On the other hand, Bai Shen, Rong Su and the others behind them also had a flash of bloodlust in their eyes, but they did not show any fear.

After all, the strong men of Blue Star can almost crush each other among the starry races of the same level.

What's more, many of the powerful people coming this time are the top experts in Blue Star.

Among everyone, even the weakest person has the strength to leapfrog challenges.

Therefore, when Jiang Xuan spoke, everyone immediately followed Jiang Xuan's gaze and looked at the team.

After looking at everyone's happy and fearless expressions, Jiang Xuan nodded secretly, and then continued: Remember, this time we must completely annihilate the opponent's team of 100 people.

If any one were to let go, the consequences would be disastrous.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xuan looked at Bai Shen again and said: To be on the safe side, we will kill the captain this time. Let's join forces to see what the other's strength is.

As the two most powerful men in Blue Star's explosive power and the most powerful in combat, no one had any objections to beheading them.

In the end, Jiang Xuan directly waved his hand and led everyone. The dog followed the one hundred strong men from the Whale Star Tribe and moved slowly.

This time, Jiang Xuan and others were extremely patient.

It wasn't until everyone had been following each other for eight days that Jiang Xuan sent a message to the many powerful people in Blue Star and said: It's almost done.

Bai Shen and I will kill the leader at the same time. The twenty of you will do your best to hunt down the other party's subordinates.

In addition, Wu Gu, you and the other speed-type experts must pay attention to the outside of the battlefield. Even if the battle lasts longer, you must not let any of the Whale Star Tribe experts escape.

After getting everyone's reaction, Jiang Xuan accelerated instantly, and the next second, a black Ancestral Star Turtle with a diameter of only a kilometer appeared in the starry sky!


As Jiang Xuan's melodious and domineering voice sounded, the Dragon Emperor, Ape Emperor and others from behind also turned into their true bodies in an instant and rushed toward the opponent's hundred-man team at high speed.

But before all the strong men started to charge, Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen had already taken the lead and came directly to the leader.

At this time, Jiang Xuan, in order to win the battle quickly, immediately maximized his combat power.

Explosive killing, devouring, taunting, the power of time, pause, give it to me!

As Jiang Xuan's voice sounded, the source liquid energy began to emit from Jiang Xuan's own dark body.

Obviously, at this moment, Jiang Xuan not only fully activated all his natural powers, but also directly used the source liquid burning method!

On the other hand, Bai Shen, who was completely transparent at this time, also flashed an explosive aura for an instant, and then he and Jiang Xuan directly began to attack each other.


When Jiang Xuan's giant claws as black as ink struck the opponent's head with a palm, he saw the terrifying eyes of the powerful Whale Star Clan of about 800 feet, and they instantly focused.

The next second, a sound was transmitted, like thunder, instantly appearing in the ears of Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen.

Ho ho ho, you're a fourth-level star-slayer, you actually want to hunt down a six-level star-slayer expert, little guy, you~f*ck...!

Before the other party could finish speaking, Jiang Xuan's front paw seemed to have used too much force, and instantly hit the sixth-level star-destroying warrior from the Whale Star Tribe, causing his body to fall rapidly downwards.

You must know that as a sixth-level star-slaying expert, when he cannot control his own body and can only be beaten, the combat power of the two parties is actually clear at a glance.

Obviously, Jiang Xuangao had seen the strength of the sixth-level star-slaying warrior from the Whale Star Clan.

In other words, the current Jiang Xuan has not yet realized how powerful its talent and combat power are as the ultimate evolutionary race of a great era.

On the other hand, this powerful man from the Whale Star Tribe, whose body was out of control and falling rapidly towards the starry sky, suddenly trembled.

The next second, the opponent's vitality quickly began to drain away.

At this time, Bai Shen also quickly emerged from the opponent's right eye.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen nodded almost at the same time, and the two instantly joined the battlefield and began to slaughter.

As Bai Shen and Jiang Xuan joined the battlefield, the corpses of powerful men from the Whale Star Clan gradually began to increase.

It was not until two days later that Bai Shen, after chasing thousands of miles across the starry sky, finally completely killed the last powerful member of the Whale Star Clan!

Later, Jiang Xuan looked at Bai Shen's tiny body, which was dragging the corpse of a powerful man from the Whale Star Clan that was a hundred feet in size, and immediately said: Suck them all up, and then destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces!

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xuan took the first step and stood on top of the powerful man from the Star Clan of the Six Star-Severing Whales.


As soon as Jiang Xuan finished speaking, streams of pure energy were instantly sucked out by Jiang Xuan from the corpse of the powerful Whale Star Tribe man at Jiang Xuan's feet.

And as the energy in Jiang Xuan's body slowly compressed the original power, it was directly transferred to Xiao Jianglan.

The twenty-two strong men behind saw this and finally began to absorb each other.

But what everyone doesn't know is that when the many scout whales return to the main force this time, everyone will no longer have the opportunity to kill the single ones.

Chapter 337 The surprise appearance of the Guardian Insect

after one day!

When everyone had absorbed the corpses of the hundred Whale Star Clan powerhouses and destroyed them, Jiang Xuan thought for a moment, waved his hand, and once again led everyone to chase the large army!

However, after Jiang Xuan and others traveled for several days and saw the Whale Star Clan's powerful army again, they discovered that the other party had not moved at all in the past few days!

Such abnormal behavior caused Jiang Xuan and others to immediately hide behind a certain meteorite and watch it quietly for several days.

But after observing for several days, everyone was surprised to find that the opponent's million-strong army seemed to be waiting for something.

Sure enough, on the seventh day, deep in the starry sky, a sixth-level breath of cutting stars flew directly towards the army without any obstruction.

For a moment, Jiang Xuan and others looked at the powerful man who was galloping in the distance.

When the other party came closer, all the Blue Star experts were stunned.

Just because the creature flying over at this time turned out to be a guard insect.

Yes, they are the guard bugs around the many queens of the Zerg race.

I saw that the other party had just flown to the front of the Whale Star Clan army, and immediately emitted pheromones and said: Queen Gu Ying Luo Tian has instructed that at present, the Zerg Clan has surrounded and driven away no less than fifty people from fourteen star clusters. starry sky wanderer,

Your clan's position will be the first wave of Blue Star's counterattack when the situation is established. You must not let go of any Blue Star creature.

When he said this, the tens of thousands of meters long guard insect casually looked at the strength of the many strong men of the Whale Star Clan, and then continued.

Remember, Blue Star is protecting the Starry Sky Wanderers. By then, at least fifty tribes of Starry Sky Wanderers will enter Blue Star's galaxy. The fact will be fully confirmed under the eyes of the entire starry sky.

Your clan just wandered around randomly and came here through experience. Star Hunters, only the ten overlord races have the right to enforce it. Do you understand?

At this time, Jiang Xuan and others were hiding near the meteorite in the distance. They saw that there was only one Guardian Insect, but it could stare down at the millions of strong men from the Whale Star Clan. They all understood how powerful a race is. importance.

But what followed was the other party's conversation.

These words instantly made Jiang Xuan understand how much the Zerg held a grudge against Blue Star.

Star Wanderers, what are they?

Jiang Xuan had already seen these in the Starry Sky Rules.

The Star Wanderers can be said to be the public enemies of the entire Star Race.

Not to mention harboring the starry sky wanderers, even on a certain planet, if traces of those starry sky wanderers are found in their own galaxy, they must report it to the overlord race.

Just because of the description in the Starry Sky Rules, they are all a group of bloodthirsty, crazy guys whose mission is to destroy the planet.

They are not limited to race or ranking. They only define status according to the strong ones. Maybe today, this Starry Sky Wanderer can only be ranked 5,000, but tomorrow after he improves his strength, he can be directly ranked in the top ten.

Of course, the description of the Starry Sky Wanderer in the Starry Sky Rules is only a few sentences.

The general meaning is that they are the first red line under the stars. Whoever dares to cross will be punished by the planet, let alone race!

Obviously, the former Zerg race may have wanted to make Blue Star a subordinate and slave of their own race.

But because of Blue Star's resistance, the Zerg not only failed to achieve their wish, but also lost face in the eyes of many races in the starry sky.

Therefore, the current Zerg no longer thinks about how to enslave, exploit, and squeeze Blue Star, but directly destroys it!

After being in the starry sky for so long, everyone must have understood the Starry Sky Wanderer, so when the guard insect said this, Shirakami immediately stared at him fiercely and said slowly.

In order to destroy us, the Zerg race has really spent a lot of money. Within the scope of fourteen nebulae, fifty starry sky wanderer races really think highly of us.

Not to mention the fifty starry sky wanderer races, just one, we Blue Star cannot bear such a crime. This move is really cruel.

After hearing Bai Shen's words, Jiang Xuan looked at him, and then said softly to Xiao Jiang Lan: How's it going?

I saw the little Jiang Lan clone floating next to Jiang Xuan at this time, and immediately said: The branding is done, what should I do now?

But Jiang Xuan shook his head slightly and said: It's okay. Set the highest authority. No one except you should know the information about this reverse projection.

In addition, when the Lin Clan’s Mother Star Will came last time, you should have mutual origin imprints. If Blue Star really faces destruction one day, you can directly send this image to the Lin Clan’s Mother Star Will. ,

I think, among those overlord races, this small conversation, not only can overthrow the Zerg race, but it will definitely make the other party lose a piece of flesh!

When he finished speaking, Jiang Xuan casually glanced at the figure of the guard insect that had gone away again, and said immediately.

Since the Whale Star Clan is not within the scope of the Star Hunters and the other party comes secretly, then we can do it freely and boldly.

In the end, the other party did not dare to speak openly about this matter.

Immediately, Jiang Xuan stood near the crater, writing something with one hand in the void quickly.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the weak and inaudible energy finally seemed to be one with Hunyuan, and then the opponent's surroundings suddenly trembled.

Immediately, a space crack appeared next to the inverted energy.

On the other hand, this energy was like entering a high speed, quickly got in, and flew towards the destination with a very clear target.

On the other hand, Bai Shen and others at this time were blocking Jiang Xuan's energy while wondering: Boss, who are you writing to?

Yes, this technique is a way for strong friends from all races to communicate with each other in the starry sky.

But because it is too low-level, it has been gradually eliminated by the major races in the starry sky.

Just like the original Gahaha, they directly used another method to contact their brothers in the tree hole, their own race's holy land.

Of course, existence is reasonable. Although the method used by Jiang Xuan is slow and energy-consuming, it is more stable than before.

After listening to Bai Shen's inquiry, Jiang Xuan began to write in the void again while explaining: This is written for Qilin. Ask him if he is doing well recently.

As an ally, it’s not like we haven’t contacted each other for a long time. Although we, as allies, are not worthy of carrying shoes for the Lin tribe now,

But they are still allies. In addition, let Qilin ask Lin Zhan, the clan leader, if he knows if the Lin clan is short of source liquid?

As soon as these words came out, Bai Shen and others behind him all looked at Jiang Xuan with black lines on their heads.

In the end, Bai Shen said: Which race would complain about the lack of source liquid? By the way, boss, by the way, who are you writing to this time?

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