Rebirth of England

Chapter 170 Manchester United Superstar

Happy birthday, beautiful Miss Holly.

Thank you, Your Highness the Duke, and Miss Bonnie. Is this a gift for me? It's really great.

At the invitation of Virgin family princess Holly Branson, the couple Barron and Bonnie attended Holly's birthday dinner at her villa in New York.

Sure enough, as she said, almost all of the people present were young people. After being introduced by Prince William, who heard the news, almost every one of them came from a prominent and wealthy family in England or Europe.

It is also worth mentioning that William also brought his girlfriend Cather today - it must be said that many times their views are really special, just like William once had a romantic relationship with Holly Branson There was a romance...but now it seems that the relationship between Cather and Holly Branson is like a close friend, and there is no sign of any discord at all.

Of course, William also introduced Cather to Barron. I don’t know if the future Princess of England didn’t recognize Barron, or she hid it very well. Anyway, her behavior was very normal, as if it was the first time for the two of them. Just meet each other...

Wow, His Royal Highness the Duke of Cavendish, you are even more handsome in person than you look in the photos. Nice to meet you. I am Tamaran Ecclestone.

Nice to meet you, Miss Ecclestone.

Barron said to this hot-looking beauty who looked very enthusiastic.

I am currently studying in Cambridge. I also participated in the selection of your Woaw website before, but I only got second place.

Tamaran said looking rather regretful.

But being able to get second place in that selection is already a very good result.

After hearing the other person's name and her appearance, Barron remembered who the girl in front of him was.

In his previous life, he watched a reality show documentary Tamara's World, in which the protagonist was the girl in front of him.

But compared to when the documentary was shot, Tamaran was already married to a rich man and had a child.

Compared with the Tamara's World documentary, Tamaran at this time is younger, has a better figure, and is full of youthful atmosphere.

Tamaran's background is also very extraordinary. His father, Bernie Ecclestone, is the founder of F1 and the president of the F1 Racing Management Association. He has a net worth of more than 3 billion US dollars.

Among these wealthy daughters, Tamaran is already considered to be quite outstanding in appearance, because her mother was a supermodel, so she inherited her mother's beauty.

But I don’t know if it was because of Tamaran’s own personality or because she was particularly enthusiastic about Barron. Not only did she take the initiative to exchange phone numbers with Barron, but she also kept inviting him to visit her home when he had time.

This made the expression on Bonnie's face next to Barron become slightly cold.

Fortunately, at this time, someone came over to greet Barron and separated him from Tamaran.

The people who came to greet him were none other than Beckham and Victoria.

Hello, Your Highness the Duke, it is a pleasure to meet you here.

Both Beckham and his wife Victoria are relatively respectful to the young Duke in front of him.

After all, after buying the Manchester United club, Barron can be said to have temporarily become Beckham's boss.

David, I'm glad to see you too. In fact, I have also talked to Ferguson and want to confirm your thoughts again...

Yes, the reason why Barron is now temporarily Beckham's boss is because according to historical trends, the most famous star in England at this time will leave Manchester United in less than two months. Go to Real Madrid.

Among the original rumors, there were many reasons why Beckham left Manchester United, such as the support of his wife Victoria...

But the most important thing is because of his conflict with Ferguson.

That was on February 15 this year, in the fifth round of the English FA Cup, when Manchester United faced Arsenal at home.

Arsenal, playing away from home, scored a goal each from Edu and Wiltord in the 37th and 52nd minutes respectively, thus eliminating Manchester United 2:0.

After the game, Manchester United coach Ferguson was furious in the locker room and violently criticized the Manchester United players.

Ferguson and Beckham had an argument over the second goal conceded. At that time, Ferguson was angry and kicked a football boot off the ground. The boot just hit Beckham's left eyebrow bone, causing blood to flow immediately. The flow is like notes, and it is known as the Flying Boot Gate in history.

In addition to leaving Beckham bleeding and almost losing his appearance, this injury also marked the end of his close relationship with Ferguson.

Long before this, Ferguson was already very dissatisfied with Beckham for paying too much attention to his own commercial promotion and putting too much energy into commercial activities outside of the game.

It can be said that this flying boot scandal was also an explosion of Ferguson's accumulated dissatisfaction with him.

Barron naturally understands the commercial value of Beckham. After buying Manchester United, he also tried to communicate with Ferguson. After all, the most talked about thing about Real Madrid is their Galaxy Fleet composed of superstars. .

At this time, Manchester United has Beckham, plus Cristiano Ronaldo who is about to join. The two of them are comparable to those superstars from Real Madrid in terms of looks, skills, and even the number of fans.

Beckham represents the present and Ronaldo represents the future. They can also serve as a vital part of the Manchester United club.

For this reason, Barron also has the idea of ​​​​mediating the conflict between Beckham and Ferguson.

However, the result of the last meeting made Barron a little disappointed. Ferguson is still extremely disappointed with Beckham and does not want him to stay at Manchester United next season.

If he had to choose between Beckham and Ferguson, Barron would definitely choose Ferguson without hesitation, because Beckham, as Manchester United's superstar, is not irreplaceable, but for Manchester United, Ferguson That's the irreplaceable one.

I happened to meet the Beckhams here today, and Barron was still ready to have a good talk with them.

As early as the end of last month, Zidane, the French star with the highest net worth at this time and the core of Real Madrid, said in an interview with the Sunday Mirror:

Every season Real Madrid will look for a world-class superstar, and it is obvious that they are looking for Beckham at the moment. As for whether Manchester United is willing to let him leave is another question. But I doubt it. The transfer is in progress , the most important thing is to see how much a player wants to facilitate this transfer transaction.

Before Zidane, several other Real Madrid superstars - Ronaldo, Raul and Carlos - all expressed their goodwill to Beckham in interviews before Real Madrid's game against Manchester United and welcomed him to join Real Madrid in the future.

After all, at that time, the conflict between Beckham and Ferguson was already well known - in that match between Real Madrid and Manchester United, Beckham, as Manchester United's number one star, spent most of the time sitting on the bench. …

So if Beckham leaves Manchester United, I'm afraid the most likely choice is Real Madrid.

What's more, Real Madrid is also very interested in this number one British superstar, hoping to strengthen their Galaxy Fleet by introducing Beckham...

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