You know, the Gujun Mosquito tribe is a proper speed race, but when faced with Wu Kuan's faster and smaller human race, Wu Kuan can't touch Wu Kuan at all.

For a moment, the Gujun Mosquito Clan leader saw his son dying quickly, and instantly understood how stupid his decision of the previous days was.

Yes, this planet war was actually initiated by the Gujun Mosquito tribe.

A few days ago, in order to make a time difference, the leader of the Gujun Mosquito Clan gathered hundreds of strong men from his own race before Wugou and the Blue Star strongmen gathered, and suddenly killed Wugou without any warning. hand.

But because Wu Gu himself had been tensing up, he still escaped despite being seriously injured.

At that time, the patriarch of the Gu Jun Mosquito Clan was so high-spirited.

Because the other party knew that Blue Star, a star-level expert, was seriously injured, and the hundreds of experts who would deliver the source liquid would not be a concern.

However, the reality is that when many strong men from Blue Star met Wugou outside their own starry sky, Wugou immediately looked at Gu Jun Mosquito Star and said two words in an extremely cruel manner.

Slaughter Star!

Next, one by one, star-level warriors bearing the Blue Star Origin Marks, just like that, directly attacked the Gujun Mosquito Clan.

On the other hand, although Wu Gu was seriously injured at that time, his body was recovering rapidly after receiving the pour of source liquid brought by the Eagle Emperor.

To this day, the Gu Jun Mosquito Clan leader saw that many of his powerful men were dead and wounded, and that his juniors were attacking many powerful men of Blue Star one after another. He immediately roared and joined the battle again. .

Just when the many powerful men of Blue Star had killed less than 10% of the Gujun Mosquito tribe who had rushed up, Jiang Xuan's words suddenly rang out above the sky.

Wugou, stop!

However, Jiang Xuan was still a step too late.

At this moment, Wugou saw that the double daggers in his hands had already been stabbed hard at the Gu Jun Mosquito Clan leader just before Jiang Xuan opened his mouth.

As the opponent's body suddenly collapsed, Wujiu's bloody body turned around and looked at Jiang Xuan and others who had already flown ten thousand meters above the crowd.

With the arrival of Jiang Xuan, the Eagle Emperor of the Beautiful Country immediately stopped the fighting of all the Blue Star powerhouses and quickly approached Jiang Xuan.

But at this time, Jiang Xuan's perception instantly spread throughout the Gujun Mosquito Clan, checking the casualties of the other race.

Finally, Jiang Xuan sighed slightly, knowing the current combat strength of the Gujun Mosquito Clan.

Only one of the star-level experts was beaten to death due to severe injuries, and he was also a newly promoted level one star-level expert.

As for the other star-level warriors, they all died in battle.

But the most important thing was when Jiang Xuan discovered that all the strong men at the Beast Emperor level of the Gujun Mosquito Clan were dead, he started to frown.

Yes, it can be said that the Gujun Mosquito Tribe has been massacred by many powerful men from Blue Star in this battle.

In desperation, Jiang Xuan could only quickly fly to the side of the strong Gu Jun Mosquito tribe who was seriously injured and beaten to death, and poured energy into him.

It wasn't until dozens of minutes later that this strong man from the Gujun Mosquito Tribe suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Xuan with a fierce look in his eyes before Jiang Xuan let go of his arm.

Of course, don't think that Jiang Xuan is being kind.

After all, the race war in the starry sky is so cruel and ruthless.

At this time, looking at the Gu Jun Mosquito clan strongman who was already in stable condition, Jiang Xuan said softly: Look at your planet, I already know the cause and effect of the matter.

This is the decision made by your clan leader who died in the battle. Are you satisfied?

As soon as these words came out, this strong man from the Gujun Mosquito Clan said extremely stubbornly: The weak will eat the strong. Our planet has been defeated. There is nothing to say.

Chapter 310 Endless Sea of ​​Flames

Listening to the other party's heroic words, Jiang Xuan also understood the cruelty of Xingkong. Fortunately, this time Blue Star stood on the invading side.

Suddenly, Jiang Xuan, who was about to say something, was suddenly attracted by a supreme law of light and shadow.

The appearance of the other party instantly caused Xiao Jiang Lan, who was beside Jiang Xuan, to cast his gaze over.

Yes, what follows is an exchange of wills between the two planets, and even Jiang Xuan, the spokesperson, cannot participate.

Just when Jiang Xuan was worried about whether little Jiang Lan would be sold by the other party, the little guy suddenly said to Jiang Xuan: The will of their home planet told me,

Thirty drops of source liquid, I offer you now. In addition, I hope Blue Star will keep this war a secret. Otherwise, if the starry sky races below know that the Gujun Mosquito Clan is seriously injured, they will definitely make the Gujun Mosquito Clan become a group of wolves. situation.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan immediately understood that the Gujun Mosquito Clan was going to consume the entire clan’s resources and try their best to rise again.

Otherwise, this race will no longer have the strength to stand in this position, and sooner or later it will be torn to pieces by those below.

After understanding the other party's concerns, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at the will of the other party's home planet and said very calmly: Okay, in addition, those enemy races below you,

The next few days will probably be too busy for you to take care of yourself, don’t worry!

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xuan extended a palm in an extremely indifferent manner as a superior.

Upon seeing this, the Gu Jun Mosquito Clan's Mother Planet Will immediately offered a ball of source liquid and quickly entered the body of the seriously injured first-level tribesman beside him.

Yes, from now on, this Gujun Mosquito Clan’s only first-level star-slaying expert will become the leader of the entire Gujun Mosquito Clan.

Of course, such things have nothing to do with Blue Star.

In the end, under the fearful eyes of many Gujun Mosquito Clan creatures, many strong men from Blue Star flew into the starry sky once again.

Jiang Xuan, who had just flown out of the starry sky, immediately said to Xiao Jiang Lan: Tell the other captains that you must not destroy a certain planet.

This kind of thing that is despised by all races, Blue Star's current strength simply cannot afford it.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xuan looked worriedly at the sea of ​​​​stars in a certain direction.

Because that direction is where the Colorful Clam Star is located.

Colorful Clam Star!

At this time, looking from outside the starry sky, the entire Colorful Clam Star has become a blazing planet.

Inside the planet, there were cries and roars all over the planet, which completely frightened Suzaku, Yamata no Orochi and others who had already flown outside the Colorful Clam Star.

Yes, it's fear.

Because Suzaku and others did not expect that this colorful poisonous mist could be so terrifying, just like gasoline, it ignited at once.

In such an uncontrollable situation, not to mention Yamata no Orochi, even Suzaku didn't know what to do at this time.

At this moment, several auras from behind immediately approached Suzaku and the others.

At this time, Suzaku and others, who were like frightened birds, immediately looked behind the starry sky with wary expressions.

But after noticing that the visitor turned out to be Shirakami, Bayin and many other powerful men who had already completed the invasion of the planet, Suzaku immediately felt relieved.

But the annihilation of the Clam Clan has become a fact. After all, this situation, like the wind helping the fire, is beyond the control of Suzaku and others.

In desperation, thousands of Blue Star star-level experts could only stand outside Colorful Clam Star, somewhat at a loss.

However, misfortune never comes singly!

As the Colorful Clam Star gradually enters extinction, it seems to affect some rules in the starry sky.

The next second, a series of terrifying auras gradually cast their gaze in the direction of the Colorful Clam Clan.

Just when Bai Shen and others didn't know how to respond, they saw a scorching sun-like eye suddenly appear outside the starry sky of the entire Colorful Toad clan.

The next second, a hunting claw that was even bigger than the Clam Clan suddenly struck from the depths of the starry sky.

Later, Suzaku and others saw an extremely shocking scene.

I saw that the blazing home planet of the Colorful Clam clan suddenly fell into pieces when the giant claws attacked.

Yes, not to mention the Colorful Clam Clan, even the home planet of the entire Colorful Clam Clan was directly broken into pieces by that giant claw.

The next second, without waiting for the reaction of many powerful people in Blue Star, a sky curtain like a raging flame instantly attacked Bai Shen and others.

This irresistible energy immediately made Bai Shen and others understand that this time, everyone was doomed.

But the strange thing is that when the sky of inverted flames flew less than a kilometer away from Baishen, it suddenly became like dough and immediately wrapped Baishen and others in it.

And whether it was the aura or energy of the thousands of powerful men in Blue Star, they instantly disappeared without a trace outside the sky.

However, Bai Shen and others in the flaming sky suddenly saw the extremely domineering shadows of the ten overlords holding the starry sky power staff outside the Colorful Clan.

I saw the ten terrifying shadows at this time, looking at the appearance of the Colorful Clam Star being torn apart, and they all frowned.

Just when Suzaku and the others were afraid that they would be discovered, an extremely terrifying phoenix cry suddenly appeared throughout the Yaoluo Galaxy.


The next second, a sound that made the entire Yaoluo Galaxy tremble spread across the starry sky.

The Clam Clan provoked me, and I will take responsibility for the cause and effect. Anyone who is dissatisfied can come to the Sea of ​​Endless Flames to find our clan, and my clan will accept them all!

The extremely domineering words instantly made the shadows of the ten starry sky overlords outside the Colorful Clam clan frown even more.

But just when Bai Shen and others were wondering which starry sky boss the owner of this voice was, the sixth phantom among the ten phantoms suddenly spoke.

It turns out it's your clan, so it's not surprising. Just destroy it. A race with tens of thousands of people ranked in the starry sky is nothing to worry about!

After finishing speaking, the other party looked at the first phantom, waiting for the other party's reply.

After a few minutes of contemplation, the first phantom suddenly smiled and said solemnly: Small punishment, big commandment, disrupting the ranking of the starry sky. If nothing happens, the starry sky rules will take action. The punishment will be the endless sea of ​​flames and hundreds of drops of the original liquid. , do you have any objections?

As soon as these words came out, the invisible voice suddenly spoke again: Okay, I understand, then let's owe it first!

After the other party finished speaking, there was no sound for an instant, and he had obviously left.

On the other hand, the phantoms of the ten overlords gradually became more illusory and disappeared.

But when leaving, Bai Shen clearly saw the gaze of the first phantom overlord, and looked into the fireball where he and others were with a half-smile.

You know, the entire Colorful Clam Star has become a sea of ​​​​fire, and then was suddenly blown up by a certain big boss.

There are various fireballs scattered irregularly around the Yaoluo Galaxy.

And the most important thing is that there are fireballs bigger than where Shirakami and others are.

However, in the entire Yaoluo Galaxy, one glance saw the fireball where Baigami and others were.

So Bai Shen immediately understood that the other party must have discovered that he was waiting for someone.

Chapter 311 Return

Many powerful people on Jiang Xuan's side had no idea that such a big thing was happening in the Star Territory of Bai Shen and others, and they were even worried about Bai Shen and others.

In the starry sky!

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