Nailuo was lying on the accompanying bed in the ward, not wanting to sleep.

He was thinking about how to make money quickly.

After his grandfather passed away in his previous life, Nailuo lived a life alone.

A year and a half later, Chen Ping, his great aunt, suddenly called him.

She said she had found his father, but his father was seriously ill and told him that she didn't know the old man had passed away at the time, and she pretended to apologize for this.

Nailuo had only met his great uncle's family a few times before.

When his grandfather passed away in his previous life, he also called his great uncle's family, but the number had changed.

As for how they found him later, it was actually very simple.

At that time, Nailuo had always left his mobile phone number in the hospital, and the nurses and doctors who took care of him also knew that he was working part-time at Aunt Cui's restaurant and had his mobile phone number.

Nailuo was studying medicine at the time. He had never seen his father. He only saw his father's appearance as a teenager in the photo frame left by his grandfather.

And the father in the photo frame had two black moles under his left eyelid.

Nailuo, who had lost his grandfather at that time, didn't dare to believe it after learning that his father had a chance to see him.

It was only when Chen Ping sent a photo of a man in the ward with her mobile phone, especially the two black moles, that Nailuo mistakenly thought that he was his biological father.

But how could he have money at that time?

He was just a poor student who made a living by working, and in the eyes of his classmates, he was a nerd who only knew how to study.

As for why they thought he was rich and set up a trap for him, in fact, he still didn't know.

At that time, Nailuo had no other way out, so he could only work two more part-time jobs. Later, a classmate introduced him to work part-time in a bar.

It was also when he was delivering wine there that a drunk customer said that there was a newly opened underground boxing ring in Qianzhou, and he bet there the day before yesterday and won 200,000.

But after Nailuo came in to deliver the wine, the man next to him blocked the drunk man's mouth.

Later, Nailuo went to find them after the two men left.

Although he was mocked and warned by the two men at that time, Nailuo kept asking questions. The two men were annoyed by the questions and immediately attacked him, but he cleverly resolved them.

Seeing that Nailuo did seem to be short of money, the two men told him the address.

Naro followed his grandfather to learn martial arts since he was a child, but he had never fought in an underground boxing match.

However, after hearing Chen Ping say that his father's condition had worsened and that he would have to wait for death if he had no money, Naro was afraid of losing his relatives again, so he could only try his best to make money.

The two men also told him that he would get 20,000 yuan for winning a match, and the more wins he accumulated, the more money he would get.

This was a very profitable way for Naro at the time.

Of course, there was another way to make more money, but he didn't agree.

When he was working part-time at the bar, he was spotted by a rich woman who wanted to support him with her money.

Although fighting in an underground boxing match was very risky, it was much cleaner than selling his body and soul.

That was after that night, his life in his previous life changed.

After that, he went to Qianzhou alone and found the underground boxing ring. After knocking down several security guards, the person in charge of the boxing ring agreed to let him fight in an underground boxing match.

Later, Naro, who got the money, went to Dingzhou Hospital to see the so-called father.

At that time, he was studying medicine, but when he went to Dingzhou, the fake father was admitted to the ICU. He could only watch from the outside and also read his medical records.

It was not until he was dying in his previous life that he realized that the so-called father was a fake, and that the fake person who had been in the ICU every time he went to see in his previous life was also a trap set by Chen Ping and his uncle. Everything was fake.

In his previous life, he was confined by false family affection and was willing to be a pawn of others. In this life, he will only live his own life.

Of course, he will not let that group of scum go. He will take revenge bit by bit.

Killing them will certainly relieve his hatred, but that would be too easy for them.

Besides, he didn't want to be that kind of person in this life because his hands were stained with blood in his previous life.

In his previous life, he could only move forward in the darkness by ignoring the lives of others. In this life, he only wants to live in the sun.

Since he has been given a new life, he will live again and live only for himself.


Now Naro also has to think about how to make money quickly. As for the underground boxing, forget it. He doesn't want to be exposed to the darkness of his previous life again.

But with the money, he can go to Qianzhou to place bets in a year and a half. After all, he knows who will win and who will lose. Moreover, in two years, he can meet the underground king of his previous life, the violent bear.

Naro took a deep breath. The year and a half in his previous life could be regarded as the freest time for him. But at that time, he only knew how to work and study all day long. Apart from being forced to pay attention to Ling Qiyue by his roommates, he never paid attention to other things.

Uncle Liu used to buy lottery tickets frequently, but he never paid attention to those.

Just when Naro was thinking, his cell phone rang suddenly.

When he took out his cell phone, he thought it was Uncle Liu or Aunt Cui calling, but it turned out to be an unfamiliar cell phone number.

Naro frowned and finally answered it.

"Are you Naro?"

It sounded like a slightly cold female voice. Naro didn't know who it was, but he still answered.

"I am, who are you?"

"I am Chen Shuang, the boss of Jiachen Company."

Chen Shuang, Jiachen Company, Nailuo frowned even more when he heard this.

He knew that Jiachen Company was the artist company that Ling Qiyue belonged to.

And he also knew that Chen Shuang was the eldest daughter of the most famous Chen family chaebol in the country.

It was precisely because of her protection of Ling Qiyue that no one dared to take advantage of her.

But he couldn't understand why he called him.

"Are you wondering why I have your phone number and why I am looking for you?"

Naro stood up and half sat on the bed.���Then he said out loud

"Because of Ling Qiyue?"

The only explanation Naro could think of was that he had slapped Ling Qiyue tonight.

It was rumored that Chen Shuang was very protective of Ling Qiyue, and it was even rumored that Ling Qiyue was Chen Shuang's forbidden lover. Of course, he had heard all this when he was 24 years old in his previous life.

At that time, it seemed that the two were not married, and Chen Shuang was four years older than Ling Qiyue.

Mo Fei and these two were really......


Chen Shuang, who was also sitting beside the bed, was puzzled at first, but then she laughed.


"I heard that you slapped July. I heard that July's mouth was broken and her face was swollen."

"This put her photo shoot tomorrow, which was about endorsing a clothing brand under Chen's company, on hold."

"All the delays here are money."

Naluo's brows were almost twisted into a line, but the other party changed the subject

"Let's not talk about July. I'm deeply sorry about your grandfather's passing."

"I hope you will accept my condolences."

Naluo didn't understand why Chen Shuang was looking for him, but when it came to grandpa, he still sighed and replied.


"I won't tell anyone about Ling Qiyue, don't worry about that."

Nailuo knew that Ling Qiyue's agent, Sister Qing, would come to see him tonight, but he didn't expect that it would be Chen Shuang who would come to see him.

And his cell phone number can be found from the hospital, and it's not a secret.

Listening to Nailuo's words, Chen Shuang also raised an eyebrow and continued

"I believe you won't tell anyone."

"I checked your information."

"This year's top scholar in science from Yunhai City, your grandfather passed away, you don't have a place to live now, right? And you don't have much money."

"Your grandfather still needs money for his funeral."

Naro frowned but did not deny it.

"What exactly do you want to say when you call me?"

Chen Shuang smiled.

"I want to invest~"


Nailuo's brows furrowed even deeper at this moment. After all, he didn't want to be someone else's pawn again. Although he was indeed short of money now, the fastest way to make money he could think of now seemed to be somewhat...Crime.

Chen Shuang heard Nailuo's tone and continued to say with a smile

"Yes, I want to invest in you."

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