Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 247 The strong ones are like clouds

On the train.

"Neville Longbottom, what's your choice?"

Hermione raised her chin slightly, ignoring the complaints of the man in her mind, and asked with a serious face, which was quite a middle-class question, which shocked the shy eleven-year-old boy.


Neville looked confused and exclaimed in confusion.

"Ah what? Do you agree or reject?"

Hermione frowned displeased and thought to herself: "Am I wrong? This guy is dull... But forget it, give him a chance. After all, as the Queen's butler, ability is only one aspect, loyalty is the most important. ! Silly, he still seems to be quite talented in housekeeping, provided that I educate him well... Well, there is no doubt about this, I am the one who wants to be the queen!"

"Are you really not afraid of Voldemort?"

Neville was stunned for a while, then asked with his whole body trembling.


Hermione said proudly: "I, Hermione Granger, will never be weaker than anyone in my life, let alone anyone who can make me afraid!"


The man's voice came to Hermione's mind again, this time in a playful tone.


Hermione stiffened, her face turned red, and she roared in her heart: "No one will think you are mute if you hold back your words!"

"Don't get excited, I was just joking."

The man in his mind smiled and said: "I will go to school soon and become an official primary school student. I can't be so willful anymore. Although I have my tune, um, education, and the magic power of my current body Ruyi Golden Cudgel. , you are already very strong now, you should not be at a disadvantage even if you face Voldemort.

But when it’s time to be low-key, you should still be low-key. If you can’t help it, don’t do it head-on. After all, head-on confrontation is very tiring, and the water in this world is too deep. If you are too high-profile, you might get slapped in the face, so you don’t want to. good……"


Hermione snorted in her heart: "This must be your personal experience, otherwise how could you turn into a stick?"

"What is a stick? This is the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!"

The man in my mind shouted dissatisfied: "On the other side, this is a famous artifact! And it has some mysterious connection with my body, so I put my soul on it..."

"What mysterious connection?"

Hermione was curious and asked quickly.

"that is……"

The man in his mind was about to blurt out, then he thought of something and stopped talking. He just said in frustration: "You don't understand even if I tell you, you don't need to know!"


Hermione was a little unwilling, frowned and thought for a while, seemed to think of something, blushed, and said: "It must not be a good connection, you think I am rare to know!"

"You're still young~"

The man in his mind said lazily: "Even if you have good talent and I help you, if you want to become the queen of the Witch World, you still have to go a long way. Hum, you know, all the queens there like... …”

"what do you like?"

Hermione demanded.

As a 'small goal' of life goals, she naturally pays great attention to all relevant information.


The man in his mind seemed to have thought of something, and his tone changed again, and he sighed: "Little Hermione, if I had known better, I wouldn't have told you those things. The world of witches is really not easy to deal with, and all the queens there are like wolves." It looks like a tiger, it’s scary, are you sure you want to go?”

"You don't want your body anymore?"

Hermione asked the question without answering.


The man in his mind was suddenly speechless.

His physical body was taken away by the Ice and Snow Queen. They were separated by two worlds. Even if the crazy and frightening Ice and Snow Queen abused his physical body, he would not be able to sense it...


He was a little happy and a little disappointed, feeling that it was really difficult for him!

He had eaten meat for almost two hundred years for several lifetimes, and when he was suddenly asked to become a vegetarian, he couldn't believe that he actually tolerated it. Of course, there was nothing he could do if he couldn't bear it. Now he was just a stick, and little Hermione treated him like a The magic wand is careless and powerless...

But you still have to have some dreams to be a human being, and he is not a salty fish!

Thinking of this, he clicked on his remaining system panel.

System name: American drama system

Owner: Owen Lee

Existence points: 700 points (negative pole, currently cannot be calculated)

Intelligence: lv6

Strength: lv6

Speed: lv3

Endurance: lv7

Energy release: lv7

Combat skills: lv7

Skill list:

1. Eternal interference gun

2. Academic model

3. Mysterious Chinese Medicine

4. Ultimate Fighting Technique

5. Spider sensor

6. Immortality

7. Magic

That's right, the man who appeared in Hermione's mind and whose real body is now the Ruyi Golden Cudgel escaped from the Big Bang's positive universe. He spent a hundred years in this mysterious negative universe and saw all the prosperity of the world. In the end, he offended the Snow Queen and the Evil Queen, and was hunted by them together. He only had time to escape his soul, and his body was taken directly by the Ice Queen. He acted as a tool for the Ice Queen's words, "I must first get your person before I can get your heart." Owen Lee!

Back in time, he was swept away by the aftermath of the mysterious power. The system automatically protected the master and led him to escape from the positive universe. In the process, the American TV series system had disintegrated.

When he came to the Negative Universe, he found that the American drama system was completely tragic. Not only was the function of the driver card that could redeem skills completely disappeared, but also the positive points could no longer be obtained.

What shocked him even more was that the Death Godhead that he had spent a large amount of existence points to redeem was actually swept away by this force, and the Death Godhead that was already broken and incomplete was immediately disintegrated.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, although the godhead was disintegrated, the immortality of the god of death was integrated into Owen's soul along with the system fragments, making Owen's soul immortal.

This is also the confidence that Owen still dared to be so wanton and unrestrained during those hundred years, even though he knew that the world was very strange and dangerous.

His physical body has lv7 endurance and recovery power and is nearly immortal. His soul has been fused with the immortality and is truly immortal!

If it were not limited by the relationship lifespan and the use of skills, the existence point is only 700 points, which is 700 years. There is no way to replenish it now, and the intelligence of the American drama system has completely fallen into sleep. There is no way to give him a clear answer. He doesn't know. Whether his immortality is limited by the point of existence, he will definitely be more unrestrained.

In those one hundred years, everything Hermione knew was discovered by him, and he still had a deep understanding of the powerful people in this world!

Naturally, he can’t come into contact with the Creator God or anything like that!

The top ones he can contact directly or indirectly are naturally the five goddesses who jointly opened up the world of witches, as well as the ruler of the dark latitudes who always peeks at the earth, Dormammu, who was promoted to a god from a dark wizard, and Morpheus, the ruler of hell. To, Darkseid, the dark lord of Apokolips, and Dr. Manhattan, who lives in seclusion on Mars and swims in higher latitudes, are at the level of gods.

Then there are the Ancient One, the Supreme Mage who protects the earth with the Eye of Agamotto, Odin, the God King of Asgard at his peak, the Dark Queen who is the fusion of the Evil Queen and the Ice Queen, and the old Shazam who founded the Eternal Council. They are all powerful divine kings who are under the gods and can even compete with the gods at certain moments.

Then there are the aging Odin, the goddess of death Hela, Thanos who has not yet obtained the Infinity Stones, Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, the Queen of Dawn, the Evil Queen, the Snow Queen, and the Queen of Elf and other quasi-god kings.

Next are gods of war like Thor and the Hulk, weak demigods like Loki, and extraordinary creatures like wizards, werewolves, vampires, and Spider-Man.

Of course, extraordinary creatures are a general term. God kings and gods are also extraordinary creatures in essence. They are just extraordinary creatures that have titles and can only be called by titles.

Among them, witches are a well-known and important branch of extraordinary creatures, and they also have an independent level.

A goddess corresponding to the level of a god.

The Supreme Queen corresponding to the God-King.

The queen who corresponds to the quasi-god king.

The title witch corresponding to the God of War.

A senior witch who corresponds to demigods.

Official witches and trainee witches who correspond to extraordinary creatures.

With Owen's help, Hermione was only 11 years old. She was supposed to be the lowest trainee witch, but she had already surpassed the apprenticeship and official status in one fell swoop and became a senior witch. She was holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and was the leader among the senior witches. She began to move towards The so-called witch is stepping forward, and the famous Dumbledore and Voldemort are just so-called wizards. These are the reasons for Hermione's confidence.

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