Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 110: old spicy

?Shoot when it's time to shoot, let go when it's time to let go... Don't stretch your hand too far, Zyuganov is giving himself a shot, he's clearly telling himself that in Any trouble in the Far East can be made, but the core part of the Russian power struggle should never be interfered with. , qв5,

Guo Shouyun also knew what Zyuganov said. As far as he knows, the turmoil in Russia will last for a long time, but this is more than ten years. Since Ye Shi stepped down and Putin took power, the chaotic situation in Russia's political situation has been swept away, and a new The well-deserved "tsar" centralized government was established, and the local opposition forces were immediately captured. The seven major economic oligarchs were imprisoned, and those who fled fled. The only thing left is the power and peace. accessories.

Throughout the current Soviet Union, whether it is Khodorkovsky, Gusinsky, or Smolensky, these "skys" who are destined to become famous in the next few years are not there yet. Outcroppings, even those that surfaced, are not yet climatic. In general, in the Soviet Union now, there is no one who can really be called an oligarch except for Guo Shouyun.

As a member of the ranks of oligarchs, Guo Shouyun has great potential to do this promising career well. Compared with the unlucky guys he knows, he can see the current situation better, and knows more about what can and cannot be done. , and more clearly whose thigh should be hugged.

What Zyuganov said today is very pertinent. He almost expresses the essence of power and wealth in the life of the country - a true oligarch can be darker or even darker in the means of accumulating money. As long as there is no problem with his political stance, or the tendency of public opinion, the people above can allow him to continue to live freely, and even provide more convenience for him to accumulate wealth. If it were the other way around, it would be all over, even if his wealth came just right. No matter how correct his behavior is, he will inevitably end up in the field. The cruelty of this world may lie in this.

"Comrade Zyuganov, don't worry. Although I, Guo Shouyun, are greedy, I also know what to take and what not to take," Guo Shouyun pondered for a while. Su Rong said, "What's more, Victor is my father-in-law, so his business is mine, at one point. I still know how to choose."

"Well, if that's the case, I'm relieved." Zyuganov couldn't see anything unusual on Guo Shouyun's face, so he had to take it as if he was telling the truth. What's more, the current domestic situation is complicated. For those of them who are determined to achieve great things, Guo Shouyun's position is very important, so no matter how tough his words are, Zyuganov is really worried that the young man in front of him has different intentions. therefore. In this case, blind coercion is not a wise move, and it is the best policy to try to win over like Victor. Of course. Most importantly. The young man's position is very clear. Originally, Dyuganov was worried that he might be gaining power, and ran after Ye's federal government officials. But what he said at the airport today made Zyuganov very reassured. After all, under such circumstances, it should be impossible for someone who dared to say those words to be the same traveller as Ye.

"Comrade Zyuganov, it doesn't matter if you are worried about me now. I believe that there are still many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future. What kind of person I am, I will prove it with facts when the time comes," Guo Shouyun Naturally he knew that the other party could not completely trust him, so he took over the conversation and said with a smile, "Yes, I heard Larisa talk about it some time ago, and she told me that my father-in-law and his old man seemed to want to start anew, um, this one. I have thought about it before, and I think that in the Far East, the group still has some influence. When I come to Moscow this time, I want to meet his old man and ask him what he means, and see if there is anything I can do to help The place."

"Yun, you and Uncle Gennady are chatting now, I'm going to see Grandpa," Nina felt a little bored after listening to Guo Shouyun and Gyuganov talking about things they didn't understand. Now, these things the two said should be classified, so it seemed better for her to avoid it.

"No need to go," Zyuganov glanced at Nina with admiration and said casually, "The old general doesn't want to see anyone now, you should know his temper, so don't bother him. Besides, I have something to tell you in a while, so just wait here for a while."

Nina hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and stayed.

"Shouyun," after keeping Nina, Zyuganov looked at Guo Shouyun and continued, "What do you want to do for us now? It's a good idea, but what I want to say is that the time is not yet there. Now, if you act too hastily, you will only get into trouble, but you won't gain anything."

"From the current situation, the failure of the Emergency Committee means that the traditional faction has completely dissipated in form," Zyuganov looked up at the night sky and said in a erratic tone, "The collapse of a power faction means that With more and more intense power struggles

Staged, to put it bluntly, the time of the final battle for the master of the Kremlin is about to become incandescent. Gorbachev is stupid, he wants to play a bystander in this coup, let the traditionalists and the radicals fight, hoping to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight in order to pick up a ready-made bargain. If our expectations are correct, Gorbachev was sure that the traditionalists would go overboard in this showdown to get rid of the radicals' factional brains in one fell swoop, and when all the dust settled, he would Being able to stand up, with the attitude of setting things right, deal a heavy blow to the traditional faction of victory. However, the unfolding of the facts exceeded his expectations. Now the radical dispatch has succeeded unexpectedly. The actions of the Emergency Committee are regarded as an illegal coup, and may even be defined as a rebellion. So in this case, it is not difficult to predict what will happen in the next few days. A large number of government officials and military generals who were previously close to the Emergency Committee and even sympathized with their actions will be removed from leadership positions such as the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the National Security Council, the Ministry of the Interior, the Union The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the leadership of these key departments will undergo great changes. Gorbachev, hum, as the first secretary of the Soviet Central Committee, he cannot always stand on the side of his own party. At this time, where can there be so-called cronies by his side? So what else can he do when there is a vacuum in power and several key departments are in urgent need of replacements? As expected, even if Gorbachev can put some people in these key departments, I am afraid it will not last long. These departments are eventually destined to fall into the hands of the radicals, and by then, the Kremlin will also It is tantamount to being completely empty, Gorbachev will completely lose all his authority and become a real puppet. "

"High, it's really high," Guo Shouyun had to admire the humble old man in front of him. A politician is always a politician. Look at people's vision and the accuracy of their analysis of problems. If he also has this ability, it's probably early. was shot.

"If Gorbachev wants not to be a puppet, he has to let go of his hand and fight for the last time. It is not that he does not have the strength now, as long as he can ignore the international noise and not worry about breaking his so-called 'democratic reformer' ' notoriety, that uniting the forces of the traditional faction that is about to fail may not have a chance of winning, but he... hehe, he has no courage." Zyuganov shook his head and continued, "So what? , this period of time in the future will be a period when the radicals unite the central leadership. During this period of time, Moscow will, at least on the surface, present an atmosphere of peace. As a representative of the Far East, you will not be here. What to do. Therefore, the most important thing for you right now is not to consider what we have in mind, you should hurry up and reconcile the Far East, and those who you think are available should be pushed to the front desk, and those who are unavailable , and destroy him as soon as possible. The Far East is not only your base, but also an important point of interest for us, and the situation there will never allow the slightest mistake."

"It seems that these old guys are too busy now. They can't take care of meddling in things in the Far East for the time being." Guo Shouyun understood. The status of the guy. Needless to say, there will definitely be undercurrents in Moscow in the future, and Victor and his gang will focus their attention on this place, and they have nothing to worry about in the Far East.

"In the Far East, who can be pushed up now, Viktor has a list," Zyuganov said, "but after all, it is remote and we don't know much, so there are only a few candidates that can be provided. , you still need to make up your own mind for the rest. But there is one person who must not be used, you need to find a way to make him retire from his current position, it is best to make him disappear completely. "


"It's Dershenko," Zyuganov said indifferently, "you should know about this person."

"Dershenko? Dershenko of the Republic of Yakutia?" Guo Shouyun naturally knew the name. In his impression, Dershenko was a very old-fashioned and prudent official. He is currently the secretary of the Soviet Central Committee of the Republic of Yakutia. , who is also the president of the republic. To be honest, in Guo Shouyun's opinion, this Dershenko is still very obedient, at least there is no bad performance.

"You can't just look at people on the surface. A submissive appearance doesn't mean that person doesn't have bad intentions for you," Zyuganov saw Guo Shouyun's thoughts at a glance, he said, "Victor has investigated, this Terrell. Shenke has a close relationship with Lutskoy, and even in the past few days, the two have spoken on the phone three times. Although it is difficult to know what they talked about, but, hum, We cannot ignore this potential threat.”

Nodding, Guo Shouyun took this matter to heart. This kind of thing is easy to handle, just turn it over to Shanariva.

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