Therefore, Jiang Xuan, who was helpless, could only fly to the body of another strong man from the Whale Star Clan. After calling out Xiao Jiang Lan, his limbs as black as ink instantly grabbed the strong man from the Whale Star Clan and began to absorb him. energy.

Because Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen are absorbing each other's energy at the same time, and compressing the source power to transfer energy for the will of the mother planet,

The two of them had only absorbed half of the energy, and Xiao Jianglan had already created a clone again.

However, at this time, Bai Shen saw that another clone of the mother star's will had been successfully separated, so he took another clone of Xiao Jianglan and flew directly in the other direction.

Before leaving, Bai Shen did not forget to send a message: Boss, my Whale Star Tribe strongman's energy has not been absorbed yet.

I leave it to you, brother. I will chase the guy in the other direction first.

From behind, looking at Bai Shen who was gradually disappearing in the starry sky, Jiang Xuan could only say to himself with black lines on his head: After doing this for a long time, I turned out to be the one cleaning the battlefield!

But complaints are complaints, Jiang Xuan finally absorbed all the energy from the corpses of these two powerful men from the Whale Star Clan, and transferred them all to Xiao Jiang Lan.

You know, among the current Blue Stars, although Jiang Xuan, like everyone else, is at the fourth level of star level, if ranked according to overall strength, Jiang Xuan is definitely the well-deserved number one.

Because now Jiang Xuan has completely become a hexagonal warrior since he evolved into the Ancestral Star Turtle.

Whether it's attack, speed, defense, etc., they have already beaten many strong players from Blue Star by a huge margin.

Just like the current Wu Gu, as a human, his instantaneous explosive power has ranked at least in the top ten among Blue Stars.

But compared to Jiang Xuan, the other party was more than twice as bad.

Or Rong Su, who currently ranks second in Blue Star’s defensive power. As for why he ranks second, everyone knows.

After all, Jiang Xuan's defense was at least twice as high as Rong Su's already perverted defense.

Perhaps at present, among the entire Blue Star, it seems that only Bai Shen's speed and explosive power can barely be equal to Jiang Xuan's, or even a little higher.

But that's all. After all, if Jiang Xuan activates the explosive killing, even Bai Shen will need to stay away.

In Jiang Xuan's helpless mood, after absorbing the corpses of the other two strong men from the Whale Star Clan, he once again aimed at a direction and flew away quickly.

And this time when he came out to take action, Jiang Xuan's targets were four powerful men from the Whale Star Clan.

Of course, except for Shirakami, who has locked five, everyone almost has three.

There are only a few speed experts, and like Jiang Xuan, they seem to be targeting four.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan was seen walking quickly while listening to Xiao Jiang Lan's quick report.

PS: It’s my mom’s birthday today, maybe two chapters tomorrow, don’t worry, I’ll continue to add more chapters later, okay!

Chapter 335 Are you a hunter or a prey?

Guigui, many strong men from Blue Star have completed the invasion again. Currently, among the fifteen teams, they all have sixty drops of source liquid.

The other seven teams have invaded their respective target planets again, and now they are all waiting for your orders!

After listening to Xiao Jiang Lan's report, Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and then said directly: Well, tell them to go back to Blue Star directly.

After giving the source liquid to your main will, let them go to other star races. In addition, let Gahaha also start paying more attention.

It can't be as simple as just leading the way all day long. You can also learn from the Whale Star Clan and send one or two scouts to first explore the sequence of planets that need to be invaded!

Following Jiang Xuan's methodical orders, many strong men from Blue Star also quickly divided into dozens of groups and began to take action at this moment.

It is worth mentioning that this time, Jiang Xuan did not bring Wu Daode and Amethyst.

Amethyst, as the insect queen of Blue Star, manages millions of star-level insect soldiers. When the star hunt is about to begin, she is the best person to be the guardian.

As for Wu Daode, as a scientific researcher, he was very responsible for setting up hundreds of millions of defense points for Blue Star.

At this time, Jiang Xuan, who was rushing in the starry sky, after ordering the tasks of many powerful people from Blue Star, he once again saw another powerful person from the Whale Star Clan from a distance.

But at this time, Jiang Xuan casually turned his head and looked at the starry sky, and found that the other party had already moved away from the large army of the Whale Star Clan.

Therefore, Jiang Xuan flew directly to the opponent's side quickly. Amidst the opponent's roar, Jiang Xuan directly resolved the battle with overwhelming force.

The next step is to swallow and crush the one-stop service, caring and warm!

But at this time, Jiang Xuan, while devouring the opponent and channeling the original power for Xiao Jiang Lan, discovered a strange phenomenon.

That is, as Jiang Xuan's energy is supplied to the little guy more and more, Xiao Jiang Lan's clone becomes more and more agile, and seems to be more spiritual.


Ten days later!

When Jiang Xuan and others gathered together again and quickly rushed to the rear of the Whale Star Clan's large army, everyone began to look solemn this time.

You must know that in the past ten days, everyone has killed hundreds of strong men from the Whale Star Clan. The other party will return to the main force this time. After reporting, they will definitely find out the problem.

Therefore, on the thirteenth day, Jiang Xuan thought over and over again and decided directly to let everyone lurk towards the left and rear of the powerful army of the Whale Star Clan.

It wasn't until two days later that many scouts from the Whale Star Clan began to return to report. As expected, hundreds of strong men flew out of the large rear force of the Whale Star Clan and flew towards them in an extremely furious manner. Fly behind.

Obviously they want to send strong men to see what is going on.

But what the other party didn't know was that as many Whale Star Clan scouts flew towards the distant starry sky again, Jiang Xuan and others had already changed directions and started hunting again.

This tactic of guerrilla when weak and crushing when strong is used by everyone to the fullest!

Originally, Jiang Xuan thought that everyone's tactics would continue slowly.

But when everyone gathered together again, Jiang Xuan, Bai Shen and others all noticed something different.

I saw that the Whale Star Clan's large force, which had been moving slowly in the starry sky, did not know what news they had received in the past ten days, but they actually changed direction, accelerated their speed, and marched in the direction of Blue Star. !

This discovery was like a sharp sword, hanging over everyone's heads.

If these million whale star clan experts really enter the Milky Way, or to put it more bluntly, if the other party directly invades Blue Star, it will definitely be a devastating blow to Blue Star!

At this time, Jiang Xuan stared at the millions of Whale Star Tribe troops in the distance and quickly began to think.

The opponent's millions of legions were almost all at level three or above.

Among them, Level 4 Star Slayers accounted for most of the number.

But what worries Jiang Xuan the most now are the tens of thousands of whale stars at the front that are larger in size and whose strength even Jiang Xuan cannot predict.

Is the opponent's strength level 5, 6, or 7? Jiang Xuan didn't know at all.

But now, the problem is that the opponent's direction of travel is like boiling a frog in warm water for Blue Star.

If you don't take measures, you will still run into each other sooner or later.

In the end, Jiang Xuan could only look at the little Jiang Lan clone on the side and said: Tell everything here to Amethyst of Blue Star.

In addition, the strong men of Blue Star have all returned now. There are fifteen teams, each team has sixty drops of source liquid, plus the seven teams, each team has thirty drops of source liquid.

A total of 1,110 drops of source liquid. Tell Amethyst that except for the source liquid you need for your next promotion, let her use all the source liquid by herself.

Half a year, if the speed of these Whale Star Clan powerhouses is followed, it can take as little as half a year and as many as eight months. These guys will definitely enter the scope of the Milky Way.

We tried our best to delay the other side. In the past six months, we let Amethyst think of a way to use the best of our ability to use the strength of the many insect soldiers.

As we move up, I think Blue Star may have to go through a fierce battle!

Just when Jiang Xuan had just given the order and Xiao Jiang Lan was about to convey the message to Blue Star's main source of will, the expressions of Jiang Xuan, Wu Gu, Bai Shen and everyone changed instantly.

The next second, Jiang Xuan showed joy and said: Oh? Blue Star suddenly reached the upper limit of Level 5. It seems that the little guy has been working very hard during this period!

Hearing Jiang Xuan's smiling words, Bai Shen and others didn't know how to talk, so they could only smile.

After all, Jiang Xuan can call the will of his home planet the little guy, little Jiang Lan, but no one else dares!

Blue Star!

Starry Sky East City!

When Jiang Xuan's order was passed back to Blue Star by Xiao Jiang Lan, Amethyst also received the news immediately!

Amethyst, who had already broken through the fourth level of Star Cutting, instantly frowned.

But Jiang Xuan's words have made it very clear that if the opponent really comes to invade Blue Star this time with this menacing appearance, Amethyst's many insect soldiers will be the only force that can stop the opponent.

I saw Amethyst, who was the deputy spokesperson of Blue Star, standing alone on top of the giant city for a long time, and then directly entered the original space.

A moment later, when Amethyst appeared again, she had already taken out thousands of drops of source liquid in her hand.

But the next second, Amethyst instantly poured all the source liquid in her hand into the black mist without hesitation, and emitted pheromone channels from her body.

All insect soldiers, saturation absorption energy breakthrough!

After finishing speaking, Amethyst took out dozens of drops of source liquid, sat on the giant city first, and began to break through to the fifth level of Star Cutting.

After all, due to the characteristics of the Zerg race, after the Queen of Zergs is promoted, her many soldiers can break through more smoothly!

Chapter 336 Strength Error

Southern Crown Galaxy!

On this day, as the Whale Star Clan's million-strong army began a rapid march, Jiang Xuan and others also followed and arrived at another galaxy!

On this day, the huge Whale Star Clan scouts returned to the main force again.

However, with the return of many powerful warriors from the Whale Star Clan, this large force doubled due to the missing powerful scouts.

For a time, the entire army gradually slowed down and stopped.

At this time, in the eyes of Jiang Xuan and others, the Whale Star Clan Legion in the distant starry sky had stopped for two full days.

Suddenly, from the front of the entire million-strong legion, thousands of strong men whose strength was obviously higher than level 4 of Zhanxing flew towards the rear.

I saw that as the truly strong men of the Whale Star Clan separated from the large army, hundreds of Whale Stars quickly followed behind them.

This discovery made everyone happy at first, but then they all fell into deep thought.

You must know that each of the many strong men of the Whale Star Clan who came out from the front core was at least eight to nine hundred feet in length. They were very different from the ordinary scouts that Jiang Xuan and others killed at the beginning.

But now Jiang Xuan and others can't detect the other party's strength at all. What level is it?

This kind of blind man's approach also made Jiang Xuan and others very helpless.

But at least, many powerful people in Blue Star now know one thing based on the Whale Star Clan in the Grand Legion.

That is, the bigger this race is, the stronger it is.

Finally, after Jiang Xuan looked at the groups of hundreds of troops going away, he immediately said: Let's go, this time there are twenty-two of us, we will act together.

Take a look at the level of strength of this guy who is seven to eight hundred feet tall.

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