Without hesitation, he put down what he was doing and quickly flew towards the Heavenly Ape Forest Holy Land where the Great Sage was.

It wasn't until one day later that all the Sky Ape Clan's four-level and above-level warriors had gathered together. After the Great Sage casually looked at the army, a flash of rage flashed in his eyes and he said.


After just one word, the Great Sage took the lead, turned into golden light, and rushed towards the sky.

A strong man in the rear, whose number could not be seen in the dense jungle, suddenly rose into the sky like locusts crossing the border.

At the moment when many powerful men soared into the sky, all the Tianyuan tribe members who could not participate in the battle saw the mainstays of the Tianyuan tribe, who numbered at least 300,000.

On the other hand, the master of the Sky Ape Clan always felt uneasy when he saw his tribe soaring into the sky under the leadership of the Great Sage.

In the end, after much thought, the will of the mother star decided to transmit the message to another will of the mother star named Sheying Clan.

On the other hand, the will of the Sheying Clan's home planet, after receiving the message from its allies, immediately notified the Snail Ancestor who was at the seventh level of the Star Level.

As soon as the other party heard about it, they could obtain resources and indirectly help Zuxing, and they also began to mobilize their troops.

Of course, the other party also knew that the Whale Star Clan, the 360th in the starry sky, was powerful, so Snail Ancestor's thoughts were almost the same as those of the Great Sage.

That is to dispatch all those powerful people at level 4 or above from their home planet.

After all, below this level, food has been delivered in the past, and this time it is a joint operation. On our side, we only need to send out elites.

So, at the call of the Snail Ancestor, the Sheying clan quickly gathered hundreds of thousands of clan members, soared into the sky and rushed towards their destination!

Chapter 340 Who is Moral?

A few days later!

When Jiang Xuan released the news to the two advanced races, everyone had already arrived at the edge of the galaxy!

As for the numerous armies of the Whale Star Clan, the opponent has stalled, so everyone is not worried that they will really lose track of each other.

That evening, as the fluctuations on the starry sky plank road became more and more intense, at a certain moment, Jiang Xuan suddenly said: Here we come!

As soon as he finished speaking, in the starry sky, Lin beasts with a size of tens of thousands of meters were seen walking out of the starry sky plank road very quickly, and looked at Jiang Xuan and others.

At this time, Qilin, who was leading the way out of the starry sky plank road, first looked at the star field with keen eyes, and then suddenly locked his eyes on Jiang Xuan.

Like a secret contest, the two of them just looked at each other for a moment and burst into laughter at the same time.

Long time no see, Emperor Xuan. It seems that Ancestral Star has been doing well in the past few years. You have all reached the fourth level of Star Cutting!

After listening to Qilin's smiling words, Jiang Xuan immediately shook his head helplessly and said: It's true that things are going well now, but it won't necessarily be the case tomorrow!

Unexpectedly, Qilin suddenly said very seriously: What's wrong? You just told me that hunting down the powerful men of the Whale Star Clan, does this action also have something to do with Blue Star?

Ever since, Jiang Xuan told Qilin the whole story.

When Qilin learned of the Zerg's plan, he immediately frowned and murmured to himself: Star Hunter, Star Wanderer, this cauldron is so beautiful!

Listening to Qilin's murderous words, Jiang Xuan shook his head slightly, and then continued: Wait until these guys are completely wiped out, wait for the Great Sage and the others!

After saying that, Jiang Xuan did not forget to use his mouth to nudge the energy of the starry sky plank road that was gradually becoming violent next to him!

For a time, in this star field, one by one, the strong men of the Lin clan stood in the void in the starry sky, obviously waiting for Qilin's order.

Until the next day when Jiang Xuan was chatting with Qilin and waiting.

The Great Sage led a mighty force, at least 300,000 strong men from the Sky Ape Clan, also appeared in this star field.

Originally, according to Jiang Xuan's plan, everyone now had to try their best to kill these millions of Whale Star Tribe strongmen.

But a few hours ago, on the other side of the edge of the star field where everyone was, the energy of the starry sky plank road also appeared.

The most important thing is that the energy of this starry sky plank road is at least equal to the energy of the starry sky plank road of the Sky Ape Clan.

You must know that the energy fluctuation of the Starry Sky Plank Road directly depends on the strength and number of the strong people coming.

So when the Great Sage also walked out of the Starry Sky Plank Road, Jiang Xuan, the Great Sage, and Qilin all looked warily at the energy of the last Starry Sky Plank Road.

In fact, Qilin has already begun to directly buff many powerful people in the Sky Ape Clan in this starry sky.

However, when Snail Ancestor was the first to step out of the starry sky plank road, he saw a cold black claw heading towards him.

With that frightening energy, Snail Zu definitely saw his grandma waving to him at this moment.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Snail Ancestor instantly transformed into his true form, and instantly retracted into his tens of thousands of meters tall and hard snail shell like a mountain peak.


With Jiang Xuan's fatal blow, it hit Snail Ancestor's shell directly. Even Snail Ancestor, a strong man at the seventh level of Star Cutting, couldn't help but said harshly: I'm in trouble!

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan didn't recognize the opponent at all at this time, so after seeing that the opponent was only injured after receiving a blow from him, he immediately opened his 100-meter pitch black mouth and prepared to bite the opponent.

When the Great Sage on the side noticed that the visitor turned out to be Snail Ancestor, he immediately shouted: Shut up, shut up, don't bite, it's one of our own!

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. At this time, Jiang Xuan was unable to stop the car due to inertia, so he could only gather his strength as much as possible.

As the only eight-level star-killing expert on the field, the Great Sage's reaction at this moment could not be described as unpleasant.

As the Great Sage spoke, the golden stick of unknown material in his hand came out of his hand, and it quickly grew in size as the Great Sage swung it out.

Just when Jiang Xuan was about to bite Snail Ancestor, the golden stick, like a fulcrum, instantly appeared in Jiang Xuan's huge mouth, as black as ink, like an abyss.


As the front end of Jiang Xuan's inverted triangle's giant mouth touched Snail Ancestor, Snail Ancestor was instantly hit into the distant starry sky under Jiang Xuan's full firepower.

Jiang Xuan himself, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment, and then tried to close his mouth, only to find that there was a giant stick in his mouth, stuck in his upper and lower jaws!

When the great sage on the side saw this, the energy in his hand trembled slightly. The next second, the golden stick in Jiang Xuan's mouth appeared in the great sage's hand again.

At this time, the Great Sage looked at the many powerful Sheying tribesmen who were gradually walking out from the starry sky plank road, and immediately explained speechlessly: The person you just knocked away,

My name is Snail Zu. When I was in Blue Star, I had the best relationship with that old gangster Fei. Last time I went to Blue Star and your Starry Sky North City, I seemed to see that guy Fei right there.

Didn't he tell you about Snail Zu? In addition, these strong men are all strong men from the Sheying clan, a race ranked within 10,000 in the starry sky!

Just as the two were talking, the mountain-sized Snail Ancestor below flew up again from under the starry sky, shook his body slightly, and said extremely angrily.

It's the fault of a father who doesn't raise you well, and it's the fault of a teacher who doesn't teach you strictly. I don't blame you for your little guy not knowing me, but tell me who your guide is. When you have the opportunity in the future,

I have to give him two big slaps. How can I educate the younger generations? Even though I have joined other races, I was also a senior who shed blood and tears for Blue Star. How can I do this?

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan immediately said righteously: Senior, I'm sorry, my master is Emperor Fei. Please be sure to slap him twice when you have time in the future. After all, I want to slap him too, but the morality I’m not allowed to do this!”

Suddenly hearing the name of Emperor Fei's Snail Ancestor, the other party was startled for a moment, and then he said curiously: That old guy, wherever there is excitement, he is there, and now where are the others? In addition, who is Daode? If you slap him, slap him. Why is it not allowed?

Unexpectedly, after hearing Snail Ancestor asking about Emperor Fei's situation, Jiang Xuan could only say slowly: The origin was injured, the body was injured, and the strength has stopped. The current strength is still at the peak of Beast Emperor.

However, the current Blue Star no longer needs seniors like Fei Emperor to stand up to this banner. Our new generation of strong men will take it up!

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, both the Great Sage and Snail Ancestor were a little envious of Emperor Fei at this moment. But while they were envious, everyone also looked at Jiang Xuan and the person behind him like an elder. The eyes of the new generation of Blue Star experts are becoming more and more satisfied.

But in the end, Snail Zu couldn't help but asked: This guy can really live a long life, but I still want to ask, who is Daode? Is it powerful? If I go to slap Lao Fei's Dabi Dou, Daode Can you stop me?

Chapter 341 The advantage is mine

Listening to Snail Zu's persistent questioning, both Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen and others behind them all dodge their eyes, not daring to answer each other's questions directly.

In the end, Jiang Xuan forced himself to change the topic and said, By the way, Senior Snail Ancestor, how many strong men of your clan did you bring with you this time?

As soon as he said this, Snail Ancestor casually looked at the clansmen on the side of the Great Sage, and immediately said arrogantly: No more, no more, only 400,000 strong men!

However, after Snail Zu's words were spoken, the Great Sage felt as if someone had stepped on the root of his tail, and immediately said angrily: Okay, okay, they are all the same, they are all the same. Let's quickly talk about the division of the battlefield and how to act. !”

Seeing the awkward atmosphere at the scene, Jiang Xuan immediately blinked and said with some embarrassment: What, we have nearly 800,000 strong men in total, and the opponent has one million. The advantage is ours. We can just surround them and annihilate them all. Got it!

However, because the scene itself was very embarrassing, Bai Shen and others immediately echoed Jiang Xuandao: In Emperor Xuan's opinion, eight hundred thousand versus one million, the advantage is ours, hahahaha!

Listening to everyone's embarrassing chat, the Great Sage couldn't stand it any longer and immediately said: Let's go ahead and do it directly. As for no, the racial ranking is higher than mine, and there are more strong people than me. What can you do? You don't have my strength. Is it strong?

Finally, in an extremely embarrassing atmosphere, Jiang Xuan flew towards the opponent and said: The strength of the many strong men at the front of the opponent is unknown. Two seniors, when the time passes, you two take a look. Let's take a look. Can directly lead some elite strong men,

What do you two think about carrying out precise attacks on their strong men, and then pressing down the enemy with a large army, allowing the other side to command flawlessly?

After listening to the flying Great Sage, he immediately waved his hand and said: Nothing to see, there are two Star Cutting Level 7, 3,000 Star Cutting Level 6, and some Star Cutting Level 5, don't worry, high-end combat power, Our side has the advantage!

After listening to the Great Sage's introduction to the powerful men of the Whale Star Tribe, Jiang Xuan's eyes narrowed for a moment, and finally he said: Senior, I want to face one of the seventh-level Star-Slaying powerhouses head-on in this battle.

However, when the Great Sage and Snail Ancestor heard this, they both shook their heads at the same time and said extremely seriously: No!

Listening to the two people's words in unison, Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment.

In the end, it was Snail Ancestor who explained: In the starry sky, the division of strength levels has long been extremely clear. Over the endless years, the strong men who can fight beyond the level have

You are already rare and regarded as the ultimate genius by all the major races in the starry sky, but you actually want to surpass the third level challenge, which is simply impossible!

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan at this time also understood this truth. After all, he had tried it a few days ago. Among the same level, he could almost kill instantly. When he fought with the star-cutting fifth-level Whale Star Clan strongman, ,

It was when the opponent was unprepared that he barely managed to knock the opponent away instead of killing him. Therefore, the higher level of defense is evident.

But Jiang Xuan finally decided to give it a try.

And he also listened to the advice of the Great Sage and decided to let the Great Sage, a strong man with the eighth level of Star Cutting, capture the formation for him this time.

Two days later!

As the mighty army, led by Jiang Xuan and others, flew into the depths of the starry sky, all the strong men hid their auras and saw the Whale Star Clan's army.

However, because there are so many powerful people, even if everyone hides their aura, it is still extremely obvious.

Therefore, after everyone determined the opponent's position, Snail Ancestor directly led his people in a large circle from the other direction and flew in the opposite direction of the Whale Star Clan legion.

Moreover, when the other party left, he specially brought tens of thousands of Lin clan experts with him.

You must know that as the mascot of the Star Wars, the Lin Clan cannot be invited by anyone.

But this time, so many strong men came from the Lin Clan in one fell swoop, which also made Snail Ancestor want to have a good luxury.

Looking back at Qilin at this time, during the past two days of flying, the power of destiny on the opponent's body had already spread among all the strong men of all races on the side of the Great Sage.

You know, although the strong men from the Lin tribe who came this time were all low in strength, they couldn't handle the large number of people.

Therefore, at this time, almost everyone in Jiang Xuan's army could feel the inexplicable smoothness of everything around them.

Even where everyone passed, the meteorites floating randomly in the starry sky in the distance all inexplicably made way for the army.

It wasn't until two days later that a message from Snail Ancestor was sent, telling everyone that his side was ready. Jiang Xuan and others instantly transformed into their own bodies and prepared to attack.

But this time, the goals of all the powerful men like Blue Star were to reach the fifth level of Star Slayer.

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