Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3001: (658) Individual match! (13)

Of course, there is still a large part of the reason why Ouyang Xia Sha reacted this way. It is due to his nature. After all, even though he once fell to the bottom, he has lived more, but he was still caught by his two brothers. A life of unlimited holding in the palm of his hand, how can he have the idea and consciousness to flatter others, please others, and look at others' faces? Once Ouyang Xiasha, may not have such a temperament, but since the memory is restored, the Mingling emperor’s temperament in those memories will naturally show up, it is not a strange thing, but regardless of such indifferent, it is Ouyang Xiasha’s nature dictates that she did it deliberately. In the eyes of this elder, Ouyang Xiasha was deliberately opposing him and deliberately preventing him from getting off the stage. Therefore, this elder will change the situation. It’s understandable that he retreats and his attitude suddenly becomes tough. No, I only heard this great elder threatening Ouyang Xiasha in a somewhat mocking tone: "Boy, in other words, are you going to be against this elder today?"

In fact, it is no wonder that the attitude of the Grand Presbyterian is so different. In the words of this great elder, since I have to bear to shrink back, I can't change anything, and even make the other person more and more excessive as if he is taking an inch. In this way, it is better to be tough. Maybe there will be something unexpected. As a result, anyway, it's just the worst, isn't it? Could it be worse? Maybe the other party will be subdued?

"Ben Shao just abides by the rules set by the Emperor Mingling, so the Great Elder is sorry." Well, it turns out that the wishful thinking of the Great Elder is wrong, and Ouyang Xia Sha has no reason to do so. His attitude suddenly changed, and any change or convergence to what he did was not to give the great elder any face, and it was also a direct refusal to engage the great elder. , It was furious.

Isn't it just furious? Such rejection without giving face to face is unacceptable, as long as the great elder of Dongli's family is like this, isn't it the best example before you? No, I immediately yelled at Ouyang Xiasha in anger and anger: "You are totally unreasonable, this elder tells you to stop, stop, don't you hear? You stop this elder, this elder orders you to stop! "

"Oh, why should this young man listen to you? This young man is neither a disciple of the Dongli family to which you belong, nor is you an elder of Ben young's relatives. If you say stop and stop, wouldn't this young man have no face? So, for It proves that Ben Shao does not have anything to do with you, and Ben Shao is not afraid of your threats, so Ben Shao has no choice but to stop talking nonsense and directly do it." Probably it was not interesting, the elder said. There are just a few words, nothing really useful, no actual actions, so Ouyang Xia Sha has completely lost her interest in teasing! Reversal, at this moment Ouyang Xiasha has completely lost the idea of ​​continuing to lie and slander. She feels that this is a waste of time. This is an indisputable fact, and she no longer makes more excuses to find fault, engage in targeting, and fight lawsuits. Rather, he raised his palm directly and meant to do something to the person lying in front of him, but it was the best proof of this. Coupled with the first onomatopoeia that contains a lot of irony, Ouyang Xiasha doesn't want to be entangled in the mouth anymore, but wants to put it into practice. It simply doesn't express too much. obvious.

"Lazier dare!" Probably because I saw that Ouyang Xia Sha really meant to do something, instead of frightening him or threatening him with this, the great elder suddenly couldn't bear it, and said Ouyang Xia Sha threatened to scold her, and she was eager to try her hands.

"Hehe, do you dare to see this young man!" If Ouyang Xiasha had hesitated about the next action before, she was worried that once she confronted the great elder, she would expose her hole cards early and let them plan their own plans. The'turtle in the urn' is well prepared, which will increase the difficulty of his own planning and the possibility of the so-called'fish that slipped through the net', then at this moment, in this big elder's villain After the event appeared, Ouyang Xia Sha's worry was relieved a lot. Although it cannot be said that there is no at all, it can be ignored, but there is no problem at all. In other words, Ouyang Xiasha is now determined to match it. And when he opened his mouth to answer, he stretched his hand to the neck of the man who fell on the ground, which is the best proof of this.

As for revealing the strength of the cards, so what? Do you think that "in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are clouds" are just talking? Ouyang Xia Sha believes that even if the so-called "fish that slipped through the net" will inevitably appear at that time, where is his strength, I believe those "fish that slip through the net", but anyone who has a bit of a brain is not stupid. He didn't dare to come to the door rashly. Unless they are impatient to live and want to die, otherwise, they can only be sneaky and lingering alive like an underground mouse that cannot be seen, and this way, it seems that they can reach Ouyang Shasha's mind and let them The purpose of suffering and suffering, after all, is how simple it is to die alone, but to live a life is not as good as death, that is the real way to toss people, and it is really hard to judge and not easy to achieve. result. And this has the same effect as the principle of "suffering from one's power and losing one's horse, knowing not good fortune".

What's more, the so-called "fish that slipped through the net" is only saying that it is possible, and it is not 100% sure. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about at all. After all, worrying nowadays is also worrying for nothing, if it is not. Appeared? Wouldn't it be a waste of your own experience and time? Even if it comes, so what? As the saying goes, "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover", it is not a major event that is difficult to remedy, has it! ?

"Little winter melon, after so many years, I didn't expect you to be even more lifeless than before. Not only did you dare to openly challenge the rules set by His Majesty Underworld Emperor, but you also shamelessly slapped a junior. Don't be ashamed of getting old!" I have to say that Ouyang Xia Sha really deserves to be the son of a **** and demon who is protected by the heavens, and this luck is really not so good. No, Ouyang Xia Sha, who was already ready to face the great elder Dongli, had already left a trace of spiritual knowledge, staring at the great elder Dongli, and beware of Ouyang Xia who was attacked by the great elder Dongli at any time. Sha, but just getting ready, was suddenly ridiculed, disrupting all arrangements. As for the owner of this voice, listening to his tone, although his words are full of mockery, it is clear that he is not mocking Ouyang Xiasha, so it can be completely judged that even if he is not a friend of Ouyang Xiasha before, he It's a friend of the Protestant religion, isn't it saying, "The enemy of the enemy is a friend?" 'Looking at the content again, you can see at a glance that he is a man who knows the existence of this great elder Dongli very well. Even if he does not understand, he should be an acquaintance, and his status should be the same. Otherwise, How could it be, or how dare to use such a familiar attitude? That's right, just familiar. This elder Dongli, because of his short stature, round and round jade, I don’t know if I say this, it really feels like a big winter melon, plus his surname Dongli, there is also a "dong". 'The word, although this is East Africa and Bidong, can be called out by this voice, I don't know if it is a psychological relationship, it really makes people feel very vivid.

At this time, Ouyang Xiasha didn’t think much about it, but felt that the appearance of this person was just a good and timely rain. There was a sudden and severe relief. As for the reason, it was actually It's very simple. After all, Ouyang Xia Sha feels that it is better not to expose his hole cards. Of course, he wasn't afraid of the other party, he just felt that it was safer, that's all.

As for the reason why I only heard the sound for a long time and did not see the person, it is also easy to explain. Who made the other party use the ‘thousand-mile sound transmission’ technique? In other words, it is the person who is speaking, there is still some distance from here, and has not yet arrived at the scene, that's all.

But this was enough, at least for the people of the Dongli family, who were afraid of death, because they would absolutely not dare to act rashly at this moment for their own safety. As for the life and death of other people, when it does not affect their survival, maybe they still have time and energy to take care of it, but once it affects themselves, they themselves, with their selfish temperament, other people Life and death, what do they do?

It wasn't until after a breath of time that Ouyang Xia Sha knew where the sudden help came from. The old urchin who was blinking at him was not the ancestor of the Bai family, but who was it?

Regarding the appearance of this person, Ouyang Xia Sha was a little bit helpless while happy. Happy, because the two of them have a good relationship. They have not seen each other for so many years, and they must even miss each other. When they didn’t see each other before, they didn’t get much better. Nowadays, when they meet, there will be unbearable emotions. What a fuss. As for the reason for helplessness, didn't you say it before? Is he waiting for him at the Bai's house to see him? So what kind of situation is this sudden meeting? Doesn't he know that he is the pillar of the Bai family, and that life safety is particularly important? Didn't he know that once he was in danger, it would be the entire Bai family, not him alone? But depressed, depressed, Ouyang Xia Sha can see clearly.

In Ouyang Xiasha's words, it means, "It's nothing, it's all here, what if he can drive him back?" Besides, rushing him back is not without risk, is it? Instead of being so risky, it's better to let him follow his side, at least to be safe, there is no problem. ’

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