1041. Chapter 1040 ran with Lingshi

Chapter 1040 ran with Lingshi

“Top Grade Spiritual Vein ?”

Dragon Turtle Immortal stare blankly, after a moment of contemplation, said: “I am buried under the temple, the scar on my turtle shell is there, helping to repair.”

“Alright.” Lin Biao nodded.

He immediately started to act.

After leaving the temple, he plunged into the underground soil, all the way down, and walked through a fragrant Time, finally reaching the end of the underground.

Lin Biao stepped on an iron plate and couldn’t go any further.

“This is the turtle shell of the dragon turtle Immortal, it is hard enough.” Lin Biao smiled.

His Spiritual Sense spread out, and within this radius, all of them were unobstructed, showing how big the shell is.

On the tortoise shell, he found a scar, but in Lin Biao’s eyes, this “scar” is just like the abyss crack, which is a million feet long.

“Old turtle, this is the scar that you were remained in the past, this is too terrifying.” Lin Biao tsk tsk called the road.

“Snort! It looks terrifying. In fact, even my tortoiseshell is not pierced, but it is a little bit of a print.”

“And ah, call me the old turtle later, or your chances will be canceled!” Dragon Turtle Immortal cold, the sound came from under the ground.

“Good! You are the turtle Immortal, let’s go!” Lin Biao laughed.

“This is almost the same!” Dragon Turtle Immortal proudly laughed.

Lin Biao took out the Top Grade Spiritual Vein.

As soon as the Top Grade Spiritual Vein appeared, the spiritual qi instantly became full, rising from the depth of the underground, and finally penetrated into the crack of the soil, even on the surface of the ground, it could sense the abundant spiritual qi.

Since the appearance of this Top Grade Spiritual Vein, there is no need to worry about it.

Lin Biao knows that this Lao Wang Ba is so big, his every move is in the observation of this Wang Ba, he is too lazy to hide anything.

It may seem unmaginable in the eyes of outsiders, in the eyes of Pharaoh, it seems sparse, for example, with the body Space.

Even Pharaoh has not asked a few words, indicating that he has seen the body space before.

In this way, Lin Biao has nothing special to do. This island is invincible and can only be planted.

Next, Lin Biao sent an Avatar, and the main body acted together, buried Top Grade Spirit Stone everywhere, buried around the temple.

Deep in the underground.

A huge dragon turtle shrinks into the shell and stays still.

“Hey? This little ghost has a lot of chances. It is also the world of Mizi, and it is also a flesh and blood incarnation. It is worthy of being a descendant of the dragon.”

Dragon Turtle Immortal laughed and said to himself, “However, compared to the opportunity I will give you, you can look far! Hahaha!”


In such a day, Lin Biao worked hard for a month before and after, and Top Grade Spirit Stone used nearly 100 billion.

The Mountain Range where the temple is located is filled with him.

Lin Biao does not have a Spirit Gathering Array. The Spirit Gathering Array essentially concentrates the spiritual qi in other places, and does not create a spiritual qi out of thin air. Instead, it will be consumed. In the outside world, it is impossible to work in such a closed place.

As a result, his remaining Top Grade Spirit Stone has a total of 1200 billion.

The temple of the Top Grade Spirit Stone, which is so solemn and sacred, is surrounded by spiritual fog, like a fairyland.

However, Lin Biao is also conscious of the arrival of his, so many Lingshi in the whole island, it is not worth mentioning.

Just burying the mountain where the temple is located, it costs a hundred billion, let alone other locations!

It is impossible to forcibly transform the human island by the number of Top Grade Spirit Stones. The most important thing is to look at the local monks.

Lin Biao only has a good foundation, can it continue, and even go up to the next level, it depends on the people here.

If it is matched, so many people can make up for the lack of Lingshi.

Lin Biao returned to the temple.

Next, he began to arrange the Transmission Array, after all, the island is so big, if you want to test the results, you can’t run back and forth.

He set the coordinates of the end point of the Transmission Array at five points on the island.

I have been busy for another month, Transmission Array successfully accomplished!

Now two months have passed, and when it comes to testing the results, he has invested 10 billion before, but he can’t waste it.

“Everyone, immediately gather in the temple!” Lin Biao cast a trick to break the dragon.

The enlarged voice, like a snarling thunder, rushed out, spread all over the place, and fell into the high-level ears around it.

In a split second, people around the Temple Mountain Range have come over.

They had just walked halfway and looked at the shrine in front of the fog, all of which froze.

“This… is this the temple?”

Someone was shocked.

“Yes! No mistake, this is the temple!”

“What is this spiritual qi?”

“My God! Is this the backbone of the island?”

“This is too terrifying, this is a fairyland!”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, everyone was shocked, and thoroughly dumbstruck.

Such a concentration of spiritual qi has exceeded the scope of their Comprehension! The brain is not good!

This is not a manpower, they even suspect that Lin Biao is not a god!

“Come in!”

The people did not hesitate to enter the Mountain Range of the temple.

After entering the scope of the temple, they can better understand the benefits of high concentration of spiritual qi.

I always accept the baptism of spiritual qi, which is several times stronger than those in the barren land.

Moreover, here in the great war, they will not feel tired even if they fight for ten days and ten nights! There will never be a dead situation!

Lin Biao sat quietly at the gate of the temple, waiting for everyone to gather.

“Lin Island Lord!”

Everyone is excited.

“The time limit has arrived, and all the people in the main city have been summoned back. Today, they will not return, killing innocents!” Lin Biao said.


Everyone has retired.

Half a day later, the high-rises of the islands of hundreds of people gathered in the square in front of the temple.

Everyone was kneeling on the ground, feeling the spiritual qi changes here, and they all set off waves in their hearts.

“How did this happen?” Mu Qing’s face changed slightly.

They looked at the white youth in front of them and felt that this was not a normal Human Race, it might be the messenger of the gods!

Lin Biao stood in front of him and his eyes swept over a personal figure.

As Lin Biao’s eyes swept away, everyone was physically nervous and no one could remain calm.

“I remember that two months ago, I gave a total of 305 people to the Top Grade Spirit Stone. How do you have only two hundred and eighty people and twenty more people?” Lin Biao said indifferently.

“Return to the island of the island, there are some people I have been looking for, and did not find their traces.” Muqing cup one fist in the other hand Road.

“Oh? It is equal to say, they ran with Lingshi?” Lin Biao frowned.

“There is this possibility!”

Mu Qingdao: “After all, the Top Grade Spirit Stone you gave is too much, and it gave two months of Time, enough for them to take risks and run far away.”

(End of this chapter)

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