The next morning,

Naro got up and packed his things when there was another knock on the ward door.

When he opened the door, he saw a man in casual clothes and sunglasses.

The man asked directly after seeing him,"Is this Mr. Naro?"

Naro looked at the man and nodded.

"We are sent by Mr. Chen to help. Mr. Chen asked me to give you this card."

Naro nodded and put away the bank card. The Mr. Chen mentioned by the man in sunglasses should be Chen Shuang, and there are two men wearing sunglasses outside.

Soon, Naro's mobile phone received a message from Chen Shuang.

"Password 123321. Tell me if you don't have enough money."

After seeing the message, Naluo lowered his eyes and exhaled softly. He didn't expect Chen Shuang to act so quickly.

After that, he also took the people that Chen Shuang gave him and took all of Grandpa's things. There were two cars outside, one was specially used to hold Grandpa's body, and the other was a black business car.

After bidding farewell to the doctors and nurses who often took care of him and Grandpa in the hospital and calling Aunt Cui, Naluo finally embarked on the journey home.

He hadn't been back for too long.

Looking at the crowds and streets outside the car window, he hadn't enjoyed such a peaceful feeling for a long time.

When he arrived , At noon, we finally arrived at Nanyun County, where Naro lived since childhood.

The car drove all the way to the foot of the mountain in the suburbs, and an old house appeared in front of us.

That was the former home of Naro and his grandfather.

There is also a small river at the foot of the mountain, and not far away there is a road that leads directly to the mountain. There is an apricot blossom forest halfway up the mountain, which was all planted by my grandfather.

But now it is dilapidated and the apricot blossoms have long fallen.

When we arrived in front of the old house, there was a car parked there.

Naro got out of the car, and standing in front of the car was a man wearing sunglasses, and he was holding a file bag in his hand.

"Mr. Nailuo, this is your old house that Mr. Chen asked me to buy. Here are the keys and the documents."

Niluo thanked him and took the file bag.

After opening it and seeing that the seller's name was signed by Chen Ping and the price, Nailuo's eyes instantly became gloomy. It was his neighbor from a distance who helped him find the buyer for this old house. He sold it for nearly 500,000 yuan at that time, but now he bought it back for 3 million yuan.

He was in urgent need of money at that time. The buyer gave him the money, but asked someone to handle it on his behalf.

If Chen Shuang hadn't helped him buy it, he wouldn't have known that it was his aunt's family who bought the old house.

What the hell is Chen Ping doing here? This price is 100% the price she offered.

As for whether the person sent by Chen Shuang bargained, he didn't ask again.

When grandpa was sick, Chen Ping and his uncle only lived with grandpa at the beginning. He had been to the hospital when he was transferred to another hospital and later.

As for the medical expenses, they only took out two thousand yuan the first time. In their previous life, they said that they didn’t have much money, but they were able to spend half a million to buy the old house three years ago.

And where are his father and mother? He doesn’t know whether they are alive or dead after so many years.

Before his grandfather died yesterday, he never mentioned anything about them to him, as if he had never had a son and daughter-in-law.

What is hidden in all this?

In his previous life, he was deceived by Chen Ping’s family. In this life, he has to find the reason himself.

Naluo took the key and opened the door directly.

The four men in sunglasses at the back followed Naluo and carried the old man’s ice coffin into the room.

Naluo looked at the ice coffin and whispered to the grandfather inside

"Grandpa, Luo'er takes you home"


After Nailuo put his grandfather away, he checked the old house.

The old house was obviously turned over, especially the bedroom where his grandfather lived.

Looking at those obvious traces, Nailuo didn't know what Chen Ping was looking for.

It seemed that she wanted to buy the old house for something.

And the price of that thing must be higher than 500,000 yuan, otherwise Chen Ping and his uncle would not buy the old house.

Only he and his grandfather knew where the house deed was placed. His grandfather also said that this old house would only be left to him, and no outsiders would have a share.

And his uncle was the only son of his grandfather's brother, but his grandfather died early. His uncle was raised by his grandfather when he was a child, but later he gradually became estranged from his grandfather. As for why, Nailuo didn't know. In his previous life, before his grandfather fell ill, he only met his uncle a few times.

And his grandfather transferred the house to his name early in the morning.

Chen Ping is now selling the old house at a high price. Either she found what she wanted, or she didn't find it at all.

Nailuo didn't know these. When he sold the old house, he didn't find anything.

Fortunately, Chen Shuang sent someone to help him buy the old house back. If he had gone to buy it himself, Chen Ping would probably make up a way to figure out where the money in his hand came from, and maybe she would not sell the old house to him.

She would continue to target him.

In this life, Naluo would no longer believe her lies, and would secretly investigate what she and her uncle wanted, and what was hidden in it.

Naluo looked at the house and cleaned it himself, while the four men in sunglasses were arranged by him to go to the hotel in the county to rest.

He left the leader's phone number and asked them to come and help tomorrow.

The leader also left a bag of food and drink before leaving.

Naluo had not eaten since yesterday. After the four people left, he ate some.

Then he put on mourning clothes and knelt in front of his grandfather's coffin.

In his previous life, Naluo did not see his grandfather for the last time. He only bought a cemetery for him in the county, and it was Aunt Cui and Uncle Liu who helped him to let his grandfather rest in peace.

In this life, he not only saw his grandfather for the last time, but also fulfilled his wish.

Naro took the purchased shroud, wiped grandfather's body with clean water, and dressed him with his own hands.

Naro knelt for the whole night.

During this time, he kept telling stories about his childhood in front of his grandfather's coffin.

When it was dawn, the four men in sunglasses came again.

Naro stood up and stretched his numb legs, and put grandfather's ice coffin back into the car.

Two people were left here to arrange other matters.

When Naro came back again, he was holding grandfather's urn in his hand.

After getting off the car, he walked step by step to the halfway point of the mountain.

There was a new tomb there, with a new tombstone standing outside the tomb, and a new coffin next to it.

Naro walked to the coffin and put grandfather's urn in it.

"Grandpa, your grandson will see you off for the last time."

Naro put the coffin in place, holding the soil in his hand and sprinkling it on the coffin in the tomb little by little.

When it was all filled, Nairo knelt in front of the tombstone and kowtowed.

The wind from the mountain stream blew the incense and candles, and the smoke lingered around Nairo who was kneeling on the ground for a long time, and finally drifted towards the direction of the old house.

The past scenes appeared before his eyes.

The apricot blossoms bloomed in spring, the shade of the trees in summer, the leaves fell in autumn, and the snow flew all over the sky in winter. Nairo's most innocent and beautiful time was accompanied by his grandfather.

Those beautiful pasts also went away with the wind like the floating green smoke.

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