Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 109: received and given

?Any country, when it is really going to perish or even just emerging, there will always be a large number of country's elites who will come forward and make various efforts and attempts to save their country. Some of them The approach may be right, some may be wrong, and some may even make the country die faster, or even lead to a more unpredictable disaster. However, if only from the point of view, they are undoubtedly all goodwill, but this same kind of goodwill, in the end, some of them become heroes of the country and nation, while others become so-called treason. , traitor.

I am now working hard to save this country and persistently implement my plan, but one day in the future, what kind of reputation will I be judged by future generations? Now Zyuganov doesn't know, all he knows is that he can't stop now. The so-called arrow without turning back is the arrow that has been shot.

In the room in the building, he chatted with the old general Xie Miao for a few more words, and finally appeased the disheartened old general. Zyuganov took the brocade box and left sadly. He also knew that today's meeting had given the old general a lot of insight, but at the same time, it also made the old general look even more depressed and older, but in reality, who could have a better way?

When Zyuganov came out of the building, Guo Shouyun and Nina were still sitting on the steps in front of the building, shoulder to shoulder. The pair of young people had obviously reconciled. Know what the whisperers are saying.

"It's better to be young," Zyuganov sighed in his heart, walking behind the two at the same time.

"Uncle Gennady," Nina reacted first when she heard the footsteps behind her, she stood up, turned her head and said to the smiling Zyuganov, "Are you leaving?"

Garnov nodded, but his eyes were always focused on Guo Shouyun, who had just stood up.

"What did you and my grandfather talk about? How is he feeling now?" Nina asked, looking a little gloomy.

"Why, are you still worried that the old general will trouble your little lover?" Zyuganov smiled, he stepped forward, stood between Nina and Guo Shouyun, and said casually, "Don't worry. .I have persuaded the old general, he has now abandoned his original plan, you two can go to the Far East."

"Oh? What did Grandpa say?" Nina frowned, feeling that things might not be so simple.

"He told the two of you to leave now. You don't need to see him again," Zyuganov handed the golden box in his hand to Guo Shouyun and said, "This is what the old general asked me to give you. What's inside? I don't know, but he said that you should never forget your position. I believe you should understand after reading the contents of the box. "

Guo Shouyun nodded. He took the brocade box and opened the lid in front of Zyuganov and Nina.

In a boxy little brocade box. Wearing bright red silk. in that groove in the very center of the box. A golden medal was placed upright. The style of the medal is very simple, under a rectangular red sign. Hanging a golden five-star with a sickle and hammer pattern engraved in the center, Guo Shouyun had seen such a medal in a previous life, but what he saw was an image, and it was the first time he saw the real object today. There is no doubt that this is a "Hero of the Soviet Union" medal, the highest award awarded by the Central Committee of the Soviets to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the revolutionary cause of the Soviet Union.

Taking the medal out of the box, Guo Shouyun turned to the back and looked at the engraving on the sign: "In 1943, the 40th Army Independent 379th Brigade of the Voloja Japanese Front, Semyon Ivan Major Nov Ivanovich, Kharkov Offensive."

"This is the most important thing in the old general's life," Zyuganov said with emotion as he looked at the medal, "It was in that battle that the entire Voloja Japanese Front Army was the first The 40th Army fell into the trap that Manstein had already set up. On the Belekin line, in order to break through the siege, the old general's troops fought fiercely for 16 hours with the German elite 'Adolf Hitler' Guards Panzer Division as the main force. The troops successfully retreated to the North Donets River to gain time. Although the 379th Brigade was almost wiped out in this battle, for the old general, this was the most proud battle in his life, and This medal is precisely what he got after that battle. Speaking of which, it has been nearly fifty years. Now, the old general gave it to you, do you understand his intention?"

Understand, what's not to understand. Guo Shouyun held the medal and thought to himself. Obviously, the reason why the old general Xie Miao gave him this medal now has two meanings: First, the old general was because he had made outstanding contributions in the war in the Soviet country,

He won this medal, but today, in the face of the disaster that the country is about to endure, life is powerless, so he feels ashamed to continue to keep this medal. Second, in Guo Shouyun's view, Zyuganov should be in the same group as Victor. They are different from the upright old generals. In the face of the disaster that the country is about to endure, they did not choose to confront the radicals face-to-face. Find another way, use conspiracy to conspiracy, and take a tortuous road of breaking and standing. In the past, the old general obviously didn't know much about his son's intentions. Now, Zyuganov should have made everything clear. In Victor's plan, he Guo Shouyun is a very important person, so the old general gave him this medal to keep him in mind at all times, and always stand by Victor and the others for the sake of reconstruction. work in this country.

"The old man really likes me." To be honest, Guo Shouyun didn't feel much moved by the old general's silent exhortation. After all, for him, the so-called lofty revolutionary ideals and unyielding Things like the will to fight are too far away from him. The fact now is that the Soviet Union is over, and no one can change that. As for what to do in the future, Guo Shouyun also has his own plans. Support Victor them? That's for sure, because the current Ye's government is bound to be overthrown by these people in the end. "It's nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree." Even without the old general's entrustment, Guo Shouyun would have made the right choice. But fundamentally speaking, whoever he supports and who opposes whoever he supports, he only considers his own interests, and has nothing to do with revolutionary ideals.

"I understand what Grandpa means." Putting the medal in his hand back into the brocade box carefully, Guo Shouyun made a very serious expression and said indifferently, "Comrade Zyuganov, don't worry. , I know how to go in the future, and what I should do. I don't think my grandfather's expectations for me today will be in vain. "

"That's good, that's good," Zyuganov was quite relieved, he reached out and patted Guo Shouyun's shoulder, and said, "There will be a lot of things to happen in Moscow in the past two days, according to me and the people around me. According to the guesses of several comrades, some people with ulterior motives may soon come to the door, and they will offer various conditions to win you over. In this case, you might as well talk to them in a false way. To put it nicely, don't be too arrogant, but there is one thing that you must grasp, that is, the affairs of the Far East, which must be firmly in your hands. Involvement of others without your consent, especially the appointment of government personnel and the appointment and removal of generals in the military."

"You can always talk about my heart," Guo Shouyun muttered in his heart, but he said with a bit of difficulty, "Comrade Zyuganov, I'm afraid this is a little difficult, right? I'm only a small Small businessman, how can I talk so much about things like this."

Glancing at Guo Shouyun, Zyuganov frowned and said: "Shouyun, I'm afraid you don't know, I have been in a relationship with Victor for twenty years, he may like to play some tricks, but he doesn't like me. Never hide anything, of course, this also includes your question. In short, what kind of person you are, Victor knows very well, and I also know very well, so don't think of your little brat. Tricked in front of me."

"This old man speaks so bluntly, he doesn't save face at all," Guo Shouyun felt embarrassed when he was exposed by Zyuganov in person, he rubbed his nose and laughed dryly before saying, "This , I'm not worried, you always think about it, for this country, I'm an outsider after all, this little trouble may be nothing, but once you make a big mess like you said, That probably won't end well."

"If you can really think that way, that's fine," Zyuganov stared at Guo Shouyun, his piercing eyes emitting a gaze that seemed to see the deepest part of a person's heart, "You are a Smart people, since they are smart people, should know when to take action and when to stop. Now the current situation is chaotic, no matter what you do, no one will pay attention to it, and no one has the energy to pay attention to it. If you If you want to ensure that you can live happily ever after in the future, you have to keep your eyes open, and at the same time, don’t stretch your hands too far. In this world, no matter who you want to get one thing, you have to pay for another thing , at this point, not only for you, but also for us. Now, we have given you what we can give you, so the next step, it's time for you to give, remember this rule, Otherwise, you will probably become nothing in the future."

Guo Shouyun had a secret in his heart that the oligarchs who used to be all-powerful in Russian history appeared out of thin air in his mind.

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