Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3002: (659) The magic weapon of the Patriarch of the Bai family!

"Who is the old man? You are the old man who speaks so without verbal morality! It is no wonder that, after all, old man white you have never understood verbal ethics, so the old man doesn’t understand verbal ethics. Why is the barbarian? What is there to care about! Isn't that surrendering your status!" Don’t look at the sharp and happy words of the great elder Dongli at this moment, but in fact, he is almost depressed to death in his heart. Everything that happened was just a dream, not a real reality. Even for this, he was willing to prevent him from interfering with the problem between Ouyang Xiasha and the Dongli disciple, and he was just a direct disciple. Anyway, the Dongli family has a large population, and there are many disciples, so how can they be much better than this one! As for the reason, it is actually very simple. As the saying goes,'Xiu Cai meets soldiers, it is unreasonable.' Other people don't know what they think of the Patriarch Bai, but in the eyes of Elder Dongli, Patriarch Bai is not. It's just an unreasonable, savage barbarian, or a powerful barbarian! For this kind of existence, you can’t fight for strength, and it doesn’t make sense to reason. Otherwise, why do you think that they can’t destroy a small white family for so many years? It’s not because of this unreasonable and strong ability. The strong old bandits sit in town, so they don't even dare to mess around! Of course, the rules of the world of fear are also on the one hand, but more, the old white man himself is still fearful. Although they have studied for many years, they have not studied why the old man of the Bai family is so strong, and even all the masters of their families can only draw with him, but this does not prevent them from being jealous of him.

Of course, it’s not that the Patriarchs of these houses have never suspected that the old man of the Bai family had any magic weapon in him. Otherwise, how could there be such inexplicable results? Everyone's level of cultivation has the same upper limit on this interface. How can there be such a big difference? How can such a magic weapon not be coveted? In fact, they didn’t think about such a treasure, and took it as their own. But for so many years, no matter the spies sent out in secret, they all told them very clearly that the old man of the Bai family didn’t have any. Magic weapon, even every time there is a conflict with several of them, no one can find any magic weapon.

There is no magic weapon, but they can fight with all the masters of their families to a tie with one enemy and many. How can they accept such a result? How can you believe that there is no trickiness? But this is the end of the matter. They have tried their best to get the same result. In this way, they are a little more afraid of the Bai family and the old man of the Bai family. After all, the more mysterious, The more inexplicable things, the more fearful and uneasy it makes people feel. And this has also led to the fact that they have been with the Bai family for so many years, wanting to be immortal, but they have no alternative results. Therefore, as the culprit that caused the alliance against the Bai family headed by the Dongli family to be extremely troublesome, it is inevitable that the old man of the Bai family is not liked by the Dongli family and the Ji family. After all, who would like it? What about a huge stumbling block? ! In this way, the elders of the Dongli family felt a headache and depressed when they saw the old man of the Bai family, which was an expected answer.

Well, in fact, the people of the Dongli family and the Ji family have actually guessed the idea. The reason why the Patriarch of the Bai family can resist them so as to make himself invincible is that, besides his own talent, he has In addition to the ability to leapfrog battle, there is indeed the help of an extremely precious and rare magic weapon. And that magic weapon, speaking of it, has a certain relationship with Ouyang Xiasha, because that magic weapon was given to him by Ouyang Xiasha, who was the Underworld Emperor at the time, and he was also regarded as the Underworld Emperor. A meeting ceremony for the younger Bai Family Patriarch. You must know how lonely and disliked contact with outsiders in the past. At that time, I was afraid that someone who knew him was known. Therefore, it is conceivable that he would be pleasing to the eye. Patriarch Bai family, how rare is it.

Since I said it is rare, I want to know that this so-called meeting ceremony will definitely not be just a perfunctory gadget. What's more, as the one who was spoiled by the two elder brothers, as soon as there is a good thing, the special existence sent to him immediately, how could there be less good things in Ouyang Xiasha's hand? In other words, as the most favored princess in the entire vastness, how could there be anything bad in Ouyang Xiasha's hands?

Well, in fact, it is indeed the case. I didn't see it. Is it such a thing, has it preserved the foundation of the entire Bai family?

To put it more bluntly, as long as the Patriarch of the Bai Family does not die, then the Bai Family will definitely not disappear. Although suppression, harassment and the like are inevitable, after all, Patriarch Bai can never follow his disciples for twelve hours a day, right? Even if he has that energy and time, there is no guarantee that everyone will not be distracted! However, there is still no problem in keeping the Bai family from being annihilated. As for why the Baicheng Mansion and the others will show a look that they have lost the test, and their Bai family will face the disaster of extinction, as well as those of the Dongli family and the Ji family, Why can't even find the clues of this magic weapon after searching for so long? That is another story.

The reason they showed such a look in Baicheng Mansion was because the Patriarch of the Bai family deliberately fooled them before then, subconsciously making them think that if the competition was lost, the family would be in bad luck. The purpose is to prevent their own disciples from relying too much on themselves and the magic weapon, so that those who do not want to make progress become real dudes. In other words, it is said that the Patriarch of the Bai family is nurturing them to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Consciousness is not bad either.

In fact, it’s no wonder that the Patriarch of the Bai family will act like this. You must know that the Bai family is the Bai family of all of them, not the Bai family of his Patriarch alone. Therefore, the development and maintenance of the Bai family cannot be completed. Relying on him, after all, who can guarantee that he can always live in peace? Since the day they entered the cultivation practice, they should know clearly that the word'accident' is more than just talking, it's like getting caught up in the fire, like the arrival of thunder, these dangerous situations, All of them may lead to death. If he is not careful, what should the Bai family do? Instead of regretting and sighing when the time comes, it is better to plan early. Therefore, this trial is particularly important.

Of course, before them in Baicheng Mansion, they were just like the Bai family disciples of Baicheng Mansion’s father’s generation. The same is true. After this test, this is also an indisputable fact, but they didn’t tell Baicheng Mansion them. Otherwise, Baicheng Mansion They must be able to find the tricks in it. But I want to know that they will definitely not say, otherwise, this kind of experience opportunity would be wasted in vain? And Ouyang Xiasha didn't mention this question. Judging from his expression, it is very likely that he might have forgotten the magic weapon. Otherwise, with Ouyang Xiasha's nasty temperament, he would definitely not be so peaceful. react.

The Dongli family and the Ji family did not find any trace of this magic weapon, because this magic weapon can be integrated with the owner, but the process is more troublesome and the conditions are more demanding. If it is an ordinary person, even if he knows the characteristics of this magic weapon, he can only choose to give up reluctantly. After all, the person specified by the conditions is too difficult to find, or it is impossible to find it at all, maybe even more. To be more appropriate, when this person is changed to the Patriarch of the Bai Family, the effect is completely different. As for the reason, who made the Patriarch of the Bai Family so lucky to know Ouyang Xia Sha?

That's right, if you want to merge this magic weapon, there is only one condition, that is, you need to have a chaotic physique, and have the powerful help of the two spiritual powers of gods and demons to help it merge with it. The so-called chaotic physique refers to the body possessing all the spiritual power attributes, and the two spiritual powers of gods and demons are spiritual power and magic power in plain terms, and these conditions appear in a person, and they must be the so-called powerful person. , The possibility of such existence is almost zero.

In other words, even if there is such an existence, people are not necessarily willing to come forward. After all, it is a chaotic physique, but also has so-called spiritual power and magic power. An existence like this, except for the'son of the gods and demons', does not do what he wants. , And the'Son of Gods and Demons' is in such an embarrassing situation in the entire vastness that everyone is punishable. With such a premise, who would risk his life stupidly to help an outsider? But Ouyang Xia Sha did just that. Even if the blood of his ‘Son of God and Demon’ had not been fully activated, it was enough to fuse a magic weapon for one person. Perhaps it was Ouyang Xiasha's unscrupulous, unscrupulous and selfless help that allowed the Patriarch of the Bai family to reciprocate. Even in the most difficult time, she did not want to betray Ouyang Xiasha.

Of course, this magic weapon is not omnipotent. He can only guarantee that his master and his enemies will maintain a close relationship, that's all. There is no limit to the number of targets for this magic weapon. That is to say, even if the opponent of the Bai Family Patriarch is a hundred demigods, or even a thousand demigods, the result will be the same. But he couldn't let his master defeat the enemy. To put it bluntly, when the Patriarch of the Bai family faced an enemy beyond his strength, although he couldn't lose, he couldn't win. Otherwise, do you think why the Patriarch Bai family has always been not afraid of trouble, maintaining such a tit-for-tat state, and not wanting to take down the Dongli family and the Ji family, with the meaning of avoiding future troubles?

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