At this time, Jiang Xuan couldn't catch up because of the distance problem, so he could only pray that Suzaku and others would not cause any trouble on the battlefield.

In the end, everyone could only enter the space plank road and return to Blue Star.

Falling galaxy.

Colorful Clam Star Realm!

As many big bosses gradually disappeared, the flames in the sky in front of Bai Shen and others also gradually dimmed.

For a moment, everyone could only prepare to return to Blue Star with doubtful expressions.

But the next second, as the flames from the sky disappeared, everyone felt that the place where the Colorful Clam Star was originally was floating with a strong aura of energy.

Seeing this scene, Bai Shen and others' eyes lit up, and then they quickly rushed over.

The first thing that caught the eye was a ball of fifty-three drops of source liquid, emitting colorful light and appearing extremely dazzling in the starry sky.

Seeing this, Bai Shen immediately waved his hand and put it directly into his bag.

But there is also an earth-yellow energy, exuding a substance that is not weaker than the original liquid, but is another breath.

Just when everyone was puzzled, they saw many clones of Xiao Jiang Lan surrounding the powerful men, and their breathing became a little rapid.

I want the origin of the planet. Give it to me quickly. Get the Blue Star back!

Listening to the extremely eager will of their home star's will, Bai Shen and others were confused, but they finally obeyed Xiao Jianglan's order and took the earth-yellow energy substance with them, which was only the size of a cat.

In the end, everyone saw the demise of this star race in the vast starry sky, and a sense of urgency came to their hearts.

You know, you can be a colorful clam today, but what about tomorrow? Will it be Blue Star?

So when Bai Shen and others understood this, they immediately waved their hands, opened the Starry Sky Plank Road, and returned to Blue Star!

Milky Way!

Blue Star.

This blue planet, which is a hundred times larger than before, is like a blue gem embedded in the starry sky, quiet and comfortable!

On this day, all I could see was the edge of the Milky Way, where energy suddenly fluctuated.

Immediately, many powerful men, led by Jiang Xuan, appeared here in an instant.

However, as soon as Jiang Xuan and others came out of the Starry Sky Plank Road, they noticed that the energy of the Starry Sky Plank Road was fluctuating next to them.

For a moment, Jiang Xuan and Amethyst looked at each other and wondered why Bai Shen and others were so fast!

As time went by, many powerful men led by Jiang Xuan waited at the edge of the galaxy for about two days. Another large force led by Bai Shen and Suzaku also quickly walked out of the starry sky plank road and arrived at the edge of the galaxy.

Seeing this, although Jiang Xuan was filled with confusion, he still nodded to everyone and said, Let's go back to Blue Star first!

The next second, thousands of star-level warriors flew directly towards Blue Star in a mighty manner. The scene was extremely spectacular.

Blue Star!

Starry Sky East City!

Ever since the top experts of Blue Star rushed out of the starry sky to plunder resources for their home planet, Starry Sky East City has become the entire central core of Blue Star.

Because both the remaining star-cutting experts and the newly promoted star-cutting experts will come here to guard Blue Star.

After all, the Blue Stars have now appeared in the starry sky sequence, so everyone must prevent the invasion of other star races.

Fortunately, because Blue Star has only entered the starry sky ranking for less than a year, the races in the adjacent rankings are still in a wait-and-see state and have not taken any action!

On this day, I saw Tian Linyu, who was hidden in the starry sky above Blue Star, suddenly flashing light, and then, many powerful men from Blue Star flew down from the sky so domineeringly.

For a time, whether it was the many promoted new-generation star-level experts or the powerful beast kings and above who were training in Blue Star, they all felt something and looked up.

As Jiang Xuan and others arrived at the giant city of Starry Sky East City, the newly promoted star-level experts looked at the many experts with envy.

After all, the honor of being able to step into the starry sky and plunder resources for one's home planet is self-evident.

Then, all the powerful men were instantly attracted to the direction where Jiang Xuan and others were.

Because at this time, Bai Shen had already taken out a ball of source liquid, handed it to Jiang Xuan, and said: Tianyun Galaxy, Yuscorpion Clan, thirty drops of source liquid.

Immediately, without waiting for everyone to react, Bai Shen took out a larger ball of source liquid and said: Yaoluo Galaxy, Colorful Clam Clan, fifty-three drops of source liquid, a ball of planet source!

As soon as these words came out, the many strong men below were not sure what was going on, but Jiang Xuan and Amethyst shrank their eyes fiercely at the same time.

Jiang Xuan had seen the origin of the planet in the rules of the starry sky. It was something that could only be born after a planet with biological races was broken.

But looking at the many new generation strong men below who were watching, Jiang Xuan could only nod his head calmly.

As the masses of source liquid completely gathered around Jiang Xuan, Jiang Xuan lowered his head and looked at the spoils of Blue Star's expedition to the starry sky.

Four hundred and thirteen drops of source fluid!

Thirteen planets and twelve races all handed over thirty drops of source fluid, as well as fifty-three drops from the Colorful Clam clan.

However, among the thirteen planets on which they fought, not all of them were like Jiang Xuan and others, who used coercion and inducement, and then directly obtained the source liquid without any bloodshed.

On the contrary, almost most of these thirteen planets had battles.

So at this time, among the thousands of Blue Star powerhouses below, about 70% were almost injured, and some were seriously injured.

In the end, according to Jiang Xuan's statistics, there were a total of 4,600 strong men who stepped out of the starry sky from Blue Star this time, and the number of dead strong men also reached 30.

You know, although these powerful people are all distributed according to Jiang Xuan, their strength is definitely greater than the opponent's planet, but it is a battle of planets after all.

Therefore, if these casualties were compared to other races, it can be said to be a great victory.

Jiang Xuan also understood this truth, so he looked at the people below and said: If the injured strong man needs the source of rescue, just tell me directly.

In addition, the participants this time will receive one drop of source liquid for one hundred people, and I will once again increase the energy of the four giant cities. Let everyone disperse, try your best to break through, and cultivate for a period of time.

As soon as these words came out, a burst of light burst out from the eyes of the strong men who went out to fight.

You must know that these strong men are almost all at the second level of star level. If everyone can share a drop of the source liquid, coupled with the rich source power of the giant city, a breakthrough is just around the corner.

So when Jiang Xuan released forty-six drops of the source liquid again, many strong men immediately returned to other giant cities and began to work hard to break through.

However, after everyone left, Jiang Xuan's eyes instantly turned to Baishen and Suzaku, waiting for their answers.

Therefore, Bai Shen could only slowly tell Jiang Xuan what happened to him and others!

Chapter 312 Talent

After listening to Bai Shen's narration, Jiang Xuan and Amethyst immediately looked at each other, and began to think about what kind of race and ranking the big boss was.

However, even though everyone racked their brains, they could not imagine the other party's strength with their own limited vision.

In desperation, Jiang Xuan could only sigh softly and said to everyone in the God-killing Pavilion: Let's break through with all our strength. Tell me how much source liquid is needed!

On the other hand, when Bayin and others heard this, their eyes lit up one after another, but Bai Shen still said: The upper limit of the home star has reached the third level of cutting stars. I only need a drop of the source liquid as a primer.

Then by absorbing the original power and energy of the giant city, we should be able to break through!

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at the others.

However, everyone's answers were almost exactly the same as Bai Shen's.

Finally, Jiang Xuan once again gave everyone a drop of source fluid and looked at Amethyst.

On the other hand, Bai Shen and others, who had obtained the source liquid, did not hesitate and immediately flew to other giant cities, began to absorb energy, and waited for a breakthrough!

For a moment, only Jiang Xuan and Zijing were left at the scene.

At this time, Amethyst looked at Jiang Xuan's slightly aggressive gaze, her face turned red, and then she said with embarrassment, What's wrong?

However, before Jiang Xuan could speak, Xiao Jiang Lan's main origin body appeared next to Jiang Xuan in an instant, and said: I want that ball of planet origin, little turtle, give it to me, give it to me quickly!

Noticing Xiao Jiang Lan's eager look, Jiang Xuan also knew what the origin of this planet was, so he waved his hand and threw the earthy substance directly into the origin space.

Planet Origin, to put it simply, can only be used by planets, because this planet origin can be understood as the qualifications of a planet.

And the most important thing is that the origin of the planet can increase the size of a planet.

So for Xiao Jianglan, this thing is not as good as the Blue Star powerhouse's desire for the source fluid.

I saw that after Xiao Jianglan obtained the origin of the planet, he didn't even want the origin liquid that Jiang Xuan had taken out, and immediately entered the origin space and began to integrate the origin of the planet.

For a moment, Jiang Xuan could only awkwardly throw the remaining 360 drops of source liquid into Blue Star's source space.

In this gap, Jiang Xuan checked and found that there were only about 70 drops of the original liquid left in the original space.

But Jiang Xuan knew that these source liquids had been used by the captains and their respective strong men in the battle to invade the planet.

It was only then that Amethyst spoke again: Is something wrong?

As soon as he said this, Jiang Xuan looked at the level 2 star-cutting strength around Amethyst and could only say helplessly: How much source fluid do you need to break through?

However, when she suddenly heard Jiang Xuan's inquiry, Amethyst trembled in her heart, but in the end she still said with an imperturbable expression: Haha, I thought you had forgotten me? Not bad!

Listening to the other party's teasing words, Jiang Xuan could only look at the other party with black lines on his head.

But the next moment, Amethyst changed the topic and said extremely seriously: One drop is enough. After all, I am also a strong person in Blue Star now. With the rich source power of the giant city, I can completely break through!

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan immediately gave the other party a drop of source liquid and looked at the black mist outside the giant city that had been condensed by at least 60%.

On the other hand, Amethyst could only slightly roll her eyes when looking at Jiang Xuan's appearance, and began to sit on top of the giant city and begin to break through.

At this time, after Jiang Xuan looked at the black fog for a while, he sensed the many star-level warriors from Blue Star and immediately entered the original space.

However, the moment Jiang Xuan entered the original space, the entire Blue Star also quietly changed.

Simply put, it just gets bigger and bigger!

In the original space of Blue Star!

As Jiang Xuan arrived, he immediately noticed the way Xiao Jiang Lan held onto the origin of the planet and worked hard to integrate it.

However, as Jiang Xuan observed, he instantly noticed one thing, that is, with the fusion of Xiao Jiang Lan, not only the Blue Star was quietly growing in size, but even the Tian Linyu under his control was also growing. As the blue star grows bigger and bigger.

Just when Jiang Xuan was looking at him in ecstasy, Xiao Jiang Lan immediately separated a clone, looked at Jiang Xuan's appearance, and said with some confusion: What's wrong? Little turtle.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan suddenly woke up and thought of the purpose of coming here. He quickly looked at the pile of source liquid aside and said: There are currently 433 drops of source liquid in Blue Star.

I want you to once again put five drops of source fluid into each of the four giant cities, because many powerful people are now in the critical stage of breakthrough and cannot absorb it. They have insufficient energy!

On the other hand, when little Jiang Lan heard Jiang Xuan's arrangement, he immediately waved his hands like a little adult and said: Little things, little things, just leave it to my will!

Immediately, Jiang Xuan looked at Xiao Jiang Lan again and knew that the upper limit of Blue Star's next stage of improvement should be Star Cutting Level 4, but the required source liquid had also reached 400 drops.

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