show his respect. But this one in front of me is good. The honorific title of "Marshal" is omitted directly. Seeing that, he is eager to get some inside information from the suicide of the old marshal. This person... really has a conscience. scarcity.

"That's not true," Nikita shook his head helplessly and explained, "This morning, the memorial service for Marshal Ahromeyev has just ended. These are some details that we recorded at the scene."

"That's all?" Guo Shouyun was greatly disappointed, and the curiosity that had just arisen disappeared at once.

"Yes sir," Nikita nodded and said, "but I considered that if I broadcast this thing, I am afraid it will involve a problem of stance, so after careful consideration, I decided to let you make up your mind."

"Oh, let's take a look." Guo Shouyun hesitated for a while, and finally decided to take a look. He walked back to the front of the sand and sat down, waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, we're running out of time, I hope I can rush to the military area to have lunch with the generals of Ryomenko."

"Well, it won't take long. Sir." Hearing what Guo Shouyun said, Nikita hurriedly picked up the video tape, walked quickly to the TV, and put the box marked with the character "1" into it. into the recorder.

"Sir, none of these tapes have been edited yet. They may look a little messy. If you have any questions, just say hello." Turn on the TV. After seeing the image appearing on the screen, Nikita said without looking back.

"Well," Guo Shouyun snorted absently, focusing his attention on the video that had already started playing.

As Nikita said. These cassettes were recorded not long after they were finished, and they had not yet had time to edit them. The scene that the camera shoots first doesn't seem to have anything to do with Ahromeyev's death, that fragmented shot. The filming locations are the scenes on Moscow's Red Square at dusk. In these scenes, the only thing that can be seen is the grand parade of tens of thousands of people who are crowded and shoulder-to-shoulder. Countless people chanted "Ula" in the camera to celebrate the victory. Occasionally, there are also some young people who frantically tore the blood-red Bolshevik Party flag and the Soviet Union flag and trampled them under their feet. Sprinkle with gasoline. Burn it down.

This shot probably lasted about five or six minutes. A large "snowflake" appeared on the screen, when the screen appeared again. The location has shifted to a hall that looks much deserted. But before Guo Shouyun could see the situation in the hall clearly, a "snowflake" appeared on the screen again.

"What?" Guo Shouyun said casually, frowning.

"It's said that it hasn't been edited, it's like this." Nikita turned back and smiled and said.

When the snowflake finally disappeared and the picture reappeared, Guo Shouyun shook his head and patiently took his attention back.

All the pictures that follow are related to Ahromeyev's memorial service. There are a total of three boxes of video tapes, which almost recorded the entire process of the entire memorial service from beginning to end.

Judging from the footage of the shooting location, the memorial service for the old marshal was really bleak. All the people who attended the memorial service were estimated to be no more than 20, and these people were almost all old men and old ladies. Which age? It looks like there must be sixty or seventy. What is especially eye-catching is that these people are all wearing old-style Soviet military uniforms, and everyone's chests are covered with medals. At first glance, they look bright and dazzling.

Guo Shouyun knew that Akhromeyev was now characterized by the radicals as supporting the coup d'etat, and most people avoided him. Because of this, so few people attended the memorial service. And since these people present dare to come to attend, they are not afraid of anything. Although it is said that among these people, Guo Shouyun can be called by name, but judging from the medals on their chests, these people are probably veterans of the military, and some of those medals Guo Shouyun can also recognize. , like the "Medal for the Conquest of Budapest", "The Second Order of the Patriotic Order", "The Medal for Defense of Moscow", etc. There is no doubt that these people have come from the cruel World War II.

The entire memorial service was actually a cutscene. Ahromeyev, who had turned into a cold corpse, lay quietly in the crystal coffin. As a person who used to give reports often, he could only listen to others read it to him now. Introduction to life.

The person who presided over the memorial service was Admiral Chervina. He started from Ahromeyev's entry into the army and continued to talk about it two days ago. During this period, the tone of the naval veteran's description has been very calm, which makes people feel At first, it sounds less like listening to a eulogy, but more like listening to

- A true story written by a veteran with a lifetime of energy. There are warm-blooded songs in the rain of bullets, there are calm and calm among thousands of troops... and there is also the sadness and helplessness of heroes. Especially when rereading Ahromeyev's suicide note, "I fought to the last breath of my life." In this sentence, it truly projected a feeling of helplessness— - "Veterans never die, they just fade away."

Although he could not understand the feelings these veterans had for the Soviet Union, and he did not agree with Ahromeev's ignorance of current affairs, after watching these unedited programs, Guo Shouyun also felt a little Feelings. He realized in a trance that a country, or more precisely a regime, is actually no different from a person. From birth to growth, to prime age to twilight, this is a necessary process, the law of birth, old age, sickness and death, Not just a living person can't get rid of it, but a regime can't get rid of it either.

In the past long years, the Soviet government and the Bolshevik Party, as a political power and a ruling party, were obviously ill, and they were seriously ill. They were terminally ill. In this case, a large number of people come out, to treat them, to take medicine to cure the disease. However, the treatment methods proposed by each person are different. Some people advocate the use of local recipes, a little bit of medical treatment, and a step-by-step treatment; Western medicine is the best choice; some people think that the local medicine is not good, and the western medicine is not good.

This group of barefoot doctors, guarding a terminally ill patient, are fighting and entangled in the issue of how to diagnose and treat. You give the patient some herbal medicine, and I will give him two injections. The local and western medicines are used alternately. Today, I will change to an American doctor. , find a Caucasian doctor tomorrow.

Guo Shouyun pondered that these barefoot doctors are not for treating patients, they are all fighting for inheritance.

Well now, the patient is finally dead, and the rest is to divide up the inheritance and resell the patient's organs. This should have been settled by a group of barefoot doctors, and no one can change it. As a veteran who joined the army at the age of 18, Ahromeyev could not clearly understand this, and finally chose a dead end, is it worth it?

Not to mention others, Guo Shouyun felt it was not worth it anyway.

In the last scene of Moscow Chronicle, Akhromeyev was lying in a crystal coffin, and several old generals with full of medals came forward and covered his body with a Soviet flag. The marshal's widow held on to the coffin and cried tremblingly: "He has participated in the battle against the German fascists since he was 18 years old, but now our country has been conquered by the democratic fascists from the inside."

"Hey, this is not a memorial service for Ahromeyev alone, this is a memorial service for a country called the Soviet Union." With a bit of sigh, Guo Shouyun stood up from the sand. He clapped his hands, shook his shoulders, and said with a sigh, "Nikita, what you said just now is quite right, this thing is too politically inclined."

"What do you mean, sir?" Nikita asked tentatively, pulling the last cassette out of the VCR.

"I mean, it's because the political orientation of this thing is too obvious, so we have to make it a special topic with a lot of fanfare." With a slight smile, Guo Shouyun said, "Just like Ahromeyer As the husband said in his suicide note, 'Sooner or later, someone will be responsible for the split of the Soviet Union.' Who will be responsible for this? It will definitely not be you and me. Since you and I are not responsible, let this thing out, and some people's I'm afraid I'm about to hang two weights in my heart. Didn't Viktor want us to find a chance to take a clearer stand? This is a perfect opportunity. Hey, Ahromeyev is a good man, he gave us This opportunity is not to be missed no matter what.”

Nikita almost didn't laugh out loud, this gentleman is really unscrupulous to a certain extent.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing," how could Guo Shouyun guess Nikita's mind? Two daughters, right? You find someone to send them a sum of money, and by the way ask them if they need help. They are all loyal children, we need to take care of them, maybe from them, we can also A little bit of loyalty or something."

"Pfft," Nikita finally couldn't help laughing out loud. She gave Guo Shouyun a blank look and said with a smile, "But what about the White House? Are you afraid of getting into trouble, sir?"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid to die," Guo Shouyun said as he walked towards the door, "but I'm even more afraid of being seen by others as part of the White House, and then I really want to die without a burial in the future. place."

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