Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 108: own home

? Walking along the Yong Road at the outermost edge of the courtyard of the villa, bypassing the small building that Guo Shouyun is familiar with, which is full of various flower gardens, and then enters his line of sight again. Just over a month ago, when he came to Moscow for the first time, he saw Nina after a long absence on the stairs in front of the small building. Recalling the situation at that time, Guo Shouyun felt as bright as yesterday. But now, everything is right and wrong, Nina, will she still meet her on the stairs in front of the building?

"I was wrong, in this world, you only love yourself." Nina's sobbing voice seemed to ring in her ears again, and Guo Shouyun slowed down. The last tree shadow in front covered everything in front of the building. He couldn't see if Nina was waiting for him there. Recalling everything that had happened before, Guo Shouyun suddenly felt very depressed, if Nina was really waiting there. Looking at him, he didn't even think about what to say in the first sentence.

With a soft cry from Victor Bian, Guo Shouyun's floating soul was hooked back again. It turned out that at that moment, his clenched big hand unknowingly pinched the little girl's wrist.

Subconsciously letting go of his hand, Guo Shouyun turned his head to look at the little girl, and when he turned his head again, he realized that he had bypassed the last tree shadow and came to the last section of cement leading to the small building. stone road.

Just in front of the stairs of the small building tens of meters away, under the two bright hanging lamps in front of the building, a girl in a white dress was sitting quietly on the bottom floor of the stairs, holding her hands up. Cheeks, motionless. I don't know what I'm thinking about. Xiu Rujin and Bai Yi Shengxue do not have the agile muscles and strength of "thought", but have too much tranquility and tranquility.

"It's Nina!" Guo Shouyun's heart felt like a hammer, his head that liked to think wildly all day suddenly became blank, just in this blank. He vaguely felt a bit of warmth, a kind of warmth that suddenly found a home after wandering for a long time.

Just in this daze, Guo Shouyun unknowingly took a step forward and fluttered towards the small building. Walk towards Nina in front of the building.

Very disappointing, from the moment Guo Shouyun's figure appeared in front of the small building, until he walked to the stairs, Nina did not respond at all, she always sat quietly on the stairs, like a petrified millennium. The perfect mummy. There was no expected leap into his arms, and there was no extravagant crying. She just sat there, and when Guo Shouyun stood in front of her, she raised her head, smiled and said, "You're here."

"Ah, here we come." Guo Shouyun had guessed a lot of meeting scenarios in advance, and it can be said that he had estimated all kinds of possibilities - it is his nature to make decisions and then act. But it's a pity, such a bland, unremarkable way of meeting. He really didn't expect it.

"Come, sit with me for a while," Nina held out her little hand. He patted on the steps beside him and said, "Grandpa is talking with the guests, and it is estimated that they will have to talk for a while."

"Oh, that's right," Guo Shouyun was a little confused about the situation. He couldn't guess what Nina was thinking now, let alone whether her perception of him had changed. It didn't seem like an accident, but the status quo that everything was possible made him feel very uncomfortable.

With a vague answer, Guo Shouyun sat down half a step away from Nina.

"What are you doing sitting so far? Do you feel guilty when you see me?" Nina seemed to be dissatisfied with the position he was sitting in. She turned her head and said, "Come here and sit here with me."

"Oh," Guo Shouyun is now like a junior brother, he rubbed his ears and moved his body to sit next to Nina.

This movement involved a gunshot wound to his arm, Guo Shouyun couldn't help baring his teeth, but he didn't cry out.

"How is it, is the wound hurting again?" Nina asked softly, very sensitive.

"It doesn't hurt, ah, it's a little bit." Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Hey, I told you not to come to Moscow, why didn't you listen?" Nina was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Look at how dangerous it was at that time, if the muzzle of the gun is a little higher, then you But I really can't go back to the Far East again."

"Hey, how can there be so many ifs," Guo Shouyun said with a smirk, "since this shot didn't blow my head, it means that the **** of luck is still on my side. Besides, without you by my side, even if I go back to the Far East, I will still be a complete failure, and it will be boring to live in the future."

"Do I matter to you that much?" Nina stared at Guo Shouyun's eyes and said with a half-smile, "Even without me, you have to be at ease during this time? Larisa and the others should They serve you well, right? They are so docile, unlike me, they always oppose you, making you often unable to step down."

"But to me, they are just women, beautiful and practical women," Guo Shouyun said frankly, "they follow me, hoping to get what they need, and I stay They are around to get what I need. When I am with them, I have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out every word they say, guess what each one of them means, and always be on guard against what they will say. will not betray me.

With them, I feel very tired. Unlike you, Nina, you want nothing. I admit that my conscience is pitiful, and I also admit that I have too much utilitarianism in many issues, but after all, I am still a person, and I am a person, and I have feelings and qualities of people, so I also know who is the Really have feelings for me. "

Reaching out to caress Nina's graceful back, Guo Shouyun sighed and said, "After talking to you on the phone last night, I didn't sleep well all night. All kinds of nightmares are one after the other, and each of them is related to you. , and the ending of every dream is the scene of you leaving me. After every dream I wake up, I will break out in a cold sweat. After every dream I wake up, I will recognize a truth, that is, being by my side Can't be without you."

Nina was fascinated. Like this, she had hoped to hear Guo Shouyun talk to herself a long time ago.

"Hey, it's easy to recognize the world, but it's so difficult to recognize yourself," Guo Shouyun continued. "It's easy to defeat one's enemies, but it's too difficult to keep a true friend, someone you really like and who you really like. Before coming to Moscow this time. I I also know that this trip is dangerous, and now there are too many people expecting me to die. Except for the Far East, there is no place in the Soviet Union that is safe for me. But I came anyway, not for anything else, just because I had a premonition If I don't come this time, then you will really leave me. So for you. Of course, it's more for myself, so that I won't regret it in the future, I'm here, I want to pick you up Let's go and take you back to the Far East, where we will build a home that only belongs to the two of us. Live happily ever after."

Guo Shouyun's remarks really touched Nina. To be honest, she has been very tired since this time. Tired physically and mentally, as a child of the military who has been educated in the patriotic ideology of the party since childhood, she lost the belief she had upheld for more than 20 years during this period. In the past, there was a basis for her resistance to Guo Shouyun. , that is this guy is clearly a conspirator. He is usurping the wealth of his great motherland at all costs. But now, this conflict has disappeared with the signal of the country's imminent demise. Listening to the words of the past few days, a "Soviet hero" like my grandfather has now become suspected of treason; The Security Committee turned out to be the general headquarters for the treasonists to plan treasonous actions; the Central Committee of the Soviets became the umbrella for treasonous actions; the Bolshevik Party, which led the country for decades and created countless miracles and glory, turned out to be the biggest treasonous organization. ......All of this, Nina is almost going crazy. One of the things she wants to do now is to find a place that can avoid the world that confuses black and white and reverses right and wrong. At this time, Guo Shouyun came, and he said what Nina wanted to hear the most.

A man she likes, a life she yearns for, in the face of all this, Nina doesn't seem to have much choice.

"...Where you want to live, let's build our home," Guo Shouyun is still swearing about his promise, "Whether it's the seaside, the mountainside, the riverside, or whatever. Khabarovsk or Vladivostok, or Kamchatka, Blagoveshchensk, if you like, we will build a place there exactly like this villa... ."

"This country, and our Bolshevik Party, have accumulated too many evils over the past few decades," Zyuganov stood at the window on the second floor of the small building, looking downstairs. The two young people snuggled together, said earnestly to General Semyon beside him, "No matter what kind of reforms, they can no longer be saved, Comrade Andropov, Comrade Ernenko, and even Gorbachev's reforms have already demonstrated this powerfully. Therefore, what we can do now is to smash all the past practices through the hands of others, and then on this piece of ruins, Re-establish a new set of state mechanisms. As for the Yazov comrades, the general will regard them as the necessary victims of this great change. This is not the conspiracy logic of one of us, but for the past A heavy price to pay for that piece of history."


After a long silence, General Xie Miao clasped the gun in his hand and dropped it to the ground. His chapped lips trembled violently, and at the same time, with his trembling left hand, he took out a brocade box from his pocket, and after carefully handing it to Zyuganov, he sighed and said, "I understand, Zyuganov. Comrade Nov, thank you for saying such a heartfelt remark to me today. When you go down, give this to Shouyun for me, and let him remember everything that happened today. No matter when the future comes, he will never be able to Forget the position he was supposed to take."

"Old General, don't you plan to meet him?" Zyuganov took the brocade box and asked casually.

"It's gone. I don't want to see anyone now. You let Nina go with him. Moscow will no longer belong to us." The old general glanced out the window again and said with a sigh.

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