Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 111: rescue plan

? Necessary things were explained to Guo Shouyun, and Zyuganov turned his attention. He has a lot of affection for Nina. This little girl can be said to have grown up under his nose. In Zyuganov's opinion, Nina is fine. , can be said to be an excellent military disciple, but one thing is that this little girl is too upright, and it is rude to say that she has almost inherited all the characteristics of the old general Xie Miao.

It's not a bad thing to be upright and honest, but this kind of uprightness must be divided according to the time and the right person. For now, in the face of such a social environment, how can upright people survive? If you want to survive in this world, you have to be someone like Guo Shouyun. From this point of view, Zyuganov is very in favor of the marriage between her and Guo Shouyun. He can see that the two young people actually still have feelings between them, but the two diametrically opposite temperaments make them Inevitably there will always be some awkwardness.

"Nina," with a sigh inwardly, Zyuganov stretched out his hand and stroked Nina's forehead, and said in a soft tone, "When Shouyun returns to the Far East this time, you can go back with you, no matter if you are returning to work in the military region. Well, let’s help Shouyun. All in all, don’t stay in Moscow anymore. As I said just now, Moscow will no longer belong to you in the future. It will be full of conspiracies and tricks. As a special Existing, it is inevitable that someone will hit you with an idea, and at that time, no matter the old general, Victor, or even Shouyun, I am afraid that the situation will be passive."

"Is this what Grandpa also meant? Uncle Gennady." Nina looked very melancholy, she shrank beside Guo Shouyun and said softly.

"Yes, this is not only what the old general meant, but also what your father Viktor meant," Zyuganov nodded and said.

"My father?" Nina's eyes flashed with confusion. Obviously, for her, Victor, the father, was too far away in her mind, so vaguely elusive.

"Hey, Nina, don't blame your father," Zyuganov could understand Nina's mood. He sighed and said, "Actually, he has always cared about you, at this point. It's just that you didn't understand it carefully. Besides, people like us sometimes need to give up a lot of things. You should understand more. He. Do you remember ten years ago when he forced you to learn Chinese? You didn't understand his intentions at that time, and you probably won't understand it now. At that time, he had already planned for the worst, so he gave it in advance. You plan a way out."

Speaking of which. Dyuganov shook his head mockingly, then glanced at Guo Shouyun thoughtfully before continuing: "Your father is a genius. His unique vision is truly admirable. He has already wanted to say. The Chinese people's reforms will push their socialist cause to success, and our future is an unknown. So since then, he has made plans to arrange a group of young people to go to China and put themselves in their shoes. Take a look at the changes there and learn some of their experiences. But all this came to nothing with the convening of the Second Confederation. A large number of comrades, including your father, who participated in the reform of Andropov and Ernenko led the way. Cadres, were pushed out of the Central Committee. Comrade Gorbachev thought that their reform steps were too conservative and should only be regarded as 'reforms', not fruitful reforms. After this blow, your father became what he is today In this way, the reason why he usurped power by any means is because he realized that in order for more people to hear his voice, he must stand higher than others and speak louder than others. Therefore, in the final analysis, all of this is just a joke played by reality with us people. It will take some opportunists who are blinded first and then blinded by their minds to power, but will take a large number of real visionary, There are people who are passionate and steadfast who go into the abyss."

"But is my father doing these things right now?" Nina retorted after a moment's silence, "His hands are covered in blood, and all over his body is dirty. As grandpa said, over the years, he has Countless evil deeds have been done."

Glancing at Guo Shouyun next to him, Nina continued: "Just like Shouyun, he is not a good person, everyone knows this, without the help of his brother, he could not have started so quickly, and without the connivance of his father, he It is even more impossible to become what it is today. All this is caused by my father. In my opinion, people like him should be fully responsible for today's situation. "

"What? What? Is this little girl praising me or scolding me?" Guo Shouyun glared at Nina, feeling extremely dissatisfied. What is it that it is impossible to start so fast without Yakov's help? What does it mean that without Victor's indulgence, we wouldn't be able to get to where we are today? Are you that stupid? Without them, I could not have succeeded myself? It's really unlikely to succeed, at least not so quickly.

When it was over, Guo Shouyun had to admit this reality. He really wouldn't have been so successful without Victor over the past few months.

"Whether it's right or wrong depends on which angle you consider it." After listening to Nina's rebuttal, Zyuganov smiled and said calmly, "If you consider a person's feelings, view of good and evil, Victor's actions are indeed a lot of evil, but if we look at the overall situation, I agree with his actions very much, because we are not responsible for one, but to this country and the thousands of people living in this country. take responsibility."

"It's a good analogy," Zyuganov said. "Our country is like a small castle in the middle of the desert. Everyone lives in this castle that is isolated by barriers. What they need to survive is only Well water in a small well in the center of the castle. There are differences between people. Some people in the castle are strong and some are weak. In this case, the distribution of well water will naturally be unfair. Strong people always drink water first, and drink more, while weak people drink very little, or even just to maintain their lives. Such days go by day by day, calm and depressed, and many people are very concerned about the castle. They were very dissatisfied with the unfair distribution of water in the well, and they hoped to change this situation and gain a new life. So in this case, some people with ulterior motives jumped out, and they pointed to the daily appearance around the castle. Mirage, swearing and saying, 'Break the wall, as long as the wall is broken, everyone can live a happy life outside the castle.' Agitated, they shouted to break the walls around the castle, to find the near-perfect life in the mirage. Faced with this situation, several strong and sane people in the castle lost their Advantages, they know that they can't stop everyone's attempts to break the wall. At the same time, they also know that outside the wall, there is no happy life at all, there are only wolves, wolves all over the mountains, once the wall hits If it is broken, these wolves will rush in and eat all the people in the castle to the extent that they have no bones left. Forced to be helpless, these strong men kept silent, but in the dark, they united, Deprived some weak people of the power to drink water, and then gave this water to some people who were willing to support them, so that after the wall was breached, these people could help them keep the wolves out, save the whole castle, and save more in the castle innocent."

"Nina, tell me, are these strong actions right or wrong?" As if telling a story, Zyuganov looked at Nina with a meaningful look and smiled. asked.

"I don't know..." Nina thought for a long time, she not only took pity on those weak people who were most likely to die tragically because they couldn't drink water, but also hoped that there would be more strong people in the castle so that they could resist the wolves. attack. But there is only so much water. Some people drink too much and some people can't drink it. This is a difficult choice to make. Everything out of the big picture? Don't say this kind of thing in front of reality, no one's life is life. If this problem is dealt with according to the Soviet model, there is no doubt that the weak are dead, which is cruel, but in the end, most people can survive because of the strong, if according to those radicals " What about democracy and freedom? The result is also obvious, the city will be destroyed and the death will be the only ending. With all the right and wrong in front of her, Nina felt a little bit of a headache—could it be that Guo Shouyun, who has always been in her eyes, was all evil and greedy, but one day he would become a hero of the country? It's also incredible.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, you still have time to think about it in the future," Zyuganov was still smiling, he looked at Guo Shouyun with a bored expression, and said, "But your father and I have already thought about it. It's clear, we need some strong to resist the swarming wolves in the coming disaster. Hehe, we have already selected these strong, and we are already feeding them, but it is a difficult thing to do Yes, these future powers are very difficult to control, some of them not only want to drink more water, but also want to take that well for themselves, and they may even conspire with the alpha wolf outside the city to When it is broken, it is difficult for the country to make money. As for whether the city people live or die, they are indifferent. Nina, if you really sympathize with those people in the city, you should make a choice, because you have a close relationship with one of them, As long as you can persuade him to put aside those unreasonable thoughts, you will be paying everything you can for this castle."

"It's an old fox, the conspiracy and tricks of love are waiting for me here." Guo Shouyun was very angry.

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