A total of twelve large troops composed of star-level warriors finally received Jiang Xuan's order.

That is, attack these thirteen planets across the board.

But this time, the mountain-bearing god Ao came and brought everyone a very important news.

That is the amount of source liquid that needs to be plundered this time.

Thirty drops!

Yes, as a race that has survived in the starry sky for tens of thousands of years, Jiang Xuan actually does not dare to directly destroy any race.

After all, Blue Star's purpose is very clear, that is, it only wants the source fluid.

Of course, if Jiang Xuan is determined to ask for forty drops, it is okay, but he would never dare to ask for fifty drops, because in that case, that planet,

It will definitely fail to recover, and even directly let the planet become a battle between trapped beasts, and even the source will be exhausted and the planet will perish.

Luck system!

Gujun mosquito tribe.

This race ranks twenty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty in the starry sky.

And here is the race that Wugou is waiting for the strong men from Blue Star to come and conquer.

On this day, Wugou closed his eyes tightly as always, waiting for the arrival of the strong man from Blue Star.

But suddenly, Wu Kuan's senses discovered that a strong man from the Gu Jun Mosquito Tribe, a Level 2 Star Cutting Star, was secretly looking at him.

For a moment, Wugou, who was in a foreign land, did not react at all. Instead, he secretly emitted his perception to see what the other party was going to do.

Unexpectedly, the next conversation between the Gu Jun Mosquito clan leader and the other clan leader completely angered Wugou.

Because Blue Star's ranking is 26,000, the leader of the Gujun Mosquito Clan has actually assembled an army of tens of millions of people from the race, preparing to wait for the many powerful men from Blue Star to come.

Directly destroy everyone, and then directly start the race ranking war to plunder the Blue Star.

Just because Blue Star had just stepped into the starry sky, he acted like a rich man and kept giving gifts.

Therefore, the leader of the Gujun Mosquito Clan thought that Blue Star should have a lot of oil and water and wanted to squeeze it out.

Therefore, Wu Gu immediately reported this matter to the extremely weak Jiang Lan clone who had already separated.

But because the information was transmitted in the starry sky, Jiang Xuan and others who were far away in another super nebula cluster did not receive the message at all.

Therefore, Wu Gu finally made a very bloody decision with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

That would be killing the planet.

It was during this battle that the title Wu Guo Star Killer gradually spread in the starry sky.

Black galaxy!

The gorilla tribe.

When Jiang Xuan and others arrived at the last planet of this race, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at Amethyst next to him and nodded slightly.

Yes, this planet will be the battlefield where Jiang Xuan and others are located.

Just after Jiang Xuan completely sensed the number of strong men of this race, Jiang Xuan immediately sent a message to Xiao Jiang Lan: How long will it take for you to send the news back to Blue Star now?

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jianglan immediately rolled his eyes and said, One day, what happened?

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan nodded immediately, then thought for a moment and said: Without further delay, to avoid long nights and many dreams, tell the strong man from Blue Star,

After receiving the order, we set off directly to the designated race. In addition, we have already explored the distances of many races along the way.

Tell each captain to arrive at the designated planet in ten days, and launch an attack directly and simultaneously in ten days.

Remember, those races must take the Planetary Rules Oath when the time comes.

As for whether the many Blue Star powerhouses who sent troops on multiple fronts could defeat this issue, Jiang Xuan never thought about it. After all, Jiang Xuan had personally experienced every race, so there would be no problems.

Of course, that Starry Sky Oath was also something Jiang Xuan discovered among the Starry Sky Rules recently.

Something similar to an oath can directly issue a guarantee to the number one overlord race in the starry sky.

As for what is guaranteed, that is, even if the Blue Star powerhouse defeats the other party, the other party must shut up and not publicize it.

Of course, if the other party takes the Starry Sky Oath and then goes back on their word, they will be punished by the overlord race.

After all, every time this kind of oath is made, a drop of source liquid is required. As for that drop of source liquid, it must go directly into the pocket of the first overlord race in the starry sky.

As for Jiang Xuan, of course he didn't feel bad. After all, it was the other race that swore the oath, not his own.

Just as Jiang Xuan was thinking about what was going to happen next, the powerful man on this planet suddenly looked at Jiang Xuan and others, and said bluntly: Brothers of Blue Star,

I’m not talking nonsense. You give them the power of both sides, but for our race, do you want to give them a little more? But don't worry,

I can also assure you that as long as you give us the power of the four directions, we, the Gorilla Clan, will not stand idly by if Blue Star is in trouble in the future.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan immediately smiled and said: No problem, brother, I will send the message to Blue Star now!

Chapter 307 Pulling the skin of a tiger

As soon as these words came out, whether it was the second-level star-cutting expert or the other party's clan leader, they immediately beamed with joy.

But the moment they turned around, Jiang Xuan and others were keenly aware of the other party's disdain.

Yes, the disdain of a weak race.

Of course, Jiang Xuan didn't pay attention, but directly started to visit the planet with the satisfied attitude of the strong man of the other race.

It is worth mentioning that the number of days in each galaxy and nebula is not fixed, so Jiang Xuan and others can only rely on time to judge how long ten days is.

After all, the galaxy where the gorilla planet is located only lasts five hours, which is one day.

Until the ninth day, Jiang Xuan suddenly said to the strong man who led him to visit: The strong men from Blue Star will come tomorrow. Let's do this for today. We need to take a rest.

As soon as these words came out, the star-cutting level 2 strong man from the gorilla tribe immediately showed joy on his face, and then brought Jiang Xuan and others to the core of the opponent's race.

After all, Blue Star is still a ranked race in the starry sky.

Therefore, the opponent's race will not be too excessive.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the second day of Blue Star time, which was the seventh day of the gorilla clan, that the second-level star-cutting expert couldn't bear it anymore and immediately sent a message to the cave where many powerful people of Blue Star were. .

Brother, haven't the powerful men from your planet come yet? Ask me what's going on.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan, who was deep in the cave, immediately opened his eyes, then looked at each other with Amethyst, A Yao and others, and then slowly walked out of the cave.

At this moment, Blue Star's fangs were completely exposed.

Blue Star Powerhouse? Isn't this already here?

As Jiang Xuan walked out of the cave and slowly said these words, the strong man of the gorilla tribe was stunned for a moment, then he realized and immediately said angrily: You dare to play tricks on us, do you want to exterminate the tribe?

I saw the other party's voice containing terrifying energy. Almost as soon as he said it, the leader of the Jade Clan, who was paying attention to the many strong men of Blue Star, immediately showed a fierce look on his face, and he led more than 500 Star-Zhans of his own clan. Super powerful men surrounded Jiang Xuan and others.

But in the next second, whether it was the kilometer-tall leader of the gorilla clan or the various star-level warriors of the opposing race, their eyes instantly looked towards the depths of the cave in horror.

Deep in the cave where Jiang Xuan and others were resting at this time, thousands of meter-high star-cutting insect soldiers slowly appeared in an orderly manner.





It wasn't until a thousand Star-Destroying Insect Soldiers appeared that the deep cave that looked like a devil's mouth finally stopped coming out of the cave.

I saw the leader of the gorilla tribe at this time, stumbling on his lips and saying: Insect...Insect...Insect...Insect, how, how is it possible, it's over, it's completely over!

Just when the other party was desperate, the patriarch seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said loudly: Chief of the gorilla tribe,

I have seen the Overlord of the Starry Sky and the Zerg Queen. I wonder what you are doing?

Obviously, even though the leader of the gorilla clan knew the facts at this moment, he still had some illusions and hoped that these insect soldiers had nothing to do with Blue Star.

Unexpectedly, looking at Jiang Xuan, who had no fighting spirit at all, he immediately smiled silently, and then said directly: Okay,

I won't talk nonsense. I'll give you two choices. First, give me the source liquid. We will leave and your race will never come to you again.

Second, we will plow through your race, and then take the source liquid and leave. It is your choice.

The leader of the gorilla tribe: “…….”

Although he knew that he was now meat on the chopping block, it was still hard for this cautious leader of the gorilla clan to accept the fact that Blue Star's words were about the origin liquid.

In desperation, Jiang Xuan could only wave to the insect soldiers behind him.

The next second, a soul-stirring click sound instantly sounded from the numerous insect soldiers.

For a moment, the leader of the gorilla clan, who was originally troubled, immediately shouted: Stop, stop, give it, the source liquid, I will give it.

Of course, as a veteran who has been in the stars for tens of thousands of years, the leader of the gorilla tribe must understand how important it is to retain the combat power of a race.

But looking at the hatred deep in the patriarch's eyes, Jiang Xuan knew that the other party would definitely contact other races to jointly invade Blue Star.

However, Jiang Xuan has gathered all the small groups on this planet and is sending troops on multiple fronts.

So even if the other party wants to take revenge at that time, as soon as these thirteen races meet, this idea of ​​revenge will definitely disappear.

In the end, the leader of the gorilla clan could only cry and said: No~ I wonder how many drops of the source liquid you want?

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan immediately scolded: I sent the beggar away with a few drops. If you want to blame, just blame the Clam Clan.

Before they left, they told us that the current amount of source liquid for your species is about fifty drops.

Therefore, I don’t ask for much, just thirty drops of source liquid, and we leave immediately.

As soon as these words came out, the leader of the gorilla tribe was immediately frightened and his eyes began to be filled with uncertainty.

You know, fifty drops of source liquid is indeed about the same amount as your own race’s source liquid, but these source liquids are the foundation of your race.

A secret that has gone through tens of thousands of years and can barely be found under Sosousuzan.

But people have to bow their heads when they are on their own planet.

In the end, the leader of the gorilla clan could only grit his teeth and reluctantly took out thirty drops of the source fluid.

I saw Jiang Xuan at this time, after casually getting the source liquid, he didn't look at the other party at all, but instead said to Xiao Jiang Lan, Amethyst and others.

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