Reborn as a Pea Shooter

15. Chapter 15 Ending (Part 1)

The team of Huang Mao and Colin made rapid progress. After a while, the two came back together. Huang Mao waved to Ming Fei happily.

Ming Fei also put his thoughts back and looked at him with a smile.

Huang Mao started to complain as soon as he sat down: "The results are out, why can't they tell me in advance?"

It seems that Huang Mao has hit a snag. Before Ming Fei could answer, Huang Mao looked at him and asked: "Why did they tell you?"

As soon as Huang Mao asked, Colin also looked at him.

Ming Fei was stunned. Just when he wanted to tell Huang Mao that he could hear it, he glanced at Colin and finally swallowed his words. Even the so-called genius like Xia Zuo was drowsy during the evaluation, but he, an unknown person, was awake. He didn't know the reason, but he knew that abnormality was a demon, so it was better to keep a low profile.

It's not that he had any doubts about Colin, but he didn't know much about someone he had just met once, so there was no need to say more useless things.

[To be honest, I've been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ]

These thoughts were just a passing thought, Huangmao and Colin were still waiting for his reply, he immediately put on a helpless look: "You know, I'm in the same group with that 'genius', geniuses always have some special treatment, the host elf told him in advance, we also got some light by the way..."

What he said was also true, Huangmao was a little scared when he heard Xia Zuo's name, and hurriedly wanted to change the subject, but after hearing what he said, Colin's eyes flashed a little bit of enlightenment, obviously believing it.

Huangmao Colin's group is considered the middle part, so it's still a while before all the assessments are over. The seedlings in the hall come in and out one after another, and those who go out look nervous, and few of those who come in are Zhan Mei.

After all, no one can rest assured until the results come out.

And the talented seedlings from number one to ten in the front row all went and never came back, it seems that they all knew the results in advance like Xia Zuo, so there is no need to wait here foolishly.

The situation of Mingfei and the other three was not so bad. Mingfei basically knew what his result would be, but he was still a little worried about Huangmao. Huangmao, the biggest one, was a little nervous. He was not nervous about his level, but was just worried about what to do if it was not a water system...

Comparatively, Colin was neither like Mingfei who had a plan in mind, nor like Huangmao who was stubborn, but he did not seem to be nervous at all, as if the result did not matter.

Mingfei asked hesitantly: "Aren't you worried?"

Colin smiled slightly and said: "I just figured it out in advance. The probability of medium and high qualifications is extremely low, and most people have low qualifications. I am just an ordinary person, and I don't have so many delusions, so I won't worry too much. What's more, I can still work hard on everything after entering this door, and there is no need to stare at the current level."

His idea was very open-minded, but it was true. In addition to the first level being very harsh and cruel, the second and third levels of this qualification assessment were just to select elites.

As long as they are judged to have fighting qualifications, then at worst they are just low-level, and there has never been a case of being kicked out because of poor attributes.

However, this is easy to say, but not many people can really think it through. Who doesn't want to be different and superior? Who doesn't want to be far ahead at the beginning and enjoy more benefits?

As long as there is desire, you can't let it go. Just like Ming Fei, for Sunny, he would want a higher level, and Huang Mao was also worried about whether he was a water system in order to be with Ming Fei...

So, is Colin really not worried? Is he really so open-minded? Or is there another reason?

Ming Fei was stunned, and suddenly he wondered why he thought so...

He was an orphan in his previous life. In order to survive better in a society of all kinds, he would inevitably consider more, but these seedlings in front of him were just underage children on Earth. Is it necessary for him to think so much?

Thinking of this, Ming Fei kicked away his messy thoughts. Huang Mao and Colin were already chatting, so he also joined in. The three of them got along happily.

Ming Fei was an outsider, and Huang Mao was a lunatic, which showed that Colin knew everything. He knew a lot, including the customs of Palant, many unwritten rules for qualification assessment, and even briefly introduced several famous military academies in Palant, and gave a detailed account of the Sarsha Military Academy they were about to attend.

He told the story in a detailed and pleasant way, and Ming Fei and Huang Mao listened with relish, and time passed quickly.

They hadn't finished yet, but they couldn't say any more.

Because everyone's assessment had ended, the wide hall sank into extreme calm, as if you could hear a pin drop, and the heartbeat and breathing could be clearly heard.

Everyone was tense, nervous but eagerly looking forward to this moment.

Ming Fei was also nervous. Although he had a vague idea in his mind, he still had a glimmer of hope before the result came out. Moreover, he was still worried about Huang Mao's attributes. A one-quarter chance was not a big chance.

The way to announce the results was very simple. On the huge screen in front of the hall, the names and numbers of all the seedlings were already flashing.

And the moment the results were announced, the empty space behind the names and numbers would be marked with the level and attributes, which was clear at a glance.

So, the seedlings all stared at their names, waiting for the screen to refresh.

Suddenly, the big screen suddenly darkened and turned into a silent black full of unknowns.

The results are about to be announced!

The seedlings couldn't help holding their breath. At this moment, the silence disappeared even the sound of breathing...

Only a few seconds later, the screen lit up again.

The results are out!

Each name and number was marked with red words.

The red color was too conspicuous. Ming Fei looked at it suddenly and even felt dizzy. Before he could react, he heard a series of gasps in his ears...

He looked over and saw his name at a glance, and the red font following it was eye-catching-low level, water system.

Is it really like this? Ming Fei felt a little disappointed, but he didn't think too much, and immediately searched for Huangmao's name.

Because he knew the location of his name before, he found it in the middle of the left side in a while. He took a serious look and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Huangmao has been using [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ] 38-medium...

It's actually medium! A huge joy surged in Ming Fei's chest. He didn't even bother to finish reading it. He pulled Huang Mao and shouted: "You are good! You are so awesome now!"

He smiled and couldn't help but pull Huang Mao and shook him violently. Only one person with medium qualifications can appear in hundreds of people. Although it is not as rare as high qualifications, it is definitely the best among them.

Thinking of Huang Mao's success, Ming Fei was very happy.

He was very excited for a long time, and then he found that the person was a little stunned. Could it be that he was silly?

Huang Mao stared at the front in a daze, without saying a word.

Ming Fei finally calmed down. He asked Huang Mao: "What's wrong?"

It would have been better if he didn't ask. When he asked, Huang Mao's green bean eyes were immediately filled with tears. He looked at Ming Fei with watery eyes and said in a trembling voice: "I... I am... Gold... Department."

Ming Fei was startled, and his heart skipped a beat. He turned his head and looked again. Sure enough, he found the two dazzling red words behind Huang Mao's name - Gold Department.

Huangmao is a gold type, and he is a water type...

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