Rebirth of England

Chapter 171 Independent Information Network

Although the Beckhams have always been respectful and polite towards Barron, their conversation with Beckham...

It's not even as fast as the relationship between Victoria and Bonnie - one of them is a pop idol from the Spice Girls, and the other is a popular host and producer, which can be considered very topical.

When Barron tried to persuade Beckham to ease the relationship with Ferguson and stay at Manchester United, Beckham was noncommittal.

It can be seen that he should already have the intention to leave.

After all, the conflict between the two has been public for a long time, and it cannot be solved in a short time. It will take time to dilute it.

As Beckham said:

He has always been too strong in the team. Your Highness, this is not something I can decide. It is very difficult for me to even play now. There is no longer much meaning in staying at Manchester United. I am very affectionate here. , but everyone needs to face reality, right?

Barron also knew that this kind of matter could not be successfully mediated in the short term, and he was not prepared to let the two of them settle their differences all at once. Today was just an attempt after meeting Beckham by chance. Since his attitude was still there for the time being, He was relatively pessimistic, so Barron stopped at it, and the two chatted about other things.

He also knows that at this time, Real Madrid's Galaxy Fleet has gathered a group of the most influential football superstars. For Beckham, that is something he has not tried yet, and it must be fresh.

Moreover, Real Madrid, which is rich and wealthy, indeed dares to reward these stars at high prices. If Manchester United wants to improve its competitiveness, it also needs to take its time. It must first start with improving the treatment of the head coach and players...

Of course, the prerequisite for improving their treatment is that Manchester United needs to further increase commercial operations to increase the club's income so that it has the money to do this.

Not only to improve the treatment of personnel, Manchester United's home stadium, Old Trafford Stadium, also needs to be renovated and expanded - after all, in addition to the Premier League's broadcast fee sharing, game ticket revenue is also the club's main source of income. One, especially VIP boxes, is the most profitable. Expanding the number of VIP boxes can greatly increase its income.

Our independent information network is currently developing very rapidly. It has become the second largest information website in the UK after the BBC website, and the gap between us and the BBC website is constantly narrowing.

After Khalid Revere went to Woaw as CEO, Kyle Bolton, the newly appointed head of the independent newspaper website, introduced to Barron:

The most important user growth comes from the blog function we launched and the different types of forum functions that are richer than the BBC website. We have also recruited more personnel for maintenance. But the problem now is that alone Advertising is still unable to achieve the website's balance of payments, so as the number of users increases, our losses are also increasing. There are already some voices in the company saying that the website does not need to provide so many services...

Barron didn't pay attention to Kyle's worries at all. He said calmly:

You don't need to take these words to heart, just continue to develop according to the plan.

The website of the Independent Newspaper Industry has now gained some independence and has been renamed the Independent Information Network.

For this kind of project similar to a portal, it is very normal that it cannot achieve profitability in the early stage and may even suffer some losses.

Although advertisers' investment in Internet platforms is increasing year by year, current online advertising is still monotonous and the results are unpredictable. Moreover, the overall number of Internet users is still relatively small, and they are concentrated among students and young people who have just graduated. Relatively speaking, the advertising value is not too high.

But as long as it continues to develop like this and become one of the best comprehensive information websites in the UK, the independent information network will be able to achieve profitability sooner or later, and even start to make substantial profits.

Anyway, the free newspaper London Evening News owned by Independent Newspapers is developing very well. The current daily circulation is approaching 1 million copies, and its profit is enough to support the development of independent information network.

After Kyle left his office, Barron walked to the window and looked at the large-scale building not far from here.

The location of the building was the original independent newspaper office building, and that building was naturally the SEM Building under construction.

This 45-story building is expected to be completed in about three months. After the renovation is completed, it will serve as the headquarters building of SEM Group.

Your Highness the Duke, you can start setting off.

The door of the office opened and his personal assistant Wang Wanting said to him:

The team from China Dragon TV has also arrived at Chatsworth Manor. They will do some background photography there first. After you arrive, you can start the interview. This is the interview process and some questions they sent. If there are no objections, it’s settled.”


Barron took several printed A4 papers handed over by Wang Wanting and asked casually:

Is Ms. Nolan here too?

She's already in the car, waiting for you to get out.

Annabelle Nolan is Barron's public relations consultant. Interviews like this with the public naturally require her to accompany and monitor them.

Yes, I have rarely lived here recently. Why? On the one hand, a lot of my business needs to be handled in London. As you can see, I am still very young and far from being able to live in this kind of manor. When enjoying a leisurely life inside, I need to be closer to the forefront of the development of the times, rather than enjoying this kind of tranquility...

Facing the host and the camera, Barron shrugged, with an elegant smile on his face, and said:

Although I am a nobleman, times have changed now, and we also need to create value in our work. In addition, I also think that Chatsworth Manor has witnessed too many important moments in British history, so it is no longer just It belongs to our Devonshire family, but to the wealth of the whole of Britain. Therefore, we have decided to open this place to everyone, so that everyone can more intuitively experience the history of Britain by visiting here. I think it makes more sense than having this territory exclusively for the family.”

Your Highness the Duke, you said it so well. I can feel the unique sense of responsibility of your nobles from this.

The person who interviewed Barron was a beautiful woman named Chen Chen. It could be seen that after the young and handsome British Duke introduced her to some of the internal conditions of the Chatsworth Manor, he added what he said By the way, this very intellectual and beautiful host looked at him with a lot of admiration in his eyes.

After signaling to the filming team, Chen Chen said softly to Barron:

This period of filming is over for now. We can take a break and then change the scene to shoot.

Okay, I have prepared some snacks and drinks at the North Restaurant. We can go there together and taste the afternoon tea in our manor first.

Thank you very much, Your Highness.

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