1040. Chapter 1039 chapter Management plan for the island (below)

Chapter 1039 chapter management plan for the island (below)

Then, Lin Biao also called Zhou Tong up. Zhou Tong originally managed to return to the city, and also got the assets of 100 million Top Grade Spirit Stone.

The same is true of the order, holding such a huge asset to build the West.

“The two deputy masters, come up!” Lin Biao continued to command.

“Yes!” The two deputy lords went up.

This time, Lin Biao directly took out the Top Grade Spirit Stone ten times larger than before, and held it in his hand. The piled up Lingshi Mountain covered the sky.

“Oh my God!”

Everyone stupefied.

“Your mission is simple!”

Lin Biao said in a light way: “Let this billion Billion Top Spirit Stone on the beach on the edge of the island, don’t be found, and you should not be selfish and corrupt, understand?”

Everyone felt unbelievable when they heard this request.

“Lin Island owner, this is a billion Top Grade Spirit Stone, just buried under the ground, I am afraid… not suitable.” Zhou Tong cup one fist in the other hand.

“Shut up! How does the spirit of the father use, need you to gesticulate?” Lin Biao shouted.

Zhou Tong immediately did not say anything.

Everyone twitched and felt a pain in the mouth.

This is a billion Top Grade Spirit Stone. They have never seen so many islands in the world for many years. They have been buried under the ground and they are so violent.

You know, Top Grade Spirit Stone is in a barren place, and the spiritual qi will dissipate as Time progresses. Grad will fall in the morning and evening, and eventually become a waste stone.

I have never seen such a heartbreaking madness.

Lin Biao did not have any explanation. Anyway, as long as anyone dares to sneak and slip, killing is to cut corners.

Under the Thunder method, no one dares to play the bean curd project.

“The person who received the Lingshi, go ahead, and test the results two months later.” Lin Biao waved.


Mu Qing and Zhou Tong, as well as the two deputy masters, have retired.

The rest are high-level figures from all sides, but in front of Lin Biao, all of them are head down, and even the atmosphere is afraid to come out.

“On the island, in addition to the three major cities, there are thirty small towns, you are the City Lord of those small towns, right.” Lin Shudao.

“Yes! Forest Island Lord!”

Everyone is singular.

Lin Biao throws away, each person 100 million Top Grade Spirit Stone, thrown in front of everyone.

Everyone held these Top Grade Spirit Stones, and their bodies shook slightly. They had never seen such a huge sum.

“These Top Grade Spirit Stones are buried under the ground of your city, buried in the surrounding area, and can’t be found. Even if you are not lucky enough, you can’t be found more than one percent. Do you understand?” Drinking.

“small person understands!”

Cup one fist in the other hand.

“Go and do it, give you two months, if you can’t do it, you will die.” Lin said.

“Yes!” The crowd received Top Grade Spirit Stone, all of which retreated.

There are still some high-rises in the temple.

“What are you doing?” Lin Biao looked to the first white-bearded man.

“Lin Island owner, small person is the Great Elder of the Resource Hall, responsible for managing the three Lingshi veins, mainly producing High Grade Spirit Stone.” Baishou old man laughed.

Lin Biao’s eyebrows pick, I can’t think of this small island, and the High Grade Spirit Stone, a little interesting.

“Well, how many High Grade Spirit Stones can be produced each year?” Lin Biao then asked.

“A large vein can produce 10,000 High Grade Spirit Stones per year, two small veins, which add up to eight thousand a year.”

“In addition to this, a total of 100,000 Middle Grade Spirit Stones and 500,000 Low Grade Spirit Stones are produced each year. Semi-Top Grade Spirit Stones are occasionally discovered, but very few, only less than ten are dug each year. Semi Top Spirit Stone.” The white-headed man answered truthfully.

“That’s good! Next, stop the mining of the veins and throw the 300 million Top Grade Spirit Stone into three veins, each of which is 100 million.” Lin Biao said.

When I spoke, I threw three storage rings, each with 100 million.

“What?” Great Elder stunned.

These three veins, but the foundation of the temple, they rely on these spiritual stones to build the temple, or else they can not survive.

Now, Lin Biao does not dig Lingshi, but instead puts Lingshi into it! ? What is this?

“I don’t understand enough about it? If you don’t understand it, cut your ears and let the people who understand it!” Lin Biao coldly.

“Small understand! Small understand, small person, let’s do it!”

Great Elder quickly picked up three storage rings and left.

Lin Biao completely gave a demonic image, scared the rest of the people to tremble.

Everyone is not Comprehension at all. What does Lin Biao mean? The good end of the vein does not dig, but the Lingshi is buried under the ground, and the opposite is done, it is a waste of resources!

Lin Biao was too lazy to explain to them.

In the short time, they can’t see what it means. After three or five years, they will understand.

Next, Lin Biao told people to do things.

“You, raise fish? In the future, you only raise fish, you can’t catch fish, throw these stones into the fish pond, can you hear?”

“You are cutting trees? You are not allowed to cut, give me seeds!”

“You go to build a few fish ponds!”

“You go to those who plant medicine herbs!”

“You go……”

One by one, send it in an orderly manner.

These orders are simply unreasonable to the locals. Just in the eyes of Lin Biao, it is the best way to improve the environment on the island.

The island of the world is the body of the dragon turtle Immortal. Only by transforming it into a spiritual qi, the dragon turtle Immortal will give him the best chance.

Everything is for the opportunity!

Anyway, Longchi is open, and there is a time close to nine years. Lin Biao is not in a hurry.

What’s more, this dragon turtle Immortal gave him, may not be worse than the dragon pool.

After the order was issued, everyone was busy and buried Top Grade Spirit Stone across the island.

As for the cost?

Before Lin Biao came, there was a 3,000 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone, which cost more than 10 billion yuan before and after.

In the first two months, just try the water and see how it works! By the way, check the loyalty of the local people on the island and remove some miscellaneous fish.

Lin Biao did not intend to do it once and for all.

After everyone left, Lin Biao clap his hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hey! Next, you can be busy!” Lin Biao sighed.

Let him fight and kill good, this management, he is still doing it for the first time.

Although the previous life has also established a sect, but the sect is smoky, the management is a mess, and it doesn’t take long.

Lin Biao walked around, boring, and returned to the temple to walk down the tunnel.

Before he came to the god of the dragon turtle Immortal, he planned to talk a few words.

“Old dragon turtle, what I am doing, can I still be satisfied?” Lin said with a smile.

“Well, not bad, there is a future!” The laughter of the old dragon turtle came.

“It doesn’t matter, I still have a Top Grade Spiritual Vein. What do you think is suitable for you?” Lin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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