Reborn as a Pea Shooter

13. Chapter 13 Qualification Assessment (V) (12)

After a while, Huangmao and Colin's numbers were also found. The two were lucky enough to be grouped together, about halfway between them, not too far forward or too far back. It was a good position.

Mingfei was miserable. He didn't know which gentleman No. 57 was, but he was sure that No. 3 was the arrogant pea brother.

Fortunately, there was still some time before their group was evaluated. Mingfei said to Colin, "Can I change seats with you?"

Colin was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes."

Mingfei came close to Huangmao and knocked him hard on the forehead. Huangmao looked at him pitifully.

Mingfei asked, "Tell the truth, what is the entanglement between that pea and us?"

Huangmao's eyebrows wrinkled into a splayed shape... more and more pitiful.

Ming Fei was unmoved: "Time is running out, tell me quickly, I'm in the same group with him, when we fight, I don't know the inside story, won't I be at a disadvantage?"

The yellow-haired man looked at Ming Fei with great sorrow, and finally spoke after being flicked on the forehead a few more times: "Xia Zuo..."

It turned out that the arrogant pea was called Xia Zuo.

"...He used to be very close to you, better than you and me."

Ming Fei nodded, and the yellow-haired man continued: "Later I got to know you, at the beginning, the three of us were often together, and then, I don't know why you and Xia Zuo fell out, from best friends to enemies..." The yellow-haired man paused and said: "I don't know the details, and you didn't tell me...After that, Lady Elena came to our nursery and chose Xia Zuo."

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Ming Fei frowned. Huang Mao's words were too vague, but maybe he really didn't understand... However, Ming Fei was confused again. From Huang Mao's words, Xia Zuo was obviously very familiar with Ming Fei. Later, they had a falling out for unknown reasons, but it seemed that it had nothing to do with Huang Mao. Why did Huang Mao get so nervous when he heard Xia Zuo?

He asked Huang Mao directly: "Why are you so afraid of him? That Xia Zuo."

Huang Mao was startled, first looked at Ming Fei, then lowered his head and whispered: "Before I met you, I knew Xia Zuo first."

Ming Fei was even more confused. What a mess. He asked again: "Since you have known each other for so long, shouldn't you have a good relationship?"

Huang Mao shook his head violently: "No, it's not good... I had some defects when I was a child, he... He always hated me and bullied me. If it weren't for you, he would never let me go."

... Ming Fei was a little confused, but seeing Huang Mao's look, he felt really uncomfortable and couldn't bear to continue asking.

What's more, Huangmao couldn't really explain it... But, did he have a defect when he was a child?

Ming Fei felt a little uncomfortable when he thought about Huangmao, who was usually carefree and simple-minded, having such an experience when he was a child.

In any case, he also judged some information based on Huangmao's words.

First, he and Xia Zuo were friends.

Second, Xia Zuo and Huangmao didn't get along well, and for some reason, Huangmao was deeply traumatized when he was young.

Third, he and Xia Zuo had a falling out after meeting Huangmao.

Ming Fei thought about it and felt that he and Xia Zuo had a falling out, most likely because of Huangmao. Little hairy kids should be very direct. Xia Zuo hated Huangmao, but Ming Fei was very close to Huangmao. In this way, it would be strange if the two didn't quarrel...

This also makes sense, but the biggest question is, why did Xia Zuo bully Huangmao? And what defects did Huangmao have? What's the relationship between them?

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, and Ming Fei's group was about to start the evaluation.

Ming Fei put aside all the messy thoughts and decided to take it one step at a time. What is coming will come, and it cannot be stopped.

Hearing the beautiful female voice read out his number, he stood up and walked towards the door, and also saw another member of the group, 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ] 57 is a small sunflower, with a round head and curved mouth, looking very festive.

It's a pity that this festive little face is still a little embarrassed after seeing Ming Fei...

Ming Fei was speechless, and was really a little annoyed by his bad reputation.

But after a while, Xia Zuo also came over. His eyes were not as round and small as Huangmao's, but were half-closed.

They both had a pea-shaped face. Huangmao was pure and stupid, while the one in front of him could put on an arrogant and rude attitude...

He didn't seem to want to look at Mingfei, and Mingfei didn't bother to pay attention to him. Instead, the little sunflower in the same group was almost worried.

On one side is a despicable villain who everyone wants to kill, and on the other side is a talented pea who is high above everyone else... The only thing these two people have in common is that they are unapproachable.

Fortunately, although they are divided into groups, there is no need for any tacit cooperation between the groups. They just do the assessment together in the same room. After the assessment, it doesn't matter if they never see each other again.

However, the little sunflower still has some thoughts. For a pea like Xia Zuo who is adopted by an elf, the future is already bright. Although they are here to conduct a qualification assessment, to put it bluntly, it is just a formality. I dare not say that it is definitely a high-level qualification, but it must be an upper-middle qualification.

If we can take this opportunity to get to know each other, there will be many benefits in the future... It's a pity that the aura around Xia Zuo is too cold. Little Sunflower worked hard all the way, but Xia Zuo still had an indifferent attitude that kept strangers away. appearance.

Mingfei didn't bother to look. Although he could see through Sunflower's thoughts at a glance, he was also disgusted with Xia Zuo's behavior.

Fortunately, the way to the appraisal room was not long, and the three of them arrived in a short while.

Under the guidance of the guidance spirit, Sunflower is on the right, Mingfei is in the middle, and Xia Zuo is on the left. They stand in a row and wait for instructions to enter the room.

It seemed that preparations were being made in the house, so the waiting time was quite long. Except for Sunflower who said a few words before, Mingfei and Xia Zuo were silent.

After another half an hour, the guiding spirit allowed them to enter the house together.

Mingfei was in the middle, and Xia Zuo was on the left. When they entered the house, they inevitably got a little close. As soon as they crossed the threshold, Mingfei heard a voice that sounded almost close to his ears:

"You were not chosen by Her Majesty Elena, so you went to curry favor with Her Majesty the Princess?"

Mingfei was startled and turned to look at Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo also looked at him, his half-closed eyes were dark purple, because the upper corners of his eyes showed some danger. He glanced at Ming Fei indifferently, and then said: "You should pray, you must not Be in the same department as me.”

The tone was completely warning and threatening, and it was simply arrogant to the extreme!

Mingfei claimed to be an adult and didn't want to argue with a little kid, but he was a little angry at the moment, but now was not the time to show off. He suppressed his anger, glared at Xia Zuo hatefully, and followed him into the room. .

The decoration inside the house is generous and simple, with three milky white platforms side by side, and two elves standing on both sides of the platform.

The three seedlings walked forward and walked to the corresponding platform respectively. According to the instructions, they had to lie down on the platform.

Xia Zuo walked over first and said a faint hello to the two elves in front of him. The two elves also smiled gently at him and called him by his name familiarly.

Ming Fei couldn't help but curl his lips when he looked at it, there was actually an acquaintance, the treatment was really unusual!

In comparison, Little Sunflower was much pitiful. He bowed nervously to the two elves first, and the elves also gave him a polite but distant smile, looking businesslike.

As a result, Little Sunflower became even more nervous. He was relatively short, and the platform was a bit high. Because he was nervous, he didn't see the stairs on the other side, so he had to climb up.

The elves on both sides also looked at him coldly, without any intention of reminding him. Mingfei couldn't see it and couldn't help but said: "There are stairs over there that you can go up. Don't fall like this."

Little Sunflower's weak body trembled obviously, and he stopped moving in embarrassment. Just as he was about to thank him for the kind reminder, he suddenly realized that it was Ming Fei.

The smile on his face froze, and after a long pause, he finally said in a very small voice: "Thank... thank you."

Mingfei waved his hand nonchalantly, climbed up the stairs to the platform, and then lay down on his back as instructed.

The three of them were in their respective positions, and the corresponding elves began to evaluate their qualifications.

Mingfei lay flat on his back, motionless, only his eyes kept wandering around.

Of the two elves on his side, one was slightly taller than the other, and the shorter one looked much kinder. Seeing him looking around with his eyes open, he said warmly: "Close your eyes, it will start soon."

So, now my eyes can no longer see.

His eyes were dark, and his hearing became sharper. It felt like this qualification assessment process was a bit like a physical examination.

There was nothing strange about the body, except for the sound of some buttons rising and falling.

The time was quite long, Mingfei was a little confused as he lay there, and the process was a bit boring. After a while, the elves actually started chatting, talking about trivial things, but Mingfei didn't hear them very clearly.

After a while, a burst of exclamation suddenly came from the side.

Then there was the sound of buttons being pressed rapidly, and the elf next door could not hide the shock in his voice: "It's the ice element! And it's such a pure ice element, without any interference from other elements!"

"This...this is Lady Elena's child, right?"

"Yes! Yes, his name is Xia Zuo!"

"Such pure attributes are rare even among high-level qualifications!"

"Yeah, it's really shocking!"

Several elves were still praising and shocked, but Mingfei couldn't help but curse, why is this arrogant brat so powerful! And he also has a grudge against himself, which is really bad.

"...Ah, the qualifications of the two seedlings next to them have also been assessed. You go and see the results. If there are better qualifications again, then our group will be great."

When he heard that it was related to him, Mingfei's ears twitched and he listened attentively.

A slightly deeper voice said: "Sarna, is that pea seedling that became famous in the Salsa Morning News recently?"

"Yes, it was said that he wanted to curry favor with the princess, but it was revealed that he had made it up himself."

"Don't be fooled by those rumors. What if there really is something involved? Have you received any special instructions from above?"

"You just have to be careful, but don't worry this time. This guy has no background and is definitely trying to make a fool of himself."

"Be careful when sailing a thousand-year-old ship. Since there are no instructions, just follow the rules."


Mingfei couldn't move, but it couldn't stop him from complaining in his heart, damn, these elves thought he was deaf, but they were discussing these things openly!

"How is it? What are the qualifications of this pea?"

"Hmm...a little weird."


"You see...his inner appearance is occupied by a huge mass of unknown things. The only thing that can be identified is a very weak water attribute, and this level is also a low-level qualification."

"Many low-level ones are mixed with foreign objects. This is normal."

"But..." The man paused, and Ming Fei's heart was suddenly brought up. He couldn't help mentioning it. The middle-class and low-class people were Hong Guoguo's 20,000 Sangni! This is no joke.

The man's voice sounded again, "...he is very powerful in his life, almost beyond the scope of a normal seedling."

The other person also paused and seemed to be getting closer to study.

Mingfei wanted to open his eyes and take a look for himself, but he couldn't move at all, not even his eyelids. He thought to himself that the more qualified he was, the more money he would get, but he heard the elf next to him urging: "Are you okay here? There are still a bunch of seedlings lined up behind, let’s finish early and go have a drink.”

Ming Fei cursed secretly, "Hehe, you sister, the fate of the old paper is in your hands, how can you be so careless!"

At least the two elves in charge of Ming Fei were relatively responsible. They ignored the man's greeting and were still thinking carefully.

After being on tenterhooks for a long time, Mingfei heard a low voice: "That's it. With all these years of experience, I can't go wrong."

As soon as he said these words, his body started to move. Mingfei slowly opened his eyes and saw Xia Zuo sitting up. He felt a little unhappy when he thought about how lucky this kid was.

Xia Zuo looked at the two elves and asked, "How is it?" There was a flash of burning in his purple eyes.

Ming Fei secretly thought, what are you pretending to do? He hasn't heard the elves just made such a big move? It's really hypocritical to ask again deliberately.

The elf smiled and said to Xia Zuo: "Congratulations, this result is definitely a high-level water qualification."

After hearing this, Xia Zuo's expression obviously relaxed, and he said politely: "Sorry for bothering you."

Seeing that his expression didn't seem to be fake, Mingfei suddenly realized a question. Could it be that he was the only one who heard everything just now? !

He turned his head again and saw the confusion on Little Sunflower's face, which made him even more sure of what he was thinking. But what's the use of hearing it?

He just heard a bunch of nonsense. The most important thing is that he didn't hear it at all. What qualifications did he have? !

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