Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3003: (660) Add a block to you!

To put it bluntly, all of this is not because the Patriarch of the Bai family doesn't want it, but can't. But think about it, the Patriarch of the Bai family is not full and has nothing to do. Why bother with one thing, and the entanglement lasts for thousands of years. Isn't he tired? Even if you are not tired, always play the same game and do the same thing, no matter how interesting the game is, no matter how much the matter is, you will get bored if you play too much and do too much, right? What's more, the Patriarch of the Bai family is not the kind of person who can sit patiently, so besides being forced to be helpless, he really can't find a second reason.

Okay, it's a bit farther, but then again, for the Dongli family's elder, I don't know if the Bai family's Patriarch really doesn't care at all? Still see the far-fetched and depressed eyes of the Great Elder Dongli, feel that there is no need to spend more time? Don't you want to worry about this problem? Or is there any other reason? Who knows! Anyway, the Patriarch of the Bai family showed no signs of anger at all, and he was smiling, but that was an indisputable fact.

But if you don’t get angry, you don’t get angry. Whether it is true or false, the result is at least the same in terms of performance. Being not angry does not mean that the Patriarch of the Bai family will not refute and let the other party. Did you squeeze yourself? No, I saw that the Patriarch of the Bai family didn't show any weakness, and ironically responded to the Great Elder Dongli: "Vocality? You may need this thing for others, but for you, this thing is really unnecessary!"

Patriarch Bai did not deny the verbal ethics problem mentioned by the Great Elder Dongli, but he did not admit that his attitude was not like the so-called acquiescence, on the contrary, it seemed that he didn't care about it at all. Not only that, but he also took advantage of the verbal question raised by the other party and sneered back. As for the effect of fighting back? Look at the ugly look of Great Elder Dongli, and you can't wait to swallow the look of the Patriarch of the Bai family, you should know.

But think about it, it’s actually no wonder that Elder Dongli was so angry. Looking at what the Patriarch Bai said, it’s not that Elder Dongli’s quality is poor and bad in every respect. What else can it be? It's even inferior and bad enough that there is no need to retain any moral character. This kind of ruthlessness completely denies the words of Elder Dongli and his whole person, and he looks very face-to-face with Elder Dongli. For important people, isn't it just a heinous crime? As for the very evil and the existence of his own enemy, what kind of face can Elder Dongli have? If you didn't go directly up to do it, it was all because you were afraid of your face, and didn't want to be too ugly in front of everyone, so that others could see a joke. In other words, if it weren't for a public place, believe me, Elder Dongli would definitely do it without hesitation. Even if the final result is not as good as he wants, it is no exception. At least he has vented. , Isn't it?

In fact, the Great Elder Dongli was really irritated by the words of the Patriarch of the Bai Family, but because of his face, no matter how angry he was, he couldn’t speak unscrupulously like Patriarch Bai’s words. No matter how angry the elder Dongli was, what he said was more gentle and elegant than the Patriarch of the Bai Family, even if there were some derogatory words in it, that was no exception. No, I only heard that Elder Dongli calmly warned to the Patriarch of the Bai family: "You one by one, old man Bai, you shameless old man with shameless eyes, despicable old man, the old man persuaded you, there is still room to speak. It’s good, lest one day the ship overturns in the gutter.” The seemingly calm tone, but in fact, it’s not really calm, and the heavy breathing from its throat is the voice of his heart. The best proof of reality is not really calm. To put it bluntly, all the performance of the Great Elder Dongli is just a representation.

"How about the owner of the house, you will not get old and worry about it. The owner of the house is very good, eats well, sleeps well, and is better than someone, who is always better at fighting all day long. Of course, there is only this kind of liking. Fighting people will have the possibility of the so-called capsize in the gutter, like ours who have entered the state of pension, do not participate in anything, do not worry about anything, but there is no chance of capsizing! So, you are welcome , Old man Dongli, the owner of your family should return your warnings. Old man Dongli, you must be careful, don’t really overturn the boat in the gutter. Compared with other people in Dongli’s family, The Patriarch still likes you very much. If you just go like this, the Patriarch will be very sad!" It seems that Patriarch Bai is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Don’t think he always likes to talk directly. It seems that you don’t know what is tactfulness, what is tactfulness and sleekness, but in reality? He knows how to speak straight, not round or tactful, and he can speak in a roundabout, round-about, round-about way. But think about it, after all, he is the owner of the Patriarch, or the Patriarch of the first-class power, if he can't speak the simplest way, then what family does he control? Therefore, it is not surprising that the Patriarch of the Bai family would have such a counterattack.

"You one by one you one by one you one by one" Okay, but if a human with normal emotions and six desires hears being cursed, or cursed to die, the reaction is anger and anger, okay! This is true for ordinary people, not to mention the existence of such an important thing as Elder Dongli. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is smoke from the top of the angry head, but it is hesitating, stammering, and even A reaction that can't be said in a complete sentence is the best proof of this.

Patriarch Bai Family and Great Elder Dongli are ironicing each other with one word and one word. The others are afraid of becoming the pond fish that is affected. After all, the two of them are not easy to provoke. Therefore, they are trying to reduce their sense of existence as much as possible, no one has the meaning of inserting a mouth.

And what about Ouyang Shasha? Of course, there is no exception. It's just that he didn't have a reason to intervene, it was a little different from others. Others don't want to be the pond fish that has been affected, they are afraid of the deterrence of the Patriarch of the Bai family and the great elder Dongli, but what about Ouyang Xiasha? It is not interested, but also feels unnecessary, that's it. As for the fear of what kind of emotions, it is absolutely impossible for Ouyang Xiasha to appear, otherwise you think that it is not bound by the rules of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to appear in the entire underworld. Where is it good-looking?

A few conversations were just a breath of time, confirming the identity of the visitor. Ouyang Xiasha, who was completely uninterested in the tit-for-tat between the two, immediately put all of her attention on it again and fell to the ground. , I thought that the Great Elder Dongli made a move, and he was saved, but he was suddenly interrupted by the Patriarch of the Bai family, which changed the ending again, and then because the ending changed too much, at this moment, I haven’t recovered my luck. Body. However, regardless of whether the opponent came back to his senses, Ouyang Xiasha didn't mean to let it go anymore. After all, Ouyang Xiasha knew very well in her heart that this is still playing and the opponent is his enemy. The so-called'be gentle with the enemy, is Be cruel to yourself', Ouyang Xia Sha doesn't have the tendency to abuse herself, so it's better to be cruel to the enemy.

Thinking about this, Ouyang Xiasha stretched out his hand again and attacked the person who was still in a daze. As for the question of not taking advantage of others, it is not a problem that Ouyang Xiasha needs to consider. After all, in Ouyang Xiasha's In my mind, what is the result is the most important thing. As for the process, who cares?

"Zhuzier dare!" Although at this moment the Great Elder Dongli was disturbed by the savage entanglement of the Patriarch of the Bai family, that doesn't mean that he really doesn't pay attention to the surrounding situation at all. Patriarch Bai family squinted at the same time with a trace of energy. Elder Dongli saw a scene that made him extremely angry. Therefore, it is normal to speak and stop him. It is normal. It can no longer be normal. reacted. Although Elder Dongli thought about giving up this disciple and no longer intervening in this matter, there are prerequisites, and the prerequisite is not to let him meet the Patriarch Bai, but now Patriarch Bai It has already appeared, and things have already happened, so it doesn't hold up to give up the disciple's thoughts.

As for why the elder Dongli’s reaction was so agitated, so extreme, that gesture, that appearance, it was like Ouyang Xiasha killed his whole family, in fact, the reason is also very simple, who will stop giving up this disciple In the eyes of the elder Dongli, Ouyang Xia Sha did this, just hitting him in the face with Chi Guoguo? For the face-saving Elder Dongli, this is not a big crime! As for this kind of big crime, the scolding is still light. If you do it directly, that is the truth. If you don't believe it, you should know the fist already stretched out by the great elder Dongli.

Is it just that it really is that simple? The answer is of course no. It has been said that the Patriarch of the Bai Family is a super rascal in the underworld who is notoriously fond of harassment and unreasonableness. How can such a super rascal let Elder Dongli pass? Even if it’s not for Ouyang Xiasha, just to add a blockage to the great elder Dongli, Patriarch Bai has no reason to refuse, does it? Well, in fact, it is indeed the case. No, I saw that Elder Dongli had just finished scolding his forefoot, and then he had the intention to do something. The Patriarch Bai took a step forward and blocked the attack of Elder Dongli. Actions.

"Little winter melon, let the young people take care of things by themselves. You say you are a lot of age, so what is the matter if you insert it?" If you say that you block it, don’t forget to sarcasm the other person. What does it mean to add to it? Could it be that the Patriarch of the Bai family really regarded the death of the elder Dongli as his lifelong career?

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