Rebirth of England

Chapter 172 Interview

In this interview, Barron's purpose is to promote their castle and manor to China through a program produced with the scenery of the manor and castle owned by Grace Cultural Tourism Group.

The most important thing is to establish the style of British aristocracy and leave an impression of high-end atmosphere and class.

Judging from the yearning and admiration on the expression of this beautiful host, Barron still felt that his goal had almost been achieved.

It must be said that in this era, China has just joined the WTO, and most Chinese people, even those with certain financial strength, have not yet experienced going abroad.

Most of their impressions of foreign countries, especially Western Europe and the United States, come from the media.

As we all know, many newspapers and magazines at this time, including Reader and Yilin, praised the West to a sensational level - such as Japanese toilet water, summer camps, and German sewers. A product of this era.

Most people yearn for the civilized world of the West. That is to say, it was only after many people had overseas travel experience that many of the filters for developed countries began to be broken. At that time, people still Those who can blindly praise the West are some old antiques destined to be eliminated by the times.

At this time, Barron also used some of China's mentality during this period and used media publicity to promote the tourism resources of Grace Tourism Group.

Castles and manors with a sense of history like theirs are very attractive even to upstarts like the United States who have a slightly insufficient historical background - otherwise it will be the American version of The Traitors Reality shows no longer have to be recorded in castles and manors in England. For wealthy people in China, it will definitely be a worthwhile trip.

And it can also satisfy their certain need to show off.

Ms. Chen, what do you think of Chatsworth Manor?

Barron asked with a smile while enjoying afternoon tea together.

Because he needed to show his style, when recording the program before, Barron's explanations and speeches were all in English.

At this time, when I had a private conversation with this beautiful host, he spoke Chinese, which made it easier for both parties to communicate smoothly.

Even though he had known that this handsome duke could speak fluent Chinese before, after hearing it again, Chen Chen couldn't help but secretly sigh that it was too standard.

It's very, very gorgeous. It simply subverts my imagination. Your Highness, especially now, in this luxurious restaurant, with butlers and servants helping to serve tea, I feel like I am living in those TV series I have watched. The feeling.”

While speaking, the beautiful host kept looking at Barron, and she still had some dreamy feelings.

I am also honored to invite such a beautiful lady like you to visit our Chatsworth Manor. In addition, there are two other castles and manors. You can also go and shoot some material later.

Definitely. I feel that I am so lucky to be able to visit these beautiful manors when I come to England this time. But what impressed me the most is what you just said. You are willing to open these manors to the public for tours. It is very Selfless and great.”

Of course, not all of this shooting will be shot by Barron. He only personally introduced some of the more unique historical parts of the manor at the beginning. Most of the rest of the introductions were made by Butler Sean. , he knows the manor better than Barron.

Butler Sean's informal and smiling expression, coupled with the tuxedo he was wearing, really looked like a British butler. Dragon TV's filming team was also very satisfied with his professional performance.

I wonder if Ms. Chen is still used to British food?

After entertaining their team for dinner, Barron invited the beautiful host to take a walk in the garden of the manor. He asked.

“It’s very unique and tastes pretty good.”

Haha, in fact, even us locals like to complain about British food, so whether they are nobles or royal families, they eat more French food.

In 1066, King Edward of England died. Guillaume, Duke of Normandy in France, took the opportunity to lead the French nobles and knights across the Channel, then occupied London and became the King of England.

In other words, the current British royal family is the descendant of the original French royal family of Normandy, so until now, the banquet menu of the British royal family is still written in French.

And it is not unusual to like French food.

After Barron briefly introduced this to Chen Chen, he said:

But I am quite special and prefer to eat Chinese food. In my residence in London, I have hired Chinese chefs.

It seems that you are very close to us in China.

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Barron smiled...

No, I was from China in my previous life.

For example, the weather in England often makes Barron complain. The hottest time almost every year is only more than 10 degrees, and rarely exceeds 20 degrees.

Although it was already May, the temperature at night was still quite low. Seeing that Chen Chen was only wearing a skirt, he unconsciously crossed his arms and said thoughtfully:

It's a little cold outside, let's go back.

Okay, but the scenery here is beautiful. I was shocked when I saw this back garden during the day. At night, it has a different feeling.

Just as she was talking, there was a flutter on the branch above her head, which startled her.

Seeing her hiding towards him, Barron reached out and held her in his arms.

It's okay, a bird just flew away...

While talking like this, Barron saw her raise her head and look at him with burning emotions in her eyes...

At this time, he can naturally feel the other person's thoughts.

So Barron didn't let go of the hand holding her, lowered his head, and kissed her lips...

The filming of these castles and manors takes a while, and Barron certainly can't be with him all the time.

He only took one day to shoot the interview that required him to be on camera, and the next day, he was leaving here to return to England.

The beautiful host left Barron's bedroom early in the morning and secretly returned to her room.

But after all the studying last night, I'm afraid she needs to take a good rest.

By the next morning, Barron said goodbye to the Chinese filming team and prepared to return to London.

I don't know if it's because of the makeup, but Chen Chen didn't look too tired. She behaved normally in front of everyone, but when the two looked at each other, Barron could feel the look in her eyes. affection.

I have something to do and I have to go back to London first. I'll entertain you when I have time to come to London.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the two of them to be alone, Barron whispered to her.

Okay, I'm going to miss you.

Seeing no one around, the beautiful host stood up on tiptoes and pressed a kiss on Barron's lips.

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