Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 245 She is still a child


Sheldon's favorite voice sounded, and the classic retro train slowly left King's Cross Station.

The train was full of Hogwarts students, including first-year students who had not yet entered school, as well as older students from second to sixth years.

The bold newbies and the second- and third-year seniors who were still children naturally walked around and chatted curiously. The fourth- and fifth-grade seniors who had entered adolescence in their 28s, and the sixth-grade seniors who were about to graduate and be adults. It was men and women hiding in pairs in the carriages or other secret corners, passionate and enthusiastic. Occasionally, they would be disturbed by bold and cute people walking around, and they would make angry scolding sounds.

"Excuse me, can I sit? The other carriages are full!"

At the door of a private room, the red-haired Ron Weasley was lying on the door frame, looking at the boy sitting alone inside, and asked weakly, without any of the masculinity he had when he quarreled with his sister before.


The boy sitting alone in the carriage had black hair and a thin figure, but he was extremely handsome in appearance. He wore glasses, which gave people a rather frail look. He looked Ron up and down, nodded and smiled.


Ron walked in and sat opposite the boy, introducing him familiarly: "By the way, my name is Ron, Ron Weasley!"


A flash of light flashed through the black-haired boy's eyes under his glasses: "My name is Harry, Harry Potter!"

"So...that's all true?!"

Ron's eyes widened and he exclaimed: "I mean, you really have..."

"have what?"

Harry Potter smiled.

"That lightning scar~"

Ron looked around and whispered.

"Oh, right!"

Harry Potter reached out and lifted the hair on his forehead, revealing a lightning-shaped scar on his right forehead.

"Wow! That's so cool!"

Ron exclaimed in surprise: "I knew it!"

"what do you know?"

"Would you like to buy something to eat?"

At this moment, an old woman stopped at the door of the carriage pushing a trolley filled with snacks unique to the wizarding world.

"No, thanks, I brought something to eat myself!"

Ron raised the slightly rough food in his hand with some shame and showed an embarrassed smile.

A light flashed under Harry Potter's glasses again, and the wealthy man took out a handful of gold galleons and said with a smile: "I want them all!"

"No problem at all!"

The old woman's smile became more charitable.

"Why do you have so many Galleons!"

Ron asked enviously as he looked at the pile of snacks in front of him and at the Galleons that Harry Potter had stuffed back into his pockets without spending any money.

Although the Weasley family is also one of the twenty-four pure-blood families, it cannot be compared with the aristocratic Malfoy.

Being poor is the number one label of the Weasley family!

The second in line is the pure-blood traitor, pure-blood shame!

Ron's father was just an ordinary employee of the Ministry of Magic with a limited income, but Ron had three brothers and one sister. The Weasley family, with five children and a full-time housewife, relied on this meager income to live.

Therefore, the Weasley family is notoriously poor. Things used by older brothers are passed on to younger brothers, and things used by younger brothers are passed on to younger brothers. Things will not be bought new until they are no longer broken.

As the youngest boy, Ron's magic robes were used by his older brother, as were his magic books, magic pets, and even the most important wand. If Ron hadn't had a good attitude, he would have exploded with low self-esteem!

"That's right! You're the Boy-Who-Lived! It's normal to have so many Galleons!"

Before Harry Potter could say anything, Ron had already made up his mind.

"It's all the legacy of my parents."

Harry Potter shook his head and said, "By the way, you just said you knew it. What do you know?"

"You are a legend!"

Ron suppressed his envy and said excitedly: "There are rumors now that witches are the most powerful in the wizarding world, but they still have some lies. Your existence is the best refutation! You have just been born in the evil and powerful... You are the only being who survived in the hands of the mysterious man! And the most important thing is that you are a boy! By the way, you are a boy, right?"


Harry Potter smiled and said: "What exactly are the rumors you are talking about?"

"you do not know?"

Ron's eyes lit up and he said nonstop: "Here's the thing... Are you saying that this guy named Hermione is talking nonsense? Isn't it annoying! I heard that she is still a freshman in the same class as us, maybe Right on the train! I really want to question her face to face..."

"Hermione Granger..."

Harry Potter muttered the name softly, letting Ron rage there. The eyes under his eyes sparkled again, but they soon disappeared.

The careless Ron didn't even notice the change in the boy opposite him. While eating snacks that he could only swallow normally, he spat out the fragrance in his heart wantonly, thinking that Harry Potter was just a good friend worth making!




Be good at listening!


Is there a better friend than Harry Potter? there is none left!

Although he is very ordinary, he really wants to be Harry Potter's best friend!

In those legendary stories, doesn’t the legendary protagonist always have an ordinary but loyal and interesting friend like him to assist him? Only then can he become a legend!

Obviously, he, Ron Weasley, is such a friend!

Thinking of this, Ron's tone became more and more high-pitched, and his mouth was fragrant. Once his legendary good friend Harry Potter was interested in any topic, he could talk about it!

As a pure-blood wizard family, he is well aware of all aspects of news in the wizarding world. This is why he is confident that he can become an important part of the Harry Potter legend!

Didn’t you see that he is very interested in his legendary good friend, Harry Potter?

Harry Potter smiled the whole time, and occasionally asked just the right questions, which made Ron talk even more. His behavior was completely in line with his innocence and curiosity when he first entered the wizarding world. In the teacher's compartment, Severus Snape had an expressionless face. Withdrew his gaze, and at the same time, Harry Potter's smile became even brighter...

Another carriage.

"Trevor! Trevor!"

A boy walked along the corridor, calling.

"Ha! Look who this is? Neville Longbottom! Are you looking for your brother, that ugly toad?"

Draco saw the boy and smiled mockingly.


The two fat guys laughed in unison: "Neville is a toad!"

"Have you seen my toad?"

The boy asked cowardly, with his head half lowered.

"Of course I saw it..."

Draco continued to taunt: "You should go look in the toilet, that's where your brothers should be!"

The boy Neville didn't answer, lowered his head and walked away, with wild laughter coming from behind.

"You should have fought back!"

A crisp voice sounded in Neville's ears.

Neville looked up and saw a beautiful little girl sitting alone in the carriage, looking at him quietly. Her brown eyes were bright and intelligent, not like a little girl's at all, which made him panic.

"She must be a woman with a story~"

Neville couldn't help but think: "Hey, why do I think of women? She is about the same age as me. She should also be a freshman in this class. She should still be a girl!"

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