As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the twelve powerful men from other planets below began to flicker.

After all, who could not love such a planet that is rushing to give itself gifts?

I saw the leader of the Yuscorpion clan at the top, his eyes began to flicker, and he was obviously planning how to exploit Blue Star in the future, but the rules were the rules and could not be broken openly.

So after knowing that Jiang Xuan had escorted the original power of the ten directions for his own race, the other party couldn't say anything else.

But the powerful men from the planet races below had already stood up at this moment and began to greet Jiang Xuan.

It wasn't until a few hours later that Jiang Xuan knew he couldn't delay any longer. He immediately said to the leader of the Yu Xie clan above him: Senior, then I will go to other planets to worship first.

Oh, by the way, I will leave a strong person from our Blue Star here. When the handover is completed, we will let them return to Blue Star together.

After all, the Starry Sky Plank Road can only be opened by star-level warriors. There are not many star-level warriors on Blue Star's side.

Then, without waiting for a reply, Jiang Xuan turned around. After thinking for a moment, he immediately said to Bai Shen: You can stay. After you meet up with the Blue Star powerhouse, you must be fast. By the way, there are two of them. ,is that OK!

Listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Bai Shen immediately raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said coldly: Eight of them are fine, don't worry!

On the other hand, the leader of the Yu Xie clan above listened to the words of Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen. He didn't know what the other party said. He just thought it was some racial habit of Blue Star and didn't pay attention.

Chapter 305 Colorful Clam Clan

As the twelve powerful men from other planets prepared to leave, Jiang Xuan and others naturally followed each other.

But before leaving, Amethyst looked at the scorpion warriors in the cave who were eyeing them, and thought of Bai Shen's stubborn temper, and immediately walked to Bai Shen with lotus steps.

Then, in Bayin's already hostile eyes, Amethyst immediately pulled off a piece of silk handkerchief, handed it to Baishen, and whispered softly: Just call my name, there are only one thousand, but because there is no command, it will be chaotic. , If you can’t use it, don’t use it.”

Bai Shen understood and knew that Amethyst was afraid of being alone. In this Yuscorpion clan, she would not be able to deal with any situation that really happened.

So he immediately nodded and looked at Jiang Xuandao at the front: Boss, look at it, it's still the Amethyst Bug~ Well, the Amethyst spokesperson is so considerate of his subordinates.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan immediately laughed and said, Go away, but then he said seriously: It's okay, in as little as three months, the Blue Star strong men will come over, don't cause trouble!

Afterwards, many strong men from other planets led Jiang Xuan and others into the sky in an instant.

Almost at the moment everyone flew out of the Yuscorpion Star, the colorful strongman from the Colorful Clam tribe at the front said: Let's go to our Colorful Clam tribe together.

Don't worry, we won't be able to delay you for a few days, and then we can let the Blue Star powerhouses go to your planet.

As soon as he said these words, this powerful man from the Colorful Toad Clan immediately flew towards the outside of the Tianyun system, regardless of whether everyone objected.

It was not until two days later that everyone finally flew out of the Tianyun system of the Yuscorpion clan. The Caiha at the front,

He immediately released his energy with familiarity, and after building the starry sky plank road, he took everyone directly and rushed towards the Yaoluo Galaxy.

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan and others, since they flew out of the Tianyun system, they all followed each other silently like puppets on strings.

On the fifth day, everyone finally crossed the distance of a nebula and came to the range of the Yaoluo Galaxy.

After several days of traveling, Jiang Xuan and others had completely become tired of the starry sky.

Because during these days when everyone was on their way, the starry sky was almost filled with vast darkness. There were just a few bright planets, and they were almost all the same.

Therefore, when Jiang Xuan and others came out of the starry sky plank road, they did not feel any change, it was still the vast starry sky.

At this time, Jiang Xuan and others, who were flying with the strong man from the Clam Clan, were talking boringly.

Wugu, do you know where our Blue Star is now? I'm a little confused!

Brother Hong, don't say you're confused, I can't even tell which is which.

Oh, my God, I can't tell the difference between up, down, left and right. This makes me so strong. How will I deal with myself in the future?


Listening to everyone's words, as if he had never seen the world, Jiang Xuan had already sunk physically and mentally into the rankings of the major races according to the rules of the starry sky.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that Jiang Xuan was suddenly startled, and then looked down in confusion.

Because that direction is where Blue Star is.

As for the twelve strong men from other galaxies flying at the front, they looked at the people from Blue Star who had never seen the world. Although they looked down upon them, because Jiang Xuan had said that he would give them the power of the origin of the planet, they did not show any expression. come out.

On the sixth day, everyone finally saw the planet of the colorful clams.

Looking from outside the starry sky, the other planet is full of colorful colors, looking weird and beautiful!

However, just as Jiang Xuan and others were preparing to go down, the entire Colorful Clam Star suddenly released colorful mist like an early warning.

In less than a minute, the entire planet of the opponent was already wrapped in mist.

In desperation, the strong man from the Clam Clan leading the way could only say: Everyone, please wait for a moment. When I go back and report to the clan leader, the planet's defense will be lifted immediately.

Immediately, the other party flew directly to his home planet in a majestic manner.

However, Jiang Xuan and others outside the starry sky had already exploded.

Because everyone is discussing who will be left behind this time.

Suzaku, who had been observing for a long time, suddenly said: These colorful mists seem to be able to ignite.

I will stay this time. Besides, I feel that this race is somewhat poisonous. When the time comes, we can send some strong people who are not afraid of poison.

After listening to Suzaku's rational analysis, Jiang Xuan also nodded and began to think.


Milky Way!

Blue Star.

As Xiao Jianglan's will was passed on to many powerful people in Blue Star, the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom who had been completely promoted to the second level of Zhanxing, immediately became the object of everyone's attention.

After all, the Blue Star dragons are now leaderless, and Jiang Xuan personally named the Dragon Emperor as the first leader to conquer the starry sky race, so everyone wants to participate.

After all, this is the first battle since Blue Star stepped out of the starry sky, and it will be able to leave its name in history in the future.

Maybe future juniors will have to take the exam.

Therefore, the current Dragon Emperor has been completely surrounded by thousands of Blue Star star-level experts.

In the end, the Dragon Emperor could only follow Jiang Xuan's instructions and keep those who could control the strong.

And he selected 500 second-level star-cutting experts and 300 first-level star-cutting experts, and in the envious eyes of everyone, they soared into the sky in an instant.

For some reason, a strong man who survived from ancient times suddenly shouted when he noticed that the Dragon Emperor was leading 800 strong men and was about to expand the territory for Blue Star.

This battle will be won by Blue Star when you return!

As soon as the words were spoken, all the strong men below reacted instantly, and they roared angrily.

When you return, Blue Star will win!

When you return, Blue Star will win!

Waiting for you...

I saw the Dragon Emperor, who had already flown into the atmosphere, wearing a gilded white robe, turning around in an extremely domineering manner, listening to the roars of many strong men below, and said with a smile: Don't be impatient, everyone is waiting for good news!

Immediately, he led eight hundred star-level warriors and disappeared into the starry sky, flying towards the edge of the galaxy.

Such exciting moments made the new generation of strong men who were undergoing training in the four giant cities instantly gather their energy and begin to work hard to kill those grassroots bugs.

However, when the Dragon Emperor led many powerful people to the edge of the galaxy a few days later, everyone stopped and adjusted their emotions to ensure that they were always in the best condition.

It is worth mentioning that the Dragon Emperor and others did not bring any source power at all, but brought a drop of source fluid.

As for this drop of source liquid, it was not offered to the Yuscorpion Clan, but was used to allow these eight hundred star-cutting experts to restore their energy in the starry sky.

It was not until the Dragon Emperor and others quietly followed Jiang Xuan's orders and waited for dozens of days that a sudden change occurred.

Behind them, five hundred powerful men led by Yamata no Orochi were quickly approaching the Dragon Emperor and others.

The most disgusting thing is that the current Yamata no Orochi seems to have been ordered to act extremely arrogantly. Looking at the Dragon Emperor and others, he even started to provoke him.

Chapter 306: Send troops on multiple fronts

Seeing the other party's swollen expression, and even a clone of Xiao Jiang Lan following the other party, the Dragon Emperor immediately asked curiously: What are you doing?

Unexpectedly, the Yamata no Orochi immediately raised his head proudly and said extremely arrogantly: I am ordered to go to the Colorful Clam Clan and work like you!

After finishing speaking, Yamata no Orochi didn't forget to take out the drop of dry food that every team has - the source liquid, and got excited.

The Dragon Emperor suddenly understood, and then stopped paying attention to this guy and continued to adjust his mentality.

Thirteen days ago.

Falling galaxy!

Colorful clam clan.

When the colorful fog covering the entire planet disappeared below, Jiang Xuan and others also entered the Colorful Clam Star as promised.

However, when Jiang Xuan discovered that there were only more than 400 star-level experts in the Colorful Clam clan, Jiang Xuan completely understood where Blue Star was at this level of ranking. Location.

Tigers among sheep!

Yes, the current Blue Star, in the starry sky ranking of 25,000 people, is truly in a state of being like a tiger among the sheep.

So Jiang Xuan didn't waste much time. After learning about the strength of the powerful people on this planet, he immediately stated that he would send the power of the two parties to the other party.

Of course, there is also the arrogant look of Yamata no Orochi.

But the most important thing is that when Jiang Xuan and others left Caihu Star and prepared to go to the race of the other eleven starry sky experts, they found out the most critical thing.

That is, these races ranked in the 25,000 starry sky, because the strong man of the Colorful Clan deliberately showed off, told the amount of the source liquid of their planet.

About fifty drops of source liquid!

Yes, these races, which have been rooted in the starry sky for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, currently only have about fifty drops of source fluid.

That is to say, after fully knowing the amount of racial origin liquid ranked at this level, Jiang Xuan also immediately planned other things.

Next, there is another long and boring journey through the stars.

As for Blue Star, in the next few days, ranging from ten days to ten days, top strong men, leading from 300 to 800 strong men, gathered at the edge of the Milky Way.

It was not until two and a half months later that Fushan Shen'ao also led 450 Blue Star star-level warriors, and the Dragon Emperor and others gathered at the edge of the galaxy.

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