Naro understood what Chen Shuang meant.

After all, there are many entrepreneurs in today's society who will sponsor some qualified but poor students.

In this way, they will be trained well, and when they graduate in the future, they will be recruited back to their companies and become the new recruits of their companies.

But that also depends on the person. After all, there are too many real-life versions of the story of the farmer and the snake.

Of course, after reading Naro's information, Chen Shuang wanted to train him and absorb a potential talent.

Naro's character can be seen from the care he has given his grandfather in the past few years. He is a person who knows how to be grateful.

Originally, she was just curious about why Naro slapped July but July didn't beat him.

After checking, she became interested in investing in Naro, but this is only one aspect.

The Chen Group is involved in all aspects. It would be good to train a famous doctor in the future. After all, who will not get sick and have accidents in their life?

"I have read your information. You want to apply for Yunhai Medical University in a few days, right?"

"I can sponsor all your school expenses, but Imperial Medical University is more suitable for you."

"Besides, you can go to any university you want with your score, so why not go to the best one."

Naro sighed. In his previous life, he wanted to study medicine because his grandfather was ill for several years, which made him determined to become an excellent doctor.

But in his previous life, he went the other way. He did not become an angel who saved the dying and healed the wounded, but a killer who reaped lives.

Now he has no interest in studying medicine, or he does not want to see the separation of patients and their families.


"I appreciate your kindness, but I don't plan to study medicine now."

Nailuo's words surprised Chen Shuang for a moment, but then she continued in a crisp voice.

"I checked and found out that the old house you and your grandfather used to live in was sold by you three years ago to pay for the medicine."

"I will buy the house back for you. The old man is gone, but he must also want to return to his roots."

"Besides, there are the memories of you and your grandfather there."

Chen Shuang's words made Naro's body tremble.

She knew that Naro could support himself with a full scholarship, but it would be difficult for him to get back the old house he sold in a short time.

Naro went back to the old house in his previous life, but that was almost two years later. When he went back again, the old house had been demolished.

This was also the last line of defense in Naro's heart.

He wanted to protect the old house with his grandfather.

Naro's lips twitched and he looked up at the dim roof.

He was indeed short of money now, and he was thinking about how to buy the house back.

Now Chen Shuang's words made him feel less defensive.

"How about this? Is this okay? I am an investor and of course I want to get compensation from you."

"Besides, you caused a lot of losses to my company tonight."

"You will have to go to school, find a job, and start a family in the future. All of these things require money."

"I think no matter who you work for, it's not as good as working for me, Chen's."

"If you want to work alone in the future, I can let you go without any unfair terms."

"The premise is that you have to return my investment and the loss tonight."

"If you want to work on your own in the future but don't have the funds, I can invest in you. You have the final say and I only take the dividends."

"If your business fails, then come back and work for me. If you succeed, I can enjoy the dividends. How about that~"

Chen Shuang's words made Nai Luo frown even tighter.

Although she was profit-seeking and had analyzed the success and failure of the investment, she was too confident in him.

He always felt that these conditions offered by Chen Shuang had another purpose, but it didn't seem like malicious intent.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't be able to learn anything by then?"

Naluo's words made Chen Shuang laugh.

"Although I haven't met you in person, I trust my intuition and the unique sense of smell of a businessman."

"My intuition tells me that you will never lose money if you invest"

"Even if I lose money, it doesn't matter, it's just some pocket money~"

"Besides, if you can't learn anything, you can also work as a security guard downstairs in my company.~"


Naro pressed his eyebrows and found that this woman was really amazing. No wonder she could walk sideways.

"How about it, have you thought it through?"

"If you have thought it through, I can arrange everything for you later."


Naro raised his head and took a deep breath. It was hard for him to refuse now.

But fortunately, Chen Shuang also said that he could leave after paying back the money. Even if he borrowed money, he couldn't borrow too much. He would have to pay it back after all. Besides, he didn't know who else to borrow money from except Aunt Cui and Uncle Liu.

Aunt Cui and Uncle Liu were good people and didn't treat him as an outsider, but they also had children who needed to go to school. They had taken care of him in his previous life, and he didn't want to trouble them again in this life.

When conditions allowed, he would repay them for their care for him. After thinking for a long time, Naro finally spoke.

"Okay, I promise you, but I want my own freedom and don't like my life to be interfered with."

Nailuo didn't want to be a pawn for others. His meaning was very clear now. He just treated Chen Shuang as a borrower. When the time came, he would leave after paying back the principal and interest.

Chen Shuang smiled and replied after hearing this.

""Okay, since you agreed, I will arrange for someone to help you take care of your grandfather's funeral and buy back your house."

Naro replied softly.


"You're welcome. It's already late. I still want to say my condolences to you."


As the call ended, Naro's problem was solved. Looking at the empty bed, the moments he had spent with his grandfather came back to his mind.


On the other side.

Sister Qing returned to the ward, her forehead was throbbing again.

Because Ling Qiyue was sitting by the bed and eating an apple, and Xiaoke was watching her eat with eager eyes.

Xiaoke couldn't eat after the operation, but Ling Qiyue was eating happily in front of her.

She was so angry that she wanted to drag Ling Qiyue away, but Xiaoke's anesthesia had worn off, and she wanted to sleep but couldn't. At this moment, she felt a stomachache, hunger, and thirst.

After Sister Qing left, Ling Qiyue also told her about saving someone tonight.

This was because Xiaoke saw her swollen lips when she was eating an apple.

Ling Qiyue said that the slap was her medal for saving people, but she said so, but her eyes were still fierce with a little anger.

Knowing that Naro's grandfather passed away today, she didn't intend to find him to argue, but she was just angry that he didn't jump off the building but sat there dangerously, which made her misunderstand that he was slapped in vain.

Xiaoke didn't think much about it, but cast a fangirl look.

Sister Qing couldn't stand it anymore, so she came over, grabbed Ling Qiyue by the collar and pulled her aside.

"Your mouth isn't swollen anymore, right? You can be naughty again, right?"

"Eat out"

"If you are not feeling well, go back to the hotel and rest."

Ling Qiyue blinked her beautiful eyes, puffed up her lips, and then stopped eating.

"I will take a rest tomorrow, accompany Xiaoke for a while and then go back."

It would be fine if I didn't say this, but Sister Qing got even angrier when she said this. She let herself go when she took a rest.

In the end, with Sister Qing around, Ling Qiyue honestly chatted with Xiaoke.

Sister Qing also told Xiaoke about the next schedule and asked her to have a good rest in the hospital.

When she could get out of bed, they would go back together. As for Ling Qiyue, she would go back to work after her lip corners healed.

When it came to starting work, Ling Qiyue's little mouth puffed up again.

"After you finish this announcement, I will give you a month's vacation."

Hearing this, Ling Qiyue's eyes immediately lit up. She took the fruit basket and asked Sister Qing which one she wanted to eat, and she would go to wash it.

Sister Qing glared at her unhappily.

It was precisely because she could take a long vacation that Ling Qiyue was so excited that she was not sleepy at all. She started chatting with Xiaoke again.

But she was mostly talking and Xiaoke was listening. After chatting for a long time, Sister Qing's cell phone rang again.

She got up and went outside to answer it.

When she learned that Nailuo would not tell anyone about meeting Qiyue, Sister Qing nodded.

But it was also convenient for her not to have to make another trip.

What surprised her was that Chen Shuang actually told her to let Qiyue rest for a week first, and the announcement would be made a week later.

After hanging up the phone, she also came in and told Ling Qiyue about it.

Sure enough, Ling Qiyue's eyes curved more beautifully after hearing the news, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

Sister Qing was so angry that she grabbed her away.

Xiaoke waved at the two of them with eager eyes and watched them leave.

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