I saw Jiang Xuan now writing without raising his head as he said: Who else can I know in the starry sky? Great Sage,

Didn’t the Great Sage say that at that time? Their race is estimated to be among the top 10,000 in the next millennium ranking. I believe that they will be in great need of the source liquid now.

Chapter 338 A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other

In the starry sky!

When Jiang Xuan sent another message to the Tianyuan Clan, everyone continued to observe the army ahead.

Actions like privately participating in star hunting are a serious crime in the entire starry sky.

Although the opponent is ranked 360 in the starry sky, the race that wants to pull down the opponent's ranking may have already sharpened its sword and is waiting for an opportunity.

The most important thing is that when Jiang Xuan sent out the message this time, he specifically mentioned that the Whale Star Clan was a race, and also told the Sky Ape Clan that as long as they could be completely wiped out, the other party could only break their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

Therefore, Jiang Xuan guessed that with the Great Sage's violent temper, the other party would definitely come.

Ancient A super galaxy cluster!

Lin clan!

Following Jiang Xuan's message, in the starry sky, after several days of traveling, it finally reached the Lin clan.

On top of Linhou Cliff.

At this time, Qilin was surrounded by twelve strong men of the Lin clan who were at the tenth level of Star Cutting.

Everyone is pouring energy into Qilin every day.

The most important thing is that above Qilin's head, something like a secret realm and an image is projecting the picture in Qilin's mind at this time.

In the picture, Qilin at this time has already integrated the power of his own destiny. Facing all kinds of virtual race experts, Qilin is not afraid and is fighting crazily.

At this moment, the Qilin, who was fighting fiercely in the projection, suddenly trembled. The next second, the Qilin body, which had closed its eyes, opened its eyes instantly.


Following Qilin's gaze, looking into the distance, the aura of Level 5 Zhanxing within the other party's body instantly spread throughout Linhou Cliff.

Lin Zhan in the distance quickly came to Qilin's side almost as soon as Qilin opened his eyes.

Seeing that he was surrounded by his own people, Lin Zhan immediately said: What's wrong? Have you hit a bottleneck? Don't panic, here you go!

Almost as soon as Lin Zhan finished speaking, dozens of drops of source fluid appeared in the opponent's hand.

On the other hand, Qilin at this time seemed to have become accustomed to Lin Zhan's actions. He shook his head slightly and said: No, clan leader, look!

The next second, the message delivered by Jiang Xuan instantly appeared in Lin Zhan's mind!

Others may not know the size and matching strength of the Whale Star Clan's strong men, but Lin Zhan definitely knows.

So when the news about Jiang Xuan appeared in Lin Zhan's mind, the other party immediately said: Qianzhang, Level 7 Star Slayer, a good training target.

The flowers in the greenhouse never grow big, so this time, take the little guys of the Lin tribe to experience it!

When he said this, Lin Zhan seemed to have thought of something again, and immediately said: Go back and ask that Jiang Xuan how many drops of source fluid I owe him.

Recently, the more I think about it, the more I feel that I have been deceived by him. If the debt is small, after you go there this time, help kill all those guys, stop absorbing energy, and just repay Lan's debt.

On the other hand, Qilin at this time, after such a long period of training by the Lin clan, his face looked as if it was carved by a knife or an axe, and he looked extremely calm.

Moreover, the current Qilin is dressed in black and gold clothing, and has an unusually strong aura of superiority.

At this time, Qilin nodded immediately after hearing Lin Zhan's words, but after hearing the second half, even Qilin's eyes were a little embarrassed and erratic.

After all, that finger still stood up on its own.

But when he thought that he could gain experience this time and help Zu Xing, Qilin immediately raised his head high and stood on the Linhou Cliff. His domineering voice mixed with energy quickly spread throughout the entire Lin clan.

Any strong person from level 3 to level 5 of Star Slayer, would you like to follow me to the starry sky to fight and gain experience?

In just a moment, as soon as Qilin finished speaking, strong men from all corners of the Lin clan planet flew towards Linhou Cliff one after another!

It wasn't until a few hours later that at least 90,000 new-generation Lin clan strongmen appeared underneath the entire Linhou Cliff, Qilin nodded slightly.

Then, the Qilin's ten-thousand-meter body stepped on the nine auspicious clouds with extremely noble and domineering feet, and soared into the sky first.

Behind them, a new generation of strong men from the Lin clan, with a flash of enthusiasm in their eyes, quickly followed the pace of Qilin!

It wasn't until everyone flew out of the Lin clan's home planet that Lin Zhan once again walked out of the clan leader's cave in Linhou Cliff like an old father.

At this time, Lin Zhan raised his head slightly and looked at the place where Qilin and others had left. He was filled with pride and worry, all kinds of extremely complicated emotions.

However, just as Lin Zhan was looking at the sky in the distance, a gentle female voice suddenly came from deep in the cave.

As the ultimate genius of the Lin Clan Jiuxiangyun, if you give him time, he can protect the Lin Clan for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years in the future. Isn't it too much to send a domain-level protector?

As soon as he said this, Lin Zhan immediately stared with his big lantern-like eyes and said, Yeah, look at my brain.

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhan suddenly looked at a certain desert area of ​​the Lin tribe.

After just a few seconds of watching, a thunderous voice suddenly appeared in Lin Zhan's ear and said, I died 80,000 years ago. Don't look at me. Look at me. I'll break your legs!

When Lin Zhan heard this, he was stunned at first, but then he became really obedient and stopped looking at the desert.

But Lin Zhan's message has always appeared in the sky over the desert.

Oh, Jiuxiangyun, all the strong men of the new generation of Lin Clan~, for some reason, the Lin Clan will be cut off, and from now on we will lose nine hundred and ninety-nine, nine thousand and nine hundred...

Listening to Lin Zhan's words, which were like chanting sutras, the desert suddenly began to shake crazily before Lin Zhan finished speaking.

In just an instant, a horn hundreds of thousands of meters long suddenly broke through the sky.

You can see the leopard in the tube!

No one knows the true identity of the other party.

As the unicorn appeared, the next second, an old man over eighty years old, with wrinkles on his face that could kill a fly, appeared in the desert with his first unicorn.

Almost as soon as the other party appeared, Lin Zhan shut up immediately, and then returned to his clan leader's cave as fast as lightning, and even stuck his head out to observe quietly.

In the desert, the one-horned old man looked at Lin Zhan's unbeatable expression and immediately shook his head helplessly, and then said through a message: You also know that the flowers in the greenhouse will never grow big.

When I go, I also hide myself to give those little guys a layer of insurance. As long as that little guy or others do not suffer large-scale casualties, I will never take action.

When he said this, the old man slowly flew out of the starry sky with a look of compassion, and continued to transmit the message: Oh~, I am old, I can't see blood, I can't see my little cub dying in front of me, I can't So kind.”

Lin Zhan, who was on the Linhou Cliff, looked at the old man who had disappeared into the sky, twitched his huge bloody mouth fiercely, and said to himself, Niang Xipi, named by the starry sky, blood condenses the star earth Lin Your Majesty, you actually say that you are kind!

Chapter 339 Sky Ape Clan

When Qilin led 90,000 members of the younger generation to join Jiang Xuan and others, the Great Sage of the Tianyuan Clan also received the news.

I saw the great sage at this time, sitting in a lively area surrounded by woods ten thousand meters high. His golden eyes blinked from time to time, obviously thinking about something.

Looking back at the Great Sage, at the moment when the message appeared on the Ape Star, the will of the Ape Star's home planet must have been aware of it.

Therefore, now the clone of the mother star's will that was blown up by the Great Sage appears again behind the Great Sage.

But this time, the opponent appeared directly from the original will of the main source.

On the other hand, the Great Sage at this time, after sensing the emergence of the will of his home star, whispered: Have we broken through Domain 2? If we think about reaching the top 10,000 starry sky rankings in this thousand-year ranking sequence, Domain Level one is not acceptable!”

Looking back at the will of the mother star at this time, after hearing the words of the great sage, the other party's eyes were a little dodgeful, but in the end he said: We are working hard. In addition, the two people in the clan have already broken through the first level of the domain.

If you can break through Domain Level 1 in a sequence battle, no, even if you become Star-Zhanping Level 9 or 10, we, the Tianyuan Clan, are already 90% sure.

After listening to the other party's words, the Great Sage gently twisted his neck and then stood up.

With just this movement, the opponent's eighth-level aura of cutting stars instantly rushed in all directions like a violent storm.

On the other hand, the great sage, as if nothing was wrong, directly sent Jiang Xuan's message to the will of his home planet and spoke.

Since I am already a Sky Ape Clan, I will always be a Sky Ape Clan. Since the last time Blue Star returned, you have always had a grudge against me, but I, the Great Sage, dare to take responsibility.

As you wish, from now on, I will only serve the interests of the Sky Ape Clan. Since Blue Star has stepped out of the starry sky and has its own starry sky sequence,

From then on, I, or the Sky Ape Clan, will treat them as a starry sky race, or partners, nothing more, just take a look,

At present, in order to quickly improve our strength, our clan has exhausted all its resources. From the perspective of our Tianyuan clan, this is a rare opportunity.

The Whale Star Clan is ranked 360th in the Starry Sky Sequence. This time Blue Star not only called our clan, but also the overlord race ranked 99th. The purpose is to completely annihilate each other.

On the other hand, the Mother Star Will next to the Great Sage, while looking at Jiang Xuan's message and listening to the Great Sage's sincere confession, his eyes were a little moist.

I'm sorry, I have to confess something to you. Because of the last Blue Star incident, I issued a bounty on Blue Star.

Of course, it’s not just the will of the Sky Ape Clan’s home planet. You may not know that many of the wills of the home stars of the planets have issued bounties.

However, since you have confessed to me, I understand your intentions, and I immediately withdrew the reward.

You are right. Since we have become a race in the starry sky, we must judge everything according to interests. Putting aside your relationship with Blue Star, this cooperation will be beneficial to our race without any harm.

You can make all arrangements. From now on, I will work hard with you to fight for our Celestial Ape Clan, and there will no longer be any barriers.

After hearing that the other party had announced a starry sky bounty to Blue Star, the Great Sage was stunned at first, but then he heard about many starry sky races, and after hearing this, the Great Sage immediately understood what was going on.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, among the starry sky races where more than 5,000 strong men go to Blue Star, these 5,000 races are the ultimate force that can threaten the entire starry sky order, so they must start from the root, which is Blue Star. , destroyed directly.

As for the more than 5,000 starry sky races, he had the same idea as the Sky Ape Clan's mother planet at the last moment.

That is, we are supplying you with all our strength, but you are in Cao Ying and your heart is in Han.

If that's the case, it's better to just issue a reward and kill this Han directly, and you won't have any ideas in the future.

It was precisely because the Great Sage knew this truth that he remained silent.

In the end, the Great Sage shook his head gently and stopped thinking so much. Instead, after reorganizing his emotions, he spoke again extremely unruly.

There are more than a trillion members of the Sky Ape Clan. If I guess correctly, the Lin Clan, as the overlord of the starry sky, may just send some young people to focus on experience.

But our clan mainly focuses on plundering resources. According to the information sent by Jiang Xuan, the leader of the Whale Star clan should be a seventh-level star-killing expert.

Most of their army is at level 3 or 4 of Zhanxing. Therefore, I want all the elite members of the Tianyuan Clan to be at level 4 or above of Zhanxing.

What do you think of just going all out, finishing the blitzkrieg, and returning to the home planet immediately?

On the other hand, the will of the mother planet next to the great sage was shocked at first when he heard that all the elites of the Sky Ape Clan were to be released.

But after thinking about the source liquid that the Great Sage earned for the mother planet over the past thousands of years, and the great sage's great achievements, in the end, the other party agreed with the Great Sage's opinion.

After nodding along with the will of the Heavenly Ape Clan's mother planet, all the Celestial Ape Clan's many powerful men above Level 4 of the Star Slayer seemed to feel something at this moment.

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