1042. Chapter 1041 cleans up the fish

Chapter 1041 cleans up the fish

Lin Biao nodded slightly and had no expression on his face.

These were early in his expectations.

However, the only thing he couldn’t think of was that more than 300 people had only ran 20! Far below his expectations!

He thought that he had to run off 100 people. As a result, he only ran 20 people. It seems that people on the island are quite safe.

If it is in the outside world, it is good to be able to come back to twenty with the treacherous nature of those monks.

“Snort! The Top Grade Spirit Stone given by Linda is quite a lot, but it’s always a useful day, as long as they come back, immediately grab them!” Zhou Tong said.

“Yes! This group of wolf-hearted people, run away when they are corrupt, and kill!” a City Lord shouted.

Everyone is passionate and wants to be ruthless!

Of course, they also want to see Lin Biao’s reaction. If Lin Biao does not do this, it will only lead to more corrupt people.

Lin Biao has been indulging for a moment, but he has not stagnated in this respect for a while. Instead, he said: “Those who have stolen the Lingshi escape, don’t mention it for a while, let me talk about you first.”

“Since you are back, I will check the completion of your mission. If you fish in troubled waters and cut corners, I will severely punish you!”

“Yes!” Mu Qing respected and said: “Please ask the Lin Island Lord for inspection.”

“Good! I will go to your Dongwang City first. You should stay here and don’t move around.”

Lin Biao mobilized the Transmission Array and the figure disappeared.

“Disappeared?” Muqing shocked said.

Just after a minute, Lin Biao appeared again.

He looked at Muqing and said indifferently: “You have done a good job and you are barely passing.”

Mu Qing sighed with a sigh of relief, cup one fist in the other hand: “Fortunately, not to be insulted.”

Next, Lin Biao began to test Zhoutong’s Xigui City.

After the same minute, Lin Biao appeared again and said: “I am barely qualified.”

The stone in Zhou Tong’s heart also landed.

Lin Biao uses the Transmission Array to shuttle back and forth between the human islands to test the results of those people.

The purpose of doing this is to observe their management skills! Pick out the elite and get rid of the fish!

Some people are not suitable for the City Lord, they are removed!

This time, Lin Biao was busy for a long time, and this came back.

Everyone looked nervously and waited for Lin’s trial.

Lin Biao looked at the two hundred people squatting down and pointed out at the fingertips.

“You, you, you… I will give it to everyone I have arrived.” Lin said.

Those who were ordered were all standing out.

All of them were panicked, and it seemed that they knew vaguely that they did not do well.

If Lin Biao killed them, they would die.

Lin Biao looked at the nervous people and said in a light way: “You are not suitable for the top management. I will not be embarrassed for you, but just strip your position! Now, I will give you a chance to go out and choose you. I can give rewards to think of a suitable successor.”

After hearing this, everyone was relieved and said: “Thank you for the island’s main enlightenment, small person must complete the task!”

“Go on.” Lin Biao waved.


The crowd retired and fell to the extreme.

They all know that they have no chance.

These miscellaneous fish were removed, and the remaining 100 people were all done well. Lin Biao was naturally not jealous. He threw out more than 100 million Top Grade Spirit Stones and rewarded them.

“One million top grade per person, it is rewarded to you.” Lin Shudao.

“Thank you for the island of Lin!” All the people were excited.

Next, Lin Biao assigned them the same task, but Time has been upgraded from two months to one year, and the amount of tasks is ten times that of the previous one.

Mu Qing took over one billion Top Grade Spirit Stone and her hands were shaking.

“What, have questions?” Lin said.

“Lin Island Lord, you are not afraid, I am like those people, take the Lingshi to run?” Mu Qing surprised.

When the words came out, everyone’s eyes were looked at.

Those examples of escape are in front of you, it is difficult to guarantee that no heart movement! After all, this is a super huge sum, more than a hundred times more than their reward!

“Hahaha Ha!”

When I heard this, Lin Biao suddenly laughed, as if he had heard something very funny.

Everyone has been stunned by this scene.

“Run? Do you think that those who ran away from the Lingshi, I can’t take them?” Lin said with a smile.

Everyone looked blank and didn’t know what Lin Biao was going to do.

Those people are hiding, such a large island, can you find them? Some are even far away from overseas, and it is hard to search.

They don’t think that Lin Biao can get those people back.

“If you have the courage, you can give it a try! I only remind you that those who slipped away, after a month, all will be quietly hanging on the tower of Zhongtucheng, I don’t believe, you can Go and see.”

Lin Biao smiled, but there was a trace of cruelty in the smile.

Middle-earth city is the city of biggest in the middle of the island.

Although everyone was skeptical, they all planned to wait for a month to go to Middle-earth City to see if Lin Biao really can catch those people back.

As a result, Lin Biao assigned the task ten times as much as before, and once again spent 100 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

“Go all go, I check after a year.” Lin said.


The people silently retired.

Finally, Mu Qing stayed, she said, “I am still in doubt, what is the significance of doing this?”

“Do I need to explain it to you?” Lin said.

Muqing language plug, had to retreat.

After everyone left, Lin Biao looked at the sky and smiled.

“Oh, it’s time to collect debts! My things, why are you so good?”

Lin Biao gave the sound transmission under the ground: “Dragon Turtle Immortal, trouble to provide the direction of those escapers.”

“Oh, little fellow ghost idea is good, even think of using me!” Dragon Turtle Immortal smiled.

“Those Top Grade Spirit Stones, but I used to improve the island, they took away the cultivation, can you bear it?” Lin said.

“Hahaha! Can’t stand it, I will tell you the location of all of them!” Dragon Turtle Immortal laughed.

In an instant, Lin Biao’s mind has more information.

They are all hiding places for those who steal the stone.

Some people are hidden in the islands of the world. Some people are easy to accommodate. They are mixed in the ordinary people. Some people are hiding under the ground. Some people simply leave the island and hide in the far away places far away.

A total of 25 people were escaping, all of which were known by Dragon Turtle Immortal and sent the specific location.

Lin Biao, this is consciousness, and this pharaoh is clear and clear! Even the seas of thousands of miles away from the island are known!

The meaning is that since he appeared in this ghost place, he was known by the old king.

(End of this chapter)

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