Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 117: Puppet's consciousness

? The helicopter that sent Guo Shouyun and the three back to the Far East did not take off from the warship until around two in the morning. . qb5. Because of the model, the helicopter took off from Leningrad, stopped at one stop when passing through Tula, the capital of the Aven Autonomous Region, to replenish fuel, and then continued to go to Khabarovsk without a break.

Due to the airsickness, Guo Shouyun had been staring blankly during the entire trip from Leningrad to Tula. The pale face made Nina really worried all the way. In order to make him feel more comfortable, when the group stopped in Tula, Nina asked the paramedics at the airport to give Guo Shouyun a shot of stability, and let him sleep from Tula to Khabarovsk.

When the helicopter carrying the three people finally arrived in Khabarovsk, it was noon the next day. Because the airborne radio was used to get in touch with the Far East Military Region Command in advance, Larisa and others got the news. When they arrived at the airport, as for Liao Menko, who said that he was acting as the commander of the military region, it was inevitable that he had to rush to the airport to meet him in person.

To be honest, for Liao Menke, Guo Shouyun's life away from the Far East was really difficult. After all, he, the commander of the Far East Military Region, has only just taken office, and he is still an agent. Therefore, without the support given by Guo Shouyun behind his back, he could not hold the scene at all. Just like last night, this long night was a fright for Ryomenko. First, news came from the Moscow General Staff, informing the military region that Yazov had been dismissed from the position of Minister of Defense, and Moiseyev would be temporarily replaced. This was followed by another order from the Ministry of Defense. Ryomenko was asked to go to Moscow in the last two days to say that the Ministry of Defense will hold an emergency meeting in the near future to discuss the new personnel appointment plan and other important matters in related aspects.

As a general who turned out to be a political commissar, Liaomenko may not have much talent in the military, but his political sense is exceptionally keen. He knew that these two bulletins came when Guo Shouyun went to Moscow. There must be something hidden. The conspiracy is hidden in it. If he honestly went to Moscow at this time, then if he wants to come back again, I am afraid that he will not even have a door. Even with Guo Shouyun backing him, he might not be able to keep him. In the previous stage of the coup d'état by the State of Emergency Committee, he took a clear stand, but who is Moiseyev? He was Yazov's confidant. This person is the Minister of Defense, how can he still have good fruit to eat? But then again, although Liaomenko said he knew he could not go back to Moscow, at the same time. He was also worried about whether his backer would be able to come back from Moscow.

If Guo Shouyun had no accident in Moscow and he could return to the Far East safely, then Liaomenko would have nothing to fear. Order of the Ministry of Defense? It's just a piece of paper, and it doesn't really matter if you listen to it or not, since "Guo Danneng" was able to handle Tretyak before. That Moiseyev was also nothing. But what if Guo Shouyun couldn't come back? Then he is the titular commander of the Far East Military Region. But it's really over. He is not like the generals who hold real power like Polkkin and Bisef, who hold heavy soldiers one by one. But in terms of level, it is one level lower than him. Therefore, in any case, they are all characters that Moscow is eager to win over, and Ta Liaomenko is a poor **** who is specially responsible for taking the blame.

Finally, just to be on the safe side, Liao Menke contacted this group of "military subordinates" overnight, hoping to ask them what they meant, but the call was made to the headquarters of each group army and independent division. This one is sick, and that is the one who has been inspected by the troops. All in all, he is a person who can call the shots and has not been found.

. What are the leaders thinking? Obviously, they also received a similar notice from Moscow, except that these guys are commanders of the second-level troops of the military region. They can wait and see the decision of the commander of the military region before making plans.

On this difficult night, Liao Menke almost lost his head and became so anxious. The commanders of the various units under the military region, one number counts as one number, were all greeted by him viciously again and again, but this curse could not solve the problem after all. Whether to go or not to go to Moscow is ultimately up to him to decide.

Fortunately, after this night's consideration, Liaomenko made a correct choice. He decided to wait for two days and not give any reply from Moscow for the time being. If there is no news from Guo Shouyun after two days, He returned to Moscow to die. In return, Guo Shouyun didn't let him wait for two days. At nine o'clock in the morning, the military headquarters got the news that this "Guo Danengren" had come back from Moscow overnight, and he will arrive in Haba soon. rovsk.

After getting this news, Liaomenko really had a kind of raised eyebrows

Feeling, he immediately ordered to prepare to meet, and at the same time, sent the news to the army headquarters directly. As he expected, after receiving this news, those damned guys were sick, and the inspectors also returned. Everything last night seemed to be dead at all. Especially the old **** Sijakhov, he disappeared for a night, but the news of Guo Shouyun's return had just reached the headquarters, and he appeared alive in less than five minutes. As for what happened last night, He came and pretended to be deaf and dumb and didn't know anything.

It was only at this time that Liao Menke really realized how difficult his life as the commander of the Far East Military Region was. He felt that it was more appropriate to say that he was the commander of the military region, but rather an unfortunate "take advantage". ——There is no real power, and the life of the "scapegoat" is taken over by himself.

"Today's Far East Military Region will never be what it used to be." The moment he saw Guo Shouyun getting off the helicopter, Liao Menke sighed the most bitterly in his heart. The military region command has no real name, and each unit directly under it acts on its own; the commander's authority is equal to zero, and an order is not as good as a piece of scrap paper; the military region staff is highly independent... Is this still an army?

As for where the original power of the headquarters went, Liao Menke also thought about it clearly. There is no doubt that the power that should have been held by him has now fallen into the hands of an "outsider" like Guo Shouyun. He had corroded layer by layer from the troops directly under the military region, won over the generals of those second-level troops, and then took advantage of the big coup that just passed to instigate a small mutiny within the military region, so as to use the overhead Tretyak The opportunity to completely destroy the authority of the military command. Think about it, for second-level army generals such as Polkkin and Bisef, since Tretyak can be ousted alive, then he, the acting commander who was a political commissar, is counted as an acting commander. What's so amazing?

A puppet, I am a puppet, a puppet that is in the hands of Guo Shouyun and can be pushed out to deal with Moscow at a critical moment, but has no right to speak. Liao Menke finally recognized his situation at this time, and he began to regret what he had done, if it wasn't for the large amount of bribe he received, if it wasn't because of too much greed, if... There are too many ifs in this repentance, so it seems too unrealistic. It is rude to say that at this point, he Liaomenko has no way out. After Tretyak steps down, he can still retire, and he can still take the monthly pension paid by the military region on time, and he is safe and stable. After the next life, what about him? He knew very well that if he didn't follow Guo Shouyun's pace honestly, it would be too difficult to continue living comfortably.

u. Pray for himself, he has to pray that this young man will develop smoothly in the future, there must be no problem, otherwise... it will be the result of one prosperity and one loss.

To be honest, in the Far East now, like Liao Menke, there are not a few people who hope that Guo Shouyun can live safely, not to mention those politicians who are looking forward to the funding of the Guo Group. They have already been corrupted by Guo Shouyun with money. Thorough. Even some people in the Far East never want Guo Shouyun to have any accident here, otherwise, their interests will suffer huge losses. Although it has not been established for a long time, due to its high deposit interest rate and excellent service attitude, Far East Commercial Bank has absorbed huge savings deposits in major cities in the Far East during this period. The trend has passed, and Far East Commercial Bank has climbed to a higher level in terms of depositor popularity and credit. Guo Shouyun resisted the pressure and publicly announced that the Far East Commercial Bank opened the ruble to US dollar business, which is definitely a great act of kindness for the people of the major cities in the Far East. Under such circumstances, those depositors who put their life savings in the Far East Commercial Bank, who can expect Guo Shouyun to have an accident all day long?

In this way, Guo Shouyun and his Guo Group have already laid out a huge "net of interests" in the past by subtly nibbling Jingtun step by step. This invisible big net covers the entire Far East. While the interests of a large number of people are entangled in it, it is still getting tighter and tighter. When the entire net was completely closed and a scoop of water could not be poured in, Guo Shouyun was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Damn Moscow, I will never go there again!" At the moment when he stepped off the helicopter, Guo Shouyun looked at the people waiting at the airport, looked at the smiling faces, and swore secretly in his heart.

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