Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3004: (661) Squeeze each other!

I probably think that what I just said is not exciting enough! Therefore, without waiting for Elder Dongli to speak or answer, the Patriarch of the Bai family continued with what he had said before, and added again to Elder Dongli. No, I only heard that the Patriarch of the Bai family used Nuonuo, and in a very gentle tone, he said to the elder Dongli: "Also, I said little winter melon, you shouldn't forget the rules set by the Emperor Mingling. Is it okay for you to go up rashly like this? Do you want to find death? Or do you want to find death? Or do you want to find death!" That waxy, gentle one is like a lover's whisper. Doesn’t it match up with the meaning full of schadenfreude in his tone? If you don't hear it with your own ears, I'm afraid no one will believe that the two contradictory ones will be combined and used together.

Looking at the pair, I’m all for your good. Come and thank me for your gesture. What you say is like a curse. Patriarch Bai Patriarch, who makes people want to vomit blood, is suddenly stunned. , The eyes hurt, the tooth hurts, the heart, liver, spleen and lungs hurt everywhere, even if the fact that the Patriarch of the Bai family really helped him, it was no exception. After all, all fools can see that the Patriarch of the Bai family is gloating. As for those who laughed at themselves for gloating misfortunes, Great Elder Dongli was stupid, so he would be pleasing to his eyes and would say thankful words to him.

It can be seen that the Patriarch of the Bai family is gloating, so what? Can't you really go forward to expose his hypocrisy that only you think? You must know that not only will you look bad in that way, after all, being scorned by others is not something to be praised; you will also be regarded as an ungrateful white-eyed wolf. Who let Pai Patriarch help him and save him? If he died, is that an indisputable fact? Such a thing that didn't pay off, Elder Dongli was able to sit firmly in his current position, obviously not a fool, so no matter how angry he was, he wouldn't do anything like that. Therefore, this elder Dongli, facing the itch of the Patriarch Bai family, besides gritting his teeth and enduring it, he really couldn't satirize the Patriarch Bai family. Looking at the skillful and forbearing attitude, obviously this is not the first time that Elder Dongli has made such a decision. Otherwise, you think that Elder Edongli’s violent temper can be decisive without any sequelae. If you choose forbearance? From this perspective, it is not unreasonable that the Great Elder Dongli would not be able to see the Patriarch of the Bai Family, and would frown as soon as he saw the Patriarch of the Bai Family.

It is said that while Elder Dongli chose to forbearance, he was not without such a little gratitude to the Patriarch of the Bai family for a moment, and his sweaty back suddenly because of fear is the best proof of this. Facts have proved that the Great Elder Dongli was not afraid of death, but forgot about it on an impulse. Therefore, regarding the fact that he once walked on the verge of extinction, how can he not fear for those who are so afraid of death? ? How can you not regret your impulse for a while? After all, the end is something more terrifying than death. Once people are afraid, they will have a kind of instinctive gratitude for their saviors. Even if the relationship between Elder Edongli and the Patriarch of the Bai family, this gratitude will not last long, but for a moment. A little bit of gratitude, but that is beyond doubt.

Don't underestimate the so-called consequences if the elder Dongli challenges the so-called rules of the big competition. You must know that the Emperor Underworld is the Lord of the Underworld recognized by Heaven. That is a fact that no one can deny. The rules set by the Emperor Underworld as the Lord of the One World, unless he is willing to abolish it, or One day someone will be able to replace it. Otherwise, no one can violate anything. Once violated, it will be regarded as a violation of the rules of heaven and earth, and what follows will be even more terrible than the tribulation of heaven and earth. The result of the thunder penalty, and the person who was struck by the thunder penalty, the result can be imagined, it is even more miserable than the soul flying! To put it more bluntly, it must be that unless their Dongli family or the Great Elder of Dongli can one day replace the Mingling Emperor and be recognized by the heavens and become the masters of the entire underworld, otherwise, the Great Elder of Dongli will have the ambition to dominate again. , You have to hold back and stay in the position of the second child honestly, otherwise, you will definitely be regarded as rebellious and rebellious by the way of heaven. As for the result of being regarded as rebellious, it is just like the one mentioned before, absolutely It will not be what Elder Dongli is willing to accept.

"Hey, little winter melon, you are really rude! Although the owner never expected you to say thank you, but you just accepted it for granted, without even a little thanks or expression, which is too sad. Come on! Or, you guys in the Dongli family are so uneducated?" Great Elder Dongli was already speechless by him, but Patriarch Bai was obviously still not satisfied with the result. No, the Patriarch Bai, who saw that Elder Dongli didn’t respond, waited for a long time. Without waiting for Elder Dongli’s response, he couldn’t help but speak again, and what he said was better than the previous time. Even worse. The previous time it was only directed at Elder Dongli personally, and this time, even the Elder Dongli and the Dongli family came in with irony. One can imagine how Elder Dongli felt after hearing this. How bad it is, and how huge the area of ​​the so-called psychological shadow is.

Well, it is indeed the case, as if it was an instinctive reaction. The Patriarch Bai’s voice just fell off, and Elder Dongli kept opening his mouth to fight back. No, I only heard Elder Dongli stare. With eyes widened, he fiercely scolded at the Patriarch of the Bai family: "You are not educated, your family is not educated, your family is not educated!" The vicious tone and the wide-eyed eyes, no need to explain. It is enough to prove the mood of the great elder Dongli at this time. In addition to anger, plus the angry wanting to kill the Patriarch of the Bai family, what kind of mood can he have!

I probably know that my reaction just now was a bit too much, and a bit too agitated! Then, without waiting for Patriarch Bai's response, Elder Dongli seemed to be guilty of being a thief, and immediately changed the subject of the previous words.

And although the topic of this shift was not as excited as before, it should be ironic to go back. Elder Dongli didn't forget the irony at all, and even had a faint hint of finding fault and counterattack. Well, the facts are indeed the case. No, I only heard the elder Dongli unceremoniously facing the Patriarch Bai, with three points of explanation, three points of irony, and four points of questioning. "People say that Shi En did not report, this elder thought that the Patriarch of the Bai family also possessed a noble character-like existence, but he did not expect that Patriarch of the Bai family actually had a hobby of repaying kindness! So, it's really the elder's not. , I also hope that the Patriarch of the Bai family can forgive me a lot. In this way, this elder really has to say to the Patriarch Bai one by one to thank the Patriarch of the Bai family for his life-saving grace. Also, please do not call the Patriarch of the Bai family again in the future! You are so humiliating, don’t you know? Or, Pai Pai did it deliberately for the purpose of humiliating this elder and my Dongli family? After all, this elder is the elder of the Dongli family. This coming out represents not only my own face, but also the face of my Dongli family. Therefore, please ask Patriarch Bai to give this elder an exact answer. In the end, Patriarch Bai satirizes this elder in such a way that it is so-called unintentional. Is it the result of deliberate? If it is unintentional, that's it. The elder can make a generous promise, as long as Pai Patriarch does not call again in the future, this matter will stop. But if it is the result of deliberateness , Pai Pai really needs to give me an explanation from the Dongli family, otherwise, this battle between our two families will really be inevitable." Well, I don’t know at the end. Is there some lack of confidence, and want to use the title to embolden yourself? Or are you eager to find your own place, so as to save your face? Or what other reason? Who knows? Anyway, the elder Dongli finally used threats, but that was an undeniable and undoubted fact.

The Great Elder Dongli will make excuses. Is Patriarch Bai a fool? The answer is of course no. It can bring the Bai family into the category of first-class power all the way, and can keep the Bai family's stability for so many years under such a bad premise. How can such a Bai family's Patriarch be a fuel-efficient lamp? Especially with the magic weapon that Emperor Ming Ling gave him back then, the Patriarch of the Bai family was more confident about the threats to Elder Dongli.

That's right, don't look at the horror the Great Elder Dongli said, but what about it? This battle really can't be fought. After all, as I said before, the magic weapon bestowed by the Emperor Bai Family Patriarch, no matter who the Patriarch Bai family is fighting against, how many people it fights against, is in an invincible position, although it can’t He won the so-called victory, but it wouldn't make him lose, would it? With such a premise, the Dongli family is stupid, and will do this kind of thankless, wasteful manpower and material resources, but get no return. If there is that possibility, even if the possibility is very small, it is impossible for the Dongli family to tolerate this piece of fat of the Bai family in front of them, dangling to this day, it has been itching forever, but forever Suppress, suppress and then suppress, without a more practical arrangement!

It is precisely because he understands that this battle cannot be fought at all, the elder Dongli said these words for more purposes, but only for threats. Therefore, the tone of the Bai Family Patriarch’s speech is still extremely relaxed, that gesture, that His expression was as if he hadn't been affected by Elder Dongli's words at all.

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