Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 116: trick

? Rubbing his nose, Guo Shouyun was a little embarrassed by Nina's words. How could he come? Nina said nothing when he was in the helicopter, but secretly watched his performance carefully, at least he wanted to befriend Fra Kimmel's intentions, this girl can see clearly. The whole novel network

Quyi to make friends? Don't you want to make friends? Guo Shouyun pondered in his heart, and Nina also said that although Vladimir has not yet emerged, he has been valued by people like Sobchak and Victor. Therefore, his future There is no limit to what he can do in politics. And what about yourself? It is true that he is in the limelight now, but compared with Vladimir, he has two basic weaknesses: First, he is not a pure Russian, so if he wants to show up in Russia's political circles, but Saying it is not very likely. Second, since he came out of the throne, he has been rolling in the economic ****, involving too many dark sides. Combining these two, even if he has a close relationship with Viktor, it is impossible for him to have much development in the future Russian political arena, not to mention, he himself has never considered what kind of development he wants in the political world.

Just imagine, under such circumstances, in the face of Vladimir, a political strongman who is indeed strong in history, and is also very likely to be strong again in reality, how can Guo Shouyun maintain a normal heart? Don't talk about making friends with Quyi, he has even made up his mind now that he will do everything possible to use all the energy in his hands to support Vladimir in the days to come, so as to help this powerful figure." The road to the altar” has added bricks and mortar.

The Soviet Union is a centralized state, and the Bolshevik Party has held state power for decades. With its collapse, the emerging Russia is destined to have a long period of turmoil. What the people need is destined to be a powerful government, an iron-fisted government. figure. Under such circumstances, the emergence of Vladimir-style tasks is inevitable, Guo Shouyun believes. Even without him, if another person becomes the second Russian president, then this person will definitely be a Vladimir-like figure. All in all, after a period of years in Ye’s reign, the turbulent Russia is bound to become stable. In this case, Guo Shouyun would rather that this inevitable powerful figure be the Vladimir he knows well, and he does not want to be replaced by Another one he hadn't heard of. He didn't want the history he knew to change in the general direction, so he made friends with Vladimir and tried his best to push him to the top. It became Guo Shouyun's only choice.

"What are you thinking about?" Realizing Guo Shouyun's preoccupation, Nina turned around in his arms and stared at his face, which was not very handsome, but also very attractive. He asked in a low voice, "You haven't answered me when I asked you."

"Oh, you mean Vladimir," Guo Shouyun came back to his senses. The probe kissed Nina's forehead and smiled, "You are right. I do value him very much. Because I think. His temper is very similar to mine, calm and decisive. Well, of course, the most important thing But his father liked him very much."

"His temper is very similar to yours?" Guo Shouyun rolled his eyes, and Nina teased, "It's too bad you can say such things. Vladimir is a model of integrity and self-discipline in the safety committee. He is in the safety committee. The German branch has worked for nearly ten years, and not only has outstanding results, but also has a good reputation for his personal style. Now, he and his sister Lyudmila have been married for almost ten years, and their two daughters are almost six years old. The last two old people, a family of six still lived in a small two-bedroom house in the Leningrad municipal apartment, and lived a very hard life. And you, you, a mercenary bad guy, even said that his temper is similar to yours , I'm not ashamed."

"Cough cough..." Guo Shouyun almost choked on his own saliva, he coughed twice and smirked, "I just said that the temperament is similar, but I didn't say that the style is similar. Besides, your man is a businessman. , is a business place, and Vladimir, he is a politician... Government workers, our identities are fundamentally different. As a government worker, he should naturally advocate incorruptibility, and only by doing Only honest and self-disciplined can be regarded as a good official. As for me, as a businessman, I should be mercenary, and only businessmen who can make money are successful."

Reaching out a hand to brush away the length of Nina's forehead that was blown away by the sea breeze, Guo Shouyun said, "Do you want me, a businessman, to study Vladimir and huddle in a two-bedroom house with the whole family? Isn't my business doing too bleak?"

"You can always find a reason for yourself," Nina pouted and said disapprovingly.

"This is not me making excuses for myself, but the reality of this world." Guo Shouyun sighed and said, "Nina, no matter what you think, anyway, in my opinion, a country wants to truly prosper. , the government must be clean, and businessmen must be extravagant.

Without my presence, Guo Shouyun, could the situation there be more optimistic than it is now? Maybe not. I think the reason why my father and the others have always supported me is because even without my presence, there will still be a person similar to me. The general situation of the country is like this, and it cannot be restored by anyone's strength alone. Now, my father has pushed me up and let me master the overall situation of the Far East, then in this case, I will definitely not allow another existence similar to me to appear there. In this way, the Far East can be avoided virtually. The situation is heading for continued turmoil. Think about it, compared to today's Moscow, is there much more peace in the Far East? "

Nina tilted her head and thought about it. She had to admit that compared with Moscow, the situation in the Far East was obviously much better. At least there were no chaotic incidents where the army besieged government offices, and there was no large-scale bloodshed.

"Also," Guo Shouyun knew that his words touched Nina. This was a great opportunity for him. Taking advantage of today's conversation, he not only wanted to further dispel the estrangement in Nina's heart, but also made this woman completely Pull to your side. "You can also see that I attach great importance to Vladimir today. I said that he has a similar temper with me. This is just one reason why I attach importance to him. To be honest, there is another reason why I want to befriend him. The reason is that his integrity and self-discipline are out of tune with the current domestic political atmosphere, and only from a person like him can we see the future of this country."

"Oh, what do you mean?" Nina snorted softly, she obviously didn't understand Guo Shouyun's true intentions.

"As you know, father and Sobchak have a long-term and grand plan," Guo Shouyun said with a serious expression, holding down the excitement in his heart, "and in the process of implementing this plan, they need to serve the country's well-being. In the future, they will create a lot of roles that can be independent, just like they chose me to control the situation in the Far East. In other places, they will definitely expand their power step by step. But then again, whether it is father or Sobchak, After all, people of their generation are getting old, and their personal energy will only fade step by step in the future, so it is imperative to find a new generation of successors."

When Guo Shouyun said this, he took out the list that Victor had given him before and handed it to Nina before he continued: "Look at this list, this is what my father asked me to support in the Far East. Some candidates, to be honest, do you want the future of the country to be in the hands of these crooked melons?"

Nina didn't read the content on the list. She had a point of view, that is, there must be few good things for those who were withdrawn from the election by her father. Although her resistance to her father has eased a lot, but this kind of stereotyped Thinking still cannot be completely changed. In the end, her resistance to Victor was always deep-rooted.

"So, I've been thinking about it for a while now. Is it possible to push some people who are honest and well-behaved to the front desk?" Guo Shouyun felt a little despicable. To be honest, he himself felt that this remark was too hypocritical, but Once this was done, he had no choice but to turn back. He could hear something from what Nina said just now, this little girl seems to know more about Vladimir's situation, and judging from her name for Vladimir's wife, this little girl even has some friendship with them . Like this relationship, if Guo Shouyun didn't pay attention, it wouldn't be him.

"What do you mean, you have a crush on Vladimir?" Nina said in amazement.

As Guo Shouyun had guessed, Nina did have a better understanding of Vladimir's situation. To be honest, among those who were closer to Victor, she still looked at this person more pleasing to the eye. The *** of the Safety Committee is neither small nor too big. In the past, the regular receptions always gave the families of the main members of the Safety Committee the opportunity to get to know each other. Therefore, Nina and the flight attendant Liudmila There is also a good personal relationship between them.

"Yes, at least I have to choose someone like him," Guo Shouyun said solemnly, "but before that, I have to make more contact with him in order to have a deeper understanding of him."

"Do you need my help?" Nina didn't realize that she had stepped into Guo Shouyun's trap again, she said cheerfully, "Although I don't have much contact with Vladimir, I have had several contacts with his wife. , I think it should be able to say something."

"That's great," Guo Shouyun sighed deeply, his wish was fulfilled, he hugged Nina tightly, and smiled, "But don't rush this matter, wait, wait, wait for me to think about it, do A proper arrangement."

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