Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 246 The middle school girl

On the train.

"Have you seen Trevor? He, he's a toad..."

Neville didn't dare to look directly into Hermione's eyes. As for Hermione's counterattack, he didn't even dare to think about it. He shrank his neck and said cowardly.

"That's all! Everyone is trained!"

Hermione looked at Neville for a while, frowned when he saw his behavior, and then shook her head: "You want your toad?"


Neville glanced at Hermione and nodded.

"Here comes the toad!"

Hermione didn't see any movement, and a toad was pulled through the air by invisible magical power.


Neville hugged his pet in surprise, then his eyes widened, and he stumbled and said: "This, this is a flying curse?"


Hermione smiled slightly.

"But, but..."

Neville couldn't stand Hermione's gaze, and blushed unconsciously, stumbling and saying: "Can the Flying Curse summon living creatures?"

Although he is so cowardly, as if anyone can bully him, his background is not ordinary, he comes from a real wizard family, but because his fate is a little bad or too good, he is born to be the protagonist. See with your own eyes. His parents were tortured to death by Voldemort's men using the heart-breaking Cruciatus Curse, which turned him into the timid character he is now. However, he is still very talented and has extraordinary knowledge, and he can see Hermione's tricks at a glance. The amazing thing.

The Flying Curse is a very common spell. Not to mention the formal students of Hogwarts, even those who have awakened their magical talents and have not officially enrolled in school. As long as they know the spell and practice it a few times, they can use it!

But using the Flying Charm to summon living creatures?

Do not make jokes!

Neville even doubted whether those professors and Aurors could use it. This was because they had no common sense about magic!

"why not?"

Hermione asked rhetorically.

"This, this is not magic..."

Neville was a little confused and muttered.

"Not magic? What is magic?"

Hermione smiled and said: "Muggles in the Muggle world call everything incredible magic, which means that in the wizarding world, nothing is impossible, and there is no such thing as non-magic! You know what flying here is?" Why can a curse summon objects?"

"No, I don't know."

Neville shook his head in shame.

"It doesn't matter, not only do you not know, but most wizards don't know either!"

Hermione smiled and said: "They only know how to use magic, wave a wand, recite a magic spell, and the magic can be used. They have never thought about the principle of magic!

The principle of the flying spell is a process in which the wizard uses his own mental power to lock on the object that needs to be summoned, and then uses magic to form gravity to attract the object!

There is a very important premise in this, that is, the magical power used by the wizard needs to be able to attract objects, so that the flying spell can work!

You can use the Flying Curse to summon a book, but it is difficult to summon a table. As for summoning a mountain with the Flying Charm, you have never even thought about it!

Because in everyone’s subconscious mind, magic can’t do this kind of thing!

Isn't it magic?


It doesn’t have that magic power!

Even in the eyes of us wizards, it belongs to the power of gods! Little did he know that gods were also trained by wizards!

In ancient times, the paths of the five witches and goddesses of light, darkness, elves, oceans, and earth to becoming gods have been clearly told to us!

If your magic power can really attract a mountain, you can use the flying spell and the mountain can be easily summoned by you!

Back to the issue of summoning living creatures!

Is it because magic cannot summon living creatures?

Obviously not!

But ordinary objects don't weigh much and don't resist. The magic power required to use the Flying Curse is very small, and anyone can use it!

To summon a living creature, you need to suppress the resistance of the living creature, and even a small toad's own burst of resistance is very powerful. This requires a lot of magic power, which ordinary wizards simply cannot handle, so in the end, a flying creature was formed. It is common knowledge that a curse cannot summon living creatures!

So let me ask you, magic props are also dead objects. Can the flying spell summon magic props? "

"No, we can't!"

Neville shook his head.

"Oh, why?"

Hermione laughed.

"Because, because all magic props have magic power, they will resist the gravity of the flying curse!"

Neville understood and drew inferences: "Except for magic props like broomsticks!

The magic circle engraved on the broomstick not only does not resist, but has its own gravity. Once summoned by the wizard, it will automatically fly to the wizard's hand!

Also, you used the Flying Curse without using a wand at all. That’s because you don’t actually need a wand to use magic. Just like when we first awakened, we can use magic without a wand. Silently casting spells without a wand is our instinct! Wands and magic spells are all props that assist in controlling amplified magic! "


Hermione clapped her hands and smiled: "As expected of the person I like, Neville Longbottom, you are very talented!"


Neville exclaimed, his face turned red unconsciously, and he started stumbling again: "Look, do you like it?"


Hermione nodded and smiled: "Let me ask you, is Voldemort scary?"

"But, it's scary..."

Neville's face turned pale instantly.

"Then why is he so scary?"

Hermione reminded: "Is he magically invincible?"

"No, no! He can't beat Dumbledore!"

Neville said anxiously: "They're all food, Death Eaters!"


Hermione nodded: "The reason why Voldemort looks so scary is because he has a large group of Death Eaters helping him do evil! And Dumbledore's magic is far more powerful than Voldemort, but he is very afraid of Voldemort and can only defend himself everywhere, so that the Eaters The Dead Apostles have hurt many innocent people, including your parents!"

Neville couldn't help but recall the scene in his mind of his parents being tortured by that crazy woman Bellatrix using the three unforgivable curses and the Cruciatus Curse. His parents' screams seemed to be echoing in his ears, and he was in great pain. .

"So, until one's personal power reaches invincibility, the power will be greater when there are more people!"

Hermione touched Neville's forehead, and a warm breath instantly dispelled the gloom all over Neville's body: "I can help you!"

"You are, Hermione Granger!"

It dawned on Neville.

"Looks like I'm already famous!"

Hermione nodded and smiled.

"Are you really not afraid of Voldemort?"

Neville said excitedly.


Hermione pinched the eleven-inch Ruyi golden hoop in her sleeve and said confidently: "I am not afraid of anyone! As long as you are willing to follow me loyally, I can let you avenge your shame!"

"Follow you?"

Neville was stunned.


Hermione nodded: "Since you know me, you should also know about the world of witches, right?

My first small goal is to go to the Witch World and become a queen there! And of course the queen must have loyal servants butlers to handle the mundane affairs!

You, Neville Longbottom, are my favorite choice for servant butler! Of course you are not qualified at all now. As long as you agree, I will train you and not only let you take revenge, but also make you a legend!

So, now, Neville Longbottom, what is your choice? "

"What a good line for the second grade..."

A man's exclamation sounded in Hermione's mind, which made Hermione's face harden. She pinched the wand in her sleeve and replied directly in her mind: "If I don't win the second prize, I can go fishing with you." Crucian carp?”


The man's voice disappeared completely, as if he had never appeared...

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