Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 131: it's a question of money

? No wonder Guo Shouyun got angry with this issue. After all, in his mind, the place belongs to him. All the wealth here, whether it is tangible or intangible, should belong to him and the Guo Group. w Of course, he does not want to dominate everything in the Far East. After all, the combination of several states and republics in the Far East is almost as large as the combined area of ​​the Northeast and North China. The Guo Group cannot monopolize everything here. . The "belonging" he mentioned means that on the ground in the Far East, his established interests and long-term interests will never be allowed to violate anyone.

As a person reincarnated in the 21st century, Guo Shouyun knows better than anyone in this era the importance of high-end talents. In a sense, these talents are no longer just "people", they are A piece of living wealth, every idea in their minds, every flash of inspiration, maybe tomorrow's amazing profits of hundreds of millions and billions of dollars.

Take the Kvasha mentioned by Nikita. This guy directly led and participated in the design and construction of the most advanced and modern nuclear-powered submarine in the Soviet Union, the "Sierra" nuclear-powered submarine. Master the full range of technical information on this type of submarine. As far as Guo Shouyun knows, the "Sierra" class attack nuclear submarine, so far, only the Northern Fleet has been equipped with two in the Soviet Navy. Equipping the fleet, but despite this, there are many capable countries still trying to get relevant information. Just think, take the American as an example. What price will they offer for this information? Ten million, twenty million, it is estimated that they themselves are too embarrassed to speak. Now, with Kevasha's escape, this huge fortune has been wiped out. Which country he fled to is a big bargain - and it was picked up from his Guo Shouyun's fingers. of.

"Today is 'Uncle can endure uncle can't bear it either'!" In other places, Guo Shouyun couldn't handle it, and he couldn't stretch his hand so long, but not in the Far East. This is where his feet stand. If someone ran to his door for no reason to pry at the corner of the wall, how would he live?

Because of this, Guo Shouyun became angry with Nikita, who had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. He must cut off all the "black hands" that foreign forces have extended into the Far East in the shortest possible time, and completely curb this trend of researchers and scientific experts fleeing. According to Guo Shouyun's speculation, this trend is only showing signs of being at present. If it is left unchecked and allowed to continue, the situation will get worse in the future, especially after the White House's order that "the Bolshevik Party is an illegal party" is issued. This trend will become more violent and more difficult to control.

After sending off the uneasy Nikita, Guo Shouyun thought about this issue for a long time. He had to admit. own understanding of political issues. A far cry from Victor, really. The "butterfly effect" has already explained everything very clearly, a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil. It is possible to cause a tornado in the United States, and this change in Moscow will naturally cause a "tornado" in the entire Soviet Union. Guo Shouyun knew that there would be a "tornado", but he did not specifically think about where the "tornado" would come from and what would be destroyed first. And at this point, Victor saw it more clearly than he thought, and more carefully than he thought. How does the gap between people arise? It is in the same issue that considerately and inconsiderably appear.

"It seems that it is very difficult for me to truly become a thoughtful person like Victor." Guo Shouyun felt a little frustrated when he realized the gap between himself and Victor again, and this frustration directly destroyed him. It was in a good mood.

As Nikita said, at ten o'clock in the morning, the White House issued a series of announcements through TASS and Russian Central Television: the Bolshevik Party as a party armed with Marxism-Leninism; as a party from October After the revolution, it has always held the political party of the Soviet Union; as a political party with more than 15 million members; as a party that led the civil war and the War of Resistance against Germany, it led the Soviet Union from a poor and backward feudal monarchy to prosperity step by step Rich and powerful, and single-handedly created a glorious political party for decades. Finally, it was a tragic withdrawal from the historical stage of Russia. According to the White House announcement, the Bolshevik Party is listed as an "illegal party", and the government agencies, military, police agencies, industrial and mining enterprises, etc. in the Russian Soviet Republic, in short, the Bolshevik Party agencies in all departments, must be completely dissolved. The states, autonomous regions, republics, and assemblies will be elected by the citizens' elections that will be held immediately. The original assets of the Bolshevik Party will be confiscated and monitored by the government. The former Bolshevik Party newspapers, including Red Star, Komsomol and Pravda, were all forced to suspend publication and rectify...

The Bolshevik Party fell from the Russian soil where it started to lead the revolution.

Just when Moscow Central Television was broadcasting the White House decree, a line of small characters at the bottom of the TV screen flashed inconspicuously a message: Former Minister of Internal Affairs Pugo, Chief of the General Staff of the Soviet Red Army Ahromeyev, and yesterday committed suicide in fear of crime. .

Although this line of subtitles is small and inconspicuous, Nina, who has been paying attention to the situation in Moscow, can still see it at a glance. A minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who once held a high position in power and controlled millions of police and internal defense forces in the entire Soviet Union, a Soviet marshal who had made countless military exploits and won countless medals, died so quietly, And after her death, she was actually put on the hat of "suicide because of fear of crime". This cruel reality made Nina, who had been hit hard, completely confused. She locked herself in the bedroom and didn't open the door to anyone who asked, just saying that she needed to calm down.

Guo Shouyun's understanding of Nina is finally deeper. He knows that his woman must be very uncomfortable now. She really needs enough time to comfort herself and find an opportunity for herself to adapt to the cruel reality. Therefore, in the face of Nina's reaction, he did not intervene too much, but just kept Larisa outside the door and kept an eye on the movement in the bedroom.

By eleven o'clock in the morning, Nikita rushed back in a hurry. This woman was reprimanded by Guo Shouyun, and her efficiency was a bit surprising. In less than three hours, she obtained detailed information on all the research institutes, design institutes, design bureaus and other institutions in the Far East. In addition, she also brought back a few boxes of unprocessed camera tapes. According to her, they were news tapes that had just returned from the group's recording station in Moscow. Because the content was a bit sensitive, she brought them for instructions. , to see if it can be broadcast.

Ignoring the few cassette tapes, Guo Shouyun first checked the huge pile of information.

I really don't know, Guo Shouyun never thought that on the ground in the Far East, the Soviets actually set up so many academic and scientific research institutions. According to these data, in the few large cities in the Far East, there are more than 40 research institutions and design institutes in different categories. Take the Komsomolsk City as an example. Because there is the largest aircraft factory in the Soviet Union, the Gagarin Far East Machinery Factory, several famous aircraft design bureaus in the Soviet Union have research and design institutions there. Such as Miri Design Bureau, Tupolev Design Bureau, Yakovlev Design Bureau and so on. Since the Gagarin Far East Machinery Factory is currently mainly responsible for the manufacture of the Su-27, the Soviet Union's aerodynamic research center is located in Yakutsk, the capital of the Yakut Autonomous Republic, besides Sukhoi. There are two major experimental and research core institutes of the Central Pneumatic Research Institute of the Soviet Union.

Although Guo Shouyun has always been less interested in military matters, he also knows one thing, that is, compared with American designs, the greatest manifestation of the superiority of Soviet fighter jets is the aerodynamic shape and system engineering technology. A large number of design elites in the Soviet Union can use a single technology behind the Americans to assemble a high-end fighter with overall performance that exceeds that of the Americans - "the least money to build the most practical things." This seems to have become the design experts of the Soviet Union. It was so good with the Germans back then, and it is still the same with the Americans now.

Therefore, Guo Shouyun believes that under the current circumstances, scientific research institutions in Yakutsk and Komsomolsk City should be listed as the key points. No matter what measures are taken, in a word, those guys with ulterior motives cannot be allowed to use various design institutes. The "living treasures" in it were dug away.

It is rude to say that when Guo Shouyun was looking at those materials, even when he was talking with Nikita in the morning, he had already made up his mind that he would use the power of the Far East Military Region to attack all similar scientific research institutions on the ground in the Far East. , the fact that short-term military control. No matter what kind of experts and assistants you are, you should honestly accept military supervision and travel abroad? There are no doors. Want to go back to Moscow? If it doesn't work, all the family members will take it over. The big guy will be the head of the Far East in the future, and don't go anywhere.

Of course, coercive measures like this can only be a temporary stopgap measure. Fundamentally speaking, if you want to keep these people in the Far East, you must improve their treatment and increase their investment in scientific research. After all, for these people, if there is a good scientific research environment in China, they will not easily choose to flee. But it is not easy to improve the treatment of these people and ensure their scientific research funds. The things these guys have in their heads are indeed valuable, but to take them out of their heads and turn them into real objects, it requires a large-scale investment. The current strength of the Guo Group is indeed strong, but Guo Shouyun really cannot afford such a national investment in scientific and technological research. Money, after all, it's all about money.

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