Look, the source liquid is very profitable, isn't it?

Unexpectedly, Amethyst immediately glanced at Jiang Xuan with her beautiful purple eyes, and said somewhat speechlessly: I have never seen any star race that is so strong and ranked so low.

But, Jiang Xuan, you must remember that you cannot violate the rules of the starry sky. If your own planet is ranked in the top one thousand or the bottom one hundred, you can be as reckless as you want.

But if it exceeds this range, Blue Star will be destroyed within three days. After all, the current Blue Star is too weak!

Listening to Amethyst's words, Jiang Xuan, who was in a good mood because he had just collected the source liquid, nodded immediately and said very solemnly: Yes, I understand!

Next, Jiang Xuan looked at the leader of the gorilla tribe who was already heartbroken, and said again: You can take revenge on Blue Star, you can also form a gang,

But now, you must take the Starry Sky Oath, and you cannot tell the higher-ranked overlords about the fact that we have gathered you all over again.

In addition, you can say whatever you want about the Zerg. After all, if you affect the plans of the top three overlord Zerg in the starry sky,

Don't talk about genocide, your home planet has been praised by you, that's all, let's get started. Once we're done, we'll leave directly.

But these words instantly made the leader of the gorilla tribe understand that behind Blue Star, there seemed to be the shadow of the Zerg tribe. For a moment, the leader did not dare to say any more words.

Chapter 308 The family was “taken out”

At this time, Jiang Xuan looked at the other party who had completely figured out some plans about the Zerg that Jiang Xuan himself didn't even know about. He looked at the other party with relief and smiled.

However, in the eyes of the leader of the gorilla clan, Jiang Xuan's smile became deeper and deeper.

Ever since, this race that had been rooted in the starry sky rankings for tens of thousands of years immediately agreed to the Starry Sky Rules Oath under Jiang Xuan's threatening eyes.

In the end, more than a dozen strong men from Blue Star, headed by Jiang Xuan, and hundreds of millions of insect soldiers, managed to obtain thirty drops of the source liquid dramatically without any fighting.

Of course, for the gorilla tribe, this incident is not dramatic at all.

I saw that the leader of the gorilla tribe had just sent Jiang Xuan and others out of their home planet like a god of plague. The next second, Jiang Xuan, who was originally smiling, suddenly turned pale as if he had received some message. A change.

But just this change instantly made the head of the gorilla tribe, the hundreds of thousands of tons of baby, feel his heart pounding wildly.

Fortunately, Jiang Xuan and others in front of them just changed their expressions and then waved their hands and entered the starry sky plank road.

At this moment, the leader of the gorilla clan immediately seemed to have collapsed, floating in the starry sky just like that.

When the patriarch was staring at the starry sky with distracted eyes, and was feeling scared, the other party suddenly looked at a planet in front of him.

Then, the leader of the gorilla tribe stood up and said quickly to himself: Unite,

Yes, I still have allies, the Uscorpion Tribe, the Colorful Clam Tribe, the Sand Ant Tribe and others. I don’t believe it. Our thirteen planets cannot defeat a new planet like yours.

The Zerg plan, huh, we, the lower-level planets, will only invade Blue Star. At worst, we will just avoid the Zerg. I don’t believe it. Can the Zerg really help Blue Star do us?

After finishing speaking, the leader of the gorilla tribe immediately flew to his home planet, and quickly summoned the strong men of the tribe to discuss the plan.

Tianyun system.

Yuscorpion clan!

After Jiang Xuan's order was issued, the Dragon Emperor led the eight hundred strong men from Blue Star to seize the right opportunity and kill them directly from the starry sky plank road.

For a moment, the strong Scorpion warriors who were on sentry duty at the edge of the Tianyun Galaxy had no time to warn their home planet, and they fell into despair.

At the moment when the Dragon Emperor and others walked out of the starry sky plank road, Bai Shen, who was far away in the Yuscorpion clan, also instantly looked at Xiao Jianglan's clone next to him.

Because the Dragon Emperor also had a clone of Xiao Jiang Lan, at this moment, the clone of Xiao Jiang Lan beside Bai Shen immediately connected with the clone on the Dragon Emperor's side.

That is, at the moment when Bai Shen knew that the powerful man from Blue Star had appeared in the Tianyun Galaxy, Bai Shen instantly transformed into a transparent acupuncture shrimp body that was only two or three meters tall.

Then, without many strong men of the Yuscorpion clan noticing, Bai Shen instantly locked onto the figure of the third-level star-slaying strongman who had been sleeping for a long time in the center of the Yuscorpion clan.

Then, Bai Shen disappeared so suddenly.

Yes, it was as if it was directly wiped out from this latitude. Even the aura of Shirakami disappeared in an instant.

It was precisely because of Bai Shen's disappearance that many powerful men from the Yuscorpion clan who had been observing Bai Shen immediately noticed it.

Immediately, hundreds of terrifying star-killing experts from the Uscorpion tribe rushed directly towards the place where Bai Shen was at the last moment.

But the next second, all the powerful men of the Yuscorpion Clan, including the golden Yuscorpion Clan leader, looked towards the sky.

Such strange phenomena made the juniors of the Yuscorpion tribe immediately imitate the appearance of many powerful men and look above their heads curiously, wondering what their elders were looking at.

But five minutes later, all the creatures in the entire Yuscorpion clan understood what their elders were looking at.

Just because in the sky at this time, a gilded dragon tens of thousands of meters long, leading hundreds of strange but terrifying powerful men, has completely surrounded the strong men of the Yuscorpion clan.

Yes, it is extremely ridiculous that the strong men of the Yuscorpion clan are surrounded by strong men from foreign lands on their home planet.

Faced with this genocide-level threat, a light and shadow immediately appeared next to the golden Yuscorpion clan leader.

Obviously, the opponent is the will of the Uscorpion family's home planet.

The moment the opponent's will to reverse the mother planet appeared, he immediately said to all the strong men of the Yuscorpion clan: The strength of eight hundred star-level experts has completely crushed our planet.

All the strong men on the other side have the aura of the planet mark. Wait, isn't this the aura of Blue Star?

As soon as the news of this will came out, whether it was the leader of the Yuscorpion clan or the strong man of the Yuscorpion clan, they immediately felt that the will of their home planet was going crazy.

After all, everyone had already learned what Blue Star looked like three months ago.

So everyone's first reaction was disbelief.

But the next second, the Dragon Emperor above looked condescendingly at the Yu Xie clan leader, and said in a very domineering voice: I'll give you five minutes to think about it.

Thirty drops of source liquid, I will leave immediately after the task is completed. After all, Emperor Xuan himself said that we must have principles!

Below, the leader of the Yuscorpion Clan suddenly heard these powerful men above, who were like starry sky bandits, asking for thirty drops of source fluid, and immediately roared.

Impossible, absolutely impossible. I am the leader of the Yuscorpion Clan, and I am ranked 25,000 in the starry sky.

Of course you and others are more powerful than us, but so what. As a third-level star-cutting expert, I won’t have a problem holding down a dozen of you.

Also, what you think you think is really what you think? Humph, then guess how many level three star-slaying experts there are in our clan!

As soon as these words came out, the Dragon Emperor in the sky immediately frowned, but out of his unconditional trust in Jiang Xuan, the Dragon Emperor still confronted the other party, waiting for the super person who was waiting for him and others on this planet. Strong.

Of course, the Dragon Emperor and others don't know which Blue Star powerhouse from the Yuscorpion Clan is here.

However, the Dragon Emperor believed that Jiang Xuan must have made arrangements, so there was no rush at all.

Less than five seconds after the leader of the Yuscorpion clan finished speaking extremely arrogantly, the ground where many strong men of the Yuscorpion clan were standing suddenly shook violently.

Immediately, a sharp breath rushed out from the depths of the ground.

Before anyone arrived, an extremely cold voice came out.

I guess just one!

The next second, Bai Shen's figure rushed into the sky and came directly to the front of the Dragon Emperor and others.

When he saw clearly that it was Bai Shen, the leader of the Yuscorpion clan immediately sneered: Haha, it turns out that Blue Star is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

But I will tell you today, you~..., damn, what did you do to my ancestor!

I saw the golden Yuscorpion Clan leader below, who was still saying harsh words a second ago, but suddenly noticed that Bai Shen casually took out the three old scorpion tail needles, and he instantly panicked.

Seeing the other party's panic, Bai Shen seemed to be chatting about ordinary things, and chuckled: No problem, I borrowed some of Mio's toxin and let your ancestor sleep for ten days and a half.

After all, the boss told me, if you can talk, try not to kill. Again, we are a principled planet!

Chapter 309 Massacre

Listening to Bai Shen's principled racial words, the terrifying big mouth of the Yu Xie clan leader grinned fiercely.

But then I thought about it, this strong man from Blue Star could kill his ancestor silently, so he must be very powerful.

The most important thing is that there are too many powerful people from Blue Star. If they really work hard, the 90,000-year-old foundation of their own planet will be ruined.

After weighing the pros and cons, the leader of the Yuscorpion clan finally raised his head suddenly and said extremely arrogantly: Give me what you want, why are you shouting so loudly!

But in his heart, he was already thinking that after sending away these plague gods, he would quickly contact his own alliance race and have a look back.

At this time, Bai Shen, who was above the sky, looked at the other party saying the most cowardly words in the cruelest tone, and immediately raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The next step was to hand over the source liquid and swear the starry sky rules oath to the first overlord of the starry sky. Everything went very smoothly.

In the end, after a day-long process, the Yuscorpion clan was completely plundered at the cost of seriously injuring a clan leader.

However, what Bai Shen didn't know was that while his side was indeed going well, the same could not be said for the Blue Star powerhouses from other planets.

On the starry sky plank road!

As Jiang Xuan and others quickly rushed to the Yuncang Galaxy where Wu Gu was located, from time to time along the way, Xiao Jiang Lan would tell Jiang Xuan that so and so had completed the robbery and was returning to Blue Star.

However, just when Jiang Xuan was about to arrive at the galaxy of the Gujun Mosquito Tribe, Xiao Jiang Lan suddenly said: No, the Colorful Clam Tribe where Suzaku is located is starting to fight.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan, who was on his way, suddenly paused and then asked quickly: How is the battle situation? What's going on now?

After hearing Jiang Xuan's inquiry, Xiao Jianglan immediately began to emit a bright blue light, and tried hard to see what was going on with the Colorful Clam tribe where Suzaku and others were at this time.

It wasn't until dozens of minutes later that Xiao Jianglan's obviously frightened look instantly appeared on the other person's face.

And without waiting for Jiang Xuan to ask, Xiao Jiang Lan quickly said anxiously: Fire, the fire spread all over the Color Clam Star. It seems that Suzaku and Yamata no Orochi have ignited the Color Clam clan.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan's pupils shrank instantly.

In the end, Jiang Xuan could only try his best to issue orders to other strong teams who had completed the invasion and were preparing to return to Blue Star, asking them to rush to Colorful Clam Star after receiving as much news as possible.

As for Jiang Xuan, while chatting with Xiao Jiang Lan, he had already arrived at the Yuncang Galaxy from the Starry Sky Plank Road.

As everyone just came out of the starry sky plank road, the Blue Star powerhouses headed by Jiang Xuan instantly locked onto a certain planet in the Yuncang galaxy.

Just because, at this time, the Colorful Clam Star was as dazzling as a beacon in the dark night, and the raging energy of the entire planet could be heard in the starry sky.

Therefore, after Jiang Xuan and others sensed the energy fluctuations of the Yuncang Galaxy, they instantly turned into phantoms and rushed towards the Gujun Mosquito Clan in the starry sky at high speed.

Yunchang Galaxy!

Gujun mosquito tribe.

At this time, the Gujun Mosquito Mother Planet was almost in ruins, and the entire planet was literally a river of blood and a sea of ​​corpses.

At this time, Wugou was seen facing the third-level leader of the Gujun Mosquito Clan. While fighting, he casually slaughtered other strong men from the Gujun Mosquito Clan who rushed up.

Seeing each of his descendants falling under him inexplicably, the 100-meter-sized Gujun Mosquito Clan leader's eyes were filled with blood.

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