Reborn as a Pea Shooter

14. Chapter 14 Qualification Assessment (VI)

Without waiting for Mingfei to ask, Little Sunflower asked cautiously: "Sir, I... what attributes do I have?"

The elf who was responsible for assessing him looked at him with a faint look on his face, and then said calmly: "The results will be announced in the hall. This is a long-standing rule, don't you know?"

When Little Sunflower heard this, her face turned red and she immediately said cautiously: "I know... I know."

"If you know, go back quickly. There are still many seedlings queuing up behind you, so don't waste time."


This treatment is too different! Since you are not allowed to ask, why can Xia Zuo ask? Why can I tell Xia Zuo but not them? Is it different for related households? What are you doing, sir?

Ming Fei saw this and felt very unhappy. It took him a long time to restrain himself from questioning them without asking, but the anger on his face was somewhat unstoppable.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

Little Sunflower was trying to get off the platform, but because of what happened just now, he became more and more nervous. His legs were not stable and he was about to fall. Ming Fei had quick eyesight and quick hands and jumped over to help him to prevent him from making a fool of himself.

Sunflower's small brown eyes were round with tears. He looked at Mingfei and finally said from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you."

Mingfei waved his hand and said, "It's not a big deal. Just be careful. Let's go. Let's go to the hall to see the results together."

Let these uncles be so awesome, he won't accompany you! You will know sooner or later anyway, so why should you ask them in such a low voice?

As soon as he helped the sunflower, Xia Zuo spoke: "What are the properties of that pea plant?"

Mingfei was stunned, and suddenly realized that Xia Zuo was asking the elf. Apart from Xia Zuo, he is the only one who belongs to the pea year in this room.

Before he could react, he heard an elf say: "Like you, he is also a water type."

"Really?" Xia Zuo looked at Mingfei suddenly, a hint of darkness flashed in his purple eyes. He walked to Mingfei and whispered in his ear: "I said, don't be in the same department as me, but now it seems , your luck is over."

After saying these words, he turned around and left in the other direction without looking back.

Mingfei was angry, and the fire burned to the top of his head. He provoked him again and again. Did he think he was a soft persimmon? It’s true that if a tiger doesn’t show off its power, it will treat you like a dead cat!

Anger surged up, and he would rush out if he spoke. The little Sunflower standing next to him saw it. He quickly stood up on tiptoes, grabbed Mingfei with one hand, and blocked his mouth with a big leaf while still talking anxiously. : "Don't... don't mess around. If you make a noise in the assessment hall, you will be punished!"

Ming Fei was speechless for a long time and couldn't speak. He stared at Little Sunflower. Little Sunflower's eyebrows were wrinkled in worry and she was still trying to comfort him: "Master Xia Zuo will have a bright future in the future. Don't anger him... …”

Mingfei was still whimpering, but he could vaguely hear what he was saying: "Well, I'm almost suffocated (I'm suffocated to death)."

Xiangkui was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly let go. Mingfei gasped for air, and the impulsiveness of the fuss was gone. It was really unnecessary. He was not really afraid of offending Xia Zuo, but he was just worried about the damn punishment. How would he feel if the 20,000 yuan that he finally got was confiscated...

After figuring it out, it was nothing. Mingfei smiled at Sunflower and said, "Thank you very much."

Little Sunflower blushed and waved her hands hurriedly: "'s okay."

The two were delayed for a long time, and now they returned to the lounge together.

It was different from when they arrived. Xia Zuo was gone, and Xiangkui was already familiar with Mingfei. The two of them talked a lot along the way.

Himawari said, "You don't look as bad as the rumors say."

Mingfei smiled awkwardly and didn't explain.

Sunflower also said that there were several people who came to their nursery together. When his friends saw him and Xia Zuo being in a group, they all told him to seize the opportunity and get close as soon as possible, saying that it would definitely be beneficial in the future.

Mingfei listened and said nothing.

Little Sunflower seemed to be chatting, and said disappointedly: "But I'm clumsy and can't speak... let alone please Mr. Xia Zuo, I almost didn't offend him..." He sighed, frustrated again Said: "If they know that I messed up, they will most likely say that I am not living up to expectations... Sigh... I am always so useless and can't do anything."

Mingfei listened to him all the time, always responding and nodding. When he came to the door of the lounge and heard what he said, he finally said: "You are a proud Palant warrior for being here. It's impossible." No, be confident, you can do it!”

After saying that, Mingfei gave him a thumbs up, his eyes shining with unabashed trust and encouragement.

Little Sunflower was stunned, looking at Ming Fei, and was speechless for a moment.

As soon as Mingfei entered the hall, Huang Mao spotted him with sharp eyes. He was waving a big leaf at him. He winked at the little sunflower and said, "I have to go. See you when I have the chance."

Little Sunflower finally came back to his senses. His originally frowning eyebrows relaxed, he smiled at Ming Fei and curled his lips, and then said vigorously: "Goodbye!"

Mingfei waved his hand, quickened his pace, and sat down next to Huang Mao within a few steps.

Huang Mao immediately grabbed Mingfei's neck, shook it violently and asked anxiously: "How are you doing?"

Colin said with a smile: "If you shake him again, he will faint. I told you that the result will come out after a while. Mingfei himself doesn't know it."

Huang Mao didn't believe it: "He went there in person, how could he not know?"

Colin explained: "According to the rules, the host elf cannot tell the seedlings in advance. This is a convention."

Ming Fei was dizzy from being shaken, and finally couldn't help but slapped the yellow-haired head, coughed hard and said: "Water... Water system."

The yellow-haired man was startled, and immediately smiled: "Is it the water system? The water system is very powerful. The Ice Archer is the proudest warrior among our peas..." After praising it, he looked at Ming Fei with starry eyes: "What's the level? What's the level?"

Ming Fei held his forehead: "I don't know this..."

Colin's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard Ming Fei talk about the water system. He looked at Ming Fei and asked tentatively: "Are you familiar with the host elf?"

Ming Fei said: "I don't know, what's the matter?"

Colin's eyes flashed and he said: "It's okay." Then he was silent.

Ming Fei was once again pulled over by Huang Mao to imagine the future. Before the assessment, Huang Mao had already classified himself as a water system. He had already imagined that they would become two rare ice peas, how cool and proud they would be...

Ming Fei knew that Huang Mao wanted to be with him. After the qualification assessment, all combat seedlings would enter the Sarsa Military Academy for formal education.

In order to systematically train various types of warriors, the academy will divide them into departments according to their attributes. The four largest departments are: gold, fire, water, and wind.

Ming Fei would naturally be classified into the water system, while Huang Mao was still unknown. However, at this time, Ming Fei did not want to say anything to disappoint Huang Mao. After all, there was a one-quarter chance that they would be in the same department, which was still very likely!

After a while, Huang Mao and Colin also went for the assessment. Ming Fei sat there alone. Others kept a distance from him, and he was not interested in chatting with others.

He sat quietly, recalling the conversation between the two elves during the assessment.

According to what they said, there is not much water element in his body, but he was rated as a water element. It seems that he is probably of low aptitude. Thinking of this, although he is a little disappointed, he can accept it.

If high aptitude is one in ten thousand, then medium aptitude can be regarded as one in a thousand. In the past years of evaluation, there are only two or three high aptitudes among 40,000 seedlings, and there are only two or three hundred medium aptitudes. The remaining more than 4,000 combat peas are all of low aptitude.

So Ming Fei did not hold too much hope, and now he accepted it calmly. However... he felt a little unhappy when he remembered that Xia Zuo was also a water element, and a damn high one.

No one wants to make enemies for no reason, and the enemy is stronger than him... Isn't this clearly asking to be bullied? Thinking of this, he was even more unhappy.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't help but sigh, Pea Ming Fei, with so many powerful attributes, why did you just generate a water element? ... If nothing else, it sounds like a sissy girl.

What Ming Fei didn't know was that this really had nothing to do with Pea Ming Fei. He was born with a very good body, but it was a pity that Ming Fei himself ruined it...

Sarsha spring water is a very tonic thing. Drinking a drop is refreshing and recharging, and taking a full body bath has a great impact on the unformed seedlings. If it is a water element, it will purify the elements. Even if it is not a water element, it will be disturbed by the powerful water element.

What's more, Ming Fei was treated by Avri after being kicked by her. Avri is a natural source of water. When she was anxious, the water energy injected into Ming Fei's body exceeded the treatment standard, and this excess part just strengthened the water element replaced by the spring water...

By coincidence, it actually covered Ming Fei's original attributes, thereby misleading the elves who hosted him and misjudged him as a water element...

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