Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 115: Vladimir

? Woo! The loud whistle woke up the sleeping Gulf of Finland in the middle of the night. At the mouth of the river, in the naval port of the Baltic Fleet on Kanoniersky Island, the guided-missile destroyer "Isakov" honked its whistle to lift anchor and slowly sailed towards the periphery of the port. go., qb5.

Although it was in late August, Leningrad was close to the extreme north, and the sea breeze in the middle of the night was slowly blowing from the northwest.

Standing on the deck at the bow of the warship, Guo Shouyun hugged his shoulders, his bloodshot eyes were staring lightly at the calm sea in front of him. The slightly raised eyebrows showed that he should be very preoccupied at the moment, that there was never anything. In the mind of the good idea, I don't know what bad idea is thinking again.

It's true that Guo Shouyun's mind is really serious at this time, but he's not thinking about any bad ideas, and of course, it's not about problems in the Far East. What he's thinking about now is his own future. Where will his career go in the future?

Everything now seems more and more interesting in his eyes. In the past few days, the traditional faction, the mainstream faction, and the radical faction, these three political forces have been fighting happily in Moscow. It can be said that the contradiction between them has reached the point of irreconcilability, and hidden in the three political forces Behind them, there is a group of careerists including Viktor, Sobchak, Zyuganov, etc., who are on standby, waiting for the best time for their rise and politics. In the past few days, a coup d'état by the Emergency Committee broke the deadlock in the past. The final result was that the traditional faction was finally hit hard, the mainstream faction was greatly weakened, and even faced the danger of being completely overhead. And the radicals have had a bumper harvest, and their forces are as strong as ever. At the same time, people like Victor and the others are still carrying out their plans in full swing, trying to take this opportunity to stage a good show of resurrecting the dead and take over the entire territory of the traditional faction in one fell swoop.

in the past. Guo Shouyun always believed that Victor and the others represented the Bolshevik Party, because according to the history he was familiar with, Zyuganov himself was the leader of the later Russian left-wing Soviet party, and their power in Russia was very strong. It has always stood in opposition to the Yeltsin government. During Yeltsin's time in power, there were several political parties of the same nature. They have always held the Russian State Duma, and it is precisely because of their existence that the Yeltsin government has frequently experienced political crises, and eventually led to the "October Bloody Incident" that shocked the world.

But starting tonight. Guo Shouyun felt that it was necessary to change the previous one. Although it was correct, it was not comprehensive, because he saw a person, and this person. It will jump to the front after the Yeh government, hold the power of Russia with one hand, and finally form the first strong centralized government in Russia after the Soviet Union.

Who is this guy? That almost goes without saying. In addition to the famous Vladimir, who else?

"Damn it, **** it." Words like that. Guo Shouyun has scolded himself several times. He felt that he had not figured out the Sobchak issue before. It was simply a huge mistake, and I always felt that this person was very important. It's very important, but he didn't think about it carefully from beginning to end, otherwise, he should have been able to figure it all out long ago.

On the previous visit to Moscow, he had heard that Viktor was coming to Leningrad to deal with the problem of Sobchak's treason to the enemy. Since then, the name Sobchak has entered his line of sight, but he can't remember who Sobchak is. Isn't this a big mistake?

Vladimir Putin, the second president of Russia after Yeltsin, is a powerful representative of Russia who is called the "new tsar" by Western countries. This second-generation leader of Russia, who has a background in the Security Council and is known for his iron fist, is not Is it a Sobchak student? Moreover, as far as Guo Shouyun knew in his previous life, Vladimir was closely related to Sobchak's promotion when he entered the Security Council or when he later entered the political arena. And Vladimir was very respectful to his teacher. He even took the risk of being implicated when Sobchak was framed and stepped forward to run around for the teacher. It can be seen from this that the closeness of the relationship between the two is difficult for ordinary people to realize. In this case, Guo Shouyun knew about Sobchak, but couldn't think of Vladimir, which was indeed a big mistake.

Well, Vladimir, who just turned middle-aged tonight, suddenly appeared in front of Guo Shouyun, which made Guo Shouyun's eyes suddenly clear. He not only thoroughly saw the trend of Russia in the next ten years, but also understood. All the political intrigues and deals that may exist in it.

Yeltsin was re-elected as Russian president for two consecutive terms. During his tenure, he used "iron" skills, but he was unable to bring local power back to the center from beginning to end. He was even at the mercy of various economic oligarchs.

. During this period, Vladimir quietly entered the political arena as a security committee state. In less than ten years, he first served as the assistant to the president of Leningrad University, and then followed Sobchak step by step. Climb, advisor to the mayor of Leningrad, deputy mayor, head of the Federal Inspectorate, head of the Security Service, Chief of Staff of the President, etc. The most unreliable thing is that his transition from the First Deputy Prime Minister to the Federal Chancellor only took an astonishing one week, and four months after he became the Prime Minister, he unexpectedly became the Federal Acting President. Three After many months, he became the official federal president.

This series of promotions is enough to make anyone who doesn't know the inside story stunned, but for today's Guo Shouyun, he sees everything clearly.

Guo Shouyun can now be sure that there must be a behind-the-scenes deal between Victor's gang and the Ye family's federal government. To be precise, it is a political peace. The secret operation of Victor and the others pushed Ye's federal government into a dilemma. In the end, the two sides made a peace. The new government gave Ye a chance to end in a decent manner, while Ye was responsible for bringing Victor and his agents to the front desk. According to normal thinking, there is only one explanation that is reasonable.

Of course, for today's Guo Shouyun, in the next ten years, it doesn't matter whether the Ye family's government really has this deal with Victor's group. The "grass" that is destined to grow into a towering tree in the future is grasped - this is a threshold that can play a decisive role in his future, and it cannot be ignored in any case.

After Vladimir came to power, a series of policy decisions, especially the severe crackdown on economic oligarchs from all walks of life in Russia, made Guo Shouyun feel like a thorn in his back. Of course, he would not naively think that Vladimir's attack on the oligarchs is entirely because the existence of these oligarchs has affected the development of the Russian economy, and it is even less likely that these people have bad methods in the process of starting a business. Politics, everything starts with politics, ends with politics, and nothing else.

It is rude to say that from the moment he saw Vladimir a few hours ago, Guo Shouyun has firmed up his beliefs. It's good to enjoy the cool, and this sentence is correct at any time.

During the period just now, Guo Shouyun carefully reviewed his previous actions. He felt that his previous actions were still correct in the general direction. At least they did not deviate from Victor's basic line. In the future, this situation can be maintained or even further developed. In the future, when all the dust settles, it may not be impossible for him to be an "official businessman" that will not fail in Russia.

"Yun," Nina's voice came from behind while she was thinking, and then, a thick military coat was draped over Guo Shouyun's back, "The wind here is too cold, be careful to catch a cold."

"Oh, Nina, why are you here?" Reaching out and grabbing the collar on his shoulder, Guo Shouyun retracted his mind, turned to look at Nina and smiled, "Is the helicopter ready?"

Nina shook her head slightly, stepped forward, and stood beside Guo Shouyun. She put her hands on the guardrail on the outside of the deck, weighed her heels, took a deep breath of the clear night breeze from the sea, and said in a low voice, "What were you thinking just now? You didn't hear both of you."

"Oh, nothing," Guo Shouyun stretched his arms, took Nina into his arms, then put his chin on her fragrant neck, and said softly, "I'm thinking about what happens after returning to the Far East this time. Well, when we broke up just now, my father also said that he asked me to take good care of you, so I thought about where we should settle down after we go back."

"Liar," Nina wiggled her little head, rubbed against Guo Shouyun's cheek with her delicate little face, and smiled at the same time, "I know you didn't think about it at all."

"Oh? Then tell me, what else can I think of without this?" Guo Shouyun enjoyed the intimacy, he tightened the arms of the host Nina, shaking his body and said.

"Are you thinking about Vladimir?" Nina tilted her head and thought abruptly.

"Ah, how do you know?" Guo Shouyun asked in surprise. He didn't believe in stupid things like husband and wife being of the same mind and having a good heart. He knew that since Nina could guess this, she must have seen some of his previous actions. A clue came out.

"I don't know what kind of person you are," Nina chuckled softly, "You kept accosting him on the plane just now, and the tone of your voice was clearly meant to make friends. I heard it. But I don't understand, how can you, a mercenary guy, value him as much as your father and Uncle Sobchak. "

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